The SD (Sicherheitsdienst) on 47 Synchronicity, Freemasonry and a few words on Tarrant

Here's the first post of our new established "SicherheitsDienst".
We start posting now because of "Artikel 13". We're actual Germans who know about and experienced "Reincarnation" and saw our past and true history through "Genetics". Just to explain ourselves. As catalysis we actually used so-called "Magic Mushrooms" and a special form of "Meditation" and plan to expand on externally produced "DMT". Disclaimer!: Don't use "LSD" we know that it has been modified in the 1960's! Dangerous substance.
We know about Bloodlines, Genes, the discoveries of the Knights Templar about our lost civilization and the true plans of the SS and especially its SD. And many more things not suited for public speak. Why we use Zig Forums for a public post? Circumstances.
(We are alive and well! The 19th letter of the alphabet= S, so SS= 1919 and it's 2019, year of rebirth for the SS. More information about what happened in 1919 is in the freemasonry section.)
For outsiders this post is supposed be be viewed as purely fictional and delusional.
Our Topics today:
1. 47 Synchronicity and Euclid
First we need some help "one hand washes the other" as we say it in Germany. Does anyone have more information on the 47 Synchronicity? We keep seeing 47's and 74's everywhere when things get down and have trouble explaining and classifying these occurrences. An insight on Euclidean Numerology in General would be useful. We have some information on that topic but it's not enough.
2. Freemasonry
We have enough information on 33, 32 and threes freemasonry in general. If you want to know more just ask us or look around for signs and repeating numbers. (Try not get hypnotized or put in a trance and try not to get involved in sexual arousal or all kinds of intercourse while doing this kind of stuff (!things can get quite dangerous if you don't know what you are doing, trust me!))
So my wish is for you to PURGE all freemasonry on this board especially in the DRUID section. The druid path should not contain any freemasonry at all which highly opposes the views of Guido von List and I've just today seen someone post about Manly P. Hall, a high degree Freemason on "Dangers of Hidden Forces and why not to use them" - as if they wouldn't be using them themselves. They also promote white genocide and try to establish a freemasonic World-Democracy based on socialism. They achieve this by controlling all generations of children through subverting them with a socialist whole-world core curriculum in schools, universities. Even in kinder garden. The UN is behind this. It is masonic. The SD tries to fight this subversion since their roots in the 1919 established infiltration of government by the Thule-Society which is based on the anti-masonic "Germanen-Orden" = "Germanic order". We started in 1919 because this was the year our Guido von List was killed by the freemasons. This is actually where the SS stems from. The 19th letter of the alphabet=S; 1919 = SS. This is where all National Socialist ideas, symbols and leaders stem from. And the only reason the establishments attacks us violently as if we were still here is because we ARE still here and they know that. But we are all asleep since 1947 and will gradually awaken at a sober pace to safely reestablish National Socialism when the time is ready. No one can stop this process anymore and we ourselves don't really know what is happening, that's why they are panicking. Some of us are already awake and i sadly was forced to come out openly because of "Artikel 13", to accelerate the process.
3. What can you do?
Fighting criminals, drug dealers, rapists and any subversion by force. We plan to infiltrate Gangs, Drug trafficking, the state and other institutions. And we plan to roam all Ghettos, violent neighborhoods and any part of our countries that could harm our daughters and sons and beat them up. Start by beating them up. It's 2019. 19= S. That's the first S, it starts now with SA! Burn their drugs, their safe-houses and take their money for the movement. And if they use weapons expand! If they don't beat them up. They'll learn though pain. We need to tame them. Spare all kids we'll need them to recolonize their counties because these kids can be programmed and their countrymen cannot. If Socialists, Marxists, Justice Warriors, Antifa or other parties try to stop you, beat them up, tame them, too. When police arrives get away or let them catch you. Police is not to be attacked but infiltrated!
That's all for now, seek insight
Your Friendly German Neighborhood SD-Man

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Other urls found in this thread:

For the artificially rarefied will of our ancestors, I'll pray this isn't a schizoid larp and that there is strength enough to let their spirit be reborn.

Best of luck to you, friends.

Posting in larp thread

holy psyop, batman

Sounds like you should look into gematria

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like this?

