Christ/pol/ #2

This is a place where we can discuss christian politics. Let's discuss the decline of christianity in the modern era and see what we can do to increase its prevalence again and this time actually make people read the bible for once in their lives. One of the most glaring issue I find with non christians is that they have no fucking clue what a christian actually is. The definition of christian is.
Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.

Notice something it just doesn't say professing belief in Jesus as Christ but also follow the teachings of Jesus. The main point here is that the churches while they recognize Jesus as the messiah they don't directly follow the teachings of christ because they are frightened of the modern reprecusions. This is why I will always be a non denominational christian because churches are too corrupt to follow completely.

Moreover this thread will be dedicated to promoting the teachings of Jesus and will also provide a link to the bible. The topic I want to discuss with you today is the effiminatey of modern men mainly "christians" and how to fix it specifically. Now you might wonder is this even a problem for christians. Well it is because in
1 Corinthians 6:9
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Notice this is for a large portion of the current populace. However I want to focus on effeminatey because it will eventually coincide with the restraint of the other ones. Discipline is extremely important and without it you can kiss your life goodbye. Life is fucking horrible we all know this but so does God because in
1 John 2:15-16
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

This certainly applies to the modern world and the only way to fix it is to rebuild it from the ground up. To do this we need to increase the strength of our men and make them masculine again. Pray to god allow him to help you. The world will not overcome you with God on your side.

It starts at the gospel of John for whatever reason but the link to the bible is here.

Attached: Heretics.png (1185x1029, 565.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you have an entire fucking board. go there.

It's hard for me to promote Christianity when most Christians I talk to IRL are looking for a not censored, free speech centered place they can have these discussions but >>>Zig Forums is a heavily censored shithole with Tor permanently disabled and the other boards like >>>/christ/ are really dead.

Btw OP check this out:

To Everything There is a Season

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

You got 03 fucking boards for this shit, christnigger.

>>>/christ/ is basically just a board that spams saint threads with nothing else and it is also dead so you are correct. This is why I just decided to post this thread because despite the stupid amount of pagans and atheists who derail the thread I can still get a decent conversation out of it.

That's a good verse I'll be using that against christians who are pacifists.

You want your christian, you go to church.

But I don't feel you have the courage for that.

Going to church is the worst thing a christian can do. Church simply cherry pick verses they happen to be familar with and because of that it simply becomes something else with only some christian values and none of the other ones. Churches are what killed christianity.


You can't even stand other christians, let alone atheist (who are the same as christians).

If you have the courage, when a priest/pharisee/jew distorts your god's word, you would have smacked him or retorted him.

Instead, you keep silent like a bitch.

I go to every random Church I can find all the time. It's still isolating as I never can just outright express my full power level. The furthest I've gone is saying "I really don't like jews at all" and "I'm far-right or whatever you want to call it".

Check this out:

I myself I'm a man who draws upon all of the occidental tradition and all of the world's knowledge, aiming to be like Solomon, and it annoys me that a lot of the pagans and all of the atheists on Zig Forums really have a low-tier or rhetoric and need to up their game big time. There is a wealth of material out there to draw upon but I see a lot of easily debunked bullshit posted over and over.

So you should spend more time with your flocks instead of venting your anger to complete strangers here.

lol. promotes Christianity on Zig Forums while using profanity, o the irony.

Go to churches and spread the word like I do. If they end up kicking you out then oh well. So far I've been tolerated heh. It's a good way to pass the time. Although passing one's time in the company of fellow Zig Forumsacks IRL would be the absolute best way.

1. I'm not angry just disappointed in the level of discourse.
2. Flocks? What?

I literally attend every theology group and church meeting I possibly can every day of the week that such things are offered within about a 70 km radius of where I live. That's plenty of time.

Are you surprised that Christians are sinners? All men are.

I never even considered this. What I was considering was going out into the world travelling and spread the word of the gospel that way. After all if I can save one person then I'll be happy with myself.

