Seattle is Dying - KOMO


After the (((Social Democrats))) took over the city council (Somalian Muslims, women, opportunity hires et. al.) A formerly beautiful and clean city with a rich Scandinavian culture (and largely white/asian population) looks like a fucking warzone.

There's a long history attached to this. An anti-police sentiment caught on after the Battle for Seattle/WTO Riots. Ever since then, things have been ratcheting up.

Walk around outside now and it smells like piss.

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Other urls found in this thread:

1. Raise the ego of narcissists
2. Introduce the glorification of drugs
3. ???
4. Cultural Marxism yo

Why is it so bad it becomes a Robocop movie nigger neighborhood warzone? Imagine the river of blood tainted soy running down the streets.

I really don't like these posts where the video link isn't embedded. Comes across like an automated crossposting program meant for dual use on cuckchan.

It's disgusting how much it has transformed. Nothing like it was when I was a kid. Anyone with sense is getting the fuck out now. The rest of the state is pretty okay.

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Who could have possibly predicted this would end in failure?

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I'd have embedded it, but the video was already buried as a reply in another thread.

If only people knew…

lol when i went to ECCC in 2015, walking downtown at night I passed homeless people naked in sleeping bags eating pizza and got asked outside mcdonalds by a shadowy negro if i wanted to buy crack

Street trash like this should be fucking euthanized

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If both coasts were nuked to oblivion tomorrow, the most terrible loss would be from the fallout that blew onto the midwest. Only retards and bugchasers live on the coasts.

Seattle wasn't LA, but it is now. Washington State has breathtaking wilderness and hosts the only rainforest in the USA. It would be a tragedy to lose all of that. What we need to do is cut off water supply to southwest niggers, as the Pacific Northwest basically allows places like Southern California and Nevada to exist as we get Jewed by prices for water that the federal government sets.

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But jews told me the somalian niggers were baste anti-zionist…

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That enterprising kike certainly has no higher ambitions than city council amirite

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Seattle is 66% non-Hispanic white, as compared to 47% (San Francisco), 28.7% (Los Angeles), 45.3% (San Diego), or 28.7% (San Jose). These are the largest cities on the west coast by population. Of course it's being systematically destroyed, the goal is to scatter whites to the far winds and prevent them from forming anything close to an ethnic support system. This is explicitly stated by laws, specifically the Fair Housing Act, which by preventing "redlining" by banks also banned the practice of banks promoting racially and ethnically homogeneous neighborhoods ("greenlining").

Of course, tech companies in Seattle are only exacerbating the problem. While the streets are slick with shit and cyberpunk hell, Jeff Bezos and Amazon execs build ecodome offices.

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Degenerates like this. It makes them feel at home.

Good, that place is a shithole.
honestly, they should move to bellevue

And the shit talking commences. I am not an anarchist.

It's always been a dank damp foetid gloomy place with a sinister edge to it.

I say someone taint the drug supply with lots of fentanyl poorly mixed, such that there are random hot spots. These homeless will be unable to adjust there dose in order to prevent OD. You will clean up the streets and make a little money on the side.

God has cursed them for having the Boeing assembly plant there that built bombers that massacred the based Japs and Krauts with aerial bombardment.

Seattle smells like piss every summer, it's seasonal. Without the rains of fall, winter and spring, the piss doesn't wash away.


It's worse than shadowrun. I'd love to be a cyber-enhanced VR hacker. This is just degeneration.

I walk home every night past the filth and human trash littering the streets. Phone poles are plastered with literal Zig Forums anime memes. At least it's fun to vandalize them.

still relevant

till the CIA that's dealing the drugs to launder money track you down and kill you.

Can confirm. I work up there most of the time. 3rd avenue in downtown looks like a third work country and could literally be a scene out of the walking dead.

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*Third world

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LA is 30% white?
Cancelling plans to ever visit there.


Import subhuman filth, live like subhuman filth lives. Seems like people ought to be concentrating on GETTING THE FUCK OUT OF THE CITIES AND LEAVING THE SUBHUMANS IN THEM.

I would be surprised if it was THAT high. I got out a long time ago, it was a miracle of God that allowed me to leave…I'm being serious.