Freemason fears the Thule

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Season 1 was so fucking good. Absolute kino

It's based on a true story

OP, what do you think about Karl Maria Wiligut? Also, do you have List's works translated in English perhaps?

Manly P. Hall pushed the "Prince Hall" larp version of masonry.

t. Jesuit

Secret societies are for pedophiles

They got invaded by shitskins too? Damn.

The not so secret ones you know about are, because that's how certain tribe keeps tabs on people.

Absolutely perfidious. Also, rich coming from a spiritual Jew though.

100% of esoteric secret societies are pedophile-run.

How do you know if they are secret?

People talk

The esoteric Nazi version of the Q Larp.
How unoriginal…

kek I had a vision last month under meditation about the return of national socialism in the very near future, I was guided to develop the idea further and make a post on Zig Forums but the date selected was march 15 the ides of march so the meme man was the talk of town and that also kicked the wind out of my sails and it didnt occur to me until a few days later at a birthday party that my friends family started playing the video in the living room that i realised something is coming, something very big. Off the top of my head I think it is a great struggle in every country, not unlike the revolutions of 1848 or 1917

Heil Hitler brothers, with our united will we can realise this future.

There are many factions in Zig Forums that dont neccessarily agree with one another:
and many more

Probably we can come up with some common memetic themes that all can get aboard on and dont have to be in conflict with anyone except the enemy
I personally am fond of the idea for the legalisation of the swastika in 2020, its got a long history and can be easily memed under traditional/religious banner also cultural appreciation or wtv. Many people already support it if they are not retarded and have googled its origins at anypoint. We only have to break the taboo of seeing it in public so the best way is to attach swastikas with its original sanskrit meanings in order to "raise awareness"

Its kind of ridiculous in my opinion that this symbol's meaning is attached to an event that happened almost 3/4th of a century ago when its original meaning is at least 6,000 years old and has existed for 12,000 years

卍 W M 卐 ツ
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卐 卐 卍 卐
卐 卍 卐 卐
卍 卐 卐 卐
ask about 卍 卐
tell others about 卍 卐
legalise Svastika 卐 2020

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t. jew, whos entire religion is a pedo cult


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I believe that destruction of globohomo and it's perpetrators, as well as white supremacism is something that we can all agree on, regardless of religious and political beliefs.

Mad I kicked you out? Keep it up, that ring will be up your ass.

tbh I dont think people like asian national socialists for example would be very amicable to the idea of "Whites are the only deserving race to rule the earth and all other races must be wiped out to secure an aryan future"
It just seems like a very jewish thing to look forward to a genocide of all groups that are not your own.

t. Thai National socialistInvade/"liberate" our land and we will give you Vietnam part deux, shitsticks through your shoe

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That's objective truth
Only some, others would be reduced to manageable levels, and there would be eugenics applied to all (including white). It's really simple, would you rather be born as a white or as a nigger?

Do you even know how "shrooms" work?
They make your fucking brain bleed, it is the bleeding which causes delirium and the "trip" that makes this drug so addictive.
Dealers will tempt children with free samples, because they know that they'll soon be hooked and suffer horrific withdrawal if they try to quit.
Once snared, a shroom addict will "trip" every day, suffering nearly constant brain bleeds, until they are physically and mentally disabled for life - vegetables.

Oh, and the next part is no surprise either:
DMT, the demon drug which is produced from the pineal glands of corpses.
What an appropriate thing for a natsoc board.
What the fuck has happened to this place?

First time seeing a thai national socialist, but cool. Ignore the Jew shills replying with sworld domination bullshit, not what we want. We want to be free and white in the western hemisphere. When the Jews are finally gone there will be other planets.

Godspeed thais get rid of the merchants in the south. The Jew won't ever stop. (It should be easy since nobody really cares about kikes down there.)

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true if big

The drug shit is recent.

It's produced by your brain this very moment. How spooked are you on a scale from 1 to spooky skeleton right now?

