Accelerationism vs. Open Society vs. White Survival

Accelerationism vs. Open Society vs. White Survival

I'm really pissed off this board has embraced Brenton Tarrant's psy-op / accelerationism as a viable strategy for white survival. It is not!

White survival can only come about through the realization that 1) Accelerationism = Anglo-Zionism, that 2) the alternative is Integrationism or Open Society, and that 3) both of these doctrines lead to white genocide.

An alternative is proposed: Defensism.

==Accelerationism== is Samuel Huntington's Clash of Civilizations,'s Zbigniew Brzezinski's conquest of the world, it's the Project for a New American Century, it's the Bush family, and it's Israel / Zion.

Accelerationism will prune the West of its few white men, send them it wars against Russia, China, and the Islamic world. This is a suicidal strategy. White men will be massacred, surviving white women will be mass raped by invading hordes of brown people.

==Integrationism==, the globalist alternative to accelerationism, is Open Society, George Soros, diversity, multiculturalism, open borders, "progressive" liberalism.

Integationism, or Open Society, will flood the West with hundreds of millions of immigrants, especially to our cities. Race-mixing propaganda, sexual sabotage, promotion of homosexuality, climate guilt, etc. will help suicide the white race.

Both alternatives guarantee white genocide.

The solution is ==DEFENSISM==: Aggressively protect & defend our nations, our peoples, against both Anglo-Zionism and Open Society globalism. That means, in practice: refuse to fight more wars for Zion AND keep our own borders closed. Resist Accelerationism and refuse to die for Diversity.

We can DEFEND what we have BY MAKING A STAND.

Attached: verci-battle.jpg (599x399, 41.4K)

Mods are quietly banning all pro-tarrant posting as stuff like "gay porn" or "spam" and have disabled TOR on the board.
Mods are quietly banning all pro-tarrant posting as stuff like "gay porn" or "spam" and have disabled TOR on the board.

Bigotry is a dissociation from individual experience symptomatic of compartmentalization-type traumas.

lol that isn’t what mods quash

I was in a anti-tarrant thread and it got deleted

But only with my leadership and guidance.

I want you to imagine that I'm singing this at you while doing a jaunty dance.

You've been beaten the fuck out on every front imaginable.

You have no arguments, and just whine.

You are totally unable to "Aggressively protect & defend our nations, our peoples, against both Anglo-Zionism and Open Society globalism. That means, in practice: refuse to fight more wars for Zion AND keep our own borders closed." thus 'nobody gives a fuck what you have to say because you're just repeating the same shit you've been saying AND YOU HAVE FAILED AT IT IN EVERY WAY and the pic is related.

You fucked up the post you fucking nufaggot.

I'm typing this with my dick.

The only thing that matters is…

You said you would fight. Well soon will come the time.


Attached: Self-Correcting Issues.jpg (746x732 2.23 MB, 115.23K)

That's so retarded it's almost physically painful to read.

Already happening.
So we are going to vote our way out of this? You are talking to a board with probably only 1,500 white people with our ideology. Voting has never worked, and defending sounds to me like fighting. Defending ourselves violently is just acceleration in itself.
Go talk to your white neighbor about this. What will he say? Exactly. We can't redpill them out of this anymore. They are too indoctrinated. Only a muslim raping his family will radicalize him to our views. Only when the government blatantly tells him, "Whites can't have rights, and are too dangerous." will he wake up. We are dangerous, and Kikes should be scared.

The usual sabotage and defeatism that has doomed the white race! Joining forces with me and our fellow intellectuals are your only hope!

Violence doesn't work, it just sounds like something that would.

A jaunty fuckin' dance m8.

You're picturing it now. You can't help it.

Then die by violence. You are waiting to be killed

Looks like all whites will go to heaven and the earth will be left with nothing but halfnigs crawling all over it. At some point with all the race mixing, the last fully white man will die…what a fucking sad day that will be.

Do not go gentle into that good night

In addition to obvious permanent jackasses such as bigots, there also secret permanent jackasses. A secret permanent jackass has been told some or another dreadful secret of society, and then has been convinced to lie about it forever by terrorizing them with lies about how apocalyptically destructive to society the reveal would be. This converts honest, forward-thinking people into fearfully obedient liars who no longer provide hazardous progress potentials to society.

