Although we have plenty of art threads and appreciate beauty, we haven't had one of these in ages. It's time we started appreciating trad beauty again. ITT, we shall appreciate and discuss traditional European female beauty. For you femanons browsing, this is what men actually want. Screw what you think. The trad renaissance is now!
Trad Aryan Women Appreciation Mega Thread!
Other urls found in this thread:
You're not fitting in.
You niggers live for the first post.
I do prefer well dressed women over naked thots.
Go back to reddit.
That's the spirit!>>13031652
Yes, because traditional thread structure applies to general discussion threads where little is required in the way of an OP
Sure, I'll just go to the white women only appreciation sub. Oh wait! That's too racist!
aryan is a slur
Now I've heard everything.
do your job
Damn! Sexy!
Pregnant white women are hot as hell!
All this trad beauty and after all they'd prefer a sandnigger than to someone of their equal.
Tradcucks don't breed. Thank God.
This is why the white race is dying, you fags are the same as niggers just thinking with your dicks instead of using your brains to invent, conquer, create, and discover new things
Oh mighty white childless rajah, do tell us about the innovations of your empire of shitskins.
Can confirm.
Fuck off.
You need to go back.
The white race is dying because of demoralization shills like you.
Hurrr durrr
Very good thread,keep it up with good content boys!!
Femoid worship is what allowed (((feminism))) to hold so much power in the first place, you fucking betas.
The women here in the U.S are ruined, European women are the way to go. Hopefully there are some Slavic women who are not ruined who are willing to move and start a family.
Doya think that might have a little more to do with all the jews running the West than people who appreciate Aryan beauty?
Obvious shill is fucking obvious roflmao
Bumping for gorgeous trad white women
No, the white race is dying because it's being taxed to death. Not only will judaism be removed from the world stage but the number of whites will be in the billions by the end of this century also. Mark my words.
Wouldn’t it be the other way around? Fucking brainlet
wish aryans create androgen creature what 14 days being male and other 14 female. and absolute freedom for any science experiments with human and any other.
Yes they are niggers, user. These reddit niggers failed to read or comprehend the word "conquer" in your post, choosing instead to kvetch as if they were shown the interior of an oven.
JIDF insults these cucks and they don't even know it.
checking in
The only way my baby will be black is if it's stillborn
Looks like one of us is doing it right.
Make sure you scrub your exif data, looks like your clear for this image though.
Also fix the date/time on your fucking camera.
ah fuck
my cat has been seen
These women would not go withing a ten foot /pol of you nazi larpers.
Make sure your husband cleans the cat box!!! Please please don’t take a risk with t.gondii
I'm incredibly happy some of us are, in fact, doing it right.
According to the UN you should be running.
Pregnancy subverting white genocide is glorious sexy pregnancy, can attest, husband is top larper
We're very probably safe – cats are indoor – but yes he has taken over the job for now, thank you
congrats user, when are you due?
MGTOW btfo'd
High school student or 40 year old perma-virgin that women avoid.
my white blue eyed blonde hair sister is about to pump out a korean hybrid. feels bad man.
well the shark has jumped
have 10 sons
an army will be required
im skeptical. jk. good work.
did you at least try to convince her on how bad race mixing is?
found spellbook -
found dispeller -
ty, mid-august
halfway point is this friday
hard to blame them though
I love boys. Want mostly sons. none will be circ'd. will homeschool for propaganda inoculation. weightlifting habits begin in preschool. fighting lessons. survival camping. fun times ahead.
exiftool -b -PreviewImage yo.jpg > selfdox.jpg
never good enough for you people
it's good news! truly a white pill for us. I am still trying to finish university then start to find a woman to settle down with as soon as I can.
Was it difficult for you to find a decent white man to settle down with in these modern times?
Actually it was, I had to wait a while for him to appear. Six years younger than me, snagged him when he was 20. We redpilled ourselves together.
If you'd like any advice, have stable money and work out, and don't hide your views (at least, not for long) in fear of rejection. Being accepted by someone who would then abandon you when she finds out what you think will fuck you and your kids for life. It's better to be rejected over and over again before you commit.
ebin white woman in a wheat field thread guise! Go do some pull-ups faggots
thanks friend. Currently 1 year away form graduating with a BS mechanical engineering. I work out a decent amount and fairly tallish. My only issue is that I am very introverted and weird. I have little luck with women (might be the fact my school is mostly men). It's hard to find gen Z women who have not slept with many men and are not corrupted by modernity.
Anyhow, looking back at your younger years, did you ever have this modern woman's mindset? If so how did you break the conditioning?
Kill yourself you worthless sack of shit. You’re such a failure in life that you come onto here to try to make others as miserable as you.
Congrats, but wear something next time. We aren't your husband, we shouldn't be seeing your panties.
