New Zealand's Jewish community is outraged and revolted after a prominent mosque leader blamed Mossad for being behind the Christchurch terror attack.

Several attendees at the event have already called out the event, saying they were "disappointed by some of the hate rhetoric".


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Other urls found in this thread:


Once a kike ass kisser, always a kike ass kisser

This thread has better quality, don't rip on his ass mods and anons.

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agreed, Mossad will kill you because they wish whether you are in BURMA OR BRAZIL.

So jews in-fight?

The mossad false flag narrative is actually substanced by israel officials.

kys shills

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He got all his finances from buying dank meme coins on the internet, not that dumb sandniggers understand how that works.

Attached: bitconnect.jpg (918x677, 47.2K)

Mossad doesn't give a damn. They'd lend a government contract to anybody with a cringey face and a high IQ.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (340x264, 102.38K)

Attached: SHUTITDOWNSHEINSULTSCLINTON.mp4 (300x477 2.95 MB, 33.7K)

Mossad cornered the market in BitCurrency Pepe memes early on to fund the Christcurch murders of Shitskins and then blame it on the white man.

ok retard

Attached: 1544684800634.jpg (500x499, 22.6K)

Incite the masses to kill jews in New Zealand.

Mossad doesn't care about your boomer ass. You're the definition of a useful idiot.

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Damn, all those quality jokes.
Those last few days have been so full of laughter and good feelings like I rarely had them.

Btw, eurofag here, after every post, I lose my internet connection, and have to restart my router.

bull shit jew shill!!!
millions of shekels were made and lost in posting rare pepe memes.
mossad was behind it all influencing the rare pepe market. that is how the christchurch bitcoincurrency shooter his rampage, with the help of mossad.

Was there some high-end financial component to the shooting I'm not aware of? It doesn't take a ton of money to pick up a gopro and a few long guns.


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Checked pee pee dubs

never been more thankful than to fall into the boomer category than tonight, at least mossad won't kill me tomorrow.

……….but how did they know I was in fact a boomer, christ the internet is scary, it's like they actually know who I am.


No but uh it's the Jesuits. Jew-Jesuit-Sanhedrin-Vatican same shit different century just a bunch of jealous angel demons trying to kill and frame and blame Jesus, and all those who love Him.

Those who don't study history and you fucking faggy jew nazi motherbitches know

Ecclesiastes 1:9
9 That which has been is what will be,
That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  (Revelation 13:16)

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  (Revelation 13:17)

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.  (Revelation 13:18)


It's the fucking Catholic Church u dumb motherfuckers. Rabbi = Father. Don't degrade yourselves further by asking me to go on. Sexual Abuse, I don't know how many more clues a religion can give that it is the WOLF in Sheep's clothing, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Pagaism perfected, since the days of the gods they worshipped before the flood. And the gods they worshipped in Egypt.

Yeah but no you're not wrong when you say Jew but what is a Jew? Lol nvm nvm nvm but srsly i expected more from you bunch and the fact that you haven't seen this obvious shit makes me feel like Martin fucking Luther, but drunk and more vandalize-y LOLZ HE HATED JEWS LMAO and also uhh the Catholic Church? Badass monk. Baddest monk in the fucking world. He defied a pope with German eloquence and good manners. I have neither of those things. But, you know, fucking Zach Galifianakis got the President on his little shit two fern show so this is my show. Please subscribe and don't forget to vote Funnay! No but seriously the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon as detailed in Daniel chapter 2, 7, 10-12 and Revelation 12,13,17,18, and more. Hey check out Professor Walter Veith he speaks English German Affricans i dont know he's a Professor of Zoology who was a very very devout Catholic that had brushes with the supernatural and had to call in an exorcist who was of course fucking useless lmao I dunno check it out okay bye!

Kill yoursef old fat faggot
I blame you personally

Another duplicate slide thread.
I wonder how long does the D&C jidf raid will last.

Reminder that these shills are allowed to post here.

listen mossad, if it wasn't you just tell us who it was then

I don't care if it really was Mossad or not, it is still exploitable.

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The Jesuits are a Military Religious Order of the Roman Catholic Church

Many people love to point the finger at the Jesuits as the cause of the world’s troubles.

The Jesuit order is a Roman Catholic order of priests and scholars. Their leadership live in the Vatican.

