"To Kill A Hero" Propaganda Video

I made this for you. Spread it. There's more to come.

I'd like to make a German translation of this and would appreciate any help. I don't trust my own German enough to not fuck up the translation. If anyone else wants to translate it into their language, by all means do, and I'll swap out the title cards and upload it.

High(er) quality: transfer.sh/rQSu8/ToKillAHero_FINAL_H.264_CBR20.mp4
MD5: 1255E65F7CA86276B9BBB47D08549C3F

Attached: ToKillAHero_FINAL_H.264_VBR.mp4 (640x360, 7.08M)

Other urls found in this thread:


How do you want it to be translated, ITT?

saved, good stuff

Where did the film and actors come from? Nice vid by the way, saved

Yes. That way we can get multiple eyes on the translation. In English, the title cards are as follows:

(BAD | EVIL | HATE | TABOO | SHEEP) – (flashing "subliminal" text)
What if our past is a lie?
(GOOD | BOMB | KILL) – (flashing "subliminal" text)
What if we knew the truth?
What if good lost the war?
What if we were the enemy?

There are always…
…Two sides

What if Hitler was right?

We fought…
…For money

We killed…
…A hero

Break the taboo
Find the truth
Investigate history

It's a mix of shots from Man in the High Castle, Unsere Mütter, Unsere Väter, Stalingrad, Eine Frau in Berlin, and actual archive footage. Song is "Six" by Chimaira, by the way.

Personally, I am not a fan of the music. I hope you make more stuff without the fag music, but still good nonetheless.

Whenever I cut stuff to metal, I try to remove as much screaming as I can, but sometimes it's not possible. Anyway, I could make you a "Kesha" version your gay ass might like better.

I do have another video on deck. It's longer, about fifteen minutes. I have a long script and am looking for someone with a better voice than mine to narrate it. Maybe there's some good voice talent on 8/pol/, who knows.

You are doing gods work user. Thank you for your dedication.

Perhaps a version with more normie tier music would be easier to spread

Best numbers

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Hero's don't die user you know that 14 always 88 if need be

A coward dies a thousand deaths. A hero never dies.

Awesome video man, keep it up. If you're looking for metal tracks without screamo, try Manowar

I want to protect my people so what am i?

Nice job! Very aesthetic. I'm not the greatest fan of the music choice, but that's just because I like non-vocal pieces usually. Visually it looks quite good. How long did it take you to make it?

Quality material OP. Have a bump.

Music sounds jewy

needs less vocals, more flashing lights, flashing images of natsoc germany edited to the beat and less hollywood footage. you can find a ton of german combat footage from the war.

Mods are quietly b anning all pro-tarrant posting as stuff like "gay porn" or "spam" and have disabled TOR on the board.

Please do, that sounds hilarious

It feels too heavy handed your choice of clips is lazy find better footage this needs a lot of work but the idea is good

Well made video, but the music is distracting and will put a lot of people off.
Also, the amount of people you'll attract will be less than you could if you made the contents more linked to modern life.
Have the 2 minutes of hate cinema showing modern degeneracy that the majority of people find disgusting and are currently the bleeding edge of agenda promotion, such as, tranny children, teaching depraved sexual perversion to 5 year olds in schools, removing crosses from schools and public places, headlines of various similar topics, muslim terrorist attacks.
Mark those as "good", "do not question authority" and so on.
Then happy families, safe, pleasant homogenous communities, and being able to speak your mind as "bad".
You could make a series of these videos, each one with a different theme, but using the same concept, that people have been brainwashed to accept the opposite.

The day or the day after the NZ thing, I noticed that the site became slower, and the javascript seemed to change too.
Also, kikifarms announced they had had various agencies requesting info, which they denied, whereas there has been no such news from here. Chances are, everything is being fed right to the feds, which some say has been happening for years.


this site is ran by feds but theyre still to pussy to come at you just lol at you cucks to the jew world order. enjoy getting your anals stretched and eating shit faggots why the fuck else would you oppose us if youre not a fag? just lol

Same, heavy metal screetch music is retarded. And I am pretty sure its 'kosher' considering how the yids and their system utterly ignores that entire genre. It turns anyone not some angst ridden hormone teen try hard off from any message, to me at least it its another thing that gets normalfags further away from the truth of the world, same way they use the most ignorant conspiracy tard messages to conflate actual true messages that should be discussed.