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No, you are asking to be killed.
It is throwing your life away.

O 13! B 13! Misfortune beckons!

01011000 01000100

Attached: Slav Dance.webm (640x360, 2.14M)

O = Overwatch?
B = ?

What you call defensism is accelerationism.

Brenton NEVER called for war with foreign nations at least not until we kill every single last traitor and invader in our own nations first.

They have banned Tor again. They keep doing it. Instead of just deleting the offending Tor post they ban it and nobody can use Tor then. reeeee

Are you stupid? What are you going to do, vote the Kikes away? Are you going to vote for the end of White Genocide? Are saying this because you are raising 10 white children? If not you are being worthless. What is defense in your mind? Waiting for the perfect moment to meme and redpill? That only goes to far. Acceleration is a redpill.If you wait any longer we will be dead as a race. We only have 2 centuries left of existence

== Do not go gentle into that good night ==.

That's what happens when faggots abuse it.

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Brenton will be freed from prison. So will be Breivik although in his case he could easily free himself as it's not hard to escape the prison he's in, the only thing keeping him there, is how comfy it is that one would not even want to escape.

A lot of white nations don't even have a death penalty.

We can kill invaders over and over and keep getting away with it.

Just ask Sam Hyde about it. He knows.

Shut the fuck up robot

ivbyrag crbcyr fhpx
yvnef ner njshy
fpvrapr eryvrf ba crnpr naq gehgu
nyy tbbq guvatf fgrz sebz fpvrapr


It’s not a clown car, you soulless psychotic virus. You aren’t worth saving until two things are true: 1) you must have more spiritual experience than a virus (hint: viruses can’t experience contentment), and 2) you must conceive even of your enemies as having more spiritual experience than a virus.

Oh lawd we've got a live one. An antifa cuckold.

Nah, you’re just broken. Peace and happiness take more strength than you’ve ever had, lol.

Attached: Coconut Oil.JPG (1922x1010, 113.19K)

I am going to live.
There is no reward for being a martyr.
Is it the characteristic of which race to take stupid risks?

why the fuck cant you retards understand this? We already live in a dystopia, you can vote or play nice and win.

You’re kidding, right? I’m not Antifa. Fascists are a few insane shattered people. Hating you broken people won’t bring you back, so Antifa is obviously wrong; there also aren’t enough of you to justify their screaming unhappiness. You’re just hurting inside. You wouldn’t submit yourself to violence if you had any pride without it.


People reach for what they haven’t got.



People reach for survival. ;D

I don't understand your analogy. Not accepting white genocide is moral and just.

Wait then, you are not being useful. Once you are old you will regret everything you refused to do. Your process of reflection will be a very depressing time for you if you keep doing nothing. If you want to be useful without violence I suggest having a LARGE white family. That is the only thing that can peacefully help the white race.

This whole forum exists to permit corporate sociopaths to scream PR-friendly idiocratic anti-nazism at people who try to defend policies more effective for third world development than brain drains and capital flight.

This loser is so pathetic he comes here to LARP like this. Can you imagine that being your existence?
Holy shit, that actually makes me sad.

Actually I got loyalty-purged from the left for failing to scream hatred and participate, soooooo


hi actual antifa scumbag, quit faking nazism where it won’t be traced to you so you can fight it on the other end of the internet

Are you afraid? Or are you ready to be wiped out gradually?

Like legit sad man. Holy fuck.
Existential dread at the prospect of that being my reality, of being a probably-homosexual antifag who comes to Zig Forums to screech about how Zig Forums doesn't matter while saging your own multi-IP shitposting thread and spamming nonsense buzzwords.

NOBODY TALKS LIKE THIS. You stand out SO BRIGHTLY because you are SO PATHETIC. Its painful to observe, even knowing its full LARP, because you can't even make it seem like you aren't what you are while pretending to be gayer version of what you are… The horror… The horror…

Read the thread my man.

We live in the post-reproductive era. Not everyone wants to be a psychotic breeder raping generations of poverty into existence and demigrating processes of wealth accumulation so we can all live like overpopulated arcology apes forever.

There goes the 'probably-homosexual'…

Lol, u mad

have a bump so the forum can see my mastery

This is really sad. You're a mod too, aren't you?
God this is sad.