The great secret however is that the society of Jesus was organized by crypto-Jews.

The Jesuit society was created in 1534 by a group of Marrano Jews: Ignatius Loyola, Alfonso Salmeron and Diego Lainez.

In 1492 the entire Jewish community of Spain, some 200 000 of them, were expelled. Amidst these expulsions the tactic of crypto-Judaism is taken up by many in the Jewish community in order to hide and evade exile and persecution. But the conversion is always a dishonest one and they continue their Jewish practices in secret.

The founder of the Jesuit order Ignatius Loyola himself was a crypto-Jew of the occult cabala. In 1491 Loyola began his subversive activities in the Jewish Illuminati order of Spain under the guise of Roman Catholicism. Links and More

Origin of Pedophilia?:

The Catholic Church is “owned” By Jews

Vatican Jewish Paper Shows Judiazation of Catholicism

Jew Paul, aka Saul of Tarsus the Pharisee – A False Apostle, Infiltrator, and Subverter

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” – Yahushua in Matthew 7:15 (NKJV)

“We came in like lambs and will rule like wolves.” –Francesco Borgia, Third Jesuit Superior General.

Exactly, only nosebook fags argue who dunnit with each other.

What a qt kittie

SVALI SPEAKS [former Illuminati trainer and survivor]


A white man that thought he should actually do something i know it's shocking for you mordechaï that a goy spat in you face.

Whatcha sliding, moshe?

Attached: (((Karl))).jpg (531x588, 54.66K)

The Cgi. :^)

All Roads Lead to Rome.

4D. Brenton doesn't mention the jews in his manifesto, you tards push mossad false flag threads cause of that, passing mudslimes read them and spread them amongst themselves, hilarity ensures.

Who cares




he does mention jews, only subtlety. he lists israeli in a list of invaders and says he doesn't mind a jew who doesn't seek to harm or subvert white people (pro tip: they don't exist)


Based, the Muslims know


I thought I've seen it all years ago, yet every day this hell gets fresher.

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The real Mossad operation is robbing Brenton Tarrant of his agency by trying to convince Whites that it was a Mossad false flag operation.

Reminder that jews are far more afraid of Whites violently resisting White genocide than they are of pathetic faggots whining on the Internet about Mossad organizing false flag shootings.

They want Whites to have no heroes, for Whites to believe that any time a White man has the balls to spill blood in defense of his nation that it was a jewish trick.

This is very basic jewish black magic.

If I hear one more deepfake in place of a Death Grips song, I'm quitting electricity.

Reminder mossad false flags/psy-ops are NOT conspiracy theories but easily verifiable historical fact.


Attached: 1298F995-A89B-43AD-B21C-861E30A0A368.jpeg (752x710, 188.39K)

New Sub Human Created to destroy whites


Attached: th.jpeg (474x284, 11.16K)

Saint Brenton the Remover is pitting jew vermin against mudslime vermin. Exactly as he predicted.

The fact that the OP photoshopped a merchant onto Saint Tarrant The Remover's icon proves that the OP is a kike shill and that the "Christchurch was a mossad op" angle is in fact the Mossad operation.

That's why you all had to be taught a lesson. Go back to where you belong. You don't belong in white countries.


The fallout from this is causing maximum butthurt everywhere. GoPro stock is up 9.3% since the shootings.

Attached: goprostock93.png (617x514, 44.2K)

Look at the false flag thing as a gift. Now whenever a white guy goes on a rampage we can just point at the jews.

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Its not mossad. Its just jews. And the jews know that so they counter-accuse the one whoused the term mossad of racism even though mossad is a state apparatus, not a person.

This is because the person accusing the mossad accuser is themselves jewish and knows the reality of the situation.

If only the internet would let me create an alert for when Ahmed Bhamji is accidented.

This (again)

Its all so tiresome. There was just a thread which maxed out on replies filled with pure jewish autism trying to discredit Brenton, and now we have the very same thread again just 15 minutes later. When will mods finally do something?

Yeah I was reading that. Someone posted something about disappearing shell casing.

yeah its almost as if there were multiple shooters at the scene

Attached: multiple shooters confirmed.webm (592x1280, 2.91M)

That's the most retarded and ridiculous thing I ever heard, because of the shit quality video and the light you cant see the shells at a certain distance from the camera, it's a trick of the lens,
it's like filming a planes rotor blades but the camera will show you a blade flying upwards because of the motion and speed of the blades rotating.

