With Turning Tides: Tarrant and Our Acceleration (GTFIH)

I'm from Australia and am deeply involved with the Liberal party as a mole. Since the shooting, the official consensus has been, Tarrant man = bad. However, behind closed doors, it is a different story. Earlier this week, Aus time, we had our monthly meeting. After formal discussion and fulfilling the points of our agenda, we had a casual group conversation in which the topic of the NZ shooting came up. From what I can remember, at least 50% supported him, the other 50% understood why the attacks happened (multiculti, duh), and 100% were against the PM's actions of cuckoldry, with even the most milquetoast members stating that cucking wasn't really a smart idea. Now, keep in mind that this group consisted of nearly 400 people. That's a pretty significant number. And I can't recall a time where such an act could have gathered so much support. Hell, I even know Leftists who are defending the recent talking points of Mr Fraser Anning.

To make a leap here, it seems, from what I've seen so far, that the real bulwark against the idea of nationalism for whites is the implicit belief that whites somehow owe others stuff (insert Lefty talking point here) and therefore we should cuck. However, this belief is dying very slowly because when whites look at their cities, they see the state of things. They see that nonwhites are ungrateful and unintelligent subhumans who lack any real understanding of the word quality and have no respect for whites. Even the Boomers implicitly admit that whites are the only people who believe in anti-racism and equality. The state of things is an undeniable reality and the only thing really keeping people from waking up faster is that our countries are still places that are relatively comfy. Thus, as time progresses, more and more people will wake up at an exponential rate. It's an inevitability.

Now is the time for Accelerationism because only that will make things better. You aren't going to wake whites up by the boatload with red pills but by making things worse. Nothing will wake them up faster than being spat upon and shitted on by these hoards of garbage-quality people. It's already happening, in fact. All we have to do is guide things along so to speak.

To make this thread worthwhile, we can discuss how to A C C E L E R A T E things. Potential gas pedals:

1) spreading Tarrant's manifesto everywhere (it has been translated into a multitude of languages already)
2) Voting for Yang-like candidates (any retard with communist policies that can crash the economy will do)
3) Distributing red pill materials (gather some friends and drop 1000 JQ flyers into the mailboxes of a suburb)

Anything that increases net entropy will do. The future is in the hands of chaos magicians.

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Unless you're going to shoot up a Synagogue get the fuck off this board

So you're going to shoot up a synagogue?

Jesus christ, i wish we had this liberal party in canada!

Liberals here are actually cuckservatives. Labour is our liberal party.

fuck off lowjew.



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Our form of accelerationism is only waking up the poor and young whites, yet we are totally forgetting about the boomers who created the problem in the first place. Once they start losing their timeshares they'll start to see the writing on the wall.

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Show me one scintilla of evidence that people are sympathetic with this shooter. Because this is the only acceleration I've seen.

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You won't see it in public because people are too cautious but it's definitely there.

You won't see it because it doesn't exist.

Anything that can highlight that the democratic system is defunct and controlled by external international forces is good. Illustrating that the "right" and "left" wing are in collusion is good. People being pissed off at pisslam is good because it creates and us vs them mentality, but people also need to be pissed off at christian shitskins too: this is a problem.


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ive seen it with my own eyes across the entire internet, kikelord

I sometimes see it on the internet, but then I think it's probably just Zig Forums again

It was good up until you shilled for yang. Spreading redpills is one thing, getting kikes in office is another.

If one is too afraid of killing Muslims, but still has a decent reading capacity, I would recommend them to learn how to make bombs. Put the bombs in or around mosques. Preferably at night if one does not want to be caught. Wear a mask, and a pair of cloths you will throw away afterward. Also wear gloves, and while making the bombs still wear the gloves. Leave no trace of evidence.
Damaging mosques will agitate Muslims. If we want to truly accelerate, we must also radicalize the Muslims that hide their Jihad level like we hide our power levels. If they dedicate themselves to Jihad, they will go about committing even more terrorists attacks. The "peaceful" Muslims will feel as if they are not safe, and therefore directly fight for our lands and their safety. Most Muslims are inbred, so they will be easy to make mad. It is like poking a bear with a mile long pole. And destroying their cave.

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*stupid american chink

That's not the definition of shilling, retard. Nor am I saying that's what you should do. I merely said it was a potential avenue for Accelerationism.

That's not proof.

boomers are useless geriatric slobs just pretend they dont exist until shtf then put them out of their misery


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Alright Aussie, lets talk Accelerationism then. We can both agree that in order to have whites aware and willing to defend themselves and their people, the decadence and the machines of decadence must grind to a halt in the West, preferably suddenly and shockingly. The only shock big enough to cause this effect would be an economic disaster caused by either war, pestilence, or (((economic manipulation))).