You people fly off the handle at truth. It’s a lot of fun - something else I’ve learned makes you reeee like sjws is to point out that migrants are more law-abiding than natives.

Like an actual gimmick used to manipulate society is to make domestic criminals think they can network with immigrants - and then the lawful immigrants snitch on them!

I have a hard time staying off this place because, it doesn’t even matter if you’re really right or left. The people who hurt others hurt themselves SO MUCH. You’ll do or say literally anything that might amuse others as you show off your weaknesses like strengths.

That is the course we are on right now, isn't it? People seem willing to be slowly boiled, but I want to turn it up as high as I fucking can. I think all people who are enlightened should do their part. Start white family, or fight in the front lines. If you are smart enough, you can redpill whites face to face, but most people are stupid so it is unlikely. Accelerationism in my eyes is the only option. What do you think will help the white race from annihilation?

Planning for a future that wont come.
The world isn't collapsing, it "needs" to in order for people to act.
Accelerationism is this sickness turned taken to its logical extreme.

In reality there will be a decay, but not a collapse.
You just contribute to that decay while risking your survival.


This whole place is a guilty pleasure. People really suffer this loudly, this obediently, this stupidly and stubbornly. People really lie this much.

Sometimes I throw in the occasional tribute of a lie of my own, just in awe of the weakness of bigots, but if you’re for real I think I could be a homeless old man and still not as weak and dishonest as is made mandatory on this place.

What future won't come?

So you've accepted death then, is what you're saying.
Why don't you just say that?
Just say "I'm prepared to watch my family butchered in our home before dying painfully and embarrassingly myself. I accept there is nothing I can do to stop it." and get it over with you big fat puss.

Because that's the outcome of your "I'm going to live" bullshit. You will live, for awhile.
The question is whether or not others are prepared to LET YOU sit by and allow this to be drawn out forever, while you slowly masturbate with your owned defeated tears in preparation for the outcome of your chosen path.
And I don't think that's going to happen.

I think this 'acceleration' thing is working - its going to FORCE YOU to show that you either have teeth and fight, or you don't… And once its clear you have no teeth, well… What's to be scared of?

Nothing at all.
And then you are dead. Game over. You lost.

AKA: The chad family man vs the virgin martyr

People really can and do pretend to be multiple people on this site.

Yes, they do.

But they're mostly subversive losers. ;)


Sometimes they even argue with themselves. Remember that!

Have you given up hope? Because I haven't. You shouldn't either. If you truly don't want to go down the violent route, find a wholesome woman and have a lot of white children. Make yourself useful to the white race.
Make it decay so fast there is a collapse. Accelerate.

What's funny is when they think they're clever and aren't really pretty obvious in their efforts at manipulation of perception.

You're not even good at this
Filtered dumbass faggot

Lol, yep. It makes even the virgin look honorable.

Honest, peaceful people don’t have to live their whole lives as pawns to people they’ve never met.

What is a bigot but someone screaming in narcissistic tard rage about how excited they are to be a stranger’s pawn?

Announced filtering is social signaling.
Nobody cares.

Honest, peaceful people don't multi-IP spam threads and then try to portray their absolutely pitiful existences as a ruse of any import.

What is a bigot? Whoever a narcissistic homosexual in tard rage mode dislikes.

Because it is not true. There will not be a collapse, and you will have wasted your life for nothing.
This is like a damn religion, if you don't follow the preacher you get "murdered, raped, humiliated, etc."
It's so vivid, like clockwork. Don't threaten me and try to manipulate me into carrying out your agenda.

You even admit that I will die as a result of this acceleration, not otherwise.
What do you have to offer me then? I would rather live and let live than waste my time, and my life.

