Post anything you have about the birthrates in here. Lets compile everything we can to show how great is the problem.

Australia bureau of statistics shows that most women in Australia wait until late in life to become mothers. The number of first mothers aged between 25 and 45 continues to increase every year in the country. In fact, first-time mothers over the age of 40 are more common than teenage mothers. Most women in Australia have their first pregnancy at an average age of 30.50 years. The delay or late pregnancy is attributed to education, employment opportunities, and economic status. As they become empowered, women have considered babies as hindrances in their pursuit of a career, education, and other interests.

NOTE: This statistic is based on all women in Australia. That includes abbo women, Muslim women, etc. all factored in. The statistic would be WORSE if it was for white women only.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This was my first blackpill.

It's very easy to talk about. I talk about it with literally everyone any chance I get. I have spoken to everyone of my sister's friends about it, my mother and her friends, random people I've run into, etc.

It's important people know about it.

Tried to archive this on but keep getting the message "server error"


Hmmm I guess the url changed.

A major problem with these later first births is that the older they are the more likely that the child has birth defects, autism in particular

You'll never ever fix white birth rates until working white men are no longer saddled with financially supporting niggers and spics.
Roughly 1/5 of everything you earn is stolen from you before you even see it. Every dollar that's left is taxed whenever you try to spend it. Taxes for this, permits for that, regulatory fees for the other. And yet, somehow, there's never enough money for the roads, for the schools, for the cops or for the firemen, and so on.
Quit trying to treat the symptom. Get the zog out of my wallet, and I'll be able to afford a litter of kids.

Ontario, Canada is the land of autism for a reason. My mother had me when she was past 30 and there are barely any children here but the ones that are, mostly are autistic/runts/fucked up.

This is bullshit. It's the women who control this issue and who refuse to have children. Women have been conditioned to hate motherhood. My wife was homeschooled (and I was too) so she didn't get that conditioning. Most women do go to school though and are taught to pursue a career.

You don't need a ton of money to have kids. You can be homeless and do it. If you have a cat and dog or other pets but no kids then you're choosing other species over your own.

next its scanner darkly time superspook

You calling me a spook for talking about the birthrates?



What point are you trying to make?

that giving a fuck about the birthrates is a shit tier solution. the blood has been muddied already
extermination is the enlightened path.

-superspook out

These days you need a license for that opinion.

On another note, what could convince women to drop hypergamy? Stripping rights is obviously out of the question.

No, birthrates are not the most important issue.
Removing the kike is.
Unless you want to breed a family of slaves and grist for the mill of pedo gangs.

Second most important issue then.

This is true, but even my Jewish gf with 3 jobs and a piece of the family business doesn’t feel well off enough to have kids.

thank god, and I hope she never does.

Yes, well-said. Guarantee you the top tier genetics are waiting for a better world to bring their kids into first. Fortunately you can see the frustration and thus, transformation of the 'game' through events like the election of Trump which is a great start.

Men can skip generations of women… it is our strength as we age like wine. Assuming you're not treating your body like a sack of shit then you can still have healthy babies in your 50s and onward with a healthy incubator in her 20s.

First in terms of "we need to raise awareness about it".

Killing our enemies is something we don't really need to tell others to do, that's our duty to do.

Birth rates wouldn't matter that much if borders were closed… but yes it is the low Aryan birthrates and the high levels of immigration and immigrant birth rates that will result in all Aryan peoples being disposed and genocided nya~

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Birthrates are symptom of the problem. K selected population naturally plateau and decrease when their total population reaches the carrying capacity of their environment. Want to increase the birthrate? Make space for white people to have kids. Attempting to force K selected whites to breed while at carrying capacity is a futile effort.

Wrong. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Without children there is no future. Exterminating kikes is a close second.

Without a future having children is pointless. Make space then breed. Priorities.

So I guess we just shouldn't have children for the next 50 years? Do you think we're going to get rid of the kikes tomorrow?

If you want the birthrate to improve then I would suggest getting to work cleaning up the mud and kike mess. Thinking that you will improve the birthrates before doing that is just a distraction. See this:

Nice evasion, (((Chaim)))

Increase the white population by killing non-white women and children. There you go anons.

