Advocating for violence = fed

Daily reminder that those people who are advocating violence are feds trying to entrap you. It happened to Matt Hale and it can happen to you.

Many organizations, like the KKK, are full of feds just waiting for suckers to join, for the same reason. They are honeypots waiting to entrap you.

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Does this look like a fed to you?
Post related, I actually posted up on it.

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no its
Being a faggot that wants to wait for they jews to give up their power = fed
feds dont care if you talk shit on the internet or le redpill normalfags but they get scared shitless if you shoot at them


OP is a faggot. There is no political solution.

I'll kill you.

STFU, you're not from here. Go away.

Ok genius, what does a fed look like? Trench coat and dark glasses?

Yea, because Jews sure gave up their power in New Zealand. They sure gave up their power after Pittsburgh. If you can't see that, then you're either an idiot or a fed.

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This is why we fail. These are the solutions proffered on this board.
None of this accomplishes anything.

Brenton Tarrant killed 50 shitskins AND has accelerated the collapse of ZOG.

I guarantee you it's 80/20. 80% are feds and 20% are fat blackpilled useless humans. I think the 20% can make it look like they are a larger mass because they don't do anything all day, so they hop VPNs and try to start the next civil war or race war. They hope that something will burn and explode. That would validify their existence and somehow make everything better, even if they got bombed in their dirty rooms they wouldn't care because they are so used up by fapping they want to die anyway. If somehow there was a beautiful ethnostate after their racewar, these people would still be fat and in the dark glow of the computer screen. They wouldn't be building monuments and learning. They are just like the limp anarchists that would die in a true anarchy, or the tranny estrogen pumped antifa who bought a AR for the communist uprising.

Yes, just do it instead of a pointless talking. Be the change you believe in.

Kill yourself.

I mean you're not entirely wrong, but you are definitely a Noseberg.

Quiet Niggerpill

daily reminder the only way to
win is to kill your enemies and has been true throughout all of history

This honestly.


Remember when the Vikings were afraid of federal agents? Remember when the Visigoths feared the centurions? Remember when 300 Spartans stayed home to play video games all day on their Switches while fear grimacing?

Funny… I could've sworn I remembered things differently in school.

If you kill your enemies, they win.

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There are more concern trolls on Zig Forums than 4chan and redddit at this point. You niggers keep spamming about this shit and more people will talk about it. Just talk about political topics rather than threads about "Advocating for violence = fed". Stop being so goddamn stupid.

What's wrong with righteous violence? Countries are founded upon it.

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I would agree, but it’s obvious that it’s close to 30% (feds, gov) 30% (autistic fags) and 40% (half redpilled normies that circulate daily, almost never to return to this hellhole)

Remember the last time a country used violence? 6 trillion got gassed then turned into lamshades and soap

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Remember when you just sat posting on the internet encouraging others to violence without doing a damn thing yourself? It's like you fed-kikes have no ability to self-reflect or think people are dumb enough to not see through your bullshit.

There are ways forward without shooting up random nigs. But they require actual work.

At least there's some sane people here.

so our hero is insane?

Daily reminder to hug the feds during the raceparty
Remember, Zig Forums is a board of peace, do not sully our reputation

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Can you get any more niggerpill than this?


Sadly this. The only solution is a Final One

I never encouraged any specific acts of violence in this thread, nor did I advocate any violent or illegal acts specified or otherwise. Nor do I plan to carry out any illegal acts at any time and I wouldn't date a girl who did!
So what is triggering you is not any specific incitement to illegal acts.
All I did was point out the truth that only violent revolution will overthrow this illegal, illigitimate regime.
Then I pointed out the fact that Brenton Tarrant removed 50 shitskins and accelerated the collapse of ZOG.
Neither of these statements is illegal under any US law.

Nor is it illegal to voice support for individuals who do commit acts against the System.

So fuck off, you lying nigger.

Zig Forums has always been a board of peace.

I don't understand what you mean. I simply said that I must have been misremembering what I was taught in school. We were all taught that the Vikings were nice people that brought cool gifts to the native Britons and that the Visigoths made Rome stronger by diversifying it, and that Spartans were extremely avid gamers, especially in Halo. I swear, there are four lights. Zig Forums is a board of peace, and we do not advocate anything illegal or socially unfavorable.

