I'm from Australia and am deeply involved with the Liberal party as a mole. Since the shooting, the official consensus has been, Tarrant man = bad. However, behind closed doors, it is a different story. Earlier this week, Aus time, we had our monthly meeting. After formal discussion and fulfilling the points of our agenda, we had a casual group conversation in which the topic of the NZ shooting came up. From what I can remember, at least 50% supported him, the other 50% understood why the attacks happened (multiculti, duh), and 100% were against the PM's actions of cuckoldry, with even the most milquetoast members stating that cucking wasn't really a smart idea. Now, keep in mind that this group consisted of nearly 400 people. That's a pretty significant number. And I can't recall a time where such an act could have gathered so much support. Hell, I even know Leftists who are defending the recent talking points of Mr Fraser Anning.
To make a leap here, it seems, from what I've seen so far, that the real bulwark against the idea of nationalism for whites is the implicit belief that whites somehow owe others stuff (insert Lefty talking point here) and therefore we should cuck. However, this belief is dying very slowly because when whites look at their cities, they see the state of things. They see that nonwhites are ungrateful and unintelligent subhumans who lack any real understanding of the word quality and have no respect for whites. Even the Boomers implicitly admit that whites are the only people who believe in anti-racism and equality. The state of things is an undeniable reality and the only thing really keeping people from waking up faster is that our countries are still places that are relatively comfy. Thus, as time progresses, more and more people will wake up at an exponential rate. It's an inevitability.
Now is the time for Accelerationism because only that will make things better. You aren't going to wake whites up by the boatload with red pills but by making things worse. Nothing will wake them up faster than being spat upon and shitted on by these hoards of garbage-quality people. It's already happening, in fact. All we have to do is guide things along so to speak.
To make this thread worthwhile, we can discuss how to A C C E L E R A T E things. Potential gas pedals:
1) spreading Tarrant's manifesto everywhere (it has been translated into a multitude of languages already)
2) Voting for Yang-like candidates (any retard with communist policies that can crash the economy will do)
3) Distributing red pill materials (gather some friends and drop 1000 JQ flyers into the mailboxes of a suburb)
Anything that increases net entropy will do. The future is in the hands of chaos magicians.