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You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?


You don't even know what r/K selection is, do you?

More like 1/3 in Europistan

You are a fucking retard. Having degenerate whites breeding like niggers is not going to help us at all. The birthrate is a totally counter productive thing to focus on. If you turn degenerate whites into decent whites, the birth rate solves itself. If you don't turn degenerate whites into decent whites, the birth rate going up is not helpful. Please grow a brain and use it before posting again.


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You have a big mouth but we all know you will never leave your mommy's basement for long enough to kill anyone.

Then stop trolling the White meet up threads. Babies are made IRL. Stop with the Nadzees, Niggers, Kikes, etc. That gives Jews the power to stop Whites from being tribal.

True, we don't need more people, and whites will never overtake these fungal muds. The only solution is kill, or be killed, in meincraft.

Not at all, cia niggerfaggot. What gives the jew power are christian zionism, banking, media, and government. This was true before national socialism emerged, so you are completely wrong.

OP is semi-correct when you think of the function of muslim compounds or Mormon compounds.

If white birthrates go up by a percent, your gonna get more of this.
I'm fully against birth in general, adds more retards to the DNC equation.

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Good luck applying that to the real world.

If you want to raise Western birth rates, move the births out of the hospitals. Women decide against large families because hospital birth is torture and butchery. Most women have healthy pregnancies, and if they go to the hospital anyway, the hospital staff will find something to break so they can fix it.

No pitocin - It exhausts the uterus, tears away the placenta, tortures the mother and strangles the infant (fetal distress).

No cervical checks - They do not indicate progress reliably, they feel like a sexual violation, and they are vectors for infection.

No manual breaking of the waters - It causes umbilical prolapse, fetal distress and poor positioning.

No efforts to "speed things up." - The vast majority of these efforts exist only to serve hospital waiting lists and schedules.

No epidural. - It stalls labor, prevents most healthy birthing positions, and raises body temperature, thereby becoming an excuse for cesarean (the fever "might be from an infection").

No lithotomy position - Necessitated often by epidural, it tears the mother while forcing her to birth against gravity when she could be using gravity to help her.

No antibiotics during labor for Group-B Strep - Side effects on the infant gut biome (future IBS, allergies, mood disorders) and breastfeeding (thrush) are a much greater risks than GBS infection.

No episiotomy - Tearing is caused by poor birthing position, and is typically not as difficult to heal as an episiotomy. Stretch using the Epi-No to prepare for the size of the baby's head.

No cord cutting for many minutes - The umbilical cord is there to supply the infant with oxygenated blood while it transitions to breathing air. If the child is having difficulty expelling amniotic fluid from its lungs, cutting the cord increases likelihood of brain damage through oxygen deprivation.

No banning the father from being involved - Father should be the primary caregiver. The oxytocin produced by the father's support and the cervix-softening prostaglandins produced by his semen medically aid labor. The father is biologically necessary to healthy childbirth.

No "waiting to push until the doctor gets into the room" - Stopping a woman's body from giving birth strains and suffocates infants causing brain damage.

No cesarean - Uterine scarring causes miscarriage risks and life-threatening placental dysfunction in future pregnancies, forever.

No measures that can put a baby in fetal distress (including pitocin) - all fetal distress involves oxygen deprivation, and all oxygen deprivation risks neurological damage.

Accept none of the above unless an absolute need for the intervention is proven. The "cascade of interventions" is an extremely real threat affecting Western birth rates. We have to stop torturing white women for wanting to be mothers.

Use the internet, learn to do this on your own, and have large familes using midwives and/or family assistance. Medicalized childbirth is an absolute scourge.

No crediting doctors with "delivering" babies, either. The infant isn't theirs to deliver. The only person who can deliver a baby is its mother, and secondarily the father. The mother delivers the baby from inside herself to the world. Medical staff are just waterboys, and should have the humility of waterboys.

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Yeah, high rates of circumcision.

