America is completely fucked

Boomers and 'murica retards are always bragging about how they have all the guns and would easily win in a civil war scenario. This is perhaps the most braindead pile of horseshit I've ever read, it rises to the level of '64 gender' SJW dogma. Conservative whites have no organization, no ability to communicate and no experience acting as an armed force.

Let me tell you how Civil War 2.0 goes down;

Governor/President/Representative Schlomo declares an emergency, and orders gov't forces to disarm the population. Chief Director of the FBI shekelstein calls up Faceberg and tells him to shut it down, then calls whatever poo is in charge over at Twitter for the same. Chief Tyrone deputizes his good friends from the Black Panther meetup, and calls up Councilor Julio to ask if he can spare a few hundred cousins.

John Smith meanwhile is freaking out in his suburban ranch house because he can't connect to the internet, and his two bratty kids are whining because their iphone 12's won't work. Suddenly there's a knock on the door, and there's Officer Stacey with five brothas wearing police vests backing her up. She's waving a piece of paper that says an emergency has been declared and she needs to confiscate your guns and conduct a search of the premises. Meekly, Mr Smith acquiesces.

This proceeds for a few weeks. There are a few sporadic and disorganized shootings, just enough to make it onto the official news channel and justify the emergency, and everyone is very shocked(wow just wow) that there were these violent white supremacists in our midst the whole time.

Out in the countryside things are a little rougher. It takes time to bus in enough deputy niggers to saturate the area, and some of these rednecks have radios they use to communicate. Thankfully, State Senator Deane has a few hundred Guatemalan farmhands that he's willing to loan out until the emergency is over. There's even drone cover providing reconnaissance, and General Silverstein is ready to start dropping bombs anytime. After all, Governor/President/Rep Schlomo has greenlit less restrictive rules of engagement, and the Joint chiefs need to justify next years budget.

Thankfully there's plenty of prison cells for White Supremacists now that those racist laws have been done away with, and prison reform sent those good boys who dindo nuffin on home. And there will be plenty of judges to process the cases and make sure these threats to are democracy stay behind bars because with that new amnesty executive order that backlog of deportation cases just went away. What a proud day to be an American.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I know, it's been posted here many times before but…

Attached: niggers3.jpg (473x631 76.62 KB, 69.51K)

Let me tell you to lurk the fuck moar

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By chance have the rest of these?

Go on the torrents and look for the collected works of Robert Crumb…but just wait a sec…Let me get you "what wrong with this here Modern America"…

How do you accelarate?

That's not how civil wars work. You're talking about civil unrest. It won't be dependent upon the internet and it won't be dependent upon 'White Supremacists'.
It will depend on those who care enough to die for a cause. That number exponentially increases as the government becomes more draconian and murderous. If or when that point will ever be reached is debatable.If it is reached, it will be as messy and brutal as all other civil wars.

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Not how it is done user. If you turn over your weapon the only thing you are going to see is a mass grave.

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Thx user. Lost some old folders and was looking for these among others for my collection.

May as well give you these

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Enjoy the ride faggot

(((You))) grossly exaggerate (((their))) competence. If it was that easy, they would have done it already.

The zog has concluded that whites would win a civil war with 100% probability. This is why they must kill whites in sneaky ways and hope we don't revolt before it's too late.

Woah woah woah.
Careful guys. You're posting Robert Crumb (Keep on Truckin) here. This man is the poster child of the American Soyboy before the internet even existed.

What would an average dumb boomer even presume to do if taking up arms against an illegitimate government became necessary?
Go underground/off the grid?
They wouldn't last 3 days without the comfort provided by air-conditioning, a microwave and Netflix.
Heck, disarming the populace wouldn't even be a priority for any emerging dictatorship, when 99 percent are too spineless to do anything.

"At least I still have muh guns" is the cuckservative's safety blanket, the illusion of liberty.

this sounds just like what happened in the turner diaries

here it all is; 17 volumes of his complete works. I particularly like the Mr. Snoid comics as were intended as a vicious lampoon of the jews.

