Is doing this kind of shit even legal? When the fuck does this even stop, wouldn't the workers who get affect be Mexican though?
Is doing this kind of shit even legal? When the fuck does this even stop...
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Nope. Extremely illegal. But;
- a woman did it
- she did it against orange bad man
- she did it against a white man
She won't even get investigated.
Joke's on her, the white right-wing guy baited her into attacking an illegal Mexican's restaurant.
Get the fuck off our website and go back to reddit.
Wait…she just attacked their business or just went and cancelled hers?
Under what charges?
Holy shit this is white liberal bourgeoisie next level of "muh food must have muh messicans cooking it!" I hope the next taco she eats gives her uncontrollable shits.
White white or spic n pan white?
So does this mean when I go into a Chinese, Italian, or Mexican place and there aren't THOSE KIND OF PEOPLE cooking the food or running the place, I can torch it to the ground because of reparations or whatever fucking faggot buzzword this imbecile is yelling about?
In an alternate timeline there's immense virtue signaling and massive battles between the left and right but are played out on an uncancelled Takishis Castle unironically dubbed to the tune of most MXE because it revived it's ratings. This is the episode where every single person on the team runs headfirst into a door.
Similarly, vid related is Guy.
What the fuck is going on in that mp4
Niglet gets a gun, thinks hes hot shit, shoots at random things. At least, thats what i gather from it.
now find the mex restaurant where she sacrificed her future to virtue signaling, and give the boss there the information he needs to sue the shit out of this cunt
I can't, I'm not on the same continent
hes got more heart than most people posting here so ponder that
We should find the restaurant and notify them.
Sadly accurate. I guess we have to find her and mete out justice ourselvesWho the fuck am I kidding?
Does she live in a red flag law state?
I would not consider blissful ignorance of the consequences as "heart". Niggers don't think
A shame he's so fucking retarded.
I think he was waving the gun around and some niggers shot at him. So he shot back and they drove off. So he went outside and waved the gun around again. So they came back and shot at him, again. He somehow survived and he was still jabbering into the phone while live-streaming.
And from what I gather, its his grandmothers house. Of course it is.
Watertown, SD
What a fucking cunt,.
Aka i got knocked up by chad and never lost the weight so he left me so now i hate kids and love to bitch to other cunts about my shitty life and i even get paid for it user
Pls ruin this bitch
Yes, he should be cloned and replace the entire population of the US.
Such beauty, such heart, so brave, so charming, such art, so inspiring.
Niggers gonna nig. Need to teach this boons how to shoot so they'll take each other out faster.
Thanks anons, I just didn't know where to post this but I'm getting sick of this whole "FUCKING WHITE MALE" shit and people getting away with it
This hambeast is the kind of piece of trash that thinks all Mexicans have to be 5 foot tall indios and would unironically hate Spanish-style cooking because if it's not made by people as dark as a tire, then it's not authentic in her subhuman liberal mind. I hate people like this because they are so ignorant to the fact that so many Aryan and CeltoIbericos live in Mexico, are Mexican or Hispanic in the case of Iberian blood. This bitch is actually a racist liberal retard.
Most of the pages she's liked on Facebook places her in South Dakota. But she also liked an extremely specific, as in single location, pet store in Orlando, Florida.
Most of her SD pages directly name as the location or are about this city.
How many Mexican places can there be up North?
A quick search on mapquest shows 4. One of them is a taco bell so you can rule that one out.
She has crazy-eyes, same ones that Hillary has.
Tell the cartel she ran off with their money.
Everything else will take care of itself.
When you kill them. There is no other way.
Looks like Senior Max's
From the windows in her pic and restaurants pics
The law doesn't exist to protect Whites lol
Cuckold race traitor boomer BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.
What is this app people use where the smileys float?
Just a typical day in some no-go zone in America where niggers shoot each other for no reason every day. Hell I watched this documentary about Detroit once and the niggers actually kill just to get in jail and this one nigger interviewed by the white bitch doing the documentary talked about how he's killed 7 times and each time only end up in prison for a few months before they kick him out because there isn't enough room so he kills again usually in a short while just to get back in. The niggers are dropping like flies and a lot of homes have no running water or anything and the corpses aren't even retrieved nobody gives a fuck I don't even know if a census is done to keep track of all the deaths. If you fancy it as long as you have a gun there's lots of places in America you can hide where police will never even bother to search for you.
Right Wing Nigger Squads to save the white race with when?
That's just like South Africa and Liberia the niggers can rarely ever hit their targets even after firing thousands of rounds at each other it eventually just comes down to them finishing each other off with machetes.
Typical. She lives away from the dievershitty and so has no fucking clue what it's like to be swamped by foreigners and live in a constantly hostile environment around them.
This is not likely an accident and is her subconsciously avoiding the very kind of muds that would terrorize her.
Most of the timeline got blown up in in 2012 and we're running on the few that required Donald Trump be president for it to work. Don't worry, you'll have eight years of Biden and Beto and maybe more.
This thing reads as if it were a meme and not a real person holy shit.
Mischief, vandalism, common nuisance,
thank you for noticing, a lot of people dont get it.
Seems kinda boring. Back to Smellit case, goys!
You fucking niggers just fucked up.
We had a thread just like this but with a dentist/nurse/whatever a couple months ago proven fake. This is clearly fake too, it's just edgier virtue signalling.