I'm not even a Christian really I'm a panentheist or a deist but I love Christianity and adhere to like 99% of its concepts.

I just need to discover the personality of the godhead for myself somehow.

As it stands right now I believe in an impersonal god but I hypothesize god could be embodied in a man and that maybe Jesus was that man.

I just have to find a way to verify this. I'm working on it….

There was a monk that came to the New World to spread Christianity… he did this only after making sure there wasn't even one person in Ireland who hadn't heard the word.

The Bible tells us in many places and many ways to care for our neighbor. Our place of birth was not a mistake. God put us where we're supposed to be.

Think about what I'm telling you. Too many Christians who are ignoring their neighbors and instead talking to foreigners.

I've personally brought so many people closer to god over my lifetime. Not always necessarily converting them to Christianity but awakening them to various aspects and truths of God and setting them on the path of devotion and true religion.

You don't have to look far to save people.

Nope all sinners. Jeremiah 23:16 seems fitting here:
"6 This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD."

I don't care if I become Muslim or kike or Christian. I need a religion with the sociopolitical POWER to keep the police and CPS out of my neighborhood.

A lot of times you have to plant a seed and it's rejected completely but it blooms years later. So many people I have spoken truth to turned away from me or even hurt me only to beg my forgiveness later and tell me I was right.

As the saying goes…

Zig Forums is always right.

I know however I see everyone who shares my blood as my brother I will become a monk in about 5 months. I plan on spreading the word throughout the world. I am even starting right now by posting here. It's the main reason I still use this site.

Know and put your trust in the one true god, give up your works onto him, and pursue the most noble struggle without lust of result or success, knowing it all to be in the hands of the most wise and all powerful. This is the only way you will be able to attain and wield that sociopolitical power you want.

The most of "pagans" and antichristians here are probably kikes, since we all know Judaism is much closer to paganism and their culture and rituals are closer to paganism than Christianity.The thing that the real pagans and atheists do not understand is that, most of today's modern Christians are lefties and Liberal cunts and they are destroying true teachings of Bible and her nature.That's why Christians in 21th century are just gays who jack off to Pope Francis

Attached: 2988875.jpg (220x258, 50.31K)

LOL fucking what?

Christianity is an offshot of judaism and based on jew tradition, complete with desert robes.

I thought christians are supposed to be herders herding the flock of sheep?

Pray for discernment. Learn to look into the souls of men. It is just a matter of making the mind contact the man, focus on them, and bring them forward in the light. You can access their memories and everything then and bring up the relevant details. Beware of mental contagion though you may pick up all kinds of sickness which you will have to expel. Question your impulses and thoughts, cling not to yourself, accept into your mind only virtue.

The talmud is based off babylonian rituals using their gods and everything. It bares nothing in resemblence to the old judaism. This is the reason why Jesus came in the first place because jews were generally acting like kikes. Then he salvaged the salvagable.

I refuse to call myself a Christian. The original Christians never called themselves such and the word originated as a kind of slur against them.

I will not call myself Christian because for so many it's a tribal identity or something.

I am an occidental man and a beholder of the truth.

Also despite my great respect for the Bible it has been and will continue to be a long struggle to contemplate, realize, and fully understand each and every part of God. Always god is showing more and more of himself to me.

There may be many things a Christian is supposed to be but I just want to be made again in the image of god; perfection. This is a long process, a work of god within me, and must be genuine, a work upon my very nature.

Jesus was a kike trying to outkike the kike and got kiked. His teachings do not reflect the teachings of the jews, thus were shunned by jews.

Another special snowflake.

lol you are laugh. 'convert to Christianity, jews are kikes!' you are missing the main theme of christainty…

He really wasn't especially considering when he literally warned people about modern jews because no matter how much bitching you do. The bible correctly points towards jews being the synagogue of satan. Hence the jewish roots of satanism.
No this is actually a fact. It is the truth

Truth is truth no matter its outward appearance / clothing.

Depends if they're trying to divide and conquer or if they're just misled or what.

