You are all sick! Get some help!!!! ;___; !!!!! I can't believe we have nazi boards like this, it is already 2019!!! please get some help!!!!! no more nazism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are all sick! Get some help!!!! ;___; !!!!! I can't believe we have nazi boards like this...
are you dummies braindead?
OP is just playin ironic to show off his OC
Good OC OP, love it
Yeah, fucking great.
Discredit this whole fucking place and shut it down.
Fuck off kike.
That was wonderful OC, this hero needs more great bards like you singing praises of his victories against invaders.
delet thiSS!!!½!½!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U mad, Shlomo?
Remember boys and girls. Sage and Report shit slide threads.
lurk for two years, faggot
I see JIDF is in full force today.
Fuck off, (((Shekelberg))).
ok, Chaim
This is a beautiful song.
You're one talented goy, OP
Unedited Full NZ shooting:
Condensed shooting footage with added hit markers and music:
Marty Robbins/Johnny Cash edit
Dope Fiend edit
Easily the best edit I've seen yet.
Translator's note: Gevalt means violence, something that Jews dislike a lot.
laughter is contagious.
2020 is the year of national socialism
卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐
Beautiful work
yes OP it is 2019 why the fuck are KIKES and NIGGERS still on this planet??
In October 2022 will mark the 100th year anniversary of the appearance of third positionism in its modern form. I think everything is cyclical and something is going to finally snap.