The issue however is that accelerating towards the cliff is not useful if you have nothing prepared when you fall. When the fall occurs, only the seeds that have been sown up to that point will really have a chance to germinate. Redpills are the seeds, and they sit dormant in the minds of people whom they are spread to. These people have to network and organize, largely quietly and unassumingly as has happened in your Aussie Liberal party, and ensure that you have a base of support to grow from once the chaos reigns. And I do not believe those bases of support are large enough or strong enough yet to warrant trying to artificially push the collapse to occurring faster. If it happens when the right is no prepared, the only groups that will take over are the fucking Communists and whomever else is organized to do it. You need the military, amicable politicians, and a shit ton of private citizens to be redpilled enough to follow your group's leadership when they finally recognize the plight they are in. Do you think your Liberals or your closer compatriots are ready for that?

Sowing chaos is fine, but at least fling shit over something good that might germinate from it. God knows what you'll be fertilizing otherwise.

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We are already rolling towards the cliff. However the difference between rolling and accelerating is people don't notice anything while rolling. With acceleration, we get people to wake up before we do or at least they wake up in theory. We're turning the heat up under the pot in which the frog sits. Slow boil VS scorching escape.

Required reading for every accelerationist. Thanks, user.


In order to accelerate, we must collapse multiple countries and systems, not just one

Otherwise, we risk having an inferior system taking over. We have to collapse the entire globe, not just the United States.

Best to start with the UK, Germany, and France. The kikes in office there are on their last legs. All they need is just a little push…

You have to understand, Zig Forums is literally under attack by bad actors, shills, and literally jews in tel aviv

Here what you all can do if you don't want to go violent
- Acquire a big email database (millions of emails)
- Spam Tarrants manifesto + anarchist cookbook + some easy to consume redpill (to get an initial attention)
Even if only 0.1% read it - it's a lot of people that may wake their friends.

Fantastic idea.

Did you even read the greentext in that image? It's an obvious fabrication.

There will be no rubberband effect, the endgame of acceleration, because society is demoralized and subconsciously wants to die.

Tarrant was clearly a Mossadi stooge:
>Tarrant somehow visited Pakistan as a muslim hater, stayed in an (((Aga Khan))) hotel there
>Tarrant STILL supports (((Trump))) as a symbol of white identity
TL;DR: sage and kys, ziokike shill

You had 70 years to prepare.

Exactly! Very good ideas.

Ignore all the weak naysayers and subversives.

That IS acceleration you dumb faggot.

You should shoot up a bunch of heroin , like a BUNCH of it

You first.

Good thread, OP.

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You're so fucking retarded thinking polacks believe this shit lol. Holy fuck you shills are pathetic.

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just shoot more enemies

you know
we only memed trump in because he was retarded
you'd know that if you were not an npc and could see reality instead of simply taking orders and thoughts from an outside source

The only one here who wants to die subconsciously is you, cuck. Now everyone here, including yourself, a favour and jump off the bridge you keep looking at so fondly.

get out of here schizo, they are taking is video off the internet, i've never seen this amount of effort on a shooting. And trump was a symbol of white identity because the whole deal brought the discussion to a somewhat public sphere, also Tarrant is an ecofascist of course he would support an homeland for everyone, ecofascism is about building cultural ties with the environment. In regards europe he mentioned that all the semitic peoples should go you know, muslims and jews.

Join mosque facebook groups and tell them that our schools are guaranteed to raise their children into homosexuals.
People always tell us "Your grandchildren will all be brown", inform them of the fact that if they don't act rapidly their grandchildren will all be white, christian, crossdressing penis sucking, anal sex having gays.
Print off the best drawings of mohammed and the quran that you can find and mail them to every mosque in your country.

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The goal is not equal suffering amongst your people, the goal is the survival of your people. I understand any desire to make those that caused great suffrage pay for what they have done, but that should never delay or obscure your actual goal; providing a future for white children, and their children, and their children.

Read the manifesto. There isn't time anymore, can you really distribute red pills as fast as the muslims arrive? Can you even distribute red pills as fast as the media distributes blue pills?

If the media is destroyed then our red pills will finally work.
Islamic terror attacks breed right wing politicians.
And don't forget, there's no greater red pill than danger.

It pretty much worked for Australia, because didn't they pass some law for immigration control shortly after?

I will savor the day I get to eradicate your repulsive parasitic tribe from the face of this planet. Shut the fuck up yid. You are such a pathetic people your way of shilling here is to tell us to attack your own kind now? Geez just like in judea when the romans seized your capital during your ancestors botched rebellions you threw your own brothers and sisters in front of you to be killed before you could. Your time is coming dont worry about that.

Stick to the plan! -Qaccel

Chaos magician reporting in. Hail Eris!

Fuck off schizo.

The only place I've met people so far that don't support Brenton is Zig Forums and I live in Ontario, Canada. Everyone here supports and understand Brenton, even my bluepill liberal father.


Why not just burn their mosques down? Bombs are more complex and there is a lot of issues there.

It's just for observational purposes. There's no need for ideological masturbation. We know what we want.

