Accelerationism and Realpolitik

For years the consensus on Zig Forums seemed to be that accelerationism was dumb and anyone advocating for it is a fed. Tarrant singlehandedly changed that consensus. Lately we've been having proper discussions about it's merits and I myself am starting to see it's usefulnes. However, right now a lot of Anons seem to believe in this false dichtonomy. One side says the other is a bunch of feds, the other side says that you can't vote yourself out of this mess. It's being treated as a debate where you have to choose one or the other.
Why not use both? Why fight with one weapon when you could fight with two? Are the ideas of accelerationism and realpolitik incompatible? Would it be possible that some focus on stirring shit up while others focus on gaining political power, spreading propaganda and securing our ideological foothold within society? I think it is possible, but I'd like to hear some arguments against it. Give me something I maybe haven't thought of yet.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Technically, accelerationist theory arose to prominence before Tarrant. I think that the catalyst for accelerationist thought was some arbitrary tipping point when enough people became fed up with doing nothing but not stupid enough to support Trump and we sort of came around to the same conclusion from different angles like gamer-gate. That conclusion being that somehow we need to force the System's hand to excite the lemmings into action in their own self defense.

Anyway, as for Realpolitik, I don't know. Like Hitler, I have a deep respect for Otto Von Bismark and his cold political manipulation. The trouble with Realpolitik is that we don't actually have much in the way of political power.

Search catalog for "white dialectic" for thoughts on how both methods reinforce one another.

No, he didn't. You're obviously not from here for trying to imply that Zig Forums is a hivemind. Acceleration is dumb because it puts our land and people on the virtual auction block for whatever other power wants to fight for control. Large swaths of the south invaded by mexican drug gangs. Alaska is instantly Russian territory. You get the idea. It's shortsighted to view the collapse via accelerationism as something that will unfold in a vacuum. But please, continue being an ignorant cunt playing both sides of the argument and attempting to speak on everyone's behalf.



Get ready for the barrage of JTRIG shills flooding into the thread engaging in damage control / consensus cracking. In fact, the wording of the OP makes me think OP is ome of them. Or he just didn't fucking lurk enough.

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Oh look, the first one has arrived already, and he heavily distorts what accelerationism even means.
Kys kike

Been here since September 2014.
I think I implied the exact opposite.

The discussion in that thread was good, thanks for the nod, but the containment nation idea is entirely US centric. I really don't have any interest in balkanizing my own nation, Finland, which was already established as an ethnostate a century ago, when the idea of an ethnostate wasn't yet in any way controversial.

Not in America. I really do feel sorry for you guys and your two party system. We've got plenty of great nationalist parties here in Europe.

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realpolitik is code word for decpetion, who said it's one of Zig Forumss ideals? Zig Forums doesn't support deception, it fights against it

Get in shape and learn to shoot
Get in shape and learn to shoot
Get in shape and learn to shoot

There is no other way and if you think otherwise then you need to read The Turner Diaries

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You don't need violence to be an accelerationist.
-t diplomat with diplomatic immunity

Yeah. I must admit, American "democracy" is brilliantly designed to prevent change and keep people powerless.

In order to secure the existence of our race we must use every single tactic that works. We are not in a position to leave out any succesful tactics and risk losing, just so we could have a go at an "honorable victory". My honor, public image, reputation, princibles and even my life mean jack shit. All of those can be sacrificed. The same applies to you. The only thing that matters is the survival of our collective.

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Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed wasn’t just a meme. Commander Tarrant proved this in one fell swoop of victory

Accelerationism is a meme meant to damage one’s own cause, people, community and culture. It isn’t meant to help you or anyone else who practices it.

I know

However let me explain it this way: To further conquer your enemies, encourage them to accelerate their own demise.

During the hype of 2016, I was viewing several anti-sjw blogs and reached out them just to gain more insight into the SJWisms of the Left which actually did open my eyes to many things. The first being that many anti-sjw bloggers had their own SJW-ish blogs used to further the rapid decline of the Left. They introduced various genders, sexualities, identities, claims and even invented newer things or recreated things the Left likes, like Queer-communism or Transkin bloggers. The purpose of accelerationism isn’t to paint a house red to make it blue but to get the enemy to burn their houses down to mow the lawn. The more your enemy accelerates their own demise, the quicker your victory becomes. Don’t worry about Siege and accelerationism for your own goals, worry about your enemy’s acceleration in order to reach your own goals.