Birth rates aren't the main issue, immigration is. If there wasn't a single immigrant into white countries, the decline would still be there. Nothing wrong with a population crunch opposed to the baby boom we had post-war. Of course, both are related. Less births because many factors, mostly feminism, means politicians can use that as an excuse for immigrant invasion. More immigrants means more burden on the state, less opportunities for whites and ultimately less births/less whites.

Keep at it by all means, but calling it the most important is wrong and especially when immigration is heavily featured in politics right now.


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the greatest honor

Fuck man. This is exactly what happened to my mother. She went to a hospital when pregnant the first time and they fucked her up and because of that she ended up having a crippled parapalegic child. Had she just avoided hospitals altogether there would have never been a problem and she hates doctors.

She also got meme'd into not having children past a certain age and says she strongly regrets it as instead of having just 3 children she could have had 5 or 6.

Moral of the story: don't listen to anyone telling you not to have children and stay the fuck away from doctors.

Mostly, yeah. A lot of them are prestige-seeking egotists only pretending to help. But if you find a good doctor, who is patient and provides clear evidence and reasoning, never ever let him go. And in any case, learn all you can about diagnosis, so that when you go see a doctor it's to use him as a doorway to the treatment you need, not to take his advice or depend on his judgment.


Very good. Whites should go.

Agreed, but let me add this:
Only get treatment from white doctors. A Kike doctor killed my father slowly with malpractice.

come again?

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My png screencap is higher quality and smaller filesize you jelly user? Save this.

ah fuck forgot can't upload from Tor…

edit: sigh, will have to vpn post this one

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I don't have money for doctors anyways and can't be bothered to do all that.

Teach me like I'm a retard, how would I help my wife with her giving birth? Is it just a matter of filling a bathtub with water and her laying in there and giving birth?


Sup newfags longtime no shit talk, haven't been on a board since like 2005. Lefty faggot here, got some questions for you crazy cunts. Not here to be a glownigger, just genuinely asking. But if you're gonna be paranoid dont blame ya in the current situation

So, why are the birthrates a problem? I've read the manifesto a few times now and I fail to see the problem personally. For starters, I don't think whites have done that great a job of running this shit show. You ever looked our a window? Try push it on the zogs all you like but it's been white crackers fucking this world over for millenia. Seems more to me like you fags are scared of losing the power position rather than the watering down of our "culture" (We ruined our own culture a good century or so ago when the corporatist capitalists hijacked everything virtuous to make it a consumerist agenda for profit - we have no culture left, only money making systems. This is why so many white peeps are into spirituality and appropriation n shit cos we have no culture of our own. but i digress). Even if say, hypothetically, the zogs are part of the illuminati and running the show, there are still plenty of white shills selling out the whole human race for their own benefits, so it's rather semantical either way.

IMO every human on this planet is a piece of shit and the only mass shooting I support is every single last one of us putting a bullet to our head. White people are just as evil as brown, skin colour aint got shit on it, people are just cunts. Short of that it just seems like senseless reactionary shitposting with no real endgoal. What's the aim? Genocide? And if so, why would genocide be the answer? Or would you be content with a flat 10% of brown people for us to continue trodding on? And do you think that would really improve your quality of life and bring back the "culture" that's been eradicated by malthusian-esque desire to sustain continuous expansion?

I also find it funny how you niggers consider birthrates to be the issue when ours were literally the exact same like 200+ years ago, even less to be honest. Birthrates are literally a function of development. Poor tech, need more kids so that when they die you can replace em on the farm. Good tech, too many kids is a drain on the system and kids actually provide you know commerical benefit in todays day and age (as opposed to in the past when male children were highly desirable as essentially mini slaves). India and China will all get there at the same point.

On that note, why the fuck are muslims the problem when India is forecasted to hit 2 billion peeps this century?

Seriously I can't tell if you guys are just shitposting or fucking retarded

Tell me why I'm wrong newfags

water does help for painkilling.

I did a lot of my learning organically with websearch, being obsessed because I'm pregnant and the clock is ticking.

If you don't want to involve a midwife, research all complications. Google/duckduckgo every question you have.