The ones constantly posting the same debunked drivel over and over are suspect.

Paganism is not necessarily like Judaism and certain forms of Paganism (Mithraism, Platonism, etc.) are very close to Christianity.

It's irrelevant. The fact is Christianity is the banner under which all of the occidental knowledge has been preserved and we're all under its influence to some degree or another.

Many Christians / Churchtians are fools of course but the Bible, the works of theologians, and certain speakers out there are very rich in knowledge.

The opposite really. "Christianity" is just my inheritance (and yours too, if you are European). We are all under a Christian cultural sphere.

As is paganism.

It would be wrong for me to identify too hard with Christianity when I have also the thoughts of so many other great European men also in memory.

This is the kind of stance someone who is a jew has on Jesus. Are you Jewish, user?

That refers to only the jews who were against Jesus, but we know better. Even the jews who were pro-Jesus are subversie.

So where is it then?

No, I'm vietnamese.

Kike worshipping cucks gtfo

Attached: 428DC8BC-146F-4C6E-A3C0-60D4CDBA768E.jpeg (650x351, 139.1K)

Sage and report this thread

Prove it then.

The various apostles? All jews who try to peddle their bullshit to white people.

The famous st. paul? Later convert who never met Jesus when he's alive but jewed himself into an apostle.

Anyone who disagrees? To the death with ye.

Which is what became of Judaism.
By being pro-Jesus you become Christian in a full conversion, since you don't see Christ as the messiah and Christians do.

Attached: Jews are the apocolypse religion to Christians -Marching to Zion.webm (1280x720, 3.6M)

All throughout the Bible.

Check out Proverbs 12 for an example, in which is contained the following:

A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown,but she who causes shame is like decay in his bones.

Nope, that is Judaism and will remains judaism, christniggers disagree and become christniggers.
By being pro-Jesus, you are still a jew.

And christians say Christianity is truth when they deny biological fact.

Which is what?

Where is the truth?

Hmmm there is a thing I have to finish reading where it contrasts Paul with Jesus and talks about the differences.

A whore destroys her husband. A wife is the husbands greatest achievement that's pretty fucking simple.

This is funny thing with christians.

It has been kiked immediately after Jewsus's death.

That's not truth.

I was asking for the truth.

There's a lot of truth in the Bible and not any falsehoods that I have as yet not been able to pin down as an issue of interpretation.

…but feel free to try to find something that proves the bible is fallible. I've tried and every time I researched things I realized the passages that seemed like they would prove the bible's fallibility never do.

From the Bible you can learn all about god, reality, human nature, etc. it's all in there. Everything you need.

Never read the bible in my life, went on life find.

You find more truth and logics in Aesop's tale than schizo books compiled by jews.

If you want "the truth" then Jesus says "I am the way, the truth, and the life."

So you'll just have to find Jesus. Good luck. I don't even understand Jesus in his fullness and I've heard it said we might never do so while living this life. At best we can get a glimpse of his glory sufficient enough to know.

I can say I'm the truth too.

What makes jewsus's statement true?

Nothing but jews.

Start listening to theology books like this.

Also this:

Don't criticize what you haven't even read and don't understand. I've read The Quran, The Bible, The Bhagavad Gita, etc. in full.

Him being God.

The real question is how to verify that. The only answer I can come up with so far is through gnosis.

or henosis

This is exactly like a commie who says ya need to read Marx book to get the truth.

All jews say the same way.

If he's god, he should be able to prove it.

As a matter of fact I have read both The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini and also Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler and Siege by James Mason and a whole fuckload of other books too.

What are you afraid of? I ended up here, and many others did too, because we exposed ourselves to dissident / contradicting viewpoints and then found out they were true.

Firstly, he can be able but not willing. Secondly, it may be that you and all of us will know him to be god at some point, and hopefully not a point where our finding out is rather too late. Thirdly, no ordinary man can comprehend god, and to even stand a chance of doing so you have to be prepared/cultivated to a point where you will be able to receive such insights.

