If you want to raise Western birth rates, move the births out of the hospitals. Women decide against large families because hospital birth is torture and butchery. Most women have healthy pregnancies, and if they go to the hospital anyway, the hospital staff will find something to break so they can fix it.
No pitocin - It exhausts the uterus, tears away the placenta, tortures the mother and strangles the infant (fetal distress).
No cervical checks - They do not indicate progress reliably, they feel like a sexual violation, and they are vectors for infection.
No manual breaking of the waters - It causes umbilical prolapse, fetal distress and poor positioning.
No efforts to "speed things up." - The vast majority of these efforts exist only to serve hospital waiting lists and schedules.
No epidural. - It stalls labor, prevents most healthy birthing positions, and raises body temperature, thereby becoming an excuse for cesarean (the fever "might be from an infection").
No lithotomy position - Necessitated often by epidural, it tears the mother while forcing her to birth against gravity when she could be using gravity to help her.
No antibiotics during labor for Group-B Strep - Side effects on the infant gut biome (future IBS, allergies, mood disorders) and breastfeeding (thrush) are a much greater risks than GBS infection.
No episiotomy - Tearing is caused by poor birthing position, and is typically not as difficult to heal as an episiotomy. Stretch using the Epi-No to prepare for the size of the baby's head.
No cord cutting for many minutes - The umbilical cord is there to supply the infant with oxygenated blood while it transitions to breathing air. If the child is having difficulty expelling amniotic fluid from its lungs, cutting the cord increases likelihood of brain damage through oxygen deprivation.
No banning the father from being involved - Father should be the primary caregiver. The oxytocin produced by the father's support and the cervix-softening prostaglandins produced by his semen medically aid labor. The father is biologically necessary to healthy childbirth.
No "waiting to push until the doctor gets into the room" - Stopping a woman's body from giving birth strains and suffocates infants causing brain damage.
No cesarean - Uterine scarring causes miscarriage risks and life-threatening placental dysfunction in future pregnancies, forever.
No measures that can put a baby in fetal distress (including pitocin) - all fetal distress involves oxygen deprivation, and all oxygen deprivation risks neurological damage.
Accept none of the above unless an absolute need for the intervention is proven. The "cascade of interventions" is an extremely real threat affecting Western birth rates. We have to stop torturing white women for wanting to be mothers.
Use the internet, learn to do this on your own, and have large familes using midwives and/or family assistance. Medicalized childbirth is an absolute scourge.
No crediting doctors with "delivering" babies, either. The infant isn't theirs to deliver. The only person who can deliver a baby is its mother, and secondarily the father. The mother delivers the baby from inside herself to the world. Medical staff are just waterboys, and should have the humility of waterboys.
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