Imagine the Outrage

Jews outraged after NZ mosque leader blames Mossad for Christchurch attack

Let's go back to naming the Jew, shall we.

Outraged Jews were quick to say it was a "dangerous conspiracy theory".

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Other urls found in this thread:


Well this is an unexpected happening.

I guess the zionists and the cucks will kill each other off then and we can just watch it out on the sidelines having lots of white children while our enemies fight each other lel.

I'm fooled now rabbi, I'll never shout my support for Brenton to the heavens again. I'm donating my life saving's to Israel as we speak.

This is good too.

Attached: Fashwave Moonman.png (1220x1080, 1.36M)

All the people who said Brenton should have been more explicitly anti-jew in his manifesto have basically been thoroughly rebuked by this happening. Thanks to Brenton being vague about the jews, the Muslims think he was a zionist. This is just perfect.

that's some 5D chess

Seriously I talked to Brenton before he released his manifesto and know where some of his posts still are on dead boards. The GoPro was even my idea I recommended to him. I even suggested to make the manifesto shorter and to the point and to leave it to us (Zig Forums) to educate the masses. Anyways the manifesto turned out absolutely brilliant and narrative proof. Everything is tactful, weighted, just perfect…

Well this is an interesting development. Saw something like this coming though, because it's likely some Muslims would hear about the false flag claims and end up agreeing with them.

"Jews outraged" or "nobody outraged but read my article to get outraged"?


Safe space to talk.

Anyone who said that isn't a person, because people have IQs that allow them to read between the lines when contemplating what is meant by passages in one of history's greatest shitposts. It was blatantly explicit for something wholly implicit for those equipped with eyes and a brain. You don't even have to be as smart as Brenton to get it down, they don't have an excuse.

It saddens me how many shills there are or at least how much they shit on our board. They splatter the entire board with their false dichotomies and everything is fake and other garbage and false narratives.

I hope most Zig Forums anons are just too busy prepping, raising white children, or fighting in one way or another.

I also know some NZ anons and hope they are still alive and that they don't go quietly into the night…

Based Muzzie knows whats up

you do know right most of us are single and the ones that aren't are degenerate gook mixers

Why the fuck should we care about some jews outrage?

What matters is killing them, not making them rage.

He's right. Guns 'n ammo ain't cheap.

Is this a joke? They pretty much are nowadays.

About $3000 and you can get all that and more, especially if you skim or use shitty chink parts.

Bitconnect, apparently this was confirmed by his ex manager.

Care to make screencaps/archive them and then show us those posts?

hang False Flaggits MAGAniggers and Qanons who can't accept that the white may is back and angry. Roof, Bowers, Breivik, Tarrant are saints.

*edit because of server space kike mods "that file already exists" well how about this nigger, I will remove 1 pixel width and reupload so you can suck my dick that "this file already exists"

Attached: your smile martyr.jpg (558x955, 168.33K)


They were not expecting this

Brenton Tarrant flipped the jewish masterplan around

Everything is going exactly as planned

We've had Tatars for centuries here. They haven't been an issue. They don't terrorize us, nor do they rape.
The jew is evil and through its lies makes us hate one another to an inhuman extent. When that hate should only be focused on the jew.
The Muslims and the Christians have seen terrorism and torment. Should we not put an end to it now?

Jews are God's chosen people


Attached: sowell.jpg (1024x512, 49.55K)

Feels good when you outplan the (((planners))). Even the Elders of Zion fall before the People of Light.

It won't matter. The kike already nuked the northern hemisphere on March 11 2011.
Soon, everything will be dead and (((they))) will be in the southern hemisphere.
The best you can do now is to ensure that they go down with you.

Muslims are too loyal…

Best thing to happen because of all the idiots claiming false flag. For once, the jews aren't at fault, but the muzzies think they are. Feels good man.

Three white kids right here. Doing my part, user.

It’s all good bro

Whatcha doin' rabbi?

Everyone thinks the Jews did it except /newpol/

/newpol/= mossad niggerjews

INB4 all the isreali jews fill the board with retarded arguments such as

Daily Reminder
No jews were harmed in any of these state sponsored false flags designed to make whites look like evil kikes

You shills that say we have no heroes are making me severely depressed. Just fucking stop. If Brenton was a false flag then I want to join the Mossad.

Join then you fucking kike.
The only hero so far has been Bowers who has been cohencidently memory-holed because the kikes don't want you following his example.

a cohencidence, goy

The left junked me for excess honesty and inadequate loyalty. I was supposed to snitch on opponents with lies while withholding accurate intel from the enemy. I was unacceptably peace-seeking, so I was kicked out of the everwar for making treaty with the enemy. Despite this, I’m still ideologically leftist, precisely because I care predominantly about truth. The left’s ideology doesn’t have a dependency on lies.

The right’s ideology DOES depend on lies. People are supposed to live in wimpass terror of isolated crimes while loyally ignoring crimes en masse within their population. Stitching snitches is something done by shitfingered broke ol’ boys who haven’t strength enough for peace. Everything is hard for you losers. So hard forever! Lame.

Snitches are worth huge prosperity for lawful organizations. I’m not necessarily anybody significant, but when I swung left it grew. When I swung right? It grew! But now I’ve been junked out of both sides by people too loyal to see sins in anyone but snitches. So where will the swing go now?

I don’t know. I’m kind of excited about that. I’m an alien to everyone, now. I’m just watching.

Reddit: The Next Generation

(((black pills))) are very obvious ITT

Don't disrespect St Tarrant the Remover by calling him a jewish asset. He always was and always will be /ourremover/.

There is objectively nothing wrong with killing invaders of any type including muslims such as you.

Ideally, I'll shoot up a synagogue, the mosque you attend, a kfc, a university class of nothing but chinks, and a rapefugee center all on the same day.