Which means what?
Jew brainwashing and wasting time. You ending up here, shilling for a jew.
So he's a weak and cowardly god, why should I worship him?

That would be great if it were true. But I'm here to tell you that you hardly know the first thing about the real me.

It means I actually understand and study the doctrines, rhetoric, and worldview of my enemies and know them so well that I can infiltrate their groups, pick apart their ideology, and predict their actions. It also means I have certainty about the truth much greater than one who simply only listens to things that agree with him.

I highly recommend you to study everything and to not ignore the Bible because there is much to be learned from it and it is constantly quoted and used in the themes of media works and culture throughout the west.

How is he "weak and cowardly" if he can't be bothered to "prove" his existence to someone as infantile as you?

How about you go pray to god right now that he reveals some part of himself to you and that you might come to know him fully one day.

Just do it. See what happens. Also confess your unbelief. Say "god I do not believe nor do I know you, I do understand at all, blot out my ignorance, and fill me with knowledge of you".

God gives faith to whom he will and blinds the wicked and the prideful. Consider doing away with your pride and humbling yourself before the one true god that he might reveal himself to you.

I am not the God you think I am!

I wasn't referring to myself.

Or you are reading bullshit and believe in it, and that's now where you are.
Again, I don't need to read the bible and my life is fine. Aesop's tales teach more than the bible.
Because it means he fears me?

I am here to tell you if you will listen.

Tell me then.

All you know is that ancient Judaism lead to Christianity, but you don't know how Jesus became, or what he means for the Jews, or at least not the details the separates the two religions, by the sound of how desperately you want to crown yourself right form the end of your first sentence.
Except Jews by their religion can't be pro-Jesus without it becoming another belief. Judaism is still a religion that needs to be practiced.
You deny facts as well.

Attached: Judaism is younger than Christianity (2)

Oh hey it's Jesus again.

Hello Jesus, you can take it from here I guess, I've been trying to teach anons about you.

I have one question for you though, will read your response when I wake up I guess.

Did you ever intend for people to see you as the only embodiment of God or did you mean to reveal the divine in everyone or what? What's the big deal with Christians these days emphasizing the uniqueness of Christ?

It is said in the arcane teachings… that every man is a center, for the center of the infinite is everywhere. So each man is a center, without denying others of also being a center.

There is some Pythagorean philosophy of the circle, dot, and line illustrating these principles too…

When for example you said that only through you may be found the way to the father, did you mean only through your path / only through your likeness, or literally only through you specifically?

Fortunately only the last part is true.

Attached: pope4.jpg (1654x2339, 529.49K)

That's what I thought. It's channeling right? God speaking through the man. Idolaters then thought you were the fullness of God and not merely a part of God / a man of god.

I don't see anything proving me wrong on that, there's a Roman record over this matter. Jesus is a schism/heretic, similar to the catholic/orthodox/protestant/christniggers do later on.
They can, because for them, jesus is god, and changing god does not change their blood.
Where though?



They believe in a hoax.

All of it was true.

I don't believe in communism despite reading The Communist Manifesto.

Ignorance is never good. You should refrain from speaking to Christians ever again for rest of your life until you've read the Bible.

You jump to really odd conclusions and think about god in human terms.

Yes, but not the God of Abraham, but that of the source.

Yet you believe in Christianity after reading the Bible.
lol most christians don't even consider other christians, it's the exact thing with communists.
That's what gods are about, not about bullshit schizo jew shit. The christian god is a jealous, effiminate god.

Makes sense. What's your thoughts on the Vedas and related literature Jesus?

Being an arbitrary troll isn't winning you any friends here!

Was not the God of Abraham the source? …or was it just an egregore? Even if was an egregore, any time you contact source, distortions happen anyways as source has to be translated into thoughts comprehensible to the mind in contact with it.

I'm not here to troll nor to make friends.

I'm interested in the truth.