You and your wife would benefit from knowing the best positions for birthing, and how the baby moves through the hips, and ensuring it is positioned well in the womb before labor. has a lot of groundbreaking information for easing birth. Being of a healthy weight definitely helps, as does stretching out the hips using yoga stretches and pregnancy specific stretches. (YT-

turn on english subtitles - this german woman has freebirthed about 7 kids and is about to have twins -

youtube has fucktons of home birth and freebirth videos for getting familiar with what it's like

search anything here to get piles of science dumped on your head -

Of the books I've gotten, the best is Active Birth by Janet Balaskas.

Also look into hypnobirthing. Online courses are not very expensive, and books are even less.

It may be simpler than I'm imagining. I'd say if I'm posting too much noise for you, the #1 thing for a woman to do in labor is feel free to listen to her body, and feel safe. She needs quiet to listen to her instincts, and security to focus without fear.



(it can be very simple, skip the first 35 minutes)

threadly reminder you can't solve declining birth rates while women still have voting rights and while age of consent laws exist.

They may be starting older, but women have access to medical care, better nutrition and, as a result, a longer lifespan. My mother gave birth to her first at 30, second at 33, third at 38 and me at 43. All of us are healthy. Women can have large, healthy families even if they start late.

This is a blackpilled argument. The risk of having autism is about 1.5 percent for children born to parents in their 20s, and 1.58 percent for children born to parents in their 40s.

Hire a midwife. Births can endanger the life of a mother and child. 98% are probably fine, but a midwife can recognize the 2% that need hospital care.

There is no K-selected anything without natural selection.

You think you need to sleep with children in order to have multiple children? Sounds like you have other issues

The concept of social darwinism needs to die before you can open your eyes to what is really happening.
Material prosperity offers no benefit in reproductive fitness, it's just a bunch of shiny toys.

It's nice to hear. I'm starting at 34 here and aiming for six (husband agrees to at least 4). Grasping white genocide has given me huge direction in life, thank you pol

True – though so can I, a thorough layperson. And sometimes midwives panic and get it wrong. So yes a midwife is safest, but still nothing beats knowing your own stuff. I can't get a midwife, all the ones in my area of Ontario are booked up, so I'm going to have to freebirth because as dangerous as it may be, it's safer than hospital.

if that's what you read from my post, then i'm afraid you're the one with issues.

what else does it mean if you don't want age of consent laws to exist?

have fun with your downies

the nuchal translucency ultrasound was perfect, but yeah it won't be fun if I have to abort a later pregnancy

my own personal feelings on the matter are that the age of consent laws are fine and don't need changing. but i'm only one person, and for population birthrates, you need numbers. you need demographics. with the aoc set at 18, coupled with the general layout of the school system re: ages & timing - specifically that on average, girls are waiting until they are 30 +/- 5 years to start a family. from a purely physical standpoint, their bodies are primed for making babies at around 12 or 13. the increased energy, reduced sleep requirements, increased healing rates, etc of teenagers are physically the perfect time for girls to start getting pregnant.

So you do want to sleep with 12 year olds.

uploaded too soon, sorry.

the most fertile decade of a girls life, the time when her baby boom, for lack of a better term, should be is from the time she's about 15 until 25. this is the time when, as a society, we are the most adamant that a girl not start a family. that she should finish her education and explore, get some life experience, etc. the best decade for reproduction is being flushed down the toilet. i can't conceive of women voluntarily giving up their freedoms, so the only chance for recovery, in my humble opinion, is if they're stripped of either voting rights, or all "equality" type of rights and subsequently the aoc was lowered to humanity's traditional acceptance of womanhood - puberty.

So like you wouldn't fuck a kid, but you're okay with other people doing it for the Greater Good?

Yeah, but not only numbers. Africa has numbers, India has numbers. They also have necklacing lynch mobs and shitting beaches. If you over-prioritize quantity over quality you can lose what makes a race worth saving.

No way. Hips are not wide enough yet. They're not fully grown. Haven't established their own identities either. Aren't mature. Whites take longer than most/all other races to mature, because we have more maturing to do. Pre-teen mothers are more likely to neglect and abuse children.