Oops, wrong thread.
all is botnet
if it doesn't need to hit the wire then don't
"you people" didn't choose the Force, the Force chose "you people" to be jedi ;^)
got it
Incel shills BTFO
how many did you get to? don't worry user, you can start with a flexed arm hang to build up your strength. i'm sure you'll make it friend. or you can waste your time looking at tradthots and roasties online.
Sounds like a good major. As for weirdness - Can you turn your weirdness into any kind of quality creativity? Weird can be very good when translated into skill, play, performance and humor.
I did have the conditioning, but not deeply. I took some brainwashing for granted ("Feminism means women's rights!"), without becoming a feminist, and without turning a critical eye on it. Actually quit school over being taught Marcuse as the primary text of an intro to political philosophy course in university. I had expected get an explanatory history of government structures, instead got postmodern gibberish and my bullshit siren started blaring. Feminist/intersectional takeovers of atheism, skepticism and occupy sealed the deal, and pol has been slowly steering me further right. My husband's scalpel-brain also helps a lot. I hope I help him too.
Gentle socratic method is good for breaking shallow conditioning, but if the conditioning has gone deep I don't know if the person can be saved.
Whose panties? Relax, it's just an user body with privates covered and you've seen a million. Skin proves real preg.
fair enough
being sweet and loving helps too. but yeah it's tough but simple.
It removes doubt. True. And it's not really sexual so I see no problem with it.
Your poost is a non-sequitur.
Not an argument, you attention seeking whore.
This is how fucking stupid you look like
Glad you're having children but learn some modesty.
Best wishes in your new adventure.
Hope you have many more white children.
Be sure home school them…
"The nigger is incapable of knowing it is a base beast yet it's ineptitude fortifies it with an unmerited arrogance" - the post
I was filled with joy at her post originally but seeing her so proud and shameless at flaunting her body is disgusting. Why are so many women attention whores like this? Is it really fucking ingrained in them biologically?
He didn't suggest "something constructive" He suggested to go around conquering countries as if it was a simple task any of us could carry out
Also, i never ever mentioned hedonism, i just said "enjoying life" because that's what most of us were doing in this post, comtemplating aryan beauty, enjoying the small but relevant things of existence
But yeah i guess you're way too fucking retarded to even read and you just chimped out defending him, or maybe it's just you shilling your garbage takes with a VPN. Sad!
Maybe if you stopped larping as some kind of resurrected SS General you could understand that granting our existence is much harder than you actually think and that doesn't mean we're all slackers, but that would imply using more than two brain cells and stop masturbating to your siege erotica so i can't really blame you, j-just be yourself and have fun son
Congrats user, I'd hope it's easier for chicks, and I don't just mean that about getting something, I mean about the whole mentality thing. I'm sure guys would sorta just fall in line with it naturally if it's projected by a woman. Being stricken with all things to a Wiemar Goebbels tier extent of completely destroyed morale is such a mental delusion.. I say as I completely submit to it even with something as motivational as that belly. Have fun naming them, man that makes me flutter in excited thought.
Polite sage because
It fills you with joy that a harlot keen on showing off her panties for internet attention is reproducing?
We can do better than that.
You didn't need to you low IQ faggot.
Take a look outside your fucking window.
you've outed yourself there, and if you had arrived here on a much earlier train from reddit mods would have banned for that.
No, for me it's piss easy. It's much harder than you think you low IQ nigger. The solutions are already provided, yet cucks like you choose to bitch and whine when someone points out what you should be doing, and kvetch like a rabbi instead of lurking and learning.
Pro tip: Strength survives, Weakness dies, and Strength doesn't bitch about how weak it is.
You wouldn't be flaunting yourself at your apex? She's absolutely flexing her pregnancy, not her meatcurtains. Believe me user, incentive understood yet in the same instance your reply doesn't really coincide with any nod I've given them.
As I was filled with understanding to you, try not to slipperyslope your own virtue. It's clear but easily as twistable in really any and all directions. Seems like the right kind of attention-whoring since it's 95% focused on their gut. They know what they do, as do you, as do I. Its merit is far more obvious than a face-value idea of "look at me" syndrome.
I am glad to hear that your conditioning was only superficial and you were able to overcome it. From a woman's perspective, what would be the best method to 'break' the woman out of her normie mindset and introduce her to deeper redpills. I know you mentioned Socratic methods, but could you give me a good example (time and place) this would be effectively used?
And she's a newfag woman, who gives a shit what her opinion is. What's important is that she's a pregnant white women, soon we'll be throwing fucking parades for pregnant white women.
If it gets the birthrates up … then who cares.
I agree it's a useful gesture in that it can motivate more white women to reproduce, but it was still attention whoring nonetheless.
Congratulations mein frau
You put a smile on my face