Is Trump the greatest goy of all time

Israel honors trump with Temple coin.

Get weirder. Coin is intended to be used a offerings in the Third Temple/

Building the Third Temple is supposed to herald the end of the world.

Attached: trump coin.jpg (640x610, 53.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

MAGA hard, my fellow shitlords
Trump is the greatest POTUS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drumf is the antichrist. He got gods people to follow him so he could deliver the world to satan's children. MAGA hats are the mark of the beast.

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Low quality duplicate thread, stick to the other Trump israel love threads.

Now that's fucking BASED!!!

"Daily border crossings by undocumented migrants hit 13-year highs"

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Trump is a literal asset of israeli intelligence.

Trump has been avoiding Orange Street News' reporter Hilde Kate Lysiak for nearly 2 years now. Is Trump afraid of what questions she will ask him?

sad but true

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You saying he has no dick? Didn't you see the graphic?

Thanks, Trump. Didn't really want to stop being replaced anyway. Just glad Israel is ok.

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Your colors don't mean the same thing to me, this isn't Mexico.

The anti christ is jewish so it can't be trump. Think about people related to trump i.e Jared Kushner.

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Too late JIDF

Trump was subverted by his kike family. Even the slightest connections to the yids means compromised.

Subverted lol, dude was always a Zionist

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that tweet from trump on jan 20th was when I realized he was a total fraud who had no intention of doing anything on immigration

Right-wing = Christian and Jewish Zionists who want to bring about the end times by building a third temple.
Left-wing = Communists jews

Everyone dying is at the very least a neutral ending.

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It was perfectly acceptable to trade his campaign promises of foreign non-intervention + zionism, with his nationalism on home soil. What got subverted is the latter.

video unavailable.

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