So back to standard Zig Forums discussion… what's the latest video you've seen on

It's more of a meme than anything else, FED's only entrap complete idiots who don't even know what OPsec means.
If you don't believe just read about their sting operations and have a good laugh.

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Remember, Zig Forums, it isn't stupidity here. Anyone with a brain can tell the difference between a ZOG-agent trying to set you up and someone advocating violence on the internet. There is no way for the ZOG to drag anyone to court for posting messages that advocate violence when they can't even predict who might act on these messages. The ZOG needs real life targets they can hound, so being entrapped by the Fed is something that is only going to happen in person.
The ZOG-faggot that made this thread knows this, but thinks white people are too stupid to understand the difference.


Suggesting that a fed should kill another fed is not.
For example:
The CIA should knock off the entire Clinton family like they did JFK.
The CIA should assassinate these jokers.

I got in trouble after replying to a honeypot thread. The thread was about exterminating all psychiatrists, and I basically just answered that I was going in therapy too, which apparently was enough to raise a flag. Next time in therapy, my doctor looked at me really tense and said that I had done something that was not okay. With no specifics she asked if I had been very angry, and if was a threat against her. This is how these assholes operate. And it is not the first time they warn people about me. Typically they call family members and say that they fear that I am in a radicalization process and they just want to help me, if they only could get some info. Of course they don't need any info, they just want to scare people. Never in my life have I been in direct contact with the police. So yeah, this is what to expect. Typically they call your employer and try to get you fired.

Artificial and homosexual

They are always watching & listening
The feds have their nails in deep in whatever you are in contact with
Never forget to watch what you say, everything will be held against you
But never forget to stay true to who you are

And don't forget to wear your tinfoil hats, the feds can read your mind.

I do not advocate violence.
I want any federal agent to understand that I do not advocate that they stand up right now, walk to their nearest supervisor or superior and shoot them in the face. Wait. That's do advocate. I do advocate that you shoot your supervisor in the face. Sorry, silly mixup.
Shoot your boss and then kill yourself.

Really? I mean, hundreds of us have been saying some very nasty stuff and telling other people to do horrible things. I've been doing it for years and yet somehow I've never been fired or had anyone phone my family.
We should kill all psychiatrists and lawyers and politicians and if you are a fed you should kill yourself, you treacherous stooges, but only after you kill your boss.

Hi Doug, we talked about this site.

did you use a vpn? if yes which one?
I've seen 8ch recommending nordvpn which I'm very suspicious of after doing a bit of research

Everyone that is active in the NRM has experienced this at a point.

It doesn't matter what you say. The alphabets have other reasons to monitor you other than to arrest you. They also want to know peoples opinions so that they can stop certain individuals from getting hired in the government. Every western state does this, register participants in public demos, membership in political organisations etc. so that when someone apply for a high ranking job, they can check the file on that person and be sure they are not a foreign agent, or otherwise unfit for the job.

Oh, please. I read when I was 19 and in the military. Literally no one cared. I'm not recommending you actually do that, but the idea that no one can do anything is retarded.

Also, fuck what other people think. You niggers not shitposting enough IRL is the reason we have these problems. Normalniggers will be our goyim, and every user with have 2000 normalniggers do their bidding, inshallah.

requesting "hey kid wanna blow up a federal building"

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I used a VPN but I had not cleared cookies in my browser. My previous use was connected to my cellphone, so it was super easy for them to identify me.

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I don't live in the US.


Dr. Levinsberg,

This is Agent Reginald. I tried reaching you by e-mail but it said it was having problems, so I am reaching out to touch base with you on this extremist website. I see that Doug is still frequenting this community of white supremacists, which unfortunately means I am going to need you to perform another psychological exam - and this time, be sure to provide that exam we discussed earlier over the phone. You know the one. Let's not let another fish get away from us. It is very important that we go through the correct channels on this and see if we can catch this one. Sorry I had to use such crude means to contacting you.

A. Reginald

Yes, he accelerated the collapse of ZOG, but as we have absolutely nothing to replace it with, it is - as we are seeing now - being replaced with MOG, which is no better. No shitskin or foreigner should rule you, no foreigner should dictate your life or how you live it or influence the future of your people and kin.