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see is no soyboy..he has always been a crusty stubborn fucker..

American whites never protest anything, they will die fat and happy while the entirety of media and education demonizes them.

America is the land of the shabbos and home of the goyim, what else did you expect when the worst of europe gathered in one place and was controlled by the jews? Australia is prime example of the worst criminal europeans making one of the best countries when left to themselves and no jewery.
People have been saying that for years yet nothing has happened or will happen because you fags never use your guns, when millions are shit talking the goverment and hoping for a civil war and you ask them why dont you start it they go silent. Why dont you start the fire before mossad commits a false flag somewhere

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Yo faggot, where's the one about how to destroy infrastructure?

They were just a pair of junkies; the RCMP were parked in front of their place every day for 6 months before the absurd bombing plot. The RCMP even prepared their pressure cooker bombs for them…

They're just a pair of brit idiots..

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Dream on; The Montefioris are related closely to the Rothschilds and they've owned over 80% of Australia since day one.

Okay, holder of the biggest balls in existence. Why don't you just do it yourself or tell us who needs to die and in what order to get this war?

Jews always work in sneaky ways, theyre a minority. They work openly when theyre a majority, like in their colony.


Correct. And that is a grave strategic mistake because they don't do openly well. They do sneaky very well better than anybody except maybe the Ismaelis. But then maybe the Ismaelis are some kind of secret jew sub group, like the gypses.

nice try cohen

Because i dont live in america and cant travel there
Just assassinate a politician that you know will piss people off or you could bomb some goverment building, or hold people hostage in some goverment building. kill any and all jews. but dont do something stupid like kill a bunch of niggers or spics that hold no importance what so everr. jews first

Boomers would sweep their suburban neighborhood for Nazis and real racists, along with the extraterrestrial forces who gave them UFO technology.

American disarmament and confiscation moves one step closer today:

While you weren’t paying attention, politicians planned a major attack on the 2nd Amendment

That was a good read OP, thanks.

OP is retarded.
Premise destroyed in two words:
Eric Frein

spoiler alert: it doesn't


Sounds good to me OP let’s its get it started.

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uhh, no OP, gun confiscation doesn't work

Nope, that doesn't fly either. Maybe with a few million, maybe. With a few tens of millions… but by then you have a de facto foreign fighting force superimposing martial will on America, which is by definition civil war.

America will not be controlled, not one way, not the other. It can only be destroyed, and even that won't bring about what (((you))) want. Go ahead, do it faggot, and see if your precious Jewish race lives out the century.

Eustache Mullins gets into the influence of the Montefiore family over Australia, particularly from the time of its gold rush. You are delusional if you don't understand that the Rothschilds are going to be running that show through one of their closest lieutenants, the Montefiore family. Montefiores control over 80's of the Australian economy, directly or indirectly. But hey, you're a dreamer and who am I to wake you from your seductive dreams. Dream on dreamer.


Wait… when the jews take over America? Since when were they not in control? It's been quite awhile.

Dont you have some goyim to mutilate mr goldberg?

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Eh, the usual demoralization thread.
If you don't like the US, you can move to Congo in the city of Kivu or Butembo, I heard it's a good time to go and a nice place to find love.

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Thank you. Which American state has the most Jews?

If that's true, why haven't they done so?

New york, or alternatively california, both have over 1 million jews

We are the Accelerators, a small group of White Nationalists dedicated to expediting the coming race war.

Our arsenal is comprised of both military grade and "homemade" with a focus towards explosives designed for maximum impact and speed rather than firearms, which will be used in the event of meeting resistance.

Enemy combatants will include all Jews and Muslims, their Synagogues and Mosques including any other dwellings they have infested. Politicians, business leaders, government officials, media, clergy, La Raza and their supporters and others on a case by case basis. Our area of operations will mostly be in a triangle comprised of the points Las Vegas, San Diego, San Francisco to Sacramento. There will be no broadcasts, media or "manifesto" from us.

Our strikes will be quick and effective. As soldiers, our priority will be to kill the enemy, not become a POW or worse. War will commence on or before the 1st of May, 2019. We welcome your support, in spirit or in arms.