Hype up the rhetoric. Get them to panic. Make them fear each other. Jews are privileged and white. Asians are basically white. Anything of lighter skin color than black is white. Hispanics are taking African-American welfare. Welfare is reparations…etc

Really go wild with it to the point of taking anything the Left produces and manipulating it into your own weapon. If they want refugees, demand refugees be planted into the homes of “true Democratic patriots” or demand actors and actresses of Hollywood redistribute their wealth. Point of Jewish organizations being “All white” and needing (niggers) diversity.

Have them dox themselves to prove how they aren’t scared of the (((alt-right))). That is what true accelerationism ism – the destruction of your enemies, their cultures, and their identity. This is what the Soviets tried to do. This is what we should repurpose for our own use. Destroy the Left by accelerating their identity politics and claims.

whos "we"? no "we" don't, go away with your bullshit seems like you're trying to hard to fit in

Turner diaries has some plot points that are a great example of accelerationism at work. Checkpoints, having to show ID or get verification that you were not part of the network when making any purchase. little things chipping away at normal life. Peirce's lemming theory shows he accounts for 90% of the population just wanting things to stay stable.
Acceleration will not drag lemmings to our side, but it will turn them against the system once the comfort level becomes unsatisfactory, thus the lemmings will turn to anything that offers them stability, I have a hard time believing that with current demographics they will be drawn to the third position. What might be possible in accelerationism is a breakaway society.

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Filtered for being a kike or cucked race traitor. Get the fuck out of here

yeah I'm not gonna become some scheming lying faggot just because the expression realpolitik is associated with nazis, I have my principals I don't need to justify degenerate concepts so I can larp harder

You do realize your post screams newfag, no?
Assimilate to board culture or get the fuck out.

Scared to lose your "best goy"-medal when the killings start?

Shhh don't tell him.

Realpolitik means sucking jewish cock if it benefits you at the moment.
Yes, since realpolitik was created by a kike (kissinger) and is a totally selfish ideology.


One of these is true but we have no viable candidates who exist. It's clear who is right. The 'it's the feds' shills are morons. What else are you gonna do, vote for Yang or Zognald? What a joke!

Nobody is buying your bullshit, agent.
Do your own dirty work

i-i-im v-voting for y-ya-ang … y-yeah!!!

mostly because by now 60% of the posters here are feds or other agentur

Got some proofs?

See I’m of the opinion bucketloads of whites with guns fighting a guerilla war against the shitstains from the south is a way more scary prospect, personally.
The largest holdback for whites is (((civilized society))), where vigilante justice is not only taboo, it’s a punishable crime. (((Society))) is the biggest thing holding us back, so I personally see it as the faster it collapses the better.

Yeah collapse will suck, but white genocide sucks more. So how much pain are will you willing to endure for your race? And how many other options exist? I’d love to hear your master plan


Forget their politics (they are feminist communists) deep green resistance is a strategy

What about:

Do you really think tarrant was an accelerationist? Really?

In a way yes.

The issue we have is that as Americans, we have no knowledge of how Revolution actually works. We’re taught in school that the Revolutionary War just happened, a few guys got pissed and started shooting. We ignore the fact that the Sons of Liberty had effectively conducted a terrorist campaign against the British for a decade prior to the first shot being fired. There is a basic Revolutionary Tripod which is a necessity to successful revolution of any kind.

1. There must be a bona fide revolutionary Party or movement, devoted to seizing state power directly from the hands of the existing power structure. Not conservative, not reformist, not willing to work within the existing system, but dedicated to its overthrow.
2. There must be withdrawal of the consent of the governed, wherein a majority of the people in a country or territory no longer wishes to be ruled by the existing power structure and desires change. Not just any change, but specifically that power be assumed by the revolutionary movement.
3. There must be loss of the credible monopoly of armed force by the state. Acts of civil disobedience, sabotage, insurrection and/or guerrilla warfare must take place. Serious physical damage must be inflicted on the power structure, and no one must be caught or punished for these acts. This forces the occupying power into repression and acts of atrocity and retaliation against the general population, in their frustration at being unable to locate and apprehend the real guerrillas.

All 3 conditions must be met to achieve successful revolution, that means no “leaderless resistance”, no “fuck the lemmings”, and as much as we wish we could do it, no Swastika,
Not until we actually have an Ethnostate established. We have to play the game of realpolitik whether we like it or not. Always remember the goal of revolution is to FREE people, not KILL people. We have to at least give the appearance of attempting a peaceful solution so we can at least say we tried. The current WN movement is based almost entirely on the Internet which is our first problem. We need to get off the internet and into the real world.