The Vedic Sanskrit is in large part the source of my Gnostic teachings.

Nigger, most christians will call you heretic.

I believe there is much wisdom in the Bible. Doesn't mean I "believe in Christianity" if by Christianity you mean the nonsense the average Christian believes.

What's your point?

Schizo? So you believe in jewish psychiatric bullshit?

God is something far greater than your human conceptions of him.

The fact you can't think of anything higher than man is testament to your infantile mindset.

The original Christians were all gnostics. That's where divine revelation came from.

Nowadays >>>Zig Forums and pretty much every type of Churchtian will hate you for being a gnostic but gnosticism is the original Christianity.

/thread must sleep

The God of Abraham is a flesh and blood man just as you and I. His people created mankind in their image.

The source or all is what every existing thing is made of.

I don't believe there's much wisdom in the bible that isn't found in Aesop's tales, which is older than the bible. Congrats, you just waste your time.
My point is that christians don't even consider other christians do the same.
Yes, a jealous and effiminate faggot is far greater than human conception.


Again with the not true christian shit.

Actually go to any Christian board and debate on how they kill gnostic on sight.

They would probably be the first to want to crucify me!

This is why I hate christian.

For an "unity" religion, they sure as fuck can't accept other people.

There is a distinct lack of unity even within their religion!

Christ is cool; "Christ"ians are not.

Christianity is a mind disease. It is the reason why the White Nation is enslaved to Kikes. Christians are the ones who forced integration with niggers on our real Nation. They did this to benefit their fellow nigger Christians.
Yes, you alone are the only "real" Christian in the world. A common protestant delusion, usually best uphold by acquiring some idiosyncratic interpretation of random passages.
There is no fixing it. Christianity is an effeminate religion, that historically passed from a woman to her children (both male and female). The story of Helena and Constantine is the story of the transmission of this mind disease.
Any religion centered around a human male means that religion will conjure a sexually appealing image to the mind of the female believer. Christ is depicted as a nigger to the nigger Christians because the negress wants to fantasize about sex with a nigger Jesus, not a European one. In Asia, he is either never depicted at all, or he is the European Jesus, and the female converts are all race-mixers. Just like in Latin America.
This means hate your people and do not concern yourself with your people's fate.

And I hate idiots. This is what Jesus actually says:

Luke 12:51
"Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division."

You have no idea what the real truth of God is, you've never heard it and if you did, it was closed to you.

These 2 statements have nothing in common.

This same jewsus would say a greek and a jew is the same in god.

Fuck jewsus and fuck his daddy.

That's what Jews believe, that's why he can't be a messiah for Judaism and the messiah of Christianity.
Those are denominational interpretations, referring to the same religion. Judaism is a different belief with it's own scripture and God.
That is just wrong, they don't worship the trinity, nor Jesus, they didn't believe he was the messiah (because he didn't enslave the world in a global government and convert everyone to Judaism), that is why they killed him. In the talmud it says that Jesus is in hell boiling in excrement, yet you say they worship Jesus as a God.
I haven't really looked into conversions too much it's possible to have a full conversion. It would change how they think at least.
It's easy to lump the Abrahamic religions together, and i share your distrust of Jewish institutions (even if it doesn't sound like it). The jews worship the Shekinah which is a male and female aspect of God. They don't take the Torah in the same way the Christians do. They're still waiting for a messiah to unite the world in global government, which the bible describes as the apocalypse.

Attached: Jews don't really follow the OT - Marching to Zion.webm (640x360 2.06 MB, 7.34M)

Mankind is a stiff-necked group of people. My teachings cause grown men to behave as rebellious children!

Why do you insist on dragging me thru the mud?

In fact, that interpretation naturally follows from Christian doctrine. Christianity has historically taught all people are sinners, deserving divine punishment. Humans are evil, sinful, wicked creatures, and Christians do hate them. It's why they would gladly go along with forcing integration with niggers on the White Nation, especially if they though it would benefit their fellow nigger Christians.