But yes, drugs should be avoided at all costs, even natural ones. Your brain produces as much DMT as it needs, creating excess is not good for your growth or well-being.

hahahaha lmao where are you getting any of your information from? literally every single thing you mentioned is factually incorrect.
The old timey people in ancient Greece and Arya have been using mushrooms to tap into the spirit world/aether/akasha. Psychedelics typically have a 7-14 day cooldown time where taking more during this period will have a minimal effect on you and you waste your mushrooms. As far as I know there are no withdrawals but there are other risks that you didnt mention at all like:
Delirium is the closest you get to being true but even that it will only happen while under the influence and to those people who are already susceptible to it.
Its reccommended by most to not take psychedelics if you dont have a strong mind, the "Dealers who tempt children with free samples" are probably niggers who only exist in your city. There are entities that question your actions and demand explanations if you do dumb shit like fuck with kids and they can make your life hell if you just willy nilly visit them without any respect to what youre doing

literally what the fuck hahahaha
are you just talking out of your ass with information passed down to you from your granny or did you actually read this in some christian scientific journal?
We dont know enough about these substances because the information has been hidden from us and these things objectively prove that there is more to the world than what meets the eyes and the materialist jews cant have that so it needs to be banned

Describe this one more.

The only race deserving to rule over all others is the race who can, and so far only the Jews have shown such power.

Obviously you have never read any factual information on this subject. Your idiotic post just nearly made my brain bleed. You cannot trip on mushrooms every day, plus addiction is nearly non existent.

The Jews didn't do that. That was the Anglo Germanic fulcrum that kept the world divided.

On to OP's post, the 47th problem is the Pythagorean Theorem which was used to square your square in olden days, basically calibrating your square. When you see 47 or 74 in synchronous events it is my theory, as I cannot speak with absolute certainty, a calibration of sorts is occurring to level things out so to speak.
If you want to believe that Masons are behind every single synchronous event that's fine. In my opinion it is paranoia, I felt that way at a point in my life. Yes, conspiratorial things happen and Masons have been involved in shady things. But ultimately I feel Numerical Synchronicity is a watermark of a higher power at work not man's doing.

The 47 rule has nothing to do squares.

What are you guys doing about that faggot king, better fix that shit ASAP. Ruled by a woman or a cringy fag, civil war when?

It has everything to do with a square what are you on about? A right angle builders square 3,4,5 rule, 47th problem of Euclid which is the Pythagorean Theorem.
3 (squared) + 4 (squared) = 5 (squared)

Triangles are 180 degrees, in trig, which is what pythagoreans worked with, that is a straight line.

Don't ask what a square is. The G isn't normal.

That's not even accurate.


It's like they haven't realized during the year of mourning (((somone))) managed to change the rules on (((foreign nationals))) buying land. Thailand is fucked unless they change that back, and quickly.

You seriously trying to say adding 9 and 16 brings a result other than 25? I really need to hear this one.

A toxic rat's bite can kill you, that doesn't make a rat superior to you.

The Führer is sleeping in the warm oasis in the ice fields of Antarctica. They say he went there in a UFO after the war. They say one day he will return, when the Aryan race is in mortal danger, to lead them to war and to destroy their enemies forever.

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The 3-4-5 method of dividing a rope thus to produce a right angle originated in Egypt, it only relates to the Mistress of the rope Seshat, who used the rope to project construction plans and as the measure of all things, she is foremost in the chamber of Kek.

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What have you got on the fabian society?

Holy shit. Did you just crawl out of a fallout shelter after 30+ years? Welcome, vault dweller. I'm afraid the radiation has feminized a lot of men. Stop eating that fluoride toothpaste.

Psychedelics quickly build up a large tolerance, meaning you won't be able to trip again for a few days after a dose. Dealers for the most part don't carry it because despite not being the least bit addictive, the government punishments for it is harsh. Pedo cults are afraid of psychedelics, and they should be. You see life as it is and you see the very clear trail through it left by the hoarders of knowledge.

btw, lost knight of the SS, 47 is a number which is used a lot on star trek, they say as an in-joke

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The germans should've been harsh on you masons

I'm not sure about all this esoteric larp but I'm all for killing drug dealers and criminals.

This is retarded and wrong. Shrooms are not addictive. Shrooms cause your brain to return to child like state and break conditioning. Too much use will make you retarded like a child so don't abuse them. Only use them if you're in a rut, no more than once a year I'd recommend.

Most of those stories are metaphorical allegories, not actual objects or locations, but very real nonetheless.

What's the perfect ratio for a hanging rope?