This is an great and moving video, but half way thru it, that screeching guts your message. You made something that should be utterly epic, into a miss beyond an dedicated audience (us) that is willing to stick with it all the way thru. Go back and watch with open gates on how to properly manage sound when it comes to emotional pull and timing while also keeping it normalfag friendly. You are almost perfect in your execution otherwise and you do have a mind and skillset that can pull it off.

or be a defensive faggot and latch onto try hard girly schreeching as 'hard' or something while taking this post personal. that route has utterly failed since the 80s. I would rather you put aside the ego and become more than you are currently, we need such skilled user's working on inspiring messages that can appeal to the masses and carry our goals far beyond our site.

Attached: caligula.jpg (478x612, 59.33K)

This. Also consider trendy music like that kike propaganda song, "This is America" or some shit .Remember, the majority of the populous are stupid, Make the message simple and emotional. Appeal to the cucks



(Zlo | Nenavist | Taboo | Ovecka)
Co ak nasa minulost je klam??
(Dobro | Bombuj | Zabi)
Co ak by sme spoznali pravdu?
Co ked dobro prehralo tuto vojnu?
Co ak sme mi to zlo?

Su tam stale….
…..dve strany

Co ak Hitler mal pravdu?

Bojovali sme…..
….pre peniaze

Zabili sme…..
…… Patriota

Zlom to Taboo
Najdi pravdu
Prestuduj historiu

—– thanks for making, if you want to include a Slovak song use Ondrej Ďurica - Stráž


Attached: 11111056_1578899835714125_3624996598923812217_n.jpg (433x489, 51.39K)

If you want my two cents: no offence, but this is shit, it's on par with Dragonball Z amvs with Linkin Park music and random edgy text which will make nobody stop and question their beliefs. Also the footage you used is questionable at best. A better example of a proper, working, modern propaganda video would be the "With open gates" documentary, or hell, even that gay animation that starts with "A message from the alt right" which I don't happen to have, was a step in the right direction, despite its source. That is what you should try to do instead.

Attached: deutschland.webm (854x480, 11.82M)

Español (spanish):

¿Y si nuestro pasado es una mentira?
¿Y si supiéramos la verdad?
¿Y si los buenos perdieron la guerra?
¿Y si nosotros fuimos el enemigo?

Siempre hay…
…Dos lados

¿Y si Hitler tenía razón?

…Por dinero

…Un héroe

Rompé el taboo
Descubre la verdad
Investiga la historia.

Point taken. This was more of a personal "fun" video. The next one (which is much longer, narrated, and has normie-tier music) will be as well targeted to the masses as possible. I agree that Zig Forums and its ilk desperately need producers of quality media. Can you imagine how quickly the entire Western world would snap to their senses if we had extremely polished, high quality media content behind us? Don't worry. The video here won't be a one-off effort, believe me. but I still like metal, bitch

About a week, working on it in my spare time. One of the hardest things is footage acquisition. You have no idea how difficult and time consuming it is to source quality clips to edit to, especially archive footage of the war. If I had a partner who could curate good video for me, that would be amazing.

Let's see you make some videos, nigger. I understand the sentiment against the metal music; I get it, and the next videos won't have it. But that video you posted – Normies don't get converted by a six-minute clip of subtitles in drop-shadowed Arial over grainy footage some faggot ripped from a watermarked YouTube video in 144p. Normies want to see consistent, high quality productions, in HD, that look like they came from a professional marketing agency with money behind it. My strategy is not to rhetorically convince normies of this or that worldview, but rather to bring Zig Forums-tier convictions to the normiesphere in a package they'll actually pay attention to. If somebody makes a video portraying Hitler positively that looks like a million bucks, just for that fact – the quality – people will pay attention. Their reception of it goes from "another conspiracy video made by some weirdo on the internet" to "well-produced, well-funded PSA that maybe I should listen to".

In any case, no more metal.

Attached: neverending wehrmacht.jpg (615x482, 62.35K)

Danke, Brüder. I'll upload the translated versions later today.

German here


Was wenn unsere Vergangenheit eine Lüge ist?