It pisses me off that this same effect is going on in basically every large city in America. Here in Denver almost every point could be copied and pasted and applied to the city I was raised in… I have buddies that are Denver PD cops I swear to God libertarians stfu for one fucking thread and they really try but the system just won't let them, the chief is held by the balls by the mayor (which is compounded due to Denver's quirk that the mayor is in charge of BOTH the city and county of Denver) and they can't do their jobs. It was a little better a few years ago because there were loopholes that allowed them to charge criminals at the state level and CO as a state has traditionally been almost as conservative as states like Wyoming, Montana and Utah… however that's changed with the RAPIDLY browning of the state.

I don't care what the official numbers are, but in the 90s the state felt 95% White, with a spattering of nigs in Denver on East Colfax, Park Hill and Montbello and some beaners on the northwest corner. But outside of Denver, Colorado was pure like the snow. Now the state feels like 50% muds, it's disgusting… this used to literally be one of the greatest places on earth to live in. Literally what my parents say this area was in the 70s sounded pretty close to heaven. And they fucking shat all over it.

It's mostly kikes and persians (counted as White, sadly) and old Whites, too old to escape. Culturally there is no White culture left, at all other than a few very desperate attempts at keeping the dying surfer-dude culture alive.


Bad news is that the people leave and spread their leftist cancer elsewhere. Good news is that the country is going to collapse long before they can spread and infect the entire country.

The only part of LA thats white are the south bay beach cities. Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach. Hollywood, Bell Air, Bevery hills etc. it mostly kikes and as another user said rich persians. The rest of the city is a dystopian mexican/asian/unidentifiable shitskin disaster.

We've known Seattle is shit since the 90's when the whole fucking grunge disaster was unleashed as a sorry excuse as a soundtrack to that shitty movie "Singles".

All urban are shit holes

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I agree with everything on that poster except limit tech. Thats what the jew is doing now to prevent goyim from naturally advancing

Yeah fuck the coasts, nuke and destroy the coasts so what's currently inland becomes the new coast and repeat until the world population ceases to exist ex dee


I don't believe in god either but come on dude.

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I live outside of seattle, and I refuse to go to Seattle unless I am passing it the fuck by. I hate Seattle, and I hate the arrogant Seattle government. Luckily I live in an uncucked county and in a uncucked city. But the homeless are creeping in, and we are running out of time.

Hey all. I am a resident at one of the tiny villages that has just been built here in Seattle. I've gotten my life together, gotten myself clean and am fighting alone against this corruption alone. I see the people being lied to and defrauded of their money everyday. I am on the bus now to take my dose for the day but in about an hour when I get back I have some information and a letter I presented to donors that's has been intentionally buried. I need your help. I will be back soon.

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Wyominganon here, it pains me to see what has happened to your great state. Shit it's even carried over into laramie and cheyanne in the south here right across your border. Thanks for the update, best wishes m8

What the fuck.

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Also yes, I do not endorse getting rid of technology when mastery over technology is one of the few avenues of attack we have left.

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user you better be packing some fucking proof is all I'm saying If you have a letter take pictures and upload with a timestamp at the minimum.
Verify then trust and all that.

Reporting White people in Newport Beach too

Even Linkola says that technology should only be capped and/or destroyed in function to attaining stasis with nature and society. Society before modern technology was much more harsh and would lead to humans having to ironically enough destroy more resources to feed and cloth ourselves. Like you don't need a pencil sent in from China to save a few pennies or eat weird frankenfruit or import it from the southern hemisphere because you just NEED to eat strawberries year round… but refrigeration is a good thing.

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Unrelated, but I love the artwork. That style.

forgot to post
This is the Governors Club, a posh restaurant right outside the capital building in Tallahassee, FL. All the powerful and elite dine here.

And yes that is a pentagram in the upper right "3rd" panel

The 2nd panel is Christian Science Church symbol (crown with a cross diagonal thru it) - a creepy little church down the road with pretty steep security

I have no idea what panel 1 is - casket with a wreath? - cup & doughnut? - dunkin doughnuts coffee?

Go back to kikechan you piece of shit.

Kill yourself retard.

Keep going with this. This is important, user.


Christian Scientist (New Thought) reporting in.

No idea there's a church for it… or is this a different thing than New Thought?