Fedposting irl should only happen once you've seperated yourself from Zig Forums or any other movement you hold dear, or that you care about in a positive way for atleast a year or two. And only as a lone wolf and only in a way that does not implicate any group you care about or hold dear, and only if it is against the children of traitors, children of turbokikes or children of leaders of NGOs.
Good bye Zig Forums

During your next session you should tell your doctor you are considering converting to islam. The session after that tell her that you've been to a mosque and talked about converting. Session after that, that you've converted. The session after that, rape her in the name of islam.
She probably won't even call the cops on you so you can keep going back and rape her each session. Don't forget to tell her she deserves it and throw in a few Praise Allah!'s as you're blasting her beefhole.

Lies You're here forever and you know it.

Sounds suspicious to me, but I can relate something similar during the Obama era. I had posted something on Facebook (with my real name) that could be interpreted as a threat to the president, and the Secret Service did come to my university, and probably harassed my landlord. If I would have had a job, I'm certain they would have called them and tried to get me fired.
This user's story implies they have access either to his ISP and was watching him, or they have access to this website, neither of which I believe. But definitely don't go around posting crazy stuff using your real name, as you will be put on a list and you will be blacklisted.

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The question is what mental illness you have ? And why should i trust a mentally impaired faggot?

Hate to be Captain Obvious but someone checked your browser history and told her

They don't have access to this website. The feds post violent threads to fish for unstable individuals, then they ask Jim to identify a few posters, which he does.

Offensive violence is always ones undoing!

Or you skipped your med.

That means they have access to this website.
Which is also why I say this website is a battleground. It's more filled with ZOG-shills than anything (and no, they aren't the ones advocating violence), and acts as a way for the ZOG to communicate to violent young white men to try to dissuade them from doing anything. They do the same thing with ISIS/AlQaeda types and brag about it.

I think he meant 80/20 of violent posters, not total Zig Forums users.

You don't have to trust me. I live in a Nordic country. Things are different here. Just listen to the Nordic resistance movements podcasts, they get this shit all the time. Same as me. If your'e a minor, your parents get called and they come to your school. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is a fact.

I can't tell you what american police does, but I can give you indication of what info they collect. Which I have done ITT.

Meant for

I think he meant 80/20 of violent posters, not total Zig Forums users.

DP sage

Daily reminder that those people who are advocating revolution are loyal servants to the British Crown trying to entrap you. It happened to Nathan Hale and it can happen to you.

t. not loyal to British Crown

I'm against violence and calls for such but right now a University of Michigan anthropology professor is putting together a photo exhibit of heroic migrants heroically breaking US law, Jussie Smullit just walked, Bob Mueller just used the courts and police powers for partisan political intimidation for two years and admits he never had any justification, and no violent leftist attacking cars or people's skulls or an Amtrak train gets so much as community service.
There's no such thing as radicalization. What makes lynch mobs is the belief that the system isn't working.
Hey law man – do you feel like the system is working?

They are open about it too. They say that in the 90's most where minors so they (police) could use the schools and the child protection you cervises. They would start to see if they could find any crimes on any of the individuals and make arrests to break up the community. Nowadays most are adults and therefore they have fewer "tools". They will try to arrest people for crimes and also "use" the health cervices. This is straight off their website.

I believe this, I've had my fair share of stories involving glowies laughing at me and no, I'm not a gang stalking tier schizo either

Should have fucked her brains out. but for real if you do ever want to kill some people go to your local syanagog and shoot it up instead of being some depressed faggot that kills themselves

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Daily reminder that we're going to kill you all and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

tinfoil hats actually make it easier for the feds to read your mind, it amplifies their devices

except for national socialism

Imagine being so stupid, you actually do something like this. Here's how you can tell what an actual domestic strike would look like:
Wow, look how easy that was!

Telling you to sit on your hands while your women and children are raped and your country is invade by shitskins = jew faggot.

What if the fertilizer was with the CIA the whole time?

Violence, without context or purpose is a crime.
Crime is for niggers.
Therefore, Zig Forums is a board of peace.

Violence is part of being human.


Offer a solution, you cunt


Yea goys just keep voting!

Sure, Schlomohammed

Why is there no political solution?
Feds only have catchphrases and rhetorical one-liners encouraging violence; they do not have any actual arguments, only appeals to emotion.


Violence is the final stage of political negotiation. When words fail, you must either surrender to the opposition, or you fucking kill them. We have reached the stage where it's time to start lynching/shooting/beheading/electrocuting/gassing/drowning these motherfuckers.