Weird, I met tons of conservatives when I was in the military


the fuck am I looking at?

I wonder if thats the same nigger. Hmmmmm.

We've looked at the data and what we've found might surprise and terrify you.

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no theyll use the military instead

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You're either a fed or retarded. A smart man does NOT announce his plans and give the opposition a chance to respond.

theyre already on track and winning why would they take the mask off if they dont need to?

Anyway, yeah, US is fucked.

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Good luck with that.

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Attached: The Trump Asset.mp4 (720x720, 1.77M)

Expect a visit very soon.

Ease up on the demoralization, Shlomo

Of course not. You'd need to have a dick and balls for that.

Do you think that we won't kill all of our enemies before any (((law))) can be enforced? We are living Gods. We can do whatever we want.
We will kill all of our enemies. No bureaucracy, written (((law)))) or enforcer of the jews will stop us. We will genocide all and make not only America, but the whole world be a whites only world. And all weak and traitors such as you will also be killed.
Nothing can stop us.

If this is how things would go down, why would they fear taking off the mask?


America is so done lololololololol

Belongs in >>>Zig Forums
saged and reported for off-topic

You know I actually started writing something out then I remembered.

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reee kike shills FBI niggers get out!

Thread title is literally
America is completely fucked
I think it's very fucking relevant tbh seeing as Pompeo is ex CIA and one of the most powerful people in the US right now Shlomi

fine, im wrong pal

How do we get a war by April or May?

Remember, ZOG fears the wrench.

So do must people in Finland, Ukraine, Czechia, and Norway. The difference being those countries don't pride themselves on funding jizzrael and hedonistic pleasures.

Yanks thing europe is egually homogenous to them state to state and an actual federation. Don't be too harsh.

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America's fucked because everyone is a soy-ridden pussy these days.
You know it's bad when an action film is on tv and the "men" tell you to turn it off because they're repulsed by gun violence.
You know they would tear their pants off and spread their hairy asshole the moment they came into contact with a real man.

What world is this?

There's a kid in that image…

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Um, yeah. No.

OP this sounds like you projecting your faggotness on the rest of us. So you have no training, no intelligence gathering capabilities, and no friends, and no ambition to protect your rights or your nation. Sounds like you're a worthless piece of shit.

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You mean iPhone 10?
Because I think flags may be soon to unfurl.

BY the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world.

The foe long since in silence slept;
Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;
And Time the ruined bridge has swept
Down the dark stream which seaward creeps.

On this green bank, by this soft stream,
We set to-day a votive stone;
That memory may their deed redeem,
When, like our sires, our sons are gone.

Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die, and leave their children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and thee.


Let alone a parity of military armaments, and the necessary supply lines to keep them running!

You're a feckless fearful faggot, schlomo.


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No, I am the Great Genius! You are a dumb, pathetic white nigger!

lol you fucked yourselves leave the US out of it you failures

Crumb the movie is fucking hilarious to watch. It came out about 30 years ago it has to easy to find some where on the tubes.

This is correct. OP is a fag. ZOG will kill everyone the second they can if they are able to. This is why conservaniggers need to stop their faggotry and go NatSoc.

Kek–don't summon that disgrace.

Heh. That doesn't look like a very covered or concealed position there.

you gotta kill loads of people and explcitly state why you did it and why you targeted them, instead of meme shit and not naming the jew like that fag shill brenton

i doubt many people have the tools to see whats going on there, or even get close enogh with anything without being harrased by armed goons and media stories

Its probably in here:

I know it sounds insane but in USA civil war is it possible that some revels could dismantle an 20 Megaton Ballistic missile and convert it to an insane nuclear IED to blow up Jew York or Commifornia right?

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fuck off
no one cares about organization shilling
the same old tired shit that has been talked about for years yet it doesnt happen and the few controlled op honeypots that do organize dont commit any meaningfull usefull pro-white action

calls for organization are just calls for inaction and wasting your time with idiots and feds and informants