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So become a monster you profess to fight

Excellent post user. I'd just like to point out that you don't even need the consent of the majority of the population. Take Euromaidan for example: the country was actually split 50/50 regarding the Maidan movement. It is a core group of 10000 radicals who ended up taking over. Also remember: the USA is not the whole world. Anons from other countries will likely seize power first. Make sure to learn and coordinate. Funding and other support should flow both ways as per necessity.

Those were the doers, you only need 3% of the actual population directly supporting a revolution for it to succeed, but the majority of people must be willing to accept that change, whether it be the choice between the better of what they view as 2 evils or if they fully support revolution. This is one of the biggest problems we have in the WN movement. Theres too few of us and we’re too spread out across the country. As much as i hate to say it America is finished and our only option is some kind of mass migration of WNs to a region to change the geopolitics and eventual secession. Where and how this happens is up for debate, people are trying it in NE, Dixie, and the PNW. We need to agree on a location first

bump for interest

When is accelerationism succesful? When whites push back and retake all social, economic, and political institutions. How bad does the climate need to be for this to happen?

If someone punches you for no reason, is punching them back just as wrong?

Its not a matter of "retaking" things. Its a matter of establishing something new over the ruins of the old.
The "retaking" things is a reactionary mindset and its why the whole "LE BURN THE HOUSE DOWN TO PAINT IT BLUE" thing was toted by retards about a month or two ago. Its people that don't understand accelerationism.

When Whites start killing Nazi larpers they will be ready to defend their interests,

Your brigading isn't working.


Time to go home.

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Holy shit, I cant even make it past two sentences of your inorganic try. You guys are so bad. Problem is newfags fall for your bullshit so easily. So, no 1, fuck shills. No 2 fuck newfags. Lurk 2 years before posting. And learn how to sage.

Yes it is. More Whites are becoming aware that Nazi larpers are the reason their is no White organizations representing them.

Its almost like that's a term colloquially used by the left for when they try to force a narrative outside their circles. Which is exactly what the 3 or 4 people going "NAZI LARPER NAZI LARPER" on this board are. Brigarding faggot leftists.

You used that word again. Its called "raiding" faggot. Only reddit calls it "brigading".

Its almost like reddit is filled with leftist faggots and you're just playing semantics at this point.
Get over yourself.

Being against Nazi larping is pro White. Being for Nazi larping is pro Jew.


Stop using reddit terms and I won't call you a redditor anymore.

I haven't looked up the numbers, but I'd be very, very surprised if alaskans aren't completely armed to the teeth. Might be better off trying to take switzerland.

Shills create the dichotomy, then fight both sides.

Interesting post by torfag.

Ahh yes, lets just sit back and wait while we are made minorities in our homelands. Thats the best way to go about it! Imagine Europe and the USA, but like South Africa. Thats what we want to do.

Its a shill mate.
He spams this in many threads.

I know. They'll never be able to explain anything.

At least he is natsoc from the looks of it

Just don't respond to the absolute stubborn retard.

Fine whatever, just stop bringing reddit here. I'm trying to tell him how to fit in better and hes arguing with me like a dumb fucking redditor.

u r dum
my ancestors strung up faggots like you because it humored them




Your forced meme is getting old fast despite it being completely new kike bullshit.

Interesting idea

Finally, someone who is fucking sane on this board.

What if I bless BT and vote for Trump. Why should I cede ground in any sphere? I'll probably run as a democrat too just for the fuck of it. What do you call that?

I really don't know what Accelerationism is. I thought it was "vote for Hillary Clinton and everyone will get so mad they form RWDS." If that's what it means then it's not going to work and it's fucking retarded.


Not that type.

What if acceleration is achieved, some Communist spic like Cortez ends up being POTUS after 2024 and whites start getting put in gulags? How is this a victory? We had a nigger Muslim POTUS for 8 years how much more accelerations is needed?

You forgot main: state must be weak. Strong state just crushes any resistance.

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Tarant an-heroed, and as long as I keep cracking that whip my obedient liars will keep producing a shallow inversion of reality.

Like this lie about accelerationism! OP projects their own compartmentalized obedient goldfishsry. Check the archives - Zig Forums has been pro-accelerationism for years. Even though it’s as dumbassed as letting anti-gun politicos blackmail you into shooting peaceful muslims. Don’t be pedos like Tarant was, imbeciles.

