New Zealand man refuses to give up guns, gets killed in standoff with police

Man wanted after guns found at Christchurch home dies during standoff with police

Police say a 54-year-old man is dead after a overnight standoff with police, following the discovery of guns at a property.

In a statement this morning, Police Commissioner Mike Bush said a search warrant was issued yesterday at a St Martins address where police found a number of firearms.

Police then sought a 54-year-old man over the guns, but he died during a subsequent standoff with police.

Police located the man inside a stopped vehicle in the Richmond Park area about 12.30am today, but he refused to get out of his vehicle.

A police negotiation team spoke with him over a number of hours, and a police helicopter was called in, as well as Armed Offender Squad members.

About 3.40am, police approached the vehicle and found that the man was critically injured with what looked to be a stab wound - a knife was found in the vehicle.

Members of the public reported hearing gunshots, but police said that was the sound of gas canisters being deployed.

Mr Bush said a high priority investigation is underway to find out whether or not this man posed a threat to the community.

Further searches of properties and interviews with family and associates will be carried out.

Mr Bush said that, at this time, there is no evidence to suggest the man was connected to the March 15 terrorist attack, but that they are looking at any potential link.

Police will remain in the area of Richmond Park and St Martins as scene examinations continue.

Mr Bush said he was grateful to the members of the public who had reported the suspicious activity of the man.

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Hooray, now we get to have thread after thread watching as more whites are gunned down or having their guns stolen without a fight.

And Zig Forums and Zig Forums retards here think government with fighter jets, tanks and other laser weapons can't do the same thing to the gun nuts here in USA. Lel

Someone died over it, so precedent says you have to reverse course. Oh wait.

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He's a martyr.
Holy fuck.


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all these resources on some old guy but when a rape, robbery or other assorted crime from the minority and the cops are nowhere to be seen.

kiwis wtf, do something.

Silence, Kafir. Kiwistan is an Islamic country now!


Tell me how that worked in Iraq and Afghanistan? You understand nothing about warfare fucktard. Don't speak like you have knowledge on the matter.

Not taking out some of the pigs was the mans greatest mistake. Tarrant is doing the lords work by making gun owners put up or shut up. If you can't even take the fight to the law dogs when push comes to shove you're in deep shit. Every gun owner should be prepared to die or hand in their guns the minute this shooting and gun ban talk began.

Kill more whites with guns, while the blacks and illegals, and ethnic criminals illegally amass an arsenal of illicit lethal killing machines. Which will lead to the Ultimate and Final Ethnic Purge.

He has my deepest respect. That right there is a hero. He could have taken the easy cuck route, but he stood by his convictions to the very end.

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Ahh yes, just join one of those militia groups that's totally not alphabet agency honeypots. Retard.

I'm Lovin' It.


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That's accelerationism and nz police just put bullzeyes on their backs.

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chopper. gas canisters. swat team. old man in a parked car "with a knoife"
absolutely engsoc approved

Bullshit. They lit this old, innocent man up. So now we can definitively say that NZ police are actively targeting civilians and murdering them.
Will these people even feel a sliver of remorse over getting a kindhearted 54 year old man killed? Of course not. They probably knew he had a collection of assault rifles and ratted on him knowing that he'd die defending his fucking property. Fucking stazi. This is disgusting. All patriots need to take time to contemplate this action and if you're in NZ you ought to protest at your local police department *legally armed* of course.

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May the good citizens of NZ look to Mexico on how to deal with the police force.

Maybe they loaded an old-timey cannon with knifes.

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In the US, the military would turn on anyone who ordered this without a second thought,

I grew up on military bases. There is no doubt in my mind.

Repost this on Zig Forums plz.

Gee, if I knew the world was going to find out my collective group had been murdering defenseless children for a snack and torturing them for entertainment, I might want to run off to a far away land as well.
It sure would help if the people in that far away land weren't armed.

I wonder if Hillary Clinton has been to New Zealand recently and I wonder… Has she ever been there, in her sum 40 plus years in politics, before?

if whites won't fight to live, do they deserve to live? Does anything?

those are tell tale signs of a flashbang inside the vehicle. murdered him.

You said you would fight.

Well soon will come the time.

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False dichotomy blackpill, as if that's your only option, get in the >>>/gaschamber/ heeb

yeah what a load of bullshit, they killed the old guy

Enough of this slow fucking boil, bring on the heat and let people show their true faces and pick their side

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bullshit. zogbots don't give a fuck about the sheeple.

Informants are lower than traitors, they get a molten lead bath

New Zealand happening is much like the Boston Marathon Bombing happening.
However there's much more precedent over this
>now try to include imageboards as much as possible for the (((sole and only reason))) for these happenings to occur

He actually did it.

He resisted.

"From my cold dead hands".

Meanwhile many Ameriburgers gave up their guns without a fight during those hurricanes.

This is a real man.

F. Godspeed comrade.

Wait what? He committed suicide with a knife in his vehicle?

Fuck you.
His name was Gary J. Willis.

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Clearly what we should be doing is joining the airforce so we can just fly those fighter jets ourselves and suddenly use them against the ZOG.

Seriously, why aren't we just joining the army? They can ban all the guns they want, we can just get the guns by joining the army.

That's the narrative I'm sure because people will be high alert against police confiscation. They gunned him down.

on high alert

It's bullshit. As others have said they either outright shot him or otherwise it was a flashbang they chucked in there with him (yes, flashbangs generate metal shrapnel).

why the fuck would you stab yourself and slowly bleed out instead of shooting yourself? It's a lie

There is always some jew gathering around.

He was stabbed as he lying dying of course. Heh.

