File host is shutting down

One of the very few file hosts who allowed uploading the New Zealand shooting video will shut down soon. Sad.

Attached: IMG_20190326_185557.png (1080x1375, 161.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Lazy OP why haven't you posted their reason here?

Learn2 copynpaste.

Kys sagefag

He keeps using this word "abuse", but doesn't explicitly state what type of content was the problem?
Or is the truth that he's been told to shut down by an organ of the US govt, as punishment for allowing the NZ shooting video to be shared?

Oh, and just to add my own experience in his defense, it's easy to call someone a pussy for caving, but do you really know the kind of "lawful" tactics that big companies and govt will use against you, the lone citizen?
Companies with the coffers to afford it, can pay a private detective company to harass you, the PD company will hire doormen/security (i.e very large, muscular, tatted up, mashed up faces from frequent combat) to sit in cars outside your home, or better still, to dress very casually and knock on every door on your street asking "do you know ?". They dress in a way which makes it clear to the residents, that they're not police, so your neighbours assume it is some kind of criminal beef and so you are very embarrassed and harassed.
They will sit watching your home day and night, photograph you when you leave, tail you wherever you go, and it's all totally legal "we are gathering intel for a civil case".

Wouldn't be surprised by that. This news follows just on the heels of the whole NZ thing. Very suspicious.

I'm sure nothing suspicious is going on behind the scenes, just move along go- I mean guy

I asked him on tweeter and he seemed to imply it was cp and malware

Son of a bitch.

tldr: they shoah their site because evil Whites upload naughty-naughty raycisss vidya


Thanks for all the no BS service. At least there is already a good replacement

Attached: 7953c3c7265772b2fde259bee64a0a03b5ed6d00f70ff3a171f0eead11199a74.png (1437x754, 88.95K)

Doesn't add up.
The timing is too (((convenient))), so they didn't have CP and malware until a few days after NZ?
Of course if he's been approached by the type of people described, he won't be at liberty to admit the real reason.

Kill yourself and stream it.

stay mad

Foundational texts that one must read to understand each of the many political ideologies that exist.


The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
Das Kapital by Karl Marx


* Derek Jensen
* Ted Kaczynski
* Varg Vikernes


* Ayn Rand
* Stefan Molyneux

National Socialism

* Leon Degrelle
* Adolf Hitler

White Nationalism

* William Luther Pierce
* George Lincoln Rockwell


* Benito Mussolini
* Julius Evola
Traditional Forms and Cosmic Cycles by


Siege by James Mason
* ONA Texts


The Protcols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Falangism / National Syndicalism

* Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera


* J.P. Proudhon

Social Darwinism

Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard


* Oswald Spengler
Foundations of Geopolitics by Aleksandr Dugin

This sucks. I used to upload higher quality encodes of my OC on there.
Remember this?
Where the fuck do I upload my stuff in high quality now?

I'll give this a try, thanks.

Attached: arms crossed and leaning.png (376x362, 44.7K)

Learn to copy paste. -another

It's an April Fool's joke.

Uh, user, it's the 26th of March. You better check your date settings.

Attached: 1269793404209.jpg (750x600, 83.79K)

Similar sites

Attached: scr2.png (1024x768, 41.11K)

Would never use them again if true.

they should at least make the software open source so anyone can run it from any machine
that way any user could host it temporarily in event of a happening

>We will (((retain))) data

they cucked out

Tried anonfile on Waterfox and shit didn't work. After uploading the file it gave an error:
400 Bad Request
Uploads do work on Chrome, but not Waterfox. I don't like using Chrome. It's a last resort (when Waterfox doesn't work) as it's full of "telemetry" spyware. So far Chrome returned only one error while most upload attempts were successful.

HQ Electrocutioner Pence:
HQ White Victims of Black Crime:


Yeah brenton video might have been the last straw.

So use Chromium, or Iridium or what ever non-google Chrome archetype based one, you don't need to use the botnet ver.

Attached: f8ad58bc1e49663ab97c3887ab1e05d6c4f4993be0496c4c405b73dca59c2705.png (1100x1536, 3.33M)

Shit. What alternatives are there?

just use

Why aren't people doing this with (((leftist))) judges, politicians, and activists?

Isn't catbox cucked? I remember them censoring the Tarrant vid where Mixtape didn't and making some pissy "if I don't like what you're posting I'll delete it" addition to their rules.

Nevermind, I'm a faggot. There's a thread about this:

Massively post Brenton's video on jewtube.

That is why killing government officers and corporate suits must be done frequently.

Couldn't they just use the same law Zig Forums uses, that the stuff user posts is his own responsibility, not the site's owners?

Attached: 26c1afe331983618b48960f98467fcb2831d21925ea3918116709b6f778cd8d2.jpg (324x600, 75.35K)

Also google, then find existing uploaders with old file dates and use them too.

That doesn't sound all that bad actually. Amass a group of "fans", look how much you are now costing them just to "intimidate" you. It only works if you let it.

Khazarian mafia strong arming the competition like million times before.

Our enemies are criminals and these laws mean nothing to them, because they made them. Same with religion. All human laws were created to control mankind with lies, and the controllers have all the freedom in the world by simply standing above the laws.

IPFS is the answer friends.
Learn it, love it.

Yeah, and changing it for a picture of a dog with a scolding face.

And I2P, Freenet, etc.

Not convinced either of those fully removes the monitoring shit.

Stupid nigger. If you didn't want your data retained outside of your control, you shouldn't have uploaded it in the first place.

Neither does SnakeOilFox.

have you been living under a fucking rock? that fat orange kike lover change the laws so that web hosts are responsible for all blatant sabotage (CP) that gets posted on their servers and are criminally liable, unless of course you're facebook, google, or some other kike-owned business.

none, they're killing the clearnet

Brenton Tarrant video and pdf are embedded in this image, just change to .zip and unpack using Linux. image getting hung up here so here's an archive link for it.