I associate 47 with education, wisdom, learning, and sperging the fuck out

don't know if that helps you OP, but synchronicities told me so


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4 x 4, or 4444 = 7 in numerology.
4+4+4+4 = 1+6 = 7

Pedos want to organize like other humans. However, unlike micropenises and manlets who go for straightforward things, they go for secretive ones.
That's it for kitchen psychology.

You are now addicted to his posts. #PrayForAnon

Junge Drogen lmao

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Thanks that actually helped…
To the last one: I never believed that Masons are behind every Synchronicity that wouldn't be logical. They focus on Synchronicity themselves. Try to use it for their advantage.

I think that's one of the funniest things I heard all day. Not like you would build up a massive tolerance and shit. Also brain bleeding does come with a headache and the sensory overload induced while tripping would make that unbearable. Even a slight stomach-ache can fuck you up when inexperienced.

For insiders too.
Will be as entertaining as LarPurple was.


these effin pictures of wrinkled skin that look like testes bags really make me want to have fur.

can we grow it?

You AA tards are fucking shit at math.

Did good work when younger, but got suckered in.
Was 33° btw.

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God damn it user. I get that maybe some limited use of drugs could maybe give a man a new perspective but why do you always end up riding the dragon off a cliff?

Agent 47. Coincidence? exactly

I hope you arent larpers. In case your not: all the best esoteric bruders!

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Anyway, assertions require proof to be accepted.

Just because it's said by them, doesn't reveal how they function. Can you tell me whats wrong with the 4 other quotes, you ignored?

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(((He))) can't refute them; that's what's wrong with them.

This is fucking gay. Get a job, you retarded faggots.

47 means Time

Stay mad mundie

They don't rely on proof. They're tautologies. And if you look at the Spingmeier one, it contradicts recorded history.
Then there's the Nazi display, which they just put whatever they liked in there, regardless of provenance.


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Nope. Read this on the site called dmt-nexus which, judging by your level of knowledge you will be aware of.
There's a "Pineal Tek" posted on one of the hidden forums which accidentally became visible for a short period of time a couple of years back.
Public-facing pages talk about using jungle plant roots as sources, but the hidden pages where elite members lurk is where you can see discussions of pineal tek and adrenochrome extraction from living torture victims.
That's a myth.
The people who say this fall into two categories.
1 - never done psychedelics.
2 - never tried dosing on consecutive days because they believe what people tell them without verifying personally.
And as for DMT, it has no "cooldown" at all. It is possible to keep someone permanently tripping though IV infusion.

That's a myth.

Tautologies are true though.
How so? secret societies don't really that that much of a presence in recorded history depending on where you're reading it. However it's common knowledge that secret societies (including freemasonry) became popular in the 1700s.
You're saying the freemasons worked with Nazis?

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I have those evidence screenshots proving that dmt-nexus and the whole dmt "scene" is a cover for human trafficking, high level drug dealing and adrenochrome torture factories!
They kidnap members then sell their organs/murder them etc.

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dawg what the loving fuck am i reading in those screenshots

By definition, they cannot be accepted as true on their own.
By saying jews were members, when they weren't allowed to join until much later. Or that only the Prussian GL was anti-jewish, when all German GLs were.
No? How did you get that out of it? I said provenance. The origin of the information. The German GLs did try to work with the Party, but despite being very nationalistic and accepting only baptised Christians (still true today in some parts of Germany. And maybe that was the problem), the Nazis feared all freedom of association and had to ban it.

If Judeo-Masons don't fear freedom of association, then why are all genuinely opposing groups banned according to Talmudic laws enforced by them? I guess freedom of expression only goes so far :>)

Why would you use drugs in the first place?


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Since that guy is not going to answer and can't be bothered, I went on a internet journey to do some research.

There is a forum about DMT called DMT-Nexus and apparently some years ago on a 1st of April, a hidden section of the forum appeared called "elite dawgz chillout and trade" where people discussed all kinds of illegal and fucked up stuff like trading drugs, human trafficking, necrophilia and murder. The forum later stated that it was an april fools joke.

How the fuck would I be able to answer for kikes. Stop misconflating and apologising for bad policies.

Tag Herr Sicherheitsdienstler, kannst auch mal was über dich selbst erzählen und wie man an die Infos rankommt. Du weisst schon das mit den vorherigen Leben und so.