Historically whites have had families older, and are stabler because of that. Sure the current trend is too old and a product of ideological manipulation. We should not be starting in our thirties. But twenties is good.

troll harder faggot. i don't want to sleep with 12 year olds. i'm explaining how to fix it, knowing that no one will listen because of the conditioned responses exactly like yours. you been brainwashed, whether you want to accept it or not.

We give up our freedom for love. We are built to do that, if only we're encouraged and valued for doing it. We give it up for families and children. A lot of the trend of women seeking educational and travel experiences is because we're sold that as the way to find an equivalent to love – self love. But it's not enough, it'll never be.

You're going to get the best women backing out of society and/or offing themselves if you do this. Reduce us to animals, and those of us who are docile stupid animals will be the ones to reproduce.

exactly my point. back in the day, they weren't kids. they were adults. the difference now is that they're immature as fuck because they're sheltered & spoiled, instead of having to grow up fast.
this is a thread about whites, is it not? niggers are subhuman, and shitskins are barely human. i would argue that being white is a good enough control for the quality vector
i'm referring to the approximate age when the hips have started to develop, whatever that number is (different for every girl), and i'm sure as fuck not talking about preteens or prepubescents.

welcome to the last 10,000 years of humanity, sweety. it was perfectly fine 100 years ago.

This was all very enlightening, about 20+ years ago when I first read about the demographic projections. Anyone who isn't aware of this issue and all the dynamics the trend is driving by now is either uneducated trash or just oblivious to anything that actually matters.

At this point it's too late to do a damn thing about it. The only long-term solution is a full revert back to pre-feminist cultural cancer. There will be a price we have to pay. Feminism didn't free women, it freed men. Men will have to re-assume our roles in society as breadwinners and put the shackles back on. We will have to make the sacrifices for society to continue.

But as things stand now, between government, courts, feminist bullshit, total rot in western culture, there is no fix but the happening, and the only thing that speeds up the timeline is acceleration towards collapse. Hope for the future awaits on the other side of the happening.

beautifully spoken. as many of us are already aware, no population has ever recovered from our current low birthrate. the happening will be the solution.

Isn't 12 preteen?

What about mothers being old enough to be educated enough to educate their own children? Next step after wide acceptance of homebirthing is homeschooling. Fuck the institutions.

I can say I would give up my right to vote if it meant women couldn't vote anymore. Too many are emotionally driven cows applying mothering instincts to politics. Exceptional women don't need the vote, they can have true influence through speaking and writing.

Hey Tor just got banned by the retarded Zig Forums mods again, it's me the Tor poster.

You are in Ontario?

I am too.

Can we meet up? Just to know you exist. I get so isolated and demoralized here in Ontario and I met a Zig Forumsack just once and it made me feel highly motivated for at least a month or so after. The crushing isolation really gets to me. Even if it's just to give you a high five or something it would mean so much to me. I spend a lot of time in gyms, I have a big library of Zig Forums approved books, I also like theology groups and such.

I'm in Waterloo, Ontario.

If your husband is also a Zig Forumsack then I'd like to meet him too and tell him to keep fighting the good fight.


You're spot on with the history, no civilization has ever recovered from this trend playing out now. Anyone here pitching some tard ass solutions is ignorant as fuck.

Ontario it's 16 unconditionally although a 15 year old can be with someone if there is only 5 years separating them.

15 year old can have sex with a 20 year old, 16 year old can have sex with anyone

I'd support that.

There is a difference, our technological progress.

let's not get lost in the minutia. 12 was the lowest number i could think of that might possibly have a girl physically ready. i'm saying when their bodies are ready, which is a little younger than most would care to admit.
it's the parents responsibility to educate their children. historically, others would also pitch in to help, assuming there's a strong family structure.

induvidual states also have aoc lower than 18 in the usa, and it's mostly a moot point. ineffectual because the girls are still in school.

on a personal level, i don't advocate for it, but i think it's the only realistic solution if we want to avoid the happening

This is true except I've seen a Portuguese girl that was the height and form of an adult at just 9 years old and who started puberty very early and I've seen Nordic Europeans (myself included) who didn't even start puberty until 18 and didn't even have all their pubic hair or beard and stuff until like 25.