Why even get out of bed.
But you're totally right, no Americans have any idea what a revolution even looks like. Another artifact of history conspicuously missing from our education. Fuck dammit, we have to teach ourselves every fucking thing in clown world.
Polite sage for not contributing

They will think revolution is a leftist invention.

well for the past few hundred years, revolution has been about 'liberation' and took a lot from people like de Sade, de la Mettrie, d'Holbach and others that were the genesis of current postmodern thought
because of this 'enlightenment' way of thought, instead of a healthy revolution where people cut the heads off of hedonists and degenerate aristocrats, people took to heart that any kind of hierarchical political structure was inherently tyrannical and started killing nobles in general and even slaughtering priests
it's why 'muh libertarian individualism' became so prevalent


2014 is when shit got co-opted. No one calling this out shows what's to gain here.


National Socialism is inherently accelerationist. Why do you think Hitler created a SA and a SS? National Socialism is not a conservative and bourgeois, it is revolutionary and violent!

I got no issue with you trying both, but if you advocate pursuit of political power - in a system geared entirely to avoid people like you coming to power - then you're my enemy.

What the fuck do you gain from lying so boldly and obviously? Anyone who has been here for just more than two months is going to recall that accelerationism has been a contested topic with many calling its ideas federal shilling.

I think that might be a bit.
Examine the writing style and remember it, see if you encounter it again. This one comes off as familiar to me.

*might be a bot

Funny you mention doing that, I already have been searching around for their posts. They always put a double-space after a period, which makes them easy to notice. "abuse", "slave", and "pigment" are some keywords they use a lot. I don't think it's a bot, as the ideas seem somewhat coherent, although each sentence being just barely connected to the last throws me off. It's a shill of some sort, at the very least, just one with a big ego.

Sometimes they'll spam the same post over multiple threads, with a little variation like adding an extra sentence or two. This hasn't happened recently, last time was when the Assange stuff was kicking off. Before that, they were spamming with posts about transjewmanism and anti-natalism. Now, the only pattern has been Tarrant threads.

Here are some recent examples I can recall.

Oh, first thread was dead. The ID of it is >>13182932

So sounds like we need a party or uniting front.
Who's it gonna be lads?

The accelerationism you should be pushing is from the other side, make them come out and openly call for white genocide, make them talk about replacement migration and make the masks drop. Look how AOC is crapping on her own party worse than anyone on the right could have done. They walk this forward in stages at their own pace, one "reasonable" change at a time, well fuck that - we need to seize that control and make them publicly reveal the endgame, and not just once either.

Because all of the genuine anons were getting banned by imkikey's GOPIDF niggers and thus the consensus of being a spastic votecuck faggot was engineered.

You get that by forcing their hand. Infiltrate everything possible playing up any frailty, be one with the victim class, grovel your white guilt, then manipulate mouthpieces into open public statements about white genocide.
Otherwise we just white niggas never read Sun Tzu.

Seize their momentum and strength and use it against them until your goal above is inevitable.

You don't need violence to accelerate. You don't have to choose realpolitik or acceleration. They're not mutually exclusive. Both have their merits. Violence is useful if you know how to USE it. A couple key guidelines for use of violence:


ALWAYS respond to violence with proportional force.

NEVER CONTINUE VIOLENCE once the threat is pacified.

A good way to get the other side to initiate violence is simply to make your presence known. Lefties are naturally quick to violence. Especially the niggers. You show up for a "protest" or "rally" with your fellow whites waving swastikas or whatever you like and they'll come running. However be sure to be highly organized and well equipped. Have designated hitters, medics, and skilled cameramen who will be able to document the fact that they initiated violence. Once it makes the news acceleration will occur because "actual nazis in the open" will trigger the left. Also, dont forget your well spoken red pillers to be out there dispensing to the masses. This way you use violence without out blame and politics to accelerate the war we all know is coming. I have other ideas but I'll just leave it here for now.

You need special forces and terror to show strength. Survival is at stake here, pacifist pussies are to be disregarded.
The ennemies are jews and Islam, with their non-white hordes. Leftists have no power.

Hitler was voted into power. That alone means (((the leftists))) can get the boot. Only when democracy is shown to fail, as in France right now, will the populace will take up arms. Redpill people slowly, build your mind and body, and await the day. Anything else will undermine the cause for a liberated future, as it can only be won with the people as a whole. Eroding the (((bluepill))) is our main task.


Only on pigchan here and 4cucks.


The muslims have killed your people for the last 50 years and now you are still talking about "proportional violence".

Nice LARP.

Who will plan this shit? Who will organize this shit?