I only read the headline before my first response then after reading the story it's as bullshit as those news articles featured in "Assassination Politics" and "Hunter" where someone "committed suicide" by cutting themselves up into many parts and ending up in a garbage bag that is somehow tied up.

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lmao based Czech Republic


Um sweetie the old man in this story was a Zig Forumsack…
< There was also a male's voice pleading for help, she said.

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Honestly that's the stupidest explanation. We're to believe a man in a armed standoff Seppuku'd himself.

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Yes they'll take out some group dumb enough to draw attention to themselves like say oh I don't know in the pacific northwest maybe? To think they can disarm people in hundreds of cities all over the U.S., it's just not doable.

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Some of these nations like the Czech Republic, Italy, and Germany that make some of the world's best guns need to replicate United States gun laws at least for most states We're way too much of an outlier, other white nations need to make buying firearms and ammo as easy as we have it. I think only Serbia comes kind of close, but still nothing like what we have in our better states.

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Wouldn't want to public to adopt a negative perspective of the "protector" class

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Only in muttland could a zogbot cite his families kiked history as evidence of his loyalty to his people.
Didn't waco involve the army?

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Wow, this is epic.

The narrative is so incredibly fucked here.

Every user reading; take notice that when the time comes, you won't get to negotiate, you won't get to go to prison, and no rules/laws will prevent armed men from just gunning you down.

This reminds me of the old threads I've seen on /b/ where US Soldiers talk about how they constantly turn off their cams just before combat, murder the enemy, then use grenades on their corpses to make it such a mess they can't tell what happened…. and they do that systematically. It's technically a war crime.

Police and military and anyone who is armed should all be regarded as humans capable of and likely to do anything. So don't act like they can be reasoned or negotiated with, simply do what you can to take out as many of them as you can, while you still have breath in you.

It won't last long. They may get a few in the beginning, but the second it got out in the news people would be prepping for this kind of shit. It would be a fucking death sentence to do door-to-door confiscation at least, and potentially a full blown collapse of law & order.

Why would they? Niggers in cities offer no real threat to the feds.

Aren't you forgetting about Saint Tarrant sweetie? :^)

good taste

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And the only people to hear it were the treasonous informant neighbours that betrayed him to begin with. Death. They deserve death.

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Reminder that in this current era a Waco or Ruby Ridge would be met with more Oklahoma City type bombings then ever thought possible, We are living the Second Great Depression after all. More people distrusted the government more then ever.

Just nuke New Zealand, basically asking to be called New Saudi Arabia.

Illegal since when? One week ago?


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I know that feel.

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Of course he's Russian. Western fags are breed to submit, like dogs.

It begins?

He was one of us. Too bad he thought he could get out of this situation without a fight. He died without taking any of the enemy with him.

I was living under a rock for a few weeks so I wasn't able to watch the video of the massacre when it just happened. Can someone post a link to the video? I tried LiveLeak and a few other sites but couldn't find anything. Please help me quell my curiosity.

Got the board for you:

If you're in NZ make sure you use a VPN before downloading it: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e0511a1ace47aee00082add078a60630b7d3691a&dn=Christchurch%20Shooting

One of the takeaways here is to SCRUB YOUR FACEBOOK PROFILE. If you have EVER expressed any right wing attitudes there you need to fix that right now. Delete anything the government might use to 'flag' you for execution, and instead go like and repost a bunch of left-wing bullshit.

From the intelligence community members they wheeled out talked about how Brenton had in fact 'liked' a number of ungood posts, including the page of an Australian anti-Muslim group. Make no mistake, this is the current focus of the intelligence apparatus, they are making a beeline for anyone that the system flags as having "dangerous ideas" based on their Facebook history. Since they could have caught Brenton that way, this is going to become their new fixation.

On the other hand, they're most likely using some sort of deep neural network for their dragnet surveillance. As such, the classifier is likely to compute that since there have been zero instances of right-wing extremists having publicly 'liked' left-wing bullshit, if you have done exactly that then that should force the system to spit back to the authorities a threat matrix showing you to not be an appropriate target. Since these drones tend to trust their tools way too much, they'll be prone to taking that as gospel and leaving you alone.

What. So the story is that he stabbed himself?

Well, it's a treat for those boomers who investigate via reading news on the internet.


Go back to Israel Chaim. Your moshiach aint gonna happen.

What information do you have? Could you at least give me a starting bread crumb?

God damn another Saint was born

What the hell, sounds suspicious as fuck but he only had a damn SKS.
Hope the spook that killed him would lose sleep with this.

Shubba flubba murdikovetzma – oy vey. Not so loud ya big schmuck. Any louder n you'll blow our cover.

see you in gensokyo brother

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MSM and the govt. has never won when challenging imageboards, now they want to escalate it to an armed conflict?
Fuck me dead I never would have dreamed that shit would get this crazy.

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The police are a fucking terrorist organisation. I can't wait till a more talented Zig Forumsak Kaczynski starts targetting these pigs with car bombs and proximity mines.

Daily reminder that police exist to protect and serve … the state but not you.

What do you mean more talented? Is waiting for some mythic terminator so you can cheer them on really smart?

I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

Why don't you learn this shit yourself

I imagine you’d remember where you were and what you were doing when you heard Princess Diana had died; that the Twin Tower’s collapsed and perhaps even, when Neil Armstrong ‘allegedly’ walked on the Moon.
The first I heard of the New Zealand mass slaughter was when I turned on the news on Friday morning of the 15th March.

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I just woke up and got on Zig Forums and saw the thread right when it was happening heh.

nope, not at all.
ATF FBI and CIA potentially, all alphabets government spooks

Worse than the cops.

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