Niglets take about 8 months to be born btw while some Nordic Europeans take longer than the normal 9 months for their babies to be born.

Stress conditions cause women to reach sexual maturity earlier.

Ideally a woman will not reach sexual maturity too early but all the same, womanhood should be a biological reality, not an arbitrary age. When a woman reaches certain level of development she is considered a woman.

I think National Socialist Germany had AoC of 14.

Ontario's current laws are perfectly fine I think.

We're pretty far from you. Afraid anything could be a honeypot. Thanks though, will deliver message

Evolution trumps technology.

That's my sister and all her friends. All of them travel and all of them pursue university/college and then career. None of them want children and all of them have been sold on this ideal of working some stupid career. It boggles my mind as I am very philosophically inclined and can't understand why someone who doesn't have to work (who can live off of someone else's labor, namely, that of their husband) would prefer to be a slave instead. Marx basically rebranded and sold slavery to the goyim.

“Karl Marx, a visionary, figured out that you can control a slave much better by convincing him he is an employee.”
― Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms

If you look at futurists and what the "future society ideals" they were projecting were, they imagined a world where robots do the work, and humans are free to pursue higher things.

Somehow though we went from labor saving devices giving us more and more free time to reversing the trend and instead enslaving ourselves to where the average person today has to work far longer and harder than a medieval peasant to merely have the privilege of being allowed to continue to live in some apartment and not be kicked out by the landlord, working tirelessly just to pay never ending bills and taxes.

Solve the birthrate problem by: overcoming social engineering with love and sex.

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If I had my way I'd abolish voting completely and destroy The Charter of Human Rights & Freedoms getting rid of egalitarianism altogether.

If someone offs themselves because we're now living under an absolute monarchy again and they're that triggered by it, they probably aren't that big of a loss.

Women are incapable of unconditional love for anyone except their children.

We are getting to the point we can improve ourselves.
One of those avenues could be our reproductive capacity.

For anyone who wants to know, these causes have been deliberately instigated by careful design since the sixties and before.
Scientists at the time were having regular national and international symposiums to discuss near-future overpopulation, and how to avoid it from happening.
Retrospectively, it seems that these scientists might have had good intentions, and believed they were saving the planet based on the information they were given.
The information they were not given though, was that the entire third world would be fed by the western world allowing for third world populations to double every twenty five years from 1950 onwards, and that nothing would be done to curtail it.
Instead, I consider that the ones listing 'overpopulation', were really intent on carrying out the kalergi plan, and using typical tricks, gave a false reason to the scientists in order to parasite off their knowledge and collective expertise, not to mention the power of those involved in order to put each facet of the population control into direct and undelayed action.
Population ratios have lately been claimed to be 'irreversible', and that below a certain figure, the entire country/continent is doomed.
Think about it using raw common sense, and deal with it by the standard procedure of offering benefits per extra child in a nuclear family. For those who would say there are no resources or funds for such a thing; there are if you do not have to pay for foreign aid or cover any costs of immigrants in your own country.
Factor also the massive increase in automation in almost all areas.
Enormous populations are not needed in reality, especially at this time they are senseless. The only ones who benefit are the globalist corporations who require endless amounts of consumers in order to have endless profit margin increases for every fiscal quarter to appease the stockholders.
Civilisations experience a birthrate reduction in correlation with an increase in safety, abundance of food and health, this used to be a well known fact. It is not necessary to have 12 children if 10 of them aren't dying from childhood illnesses, it is far more efficient to have two, and raise them with more concentrated resources if you live in a stable environment.
The only real problem is the forced immigration in every european blooded country in the world. That is the threat, that is the reason our societies are falling apart.
Without that, native birthrates would be a relatively minor concern and one that as I have stated above, could be corrected and adjusted accordingly rather easily and quickly in each case, even on a constant basis.
Unless every european blooded family suddenly starts have 16 children each, it won't have much of an effect on balancing out the invader population. What needs to be done is to halt all immigration, and send all third worlders back where they came from. Then to stop all funding to third world countries and let them balance themselves out.