Mo Brooks, a five-term congressman from Alabama, cited an anti-Semitic argument pushed by Adolf Hitler while condemning Democrats and the press for their “big lie” about collusion during a speech on the House floor Monday.
Mo Brooks, a five-term congressman from Alabama, cited an anti-Semitic argument pushed by Adolf Hitler while condemning Democrats and the press for their “big lie” about collusion during a speech on the House floor Monday.
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Where's the lie tho?
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Business as usual in America. What a fucking clown show, Jesus.
To me I feel it's monumental especially if this platform gains traction and support, even if from burner Jewtube accounts. It's a shift in the Overton window that Mo brooks pulls out his big brass balls and tells the Eternal Victims Nosebergs to suck 'em.
Here's the article text:
Forgot title in screencap
Apparrently can't include images and an embed at the same time
in other news
Okay, maybe he's alright.
I understand what you're saying user but point is, the confliction is within the highest institutions, it's a silver lining between the *Honk Honks* that this absolute boomer bastard quotes Mein Kampf. And once the newfags and shills put 2&2 together they will see their is most definitely a "big lie" that never went away.
I wasn't saying anything, I was just screencapping the article.
Btw, isn't national socialism still a form of socialism? Why are they getting all mad?
I posted on his social media once asking why we built israel's wall but we have to fight tooth and nail for a shit tier fence. Obviously I know the answer. His account liked it but didn't comment. Figured it was a somewhat redpilled staffer but maybe not.
It's hard to take anyone seriously anymore in this clown country, both sides are complete dogshit and are perfectly fine with white people dying out
Wants niggers to stay poor and die with their absurd reproduction
Supported Gaddafi and was pissed the Nosen-ones were in Libya, a country who adamantly opposed the (((federal reserve)))
Why has he not gained more traction? He truly is an American patriot. You were on this promising lead before I was, kinda gives me hope user. But still, I won't be complacent.
Not really.
The Truth is anti-"Semitic" !
Because only jewish forms of "socialism" are allowed, not any Aryan one.
Well, I took a look at his record and he was up for replacing Sessions seat and lost to a democuck. Chances are he's a real Conservative Christian and not a kiked one so that's why he lost. Can't have any white Christian men who talk bad about Israel in the government anymore
He lost to Roy Moore in the primary, who then lost to Doug Jones in the general. As the user on the ground, it was rigged from the start.
He hasn't been as good before as he has of late. Not bad necessarily, just Randlet tier.
So, he's misquoting Hitler by implying (standard disinfo) that Hitler was touting the "big lie" method as his, rather than explaining how it is a tool of jews and communists (the proper context).
So Mo Brooks is just another cultmarx cuck.
Hence why I voted for Judge Moore. He is a ziocuck as well but was at least virulently anti-faggot.
Because they still ARE malicious liars. Were implies it was in the past. kek
Trust me user, I get it. The left is immediate white genocide in a generation, and the right is a slow-boil warm, fuzzy, comfy feeling that that bleeds you till you die. I am one of the most black-pilled people when it comes to political solutions. But are we gonna let one of our goys die a slow death? A lone gunman in the political sphere who represents true white identity? I mean, obviously anybody playing a kike's game needs optics to an extent but see the thread as far as the bills he rejected. If there were more people like No Brooks we would haveaccepted National Socialism Lincoln Rockwell style. Even if the societal collapse comes I'm not afraid and will gladly watch it burn, but I just. CAN'T. LEAVE. MY. FELLOW. GOYIM. Behind…If I don't male it user…tell my wife and kids… I put shit in their mouths every night on christmas Eve when they were asleep….and took pictures- *Ugh* ahhh…
Nothing to see here. For all regular posters, understand this: The Republican Party is your PERMANENT, INTRACTABLE, IRREVOCABLE enemy. There is no confluence between the Republican agenda and National Socialism; Charles Lindbergh, Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot – they are fucking unicorns.
Jesus, I knew the TOR faggots and kikes would come along soon. At least it was later in the thread.
Why do you think this, torpedo?
Why do people say this? Eisenhower: military enforced desegregation. Nixon: affirmative action. Reagan: amnesty. Bush 41: 1990 Immigration Act. Bush 43: Largest influx of illegals in history. Trump: Another massive influx of illegals, crypto-amnesty being granted through DACA deferrals, H1B avalanche.
It's almost like this has happened before and both Hitler and Mussolini regretted appeasing conservatives.
Because a perfect exampleisTrump, he used us and we used him. I realize someanons say, " we aren't a collectivist movement! HURR DURR" but we are. We collectively affect the media, politics, and the Overton window. Which is why shills are bombarding 4chan. I thought about posting this there, but I knew it would be slided by "Uma delicia Malachi" or some BBC thread. Zig Forums is filled with true anons of a higher-tier. And I know I'm gonna get shit gor saying this, but that's why the Mossad shooting in NZ aimed media's attention right at us. Think about it.
Exactly. People don't learn. Conservatives are a massive, massive existential threat. Unionists backed up by entrenched capital will kill your whole family and burn your entire state down while they do it because they have done it before.
You're English is a bit stilted, OP. Like Hebrew is your first.
When somebody says something dangerous, they're not made an example of, they're shut out completely. The goal is that you never hear the information. This is why false opposition cuckservatives get endless coverage and there is endless fake outrage against them from the (((media))), in their effort to push to overton window left, actual dangerous voices are met with no resistance they are met with nothing but being erased from the public domain.