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this is false because the memes have reached beyond the board
even controlled opposition is forced to drop redpills to appear legit
you don't start a revolution with guns but with ideas


No, because there's a very big difference between "I will commit violence" and "You there, commit violence on my behalf!"

Secession/separatism, it's why facebook has recently banned the topic entirely. Elites want violence because they want dead whites.

feds tbh

"Dying on the battlefield for my Race"

Murdoch Chan, at the End of Western Civilization

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So this board and White Nationalism is just a psy op to stop Whites from organizing and defending their interests. Thanks for clearing that up.

White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our white immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.

Kill yourself zeemaps meetup boomer fed kike shill.

BOG here,

I used to say that we should not deploy acts of violence as I had always hoped for a peaceful revolution but as the years go by and I see the plebs find every fucking excuse to not only see that evil exists in the highest order and that we must not be complacent to it or anyone who so much as says be quiet or to capitulate to these people that are almost always in gov, always have a few police officers or sit in positions of authority for the police and CFS or CPS. Always in the system that takes kids from there families, will you find pedos but sometimes you will find the shill who is a person devoid of their humanity as they for what ever reason are ready to defend people that do awful things to children cause for every pedophile in a pedo ring there are 10 people will to allow the rape and utter corruption of the future but I discovered something and we gotta move on this quick pol. we can elicit there evil, we can troll them into showing that something is very wrong. after that we send irl troll like myself to be an operative to do things irl and with memes.
if we all took a big leap forward we could win 100 percent…

i got a pizzagate cooking and its too kosher to ignore. My city is winnipeg its full of plebs that are way to complacent yet we are crazy and sometimes voilent with half of that maybe more lulz acting out of defense. I say way too complacent as my city has the most kids in care in the western world, and a little girl was murdered and the cops to a certain degree covered for a network. And this network controls the CFS/CPS system in my city. They took my Son off of a lie. I was the best dad in my age group, my boy was brave and was redpilled but not in a to scare as we Anons well we take actions, we speak free and if they try we are not going quietly. These last year been hard but glorious as fuck, you can troll them to show themselves, you can make them into meme and send around for lulz, I am like meme tzu, i took a hit off my head from a jew…

my city is run by the pedophile mafia which was the network that had no name but has people in the police and cfs and the st boniface hospital even… and the creepy part is the hospital has had an update in the last very most they are plague ready, a trap was set for me there..

I am honest and truth is most important…

i used to be somewhat in denial of the jew pill thought it was only bad in some places of control. but after so many jews try to stop me it became appearent what the enemy is, and thier own existance has me in full believe of God. these fucking luciferian women who are part of the sexual blackmail network dubbed the pedo mafia, how does a woman degrade everything a woman is supposed to be to involve themselves? they are evil, they are going along with a plan, it is very bad for all of us and humanity… and out of fear of the great awakening they are going to nullify our humanity and probably take out people like us who are woke and do things. The internet is changing and not for the better, why did they try and make pedo acceptable because the internet is soon to kill tor according to some very well respected anons. so the pedos and the elite were hope we didnt have enough people like us who are not going to capitulate. repeating numbers are huge to them and us, so believe me when I say we GOT TO SIEZE the 2020 GET or we are fucked…

memes and truth will being an individual reputation, which can be deployed, you may have to become homeless as they will hunt you and homeless is the only way to stay truely user as they hunt you. I am up to 8 serious attempts to grab or to kill me…
I am the user who

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Save the White race yet incel play nazi?

we must make for a big push very soon in canada, this will interupt the plan which will set the stage for 2020 the great awakening as we gotta ready ourselfs for the last chance we give to the plebs to wake up or we gotta killuminat…

tupac said killuminati
micheal jackson would agree
and even nice guy avicii would agree that we gotta day of the rope

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Non-whites outnumber whites. Even then whites are a terminally fragmented people that will never unify and must always go off and form their own individual political group with a 2% different platform. Let's even assume you get 100% of whites to vote for you and there is sufficiently low turnout of non-whites (not difficult to imagine) even then, our enemies control the political system. A system that is designed from the ground up to ensure the annihilation of whites. If you get the votes? They'll pretend you didn't. They count the votes. They run the oversight committees.
Politics are a trap that consume good men's entire lives for no hope of gains.

to challenge lucifags army is a daunting task but i am still alive and am disapointed by my foes strategically…

cfs.leaks and cfs.leaks.imback, i gtg gotta stay mobile and climb in to the fox hole for the night

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