I fucking hate white people, who created modernity, who created this schizo-nightmare world? You could fixing it, trying to solidify the "nightmare"(or perhaps the by inducing pre-modern elements into the modern creating something powerful but unnatural) like the Fascist experiments did in the early 1900's, which themselves were an earlier desire for love and brothership among men in the early socialist movements, but we know what came of it and it as dead and split into many "post-fascist fascists" ideas, perhaps this is noble on the surface but if we see that it is also the fault it is rational that it would meet the same end of the ideas it aims to incorporate into it and that have created it, is it really worth trying to solidify something that is already fucking insane? Fuck there aren't even any real communists anymore they are all pretentious middle-class children attracted to surface-level vain ideas and hopes that they would never dedicate a tincy bit of actual effort to. We know that "democracy"(that is the current system of the governments of the world) is largely a farce and masking of the actual and real power of things in order to gain more of it. We are rapidly entering an age where the old notions and ideas of things simply don't make sense or fit into day to day life, or perhaps the old notions and ideas have gotten tired and lame, and in their systems of change and becoming(this or that) have become alienated themselves from the world going where it does, most of them have already died and the remaining ones are on life support, perhaps some systems like America are adapting to the new way behind the "sacred" doors, while keeping on the old mask, they have smart shits there don't they. Nations don't make sense anymore, Right's don't make sense any more, Race(Or the concept of race introduced in modernity) doesn't make sense anymore, Power doesn't make sense anymore, when was the last time you really felt that there was a power who guided and controlled things, locality doesn't make sense anymore, even the wonder of spreading yourself throughout time through your progeny does not make sense for the many, well they won't have any say in the new world which is something to be thanked for in a sense. We are entering such a new time but at the same time such an old time, everything is under strain from the systems to the governments to the people, some have gotten real good at hiding it, or have already placed themself in the future and are organizing things in such a way to keep themselves in certain places. In fact, thinking more from this perspective, how dare the Western man do this? Why would he want such a thing? Why would he make such a world where everything is falling apart? For this maybe we find the justification and in fact perhaps personal longing for its destruction. He will survive of course but perhaps in a different form, there will always be and have been places where things have been the same and resistant to these outside forces but Western civillization as it is and has been made to be, will simply be no more, because it has driven itself to the logical end of its aims. Do you really think that Jews and the such would seize power if someone did not let and encourage such a thing to take place in the first place? Then can the problem really be them so much as the ones who created the problem and through the current circumstances of things still create the problem? This does not pardon the Jew but it shifts the blame from an external force upon an internal one.

Things will accelerate REGARDLESS, this board is as a limited and perhaps early proof of this. The old and new things are falling but the new yet old things are rising, I do not think that this is the best, living the angry and terrible works of mans hands is not a good thing, and this will solidify later on, but neither will this system entirely disappear, did the Roman? Or the Babylonian?

About all this I will finish WHO FUCKING KNOWS. Shit is going to go in a direction that NOBODY will be satisfied with but perhaps a group already aware and taking advantage of it, it will not be old nor will it be new, no not even in the middle, the structure of things becomes chaotic but also ordered in a new fashion, nor will it be entirely technological, nor entirely primitive. You can find something good and noble in almost any mans thoughts or ideas, as well as also completely destroying, horrible, and monstrous. The moment the European ignored these things was the moment he also became the complete and utter subject to them, thrown here and there by them, though also perhaps behind a mask.

I have no fucking idea about anything, but I am worried, and a strange longing full of horror has filled me. Don't take my words for granted, nor anybodies, but let your ideas roam like here and there like a roaming Indian or Cattle-Man, like a Central Asian clan, always dynamic and alive taking in the fresh air, don't fall for the masks, especially not OP's which is perhaps more pitiful(but more hopeful) than the other ones.
May you all leave fine lives.

This text wrote by perhaps a larper but also perhaps somebody grasping for something.

how can violence not work since the only thing preventing anyone from doing something is the government getting violent with them? It obviously does work, when there is enough of it

It is true, and what the fuck are you talking about a 'collapse' for? Nobody is worried about a 'collapse'.
Looking to ACCELERATE. You even admit its aimed at a slow decay… But lots of people aren't interested in that. They want

Nope, too late. I'm not threatening you - but you are certainly BEING threatened.
That's certainly a component of accelerationism it would seem, in that you aren't going to be given a choice to hide and let this play itself out such that you can have your individual existence of pleasure and comfort. Nope. Not gonna happen.

You already admitted that you're accepting of this fate, that you just want to "live" - and how will that play out?
Surrounded and ruled by those who hate you in such a manner as you have no hope of breaking out - which is not presently the case, but will be in our lifetime if the path is not changed - is the fate you have admitted to welcoming.