Pretty damned sure everyone wants society to die so it can be born again. The rubberband effect is completely reasonable to expect.

Your story there is only convincing to people who haven't browsed Zig Forums for years and can't understand the manifesto is perfection.

Do you do this for free or for pay Shlomo?


Kek I've been doing this but with Christians and not on facebook but IRL.

Nobody "memed" Trump. He did all that with his insane amounts of money.

It's probably a Muslim.

All the Muslims say attack a synagogue only.

All the Jews say attack Muslims only.

All the actual white people say attack all invaders any opportunity you get, any invader removed is good.

No he was memed in. If money was everything Hillary would be president.

You're human garbage.

Bullshit, post your penis on here with time stamp to prove its real.

This gives me so much confidence, you lying shills don't know how to hide among us. You don't do enough research because you underestimate our intelligence. You won't lurk long enough make a post that fits in because you know you'll be persuaded to our side.

Run back to discord.
Re-write your spam.
Come back and embarrass yourself.

bruh moment #u65i43oo95i8

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Tell all of your family and close friends that you support and admire Brenton Tarrant.
Tell everyone you know that's right of center that he is highly intelligent.
Tell everyone you know who is a bluepilled cuck that Brenton's plan wasn't counterproductive to Brenton's goals.

Get everyone to read the manifesto. Get everyone to watch the video. Get everyone to DO SOMETHING that accelerates.

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Czech here. General consensus of normie population (except Prague) ranges between "They had it coming, nothing of value lost" to "We need ten like him in every country". Shitposting by normies praising Tarrant on the internet is on critical levels up to the point that ministry of interior actually deployed special task group for tracking people who make these comments, which is something that never before happened.

He most definitely started the fire.

Hope you're spreading his manifesto. If not, go tpo the translation thread and grab a Czech copy.

I'm the guy who is translating it brah. And you bet it will be shared wide once it is finished.

A week ago I would of agreed with you user but since all the hype has died down from the attack I don't think accelerationism has any legs to stand on. It was a good effortpost by BT and revenge for ISIS attacks, a lot of good memes came from it but now it's just old news.

No shit!? Then continue on, good sir!

The music is good for the video but too 00s to meme the video. For GEN z try something more modern. Use nigger music if you have to.




I think of St. Tarrant every day.

Yes, the end-of-decadence crisis will create an urge in the masses to escape, and that is absolutely necessary to save them. However, it is just the urge to escape that they will have, and in their fear and panic will accept any plan proposed by a leader whom they believe will allow them to escape whether that plan or leader will actually help them or not. The key is to have the right conditions by which the right leadership can rise to prominence with a good solution when the crisis occurs or is accelerated into. Otherwise you seed the next round of Communism in the West, or worse.

You can do it faster, far faster. Events that capture attention of normies that are direct results of the ills that face the West are prime opportunities to redpill, and since 2015 those events have been particularly abundant. Look at how much the zeitgeist has changed since that time. Just four years later and conversations even anons never thought they would be considering are happening quietly in public. It's an exponential growth, and it must grow into real organized effort. You can't possibly consider that society is ready for the collapse when right now people are too afraid to even disagree in public. If you propose stepping on the gas to make things worse, you better damn well cultivate the minds of as many people as you can so they will not fall into the arms of the enemies of the West the moment things go to shit. It's a more useful expenditure of energy than digging at a faultline that is already primed to rupture on its own.

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Fake and gay

My point was not that I want revenge on Boomers, my point was that the Boomers still have most of the money and political power in America, I don't think we can afford to not have them with us.

There is a very important and paradoxically safe point: setting nationalism and Tarrant aside, it is axiomatic that diversity means conflict. Had Tarrant not done this, as many people would have died at the hands of an outgroup, one way or another, not necessarily from terrorism per se. Keep bringing in hostile strangers and all the reactions to Tarrant are so much hot air. True concern about violence means not letting more strangers in, possibly sending some back, and definitely demanding assimilation of any who stay.

I thought he didn't spend much money

He was funded by Zionist Jews. You can look that up. He lied about being self-funded. He was only ever partially self-funded at best.



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no we memed trump because he's capable of fixing the country and the world by proxy, don't forget that


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kinda off topic but what is the song on the video? there was a link on youtube but it's down now

Which video? At what time? Be more specific.

the original video of the shooting posted here several times


Good to see you, Blackpillfag. Did you get banned from /v/ again?

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that's a good one but i meant the one that sounds like an edm version of a nazi anthem or something like that
found the video

Attached: 64afa7c34b7a7c3249dce2bb91d7296f0af87d3cdfdf4c5607e236790ce7fbed.webm (320x240, 12.92M)

I linked you a playlist, but if can't just look at the other videos

I got you, brah!

Holy shit, these kikes are ovening our song. But Here is a new upload.


…how in the fuck?

Everyone thinks about St. Tarrant everyday, even this lying discord/reddit shill that is scared of speaking his name.


OP wants us to vote on liberals.