GUT , BOMBEN (= "bombs", fits better here in German), MORD (= "murder", again, fits better)

Was wenn wir die Wahrheit wussten?
Was wenn das Gute den Krieg verlor?
Was wenn wir der Feind waren?

Es gibt immer…
…zwei Seiten…

Was wenn Hitler Recht hatte?

Wir kämpften…
..für Geld

Wir töteten…
einen Helden

Brich das Tabu
Erforsche die Geschichte
Finde die Wahrheit

Attached: 50_0.JPG (454x640, 269.67K)


I think "das Gute" sounds more dramatic.
But thanks for reminding me that commas exist. Also yeah i guess, "was, wenn wir die Wahrheit wüssten" makes more sense.

Very good.
I have but one suggestion: audio which is palatable to the masses. Even oldfag pantera/ministry fans can't stand to listen to screamo. Imagine uncle Bill trying to make it through this

Attached: slide.004.jpg (720x540, 74.99K)

Change the music and it's perfect! Good job

"das Gute" is correct, but it's more like the "universal concept/force of good", but if you talk about the good faction in a conflict, it's always "die Guten" (see vs. "die Bösen").

Digits der Gramatik

If anyone can find an instrumental of the track in the video, that would be a miracle. If not, I'll see if I can rework it with a different song, but it'll be tricky.

Attached: god digits.jpg (816x816, 80.95K)

I'm not able to listen to it right now so I don't know what music is being used, but I suggest using "traditional" natsoc music, i.e. Horst Wessel Lied, Kampflied der Nationalsozialisten, or Deutschland Erwache for its endearing, wholesome sound. If you're looking for something less upbeat, try Teufelslied or Volk ans Gewehr

Gesaffelstein - Pursuit will probably fit

Like others have said, very good video especially the subliminal shit will make normies uncomfortable and subconsciously question something.
However it could use a better soundtrack, I was thinking of a bit of a horror pitch rising up in the beginning and once the realisation starts Hitler might be right it turns to a more angelic redemption style music.

Maybe metal like youtu.be/kxAAr9i_t2M or youtu.be/fm8quGUEeBQ then

M8, I'm not the only one who's love of the west started with metal. It was the only medium I found in middle school and high school, before chans that embraced western heritage, celebrated the old gods and had proper respect for war and traditional masculinity.

Where else can you find lyrics that evoke Odin and call for the destruction of all enemies? Where else can you find lyrics that reinforce death before dishonor? Where else can you find musicians who publically declare themselves as friends of the sun cross?

Finally, where the fuck else will you find lyrics like this released two days after the hero Tarrant moved us one step closer to actual war.

On their way

The enemies of The West will be brought to bear.
Be they Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Traitor Pagan or otherwise.

I will proudly stand shoulder to shoulder with any man of good faith, so long as they understand and appreciate the 14 words and hold that as an earthly priority above all others. Divine priority be damned in this one mortal life we have. Let us do what we must and face what comes after when it arrives.

This is a sick tune. The music video is cool too. I actually had another video I was playing with cutting to that song, but I ditched it. I'll see if it'll fit in this new one.

This, exactly this. I'm not a fan of emo-kiddie screamo metal, but I love metal that touches spiritual themes (and no, not all of it is "muh fuck god" metal) or natural phenomena. Metal deals with some unique transcendental motifs that no other genres come close to, and I think that's cool.

Outstanding, agree with some other anons about the music, it's actually fine for the first part of the video during the buildup but then when he starts screaming it becomes an acquired taste.

I liked the metal bit. I liked the vid as well

Godspeed user.

Attached: ben garrison.jpg (416x424, 72.88K)

We'll need to rephrase this for a German audience. As it stands, they already think they were the enemy, so this line needs to be changed to "Was, wenn wir die Guten waren?" or something. Would appreciate your input here.

How about some actual nazi music? Mind you, this is banned in Germany.

Attached: Third_Reich_Song_-_Volk_ans_Gewehr.webm (1280x720, 8.28M)

Checked, yeah that will work.

Well edited video user

Good vid and good impetus, I know this was more like a personal practice type video, but for the the next iterations that will be aimed at normalfags you gotta go with more mainstream music the public will like, recognize, or identify with, most will be turned off by metal. I know you've acknowledged that already but this kind of stuff is important and has potential, gotta make it suitable for mass consumption.

