Has anybody here seen the German miniseries "Generation War"? It was surprisingly good IMO...

Has anybody here seen the German miniseries "Generation War"? It was surprisingly good IMO. It showed German soldiers as just regular men fighting for their country and there weren't any over the top Nazi tropes or blatant anti German propaganda. All together I'd say it was a positive and accurate portrayal. Something that is very rare these days. It also did a good job of showing that the Soviets were far from being the good guys or the "liberators" (video related)

As an aside Katharina Schuttler who played Greta is a 9/10. She was dating a Jewish guy in the show but cucked him with the blonde Aryan Gestapo chief when he got sent to Auschwitz.

Talmud vision
Never even once anons beware

It was Jew propaganda free I assure you.

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There is no such thing user I can assure you


There are different degrees. This is low.

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He got sent to Auschwitz and she ended up with a Gestapo chief

Yeah no.

It was quite good indeed.

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You dummies make my sides hurt.

Attached: Generation_War.png (406x870, 42.35K)

I’m not wrong dude and neither are you

still has the whole "WE DINT ALL HATE JEWS, I SWEARS WE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH DEM NATZEES" in it. it's subtle, but it's there.

2/8 isn't bad actually compared to a lot of other movies/shows.


Was that Finnish movie about the winter war good? I can't find it in the US, all we have are lampshades and Band of Brothers.

spoon feeding needing nigger.

yes, I found it to be enjoyable

I liked this when I saw it.

It's so funny how Germans these days and the Germans portrayed in jewish Hollywood always insist "Oh we didn't hate the jews… w-we had no idea that Hitler didn't like jews! P-please don't hurt me anymore, Mr. Klausnerstein! I love m-multiculturalism. I love jews!"
Fucking pathetic.
If Germans didn't mind jews running their industries, media, and degrading their nation at every turn, why'd they vote for Hitler?

This isn't it, the one I'm thinking of was very recent. Looks great, though.



Remember seeing it be attacked for humanizing German soldiers and getting bad reviews for it.
Another series that got attacked by the (((MSM))) was the Trotsky (2017) which portraits him realistically and his Jewish roots.

Is that a movie? I'll have to look into it

Did you even watch it, you fucking retard? One of the main characters is fucking a kike, another helps kikes in the hospital, another is a kike himself, and the last is an intentionally shitty soldier. Plus, all the commanding officers are portrayed as killhappy psychopaths.

Triggered kike.

Production was as well as I could ask anyone to do for German television in 2013. Really, ask yourself, what you would expect a WW2 biopic to look like in our current era produced for German tv?

From wikipedia: "Critics have acknowledged the film to be well crafted, intense and unsparing in its depiction of combat on the eastern front.[3] However, aspects such as the portrayal of the Polish anti-Nazi resistance as anti-semites, the scant depiction of Nazi Germany's objective to purge the Reich of Jews,[4] and the blurring of differences between non-German victims and German perpetrators have been deplored by others." Not as much kvetch as I'd like, but it's a start. If you watch it you'll be surprised it exists.

Bottom line: kikes and anglos (yes I repeat myself) got real sore over this production and it's lack of racial self-flagellation. That doesn't make it good, but it at least gives it a shot.

Talvisota (The Winter War) 1989 is on pirate bay.
No niggers, no Jews, no fags, just two or three hours of white men gunning down thousands of Invading communists.

Reality is always superior

Nothing that comes out of the electric jew is good or was ever good.

That is coping, you are fighting for breadcrumbs
What you are really saying is

It's the best you're going to get in 2019


my pp hard

Well user gotta use what's already in the table

I can't vouch for whether this is a "good show" or not, but OP's clip was subtly shocking and felt really strange to watch because it's the first time I've ever seen a screenplay where Germans are shown as being victims of wartime cruelty.
Literally everything else just shows Germans being needlessly destructive and torturously cruel for no reason. Any other clip like this and those women would be smiling evil smiles as they watched muh nazis shooting and raping muh chosen people

I did see it. It was meh. The acting was mixed but the production values were decent, and the soundtrack was pleasant. Plus anything German-centric is worthy of being promoted, since they are nearly completely erased from history at this point.

This sort of comment seems to imply that we're somehow in need of television entertainment and so must find whatever slightly resembles sorta kinda maybe something they agree with. Nobody needs TV entertainment.

I saw this show before I was redpilled. The company I worked for at around the show debuted on netflix had some germans helping out with orders. When I asked if they had seen the show they acted weird and embarrassed. Had I not been a bluepilled faggot I would have talked more but at the time I just chalked it up to them being embarrassed about WWII.

Still interesting topic.
Forgot that show on amazon video where they made nsdap to sympathetic that they made them monsters in season 3.

It was shit user.
Shameful, but if you're going to do it…



ITT: yid shill muddying the waters and trying to get anons to watch Talmudvision propaganda.

It was ok for what it was. Considering it was made in a country that jails you if you raise your right arm

Good point. What anons should be doing is promoting our shit through internet or indie games.

Can you raise your arm to ask a question?

QTDDTOT, kill yourself shitskin.

i watched this and i liked it

first of all about the ideology: has pretty much nothing to do with it, outside the iconography
bunch of nazi uniforms but that is pretty much it, all it does is humanizes the wehrmacht but they dont really go into any serious politics
combat scenes were nice
characters were kinda nice and relateable too
the whole story was believable and interesting enough for me to watch it to the end

Well, they didn't vote for Hitler because jews.

While jews were not a protected class, semi-deitis as in contemporary world (the worship of jews there is without peer), knowledgable people did know of the deeper root of rot. Germany then had in fact "freedom of speech", jews abused to their hearts conntent, but also Anti-Semites could publish enlighting information about the jews.

But the general public was kind of ignorant, not as bad as today, but bad enough that a significant part of the voted for leftist, socialists, organizations were the jew's ass jumps one right into the face - if one has broken the mental blockade.

Yeah very funny - when someone is poking a gun into your face.

How is that in your country, do the politicians stand in a row in front of jews to beg for admittance? Or is it that they are straight jews, like in based eastern Europe?

I bet big money your parents fought to erect jew rule over the world.

Because the effects of jew rule and their shabboze goyim, French and Poles were so obvious even the most ignorant did understand that Hitler was the solution.

Semi deities of the Anglo world. Germans really don't worship them.

The USA has unconditional free speech and you can know and talk about the machinations of the jew, they still love them more than their own parents, children, folk.

In Germany if you say it would be good idea to support families to have children. (((They))) shout at you that this is exactly what Hitler would have done.
If you try to reply, that you are traveling on streets Hitler actually has build… Then your carrier is finished, lost your job without compensation, you are an outcast that not even the (((Lutheran church))) will let you into their buildings.

True story, but in Germany you can't win an election by advertising that you are the best thing for Israel, like in the USA.