You realize its only going to be a matter of time, probably not very much time mind you, before vpns start getting banned as well… right? I mean, all that requires is another bit of legislation requiring ISPs to block those sites because "they allow people to circumvent the law."
You niggers already cant even post your opinions online without the police knocking at your door, you really think they're going to just let you get around their new laws? No, their intent is to destroy freespech on the internet, and they've already taken massive strides all over the place in order to crack down on it. So you REALLY think they're just going to let your vpns go and ignore it? How fucking dumb are you?
No, what you don't realize, is they just silenced huge swaths of your populace, made it effectively impossible to provide you with content services..even fucking youtube is basically trying to figure out if they're just going to outright ban EUROPE, the whole fucking place, from uploading at all, because following the law as it stands is going to be fucking impossible, but they'll be legally/financially responsible for NOT enforcing it, ergo the only solution is to carpet bomb the whole thing.
You think your ISPs aren't ALSO going to start getting targeted for "allowing users access to content that doesnt follow the rules?" It'll start small with them being muscled into blocking VPNs which most people don't use. But eventually them viewing content from the US and such that "violates the articles" will become their next big thing to go after, and they'll start muscling those same providers to restrict access to those sites, or rather they'll want them to monitor who watches/sees what so they can properly charge users for access to those materials, and the ISPs can't handle that sort of a burden, so they'll just start blanket banning access to those sites
You're going to end up with an internet where you can view your own nations major media outlets, the government sites, and thatll be fucking it. You won't be able to use VPNs, you wont be able to even watch youtube or go to facebook because you might see some "protected" material, and you wont be able to come to sites like this to even voice your anger about it
Face it, you're fucked. And you can claim I'm being over dramatic or some shit, but for all your protesting "it wont happen," 11 and 13 just fucking passed, you thought they wouldnt, but they did, on TOP of all the other orwellian shit that goes on in your nations. You REALLY think they aren't going to complete their crack down on the internet for your nations? You REALLY think they'll just stop here? You really think that after the miles and miles and miles they've already taken, that they're just going to stop at this last inch and not take the last mile? Get a fucking clue.
Enjoy your dystopia where the only content you're allowed to see is state approved propaganda, and you can't even go anywhere and voice your disagreement with it.