I'm also gonna change "Wir kämpften für Geld / töteten einen Helden" to "Sie kämpften für Geld / töteten einen Helden". Makes more sense.

Yeah, true.

What about Rammstein?

Rammstein owns


I’ll give it a shot. I once made the foundation of a romantic relationship me reading to my girlfriend.

Typical kike attacking the white man's culture. Keep up the good work OP.

Germanon here, I think the German translation should be saying "they" instead of "we" to avoid any misunderstandings. I also recommend not going for a literal translation and instead using our cultural equivalent for each respective word. For instance, afaik, calling someone a lemming is more common than calling them a sheep.

Whether or not you agree with my approach, I recommend that you do not use the translation provided by the other Germanon as it's quite bad and comes off as uneducated.

Forgive me if my formatting isn't optimal, I'm on my phone:


Was wäre wenn unsere Vergangenheit ein Lüge ist?

Gut|Bombe|Töten(to kill)/Tötung (As in the kill, a noun)

Was wäre wenn wir die Wahrheit wussten? (This is the only sentence in not entirely sure about)
Was wäre wenn die Falschen den Krieg gewonnen hätten? (What if the wrong ones won the war; this version sounds much better in German)
Was wäre wenn sie unser Feind waren? (What if they were our enemy?; Either version of this sentence comes off as somewhat odd. If you could add the crossed out word "Befreier", which means liberator, after my proposed version of the sentence, it'd be great and no longer come off that way )

Es gibt immer…
…zwei Seiten

Was wäre wenn Hitler Recht hatte?

Sie kämpften…
…für Geld (They fought for money)

Sie töteten…
…einen Helden (They killed a hero)

Breche das Tabu
Finde die Wahrheit
Erforsche deine Geschichte ("Investigate your history" as in "Free yourself from guilt")

Dubs of destiny. Can you upload a sample of your voice?

Keep in mind the length. I can only fit so much text on the screen. (This is a general problem with doing German subtitle translations… They're always insanely fucking long.)
Not "Brich das Tabu"? What's the difference?

The German version is ready to render. Just want to hammer out these last few details before uploading.

A bit asinine phrases and mind violating music.

I understand where you're coming from but there's no way to shorten that sentence. Maybe you could divide it like you've done with other sentences?
Was wäre wenn…
…die Falschen den Krieg gewonnen haben?
Whatever you decide to do, replace the "hätten" from my previous post with "haben" like I've done here.
"Brich" is better, use it.

Wrote one up in Japanese

(悪い | 悪 | 嫌い | 禁物 | 羊) – (flashing "subliminal" text)


(いい | 爆弾 | 殺して) – (flashing "subliminal" text)












I was thinking the same thing just now if he actually uses my Japanese translation.

The music is so fucking degenerate it makes watching the video hard, jfyi.



'Gut' is out of place.
>(SCHLECHT | BÖSE | HASS | TABU | SCHAF)or 'Schafe' when plural


Of whom? That's the only thing I would change to something What if we were wrong or what if we were the devil, I don't think enemy is the proper word.

Well, transfer.sh is down, but here are the low-res versions of the updated German and English versions. I toned down the music in several spots for you autists who think it's a touch degenerate. ur mother is degenerate

Will upload high-res as soon as the retards over at transfer.sh get their shit together.

Attached: ToKillAHero_FINAL_H.264_VBR_EN.mp4 (640x360 7 MB, 7M)

where the fuck is my comment

Have more. This one is from a fairly redpilled band in Germany. Beautiful music as well.

I think they got scared of being arrested a year or so back being that their lyrics may as well be direct quotes of famous national socialists.

To win over the normie you need normie music.


Hva om vår fortid er en løgn?
Hva om vi lærte sannheten?
Hva om de gode tapte krigen?
Hva om fienden var oss?

Det er alltid to sider..
..i enhver konflikt.

Hva om Hitler hadde rett?

Vi kjempet..
..for penger.

Vi drepte..
..en helt!

Bryt ned tabuet.
Finn sannheten.
Undersøk historien!

Or maybe old man has to get to sleep after 12.