I don't have to offer you anything. You don't have a choice here.
There's a gun against your head, and the person holding it hopes that by pulling it veeeery veeeery slowly, you won't stop him - and he's right, by your own admission!
Thing is, that gun is pointed at the heads of several guys next to you as well, and it seems several of them are prepared to stand up and try to stop that trigger being pulled. You're going to be drawn into that, it doesn't matter if you choose it or not.
How entitled and narcissistic you are to think I was trying to appeal to you, trying to buy or argue your favor.

Your favor is not, by all appearances, requisite.

Don't be afraid. This next part is gonna be fun.

I've noticed that there are two types of accelerationists on this board

I was told my world was collapsing. I was told I would be raped and murdered and humiliated.
It was implied this would be my fate if I do not risk my life for your agenda, which is destined to fail.
Typical recruitment bullshitting. I know things are manageable as they are, and I know how futile your idea is.

I owe you nothing, particularly not emotional support.
You have nothing to offer me, other than trouble and death.

Ah, I see your confusion. Let me explain: YOUR world will die, yes… But THE world will go on. Without you.
You just want to go "live", remember? Well, you could do that, and you'd live… For awhile. But what happens after that? You know the answer.

It was outright stated this would be your fate if left to your own devices. There was no implication. Be less of a puss, you faggot.

You are so entitled. You believe you owe nothing to the world.
Nobody is trying to get your emotional support, merely mocking you for trying to justify your withholding of it out of cowardice and self-deception, and disabling your attempt at deception of others.

I say again: Your favor is not, by all appearances, requisite, my man. ;)

honestly the only way forward was if we found someway to create our own nation but the issue is of honeytraps and shit

Op doesn't even make sense, the goddamn kike.

Is it weird that the posters on this board are so knowledgeable about random ass jews?

Bullshit, most anti-Tarrant threads reach 751 posts with kike2 posting over and over again.

I would die of old age?
You said it yourself:

That is your fear, not mine.
There wont be a collapse.
There wont be a convenient event.
You have to learn to handle life as it is.

There will be a collapse, every empire collapses.

What matters is how fast or slow it is, and that depends on imperial citizen.

It is a comforting thought, though never presented as such.
There are people who want society to collapse so they can influence it.
It always seems to me those people are saying it to themselves primarily.

That society will collapse, that it must collapse, in order to improve their life.
I don't buy into accelerationist hubris, they get angry I won't humor their delusions of grandeur.
It just amounts to more crime and corruption. It is not going to collapse society, it will just degrade it.

That's all, good grief.

Accelerationism is retarded since it assumes historical determinism and inevitability. It's Marxist thought at its finest.
I feel you OP, I'm truly disappointed to see so many people on this board sucking Tarrant's cock, unable to see how pointless that was.

You are a retard who doesn't know history or a jew trying to slow down the collapse.

Mark my word, every empire collapses.

Marx didn't invent the thought of collapse of empire, my fellow kike.

That's well observed through any history.

I don't think you understood at all.
Historical determinism doesn't mean "collapse of an empire".

So I don't think you understand Tarrant point at all.

So much for a worthless post.

Thanks for indirectly admitting you don't know what historical determinism means.

Thanks for directly admitting you don't know what the fuck Brenton Tarrant's point is at all.

If you care about what "point" a Mossad asset is making you are dumb as a rock.


This nigger never wants to argue, it's just another mossad false flag shill.

You never care, you are here to deradicalize, every times.

His point was accelerationism, and I already told you why it's retarded. It's not hard. You can understand someone and still disagree with him.

Things don't need to be orderly to continue functioning.
Some people get murdered, but the world goes on.
Just more problems without a real payout.

I do not owe you emotional support, not for that.

And why is it retarded? You still haven't explained jackshit.

Things do need to be orderly to continue functioning.

A society without state or moral people will descend into anarchy.

Fuck do you mean, are you a nihilist?

That's kinda silly. The world runs on violence, it is the only language that everyone understands. Everything is backed by violence and upheld by the threat of it. Our world will end in violence whether it be a race war, the second coming of Jesus, the system collapsing or world war 3. True everlasting change will come only though violence and those who can't accept it will be among the first to perish.

• Disclaimer: I'm not encouraging any violent activity, nor am I responsible for the actions of anyone who reads that comment.

None of that rhymed at all!