I don't know, any kind of drug pushing seems like Tavistock/glownigger subversion. I'm not against people trying DMT or LSD, but making it a norm/group activity? Seems awfully suspicious. Also, if you are unable to reach certain mental states without use of drugs, you were never supposed to in the first place. Seeing these delirious people perceiving their own brain damage as "spirituality" makes me chuckle.

Well, it's usually Freemasons who enforce the Talmudic law. Police as an institution was originally founded by them. They have even invented football in order to pacify natural tribal tendencies and violence as a game rather than war. Then they went after the hooligans too (Not that I'm particularly fond of those dumb savages, but gotta be principled). A Jew brings the law or defines the policy, a Freemason implements and enforces it. One hand washes another as they say.

Wut. When do Freemasons enforce anything, let alone some random law which even most kikes don't follow. And pretty sure police were "founded" by the idea of town watchmen.

It's the very legal system that most modern states are based on. The original idea was probably not the societies that we have today, but that's what we got as a result.

No it isn't. Hammurabi is the basis, and then Danelaw for the most part.
What influence do you imagine that kikes put in?

Man, it's still true today in the majority of the south. They may pay lip-service to ecumenicism but there's going to be a KJ Bible on that altar and replacing it with anything else is going to be met by pretty stiff resistance.
(There are even leddit threads up right now where jew yorker masons are melting down over GLTN not cracking down on lodges finishing prayers in Jesus's name.)

Why? Because there are a lot of cops who are freemasons? That's like saying the local hoteliers or publicans association controls the judiciary because cops happen to associate at the same bar. Correlation is not causation, fucks sake.

it has true information in about von List and the Thule Society but the conclusion of
is retarded and nothing anyone connection to the Thule Society would conclude.
looks like fedposting mixed in with esotericism to paint some legitimacy. Notice that OP is (1) and done.

Naw I just switched to Tor after the 1st Post, thanked them for the info and left.
Also some glownigger asked me about personal information. Pretty straight forward, shamelessly ignorant and in my mother tongue:

suck my dick jude

Egalitarianism, certain rights and obligations, civic law, allowing parliaments to introduce laws that might be unconstitutional, or against the will, and more importantly the interests of the people, etc. Then there is giving too much power to the state, baseless taxation, etc.

It was more a case of kikes exploiting every single flaw to get themselves to control the entire thing, and complete lack of control and national/constitutional review combined with a bunch of thugs being elected by an effective minority defining the laws and the legal framework, but Masonic influence is greatest when it comes to making the state far more powerful than it's supposed to be, which in cahoots with it's Jewish partners in crime creates the abomination that's the modern state, where the majority of people are held as hostages and restricted in every way imaginable, locally and internationally, so they can be most effectively exploited by the Judeo-Masonic mafia (for which the same laws and rules do not apply), that's pretty much global/international at this point. This "common framework" , for example, means that ordinary man would need to pay rent to the state for the property which he rightfully owns, on the land that his ancestors bled for, while the rootless, international clique is allowed to buy land and property anywhere in the world, and not even pay taxes for doing business. Freemasonry (in effect) is pretty much the executive branch of the international Jewry.

Yes, all those policymakers, LEA, glowniggers and state bureaucrats just happen to be Freemasons as a mere coincidence, no causation whatsoever. All those talks about (((improving the society))) , and we all know for whose benefit really, with their core beliefs being diametrically opposed to any political system that could effectively counter the Jew. The idea is to do everything indirectly to support them, while trying to maintain plausible deniability and a hypocritical mask of public service.

Give me the resources of the state apparatus and I'll provide you with plenty, but we all know that won't happen because I'm neither a Jew or their shabbos goy (Freemason), and letting someone expose your criminal schemes would be rather counter-productive, eh?


wa wagstu miak tsu nen?
b weis dasdu diutslender bist.
wenn du versagst, so ist deine Glühnegeridentität bewiesen.
Your turn.

It was a (kind of) honest question though so please go ahead and answer, no need to reveal any delicate information.
inb4 kringel

Stop lying. There is nothing good in this world or any other. We exist so the gods can torture us, and the gods torture us because they hate us, and they hate us because we exist.

Thailand has a royal line, would the King be a part of a NS state in Thailand? Also, would tourism/religious pilgrimage be allowed for people wanting to study Buddhism in an NS State in Thailand?