But whatever, faggots will say whatever stupid shit to discredit this site

That's from pakistan you dumb fucking kike.


Attached: Coulter - Where's the Lie.png (1296x6736, 5.02M)

Bonus video: The cops that took him down were in a mass shooter training exercise as the "real" shooting occurred.

Attached: christchurch gunman police training exercise.webm (1024x576, 10.31M)

They would know better than to start a global anti-white campaign.


Thank you mr Trump.

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The hypocritical shits.

The "muh false flag" shills are trying to put our Jewish brethren in danger. Quick, call Q and Trump meme posters to make this thread Zionist.

Oy vey, what do you have to say to this fellow user ?

Clearly you are wrong for hurting his feelings.

Jews really love to corrupt and bastardize, do they?

I have no doubt they are behind the jewish Hitler shop.

Nice false flag, my kike dog.

Tarrant was clearly a Mossadi stooge:
>Tarrant somehow visited Pakistan as a muslim hater, stayed in an (((Aga Khan))) hotel there
>Tarrant STILL supports (((Trump))) as a symbol of white identity
TL;DR: sage and kys, ziokike shill

This post is a proof most of the Mossad false flag shills never read the Great Replacement manifesto.
But they will always know this, because it's what their israeli handlers tell them.

You mean the manifesto that was written by Mossad itself?

You mean your source who is supplied by Mossad itself?

Is that toast, or is someone having a stroke?

My seed is worth more than your entire life. So said the richest man on the planet. Quit being thieving ass monkeys

Fucking schizo boomer.

Muslims are kike puppets in white genocide, but mostly unknowingly.

Not really, their brutality towards white and their knowledge of laws are supplied by jews.

Lick my ass cunt.

Disgusting kike thought.

kikes are afraid of their golem
based muslim

These sandniggers and various dune-based coons must be glad to have white men who come up with such high-quality anti-semitism which they themselves can redeploy.
You’re welcome, Achmed.

Nigger, it is the Odal Rune and the multiple "14"s over the gun are followed by "words".

Attached: odal rune.png (1920x1282, 64.67K)

unironically this

This dumb fucking spam pasta need to die as all faggot shills that spam it.
All released later as unrelated to the shooting.
>Tarrant somehow visited Pakistan as a muslim hater, stayed in an (((Aga Khan))) hotel there
So? I hate them too, yet I was in three sandnigger countries. What the fuck is this supposed to prove.
So? Also only proof about that is RT's "some Israeli official".
Thanks captain. So?
>Tarrant STILL supports (((Trump))) as a symbol of white identity
You are too stupid to understand plain text manifest. Literally sub-gorilla IQ.
It's Odal rune you drooling qtard moron.
What the fuck is this even supposed to mean. Fucking hell, this is some advanced larping.
No. It states literally same views on JQ as Hitler held. That is expulsion of all kikes from Europe and being okay with them living separately in their space IF they are not subverting white countries. I guess Hitler too was a zionist and mossad operative.
He mentions Breivik as inspiration to act itself you fucking monkoid.
So? You kike boomers, jesus.
Nearly decade ago. And again, so?

Your dumb empty head can also explain it.

If he was an aussie he would spell color as colour (British spelling). It is suspicious that he would use American spelling if what he claims is true.

Let me get this straight. He makes a typo and now it is "jewish spelling"? Toplel.

yes, everyone knows the jews corrupted the english language in america for their benefit

He obviously misspoke. He meant American English spelling.

Hitler said the opposite about Israel.

Attached: 1394576402636.jpg (1280x800, 153.75K)

He is talking explicitly about inability and reluctance of Jewry to build their own state with their own will and merit. We are talking about something completely different though - expulsion of Jews out of our lands (as Hitler wanted) and then separating them in their space (as Hitler wanted) with us living in peace unless they commit subversion.


Besides, while we are at it:

Interesting. We can assume that there were only four million jews in Germany. Where did the 6 million number come from?

figure the entire crowd behind the front row was paid lackeys, ASSistants, bodyguards, JewMedia drivers, etc.

Actual turn out in support of the Jewish publisher in France was zero.

Mostly from semitic imagination I would guess and some long-term fascination by that number.

Attached: 1914AppealForAidForJews.jpg (561x557, 243.94K)