No problem, most of what I like is utterly degenerate by Zig Forums's standard. But to be frank I am a filthy degenerate born, bred and grew up in the most degenerate of this jewish societies filth. But that degeneracy actually changed me enough to become enough of a man to obtain my wife and children, which would not have happened otherwise. So like what you like, but keep focused on the goal. Me, I couldn't ever stand digging thru this systems media for choice bits now despite being an normalfag raised in it. And while I can know what 'works' or not, I don't have the slightest bit of original artist abilities to save my own ass with. We all have our skills, and I encourage you to keep pushing, but practice double plus good opsec as well, reminder than 'with open gates' was an one and done, while he was apparently an euro in germany, its odd he never followed up after so many years despite the success. So likely they managed to nail him, so please vet your shit and keep an eye on opsec with every release. But please keep going.

When my skillset comes to fruit, I'll be looking for men with such skills to be our new age minstrels. For song is one of the key facets of building an culture, and once an mountain of our enemies skills are piled high as our collective throne, we will need to build an new culture. I love the chans, but its anything but fit for normalfag life. Grounding our fledgling culture in history, myth, inspiration, volk and honor is something we user's can at least put forth in preparation for what comes. And things like this are key to such.

Attached: 1487372490827.jpg (399x288, 45.49K)

Sounds like Fear Factory

Consumption of six million stars
Cyclonic winds in septic wars
Send them back up to the light
Slay the fucking Lion of Judah
Slay the fucking Lion of Judah
Slay the fucking Lion of JUDAH!!
Revive the Night of Crystals

I don't like it, but I did archive the high quality version. I think it is poor since it takes forever to tell it's message and the message it tells is not effective. You are asking the audience to do research on whether or not Germany were the good guys or not. No one is going to do that much work. Your message must be short, and actually tell them something. You can't ask the audience to do work, you must do the work. People are lazy. The majority of people will parrot what they've been told. That is something you can not change.

That's because we had a very large spike in users due to the publicity. We were advertised in many big publications.
Yeah, there has. Maybe if you paid attention more you would have seen it.

This film is honestly shit. "What if Hilter was right?" Are you fucking retarded? Of course Hitler was right, but you think leading with this will change minds? Your IQ is non-existent.

The text and imagery seem more anti natsoc, and the music is a really bad choice.

Everything not Beethoven is some vein of normalfagery. The music is fine, you can always change it yourself.

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.


Epic, you stupid faggot.

Same. In middle school a friend gave me an earbud on the bus and played Twilight of the Thunder God. Amon Amarth drove me to be proud of my heritage is still one of my favorite bands.

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

Good job, OP.

Brazilian portuguese

E se o nosso passado é uma mentira?
E se nós soubéssemos a verdade?
E se o bem perdeu a guerra?
E se nós éramos o inimigo?

Sempre há…
…dois lados

E se Hitler estivesse certo?

Nós lutamos…
… Por dinheiro

Nós matamos…
… Um herói

Quebre o tabu
Descubra a verdade
Investigue a história

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

Proof the jews bombed the Twin Towers and murdered JDK?

Five dancing Israelis, and the nuclear program for Israel.

nigger, you're about 12 years too late

The idea isn't to strike a massive Hitlerian truth boner into the heart and mind of every normie who watches the video. The idea is to open the door to questioning what they've been told their entire lives, which is the first step on the path to enlightenment. They're more likely to swallow bits and pieces in the right direction than the whole shebang all at once, you absolute fucking brainlet.

Attached: retard3.png (586x578, 37.04K)

That's not proof.

Five dancing israelis do not provide any names on who bomb the Twin Towers.

Nuclear program for Israel is not evidence either, JFK pissed a lot of people.

You are retarded if you think that normalfags can go from zero to thirty. You are literally retarded beyond belief if you think that the average normalfag is willing to listen to Hitler. There are better ways to get them on your side, and you're too stupid to even understand it.


I'm not a newfig, thanks though.

Attached: 1442464552264-2.png (648x730 459.28 KB, 127.01K)

French there.
Et si notre passé était un mensonge ?
Et si on savait la vérité ?
Et si le bien avait perdu la guerre ?
Et si nous étions l'ennemi ?

Il y a toujours…
…Deux côtés.

Et si HItler avait raison ?

On s'est battu…
… Pour l'argent

On a tué…
Un héros

Brisez le tabou
Trouvez la vérité
Enquêtez sur l'histoire