Sorry for the typos I'm phonefagging right now. The point is, yes I get it. We won't have an effective political solution but politics is still a highly-effective propaganda machine for redpills. See the forest and not just a tree, user. Yes, collapse would be the best option…but correct me if I'm wrong, anons aren't going to simultaneously rise up today and make the change needed. We are IN DEEP kike shit. You know this, I know this. Even with accelerationism it won't happen tomorrow or even in a month!
Zero cooperation with zionists. Zero. People like Mo Brooks – and you – are why the Black Hundreds joined the Bolsheviks and two decades later Trotsky was getting icepicked in Mexico.
You can't not do it, can you?
You brought up the Nazbols, so follow me on this, with what Leon Trotsky accomplished (which is truthfully his Americanized name) aka Lev Davidovich Bronstein…would you say he was not effective? How do you Think his opinion came to mean something? Behind closed doors. Secrecy has power and effective solutions are made by force or behind closed doors. Zig Forums is a closed door to most. NZ shooting was a leftist kike dogwhistle to shift attention to Zig Forums. We must be consolidated even if anonomously which ismore achieveable here. Also, I'm Ukrainian-American and speak English well but give no fucks on grammar fagging. I assure you my IQ is 128 on a mensa scale.
While not exactly on topic, can someone kindly post the World Trade Center insurance payout picture?
Thanks in advance.
I'm trying to get a couple of people to see tq truth and I can't find the damn thing anywhere on either my computer, tablet or phone.
Indeed. Revolution is antithetical to conservatism. The most "revolutionary" thing they want is a return to a slightly more wholesome Zio-America.
100 years of failure indeed.
And maybe some anons have not noticed but despite a jewish-based revolution, Russia and Putin lead the way on anti-American imperialism. He has named the Jew and fights for Syria and Venezuela. Which is why he is a boogeyman.
i dont like your lies
How Ironic i've been here for years
Not that one. It has a picture of the twins and a bunch of data in squares.
Thanks for this one though.
You slippery kike.
Read between the lines. jews are the real notsees.
Fuck you kike.
Honk Honk, fellow Racial Supremacists
You read it wrong. Pleaseremember the source is Jewish. So they want to demonize No Brooks and not his message.He quoted Mein Kampf and Hitler as saying the Jewish propaganda machine is the "big lie." Myself and an user from earlier discussed this and pointed this out. Notice my discussion and not "Oh jew post DERP DERP."I I derstand your mistrust for conservacucks but believe me we have /ourguys in high positions. More so in first responders like police forces and EMT's and as this trail would lead us, in congress. But please, by all means, go on about Russia Collusion, or some other pointless lead to make you feel better about your future.
what he said was cucked and he probably only said it so he can apoligize later and republicans can cuck publicly
but hes ourguy for sure op of course you dont post what he said
You have been spamming this kind of trash for WEEKS and have made zero progress my man.
So you believe the jewish lies about how the reich behaved?
Mo Brooks is a kosher faggot, just like the press.
The portrayal of Nazi Germany was pure jew projection.
No, I don't.
And your attempt to blend in is failing miserably you fucking cum dumpster spammer faggot.
Yet you appear to be supporting that very claim. Are you a nigger? Learn to read or to keep your fucking cock-holster shut.
Nigger I spelled it out specifically just for you. No one is falling for your shit.
No, faggot, I'm decrying you, for being a gross spamming faggot.
And links are posted.
He basically said that democrats use the "big-lie" of Jewish propaganda to be eternal victims. Please, read the link and remeber logos pathos and ethos. The writer is a jew who wants to denounce what was said by Mo Brooks, even spin it into an out-of-content paraphrase. But do some research and male no mistake he is /ourguy. We need to elevate his platform. If, you're not a kike-loving faggot that is.
Here comes the sperg's meltdown. Shouldn't double down when the evidence is just sitting there, kike.
So do the jews he works with though, so its nothing but hollow toothless bullshit, two sides of the bagel sandwich pretending to be in opposition to one another.
That you released the trigger word to every retard loving pie e of shit out there? Nope, already knew that. You're just another faggot that can't be trusted.
Its like rich "need people" for their plantations.
Woman, please.
No woman here.
So let's review.
Again as I say, I'm not here to insult but make progress. The jews tentacles are in every country, in every institution. So is correlation causation? He is in their system but (using optics) voted against giving aid to Africa (stay third world and die) and against expanding federal reserve, and quoted our guy naming the jew for propaganda. Maybe someone outside our influence will read Mein Kampf because of him. So what are the problems besides Mo Brooks being an optics fag? He is a CONGRESSman what do you expect user? He will gas everyone crypto jew there? He would be "suicided" or have some "ridiculous scandal you won't believe" headline. He has to toe the line.
Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger, coming here to shill for your fucking ziodrones. Pathetic.
You glow in the dark.
hes using a quote from someone he disavows in the same quote. its peak 4d cucking. do you think this tossed bone is going to give anyone with a brain hope in congress? obviously you do. now call me a kike for not eating your pathetic bones.
More like a lit menorah.
I don't know if you realize this, but every race but whites have fertility so what do you propose? Are you a siege fag?
Oh yes, that's right, forgot about that
And sucks israeli dick all day long.
Him being a zionist shill.