Just finished reading your post. Read like complete drivel from a mentally handicapped leftist retard cuck. I don't even know what you're trying to say you're so vague and pointless.

fuck the kikes, whatever the case.

Seriously, this would be the perfect time for someone to shoot up a synagogue in NZ.

Doubt that.

>No, goy. They're fellow white people. (((Saint Brenton))) doesn't have a problem with jews and israel. I bet you haven't even read the manifesto.

Who are you quoting?

Doubt whatever you like. Triple meltdowns and exposed tons of spent fuel rods don't resolve themselves. Ever. They continue fissioning until there is nothing left. The radionuclides destroy everything in their path and are carried by oceans and jetstreams. Everything is literally fucked.
But you keep on doubting that.

The jews basically never plot to blame anything on other jews, other than specific isolated circumstances where they strategically need jews to be killed by goyim, such as the domicans in spain, which started due to rabbis being defunded by the introduction and circulation of mishna torah among jews. Why would jews claim that the nz shooting is a false flag?

Not that Qtards or shills will care.

Attached: Screenshot_20190327-103958~2.png (1080x1660, 886.88K)

I eagerly await the livestream of a Muslim attack on a Jewish synagogue, and the NZ PM wearing a skull cap and declaring a National Day of Bagels.

So if everything is fucked how are the kikes not?

The alt-right given MSM exposure is very jewish.
What is your point?

I'd pick a refugee center or a place that is dedicated to processing immigrants over a synagogue tbh.

Also these politicians in NZ they are literally just walking around visiting these memorials and such and could be taken out by a sniper.

Whoever kills the NZ Prime Minister will truly start the fire. If I had a rifle I'd do that. Imagine how demoralized the enemy would be if they lost their bitch and how much everything would escalate.

They wouldn't even kill jews on 9/11 they evacuated every single jew so only goyim would die in the twin towers. Jews are more than willing to sacrifice goyim lives but not jewish lives.

Found the jew


God's chose people are from Israel


There is nothing objectively wrong with non-whites killing non-whites.

Wake me up when they either start killing white Christians in Israel or they decided to deport every last Palestinian they are displacing into Europe.

They wouldn't. EVER.

Had the exact same thought. What a waste of fucking space

U.S. (((alt-right))) =/= Austrian right
That was a really low effort deflection


The average American on the west coast and their kids will be fucked first, unfortunately.
Once the panic begins, the kikes in the East with the means will flee to the southern hemisphere, in particular Antarctica. Or do you think (((their))) inexplicable trips to Christchurch and Antarctica over the past few years were totally random?

Either way, cheap way of giving Brenton the kike credibility.


Le cringe

If (((THEY) say it's a conspiracy theory, it's probably true.

Still more credible than the lot trying to paint him a Mossad agent.

Hey there, yid. You can't hide this.

I mean, if he wanted credibility and prove he was genuine, name the kike.
He didn't so he's not. Sorry, kike.
Emulate Bowers, not this jewish faggot.

Heil'd. It is posts like these that let me know the Fuhrer's spirit is being channeled.

The primary purpose of Zig Forums is to realize the 14 words. Exposing and defeating the jew is only relevant in the context of the 14 words. You are just a buttmad kike sad you can't use Brenton's manifesto to further your eternal victimhood status. Also you kikes are terrible at breeding and are going to die out without us having to kill you.,


This user gets it. Every muslim the jews kill is a muslim that we don't have to kill.

Unfortunately, jews tearing up the middle east and sending waves of refugees into europe is a big fucking problem.

$$\color{red}{The JOOS did it}$$

I thought the "Identitarian" movement was a Soros-funded Open Society scam? Aren't Martin Sellner and his fake Pettibone wife crypto-kikes?

It really isn't an either/or really. You can do all three.
Fact of the matter is that Brenton lit a fucking huge fire. A series of events are now underway.
St. Tarrant made a big sacrifice of his freedom so we wouldn't have to. at least not yet
We all really should be preparing anyway we can. Now more so than ever.

I too would like to see said screencaps. For historical purposes.



Where the fuck is the archive?

Also shills fuck off, you can't bury this.

Interesting. Here JDIF push Mossad theory but they say opposite to muslims.


Jewish god is Saturn. He is not real good. He is good of this satanic system. He is god of NPCs.

You can't win this game by playing it way they want. Fortunatly Brenton is smarter than you are.

We need to support this theory.

Well exactly. When the Zionists want a killfest in middle east, in theory less muslims, in practice huge waves of refugees.

Attached: smug pug.jpg (574x754, 42.61K)

This is great.

If you organize an protest march against 'white' people crimes against minorities, you can get all those at once in one place. And if you are really inventive you can get the feds whom are showing up because they cannot figure out which of 'their' guys organized the fucking thing for once. Even they know their mischlings are too stupid to do that without help. Double plus good when you warn people not to show up at the 'rally' tomorrow because some of us are nice guys.

Attached: fresh.jpg (992x1168, 1.15M)

White Nationalism is the reason Whites are dying



This is a delightful side effect of the false flag narrative.

Attached: Heres an artists representation _c2ee682ad8a4aace948a6a1c17b3cb4d.jpg (1280x720, 887.13K)

Kill yourself zeemaps meetup boomer kike shill.

Vanillaroma is the one.

He's right, it was a (((white nationalist))) (a pedophile kike) that memed the holocaust in the 70s


Some jew named Cohen, after he memed muh-6M, he went into hiding. He was found on his knees about to suck two white boys' cocks

White nationalists have all either been puppets or actual jews.


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How we supposed to ascertain the veracity of those subs?

Muslims are still aggressors because they are in our lands. So long as they try to live in non-Muslim lands they are servants of the Jew.