Hey I'm back. Sorry for the delay but I had a surprise appointment to attend at the clinic. Before I get into the details I want to say, thank you /pol. What you do is incredible. This board and the people here have changed my life around more than anything. I have been homeless for 20 years as a choice to opt out of the traditional lifestyle. I started traveling and hitch hiking/train hopping so I could see every piece of this magnificent country. Eventually I got into the darker side of that culture and started using. I've never done meth though, thank God, being from upstate NY we never had it around. Fast forward to 2018 and I'm in Seattle. Desperately wanting to get off of opiates, to get my shit together, to save my life! I wasnt ready to die yet. It's easy here to get into a Suboxone clinic, you can be on Subs same day if you wish. It's almost impossible to get clean though. There is one Detox, I've been there twice, once for xanax and the last for heron. The first time they worked my down to one xanax and l kicked me out, even after I told them, since I was still at 1 a day I would still go through potentially fatal withdrawls when I stopped taking that 1 when I got home. Thank God my doctor gave me Gabapentin, too help with the vicious twitching, hallucinations and seizures that I was having to endure by myself in a tent far from help in January. It took me 2 months to get back to "normal" but I did it. I tried to go back April 19th for heroin but the policy is Tylenol and a number of bogus medications to treat symptoms such as Clonidine, Gabapentin, Hydroxizyne(a big no-no) and Trazadone(also a big no-no). They have a closet full of Clonipin which would make everyone very comfortable, sleepy and would get right through their withdrawls because that's why we are there. They have this belief that there must be suffering to learn your lesson. That is ridiculous. Lots of people quit cold turkey, suffer lots and go right back to it… Anyways, the Trazadone they had give me caused my stomach disorder to flip and I couldn't stop throwing up due to my CVS (cyclic vomiting syndrome). I never made it through and had to take my Suboxone to stop the vomiting. Few weeks later I switched to Dolophine(Methadone) and it works as intended. 4 months later I was chosen to move into the new Tiny Hiuse Village @ South Lake Union. By this time I was off the dope completely, got rid of all my numbers, avoided areas and people at all costs and kept to myself to avoid trouble. I found I had nothing in common with the other "homeless" and wanted nothing to do with their bullshit. The lying, stealing, immoral gimme more hoard. Defacing property, disrespecting people, aggressive, filthy, diseased… I need to go through this letter I promised and remove some names. This is the one I presented at their CAC (community advisory council) with the donors present and some of the public. Allen Institute, Facebook just the top 2 of my head. All of the minutes from that meeting were supposed to have been made public. They still have not been. They are so doing damage control with the mayor because they have a direct representive there for her. They are hiding what I said from the public. Here is the link to the page with meeting minutes listing.. I will be right back after I proof read quick and remove names sorry for the length of this post but I loathe corruption.

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Yep. Getting everything together now. I had handed out these to all of the board members @ the CAC meeting second Tuesday of the they could read along so no confusion. I do not have any printed atm but I can if u need by tonight. I do not have a printer in my tiny home and I am taking a large risk getting this information out. About to post screens shots of the PDF and then I would like to explain some things in detail. Thank you.

Pic attached is a guy who likes to jerk off under his blanket on capital hill and he has been caught several times doing it. I take a picture everytime I see him. Disgusting animal.

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We're starting to see sights like that where I live. It's saddening.

So what happens then if you Northwestern Front guys get your way? Are you just going to burn Seattle to the ground and start over? You can't have a city this shit in your ethnostate?

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Great argument! Just call anyone I don't like a virgin.

OK. Thank you for your patience. It's been already a long day. Here is the letter with some names removed for protection. They are required by law to put this all up on the city website so the community can see what is happening at these places. Transperency and all that. As of today they are still figuring out how to keep this from the public eye. I read this aloud to the CAC board on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at approx. 2pm.
See for yourself at this link. Scroll down to lake union and you will see the meeting minutes for download. Where is March??

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Residents are encouraged to do drugs and hide it from the public. Residents are not encouraged into recovery. The needle exchange is here right now giving everybody all the gear they need to destroy their lives. This place is a death camp. They have made "homelessness" the new cancer because people aren't buying that scam anymore. Now it's homelessness. The middle class is being plundered of their money and it's going to (((them))) "Donate today to help save…. This is wrong on so many levels. It must stop! "Tell me what you need anons. I need to walk my dog quick. Oh yeah, the day after NZ the Muslims went around handing out these care packages for the homeless.

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June 6th, 1889.

BTW this is the copper work @the Macy's building in DT Seattle. I've walked underneath a million times but never noticed the symbols until a few weeks ago. People just destroy their Tiny Homes.. This guy pooped on the floor before he walked out, leaving his whole tweeker life in there. Our maybe that was his brain that fell out… Who knows? Taggers destroy everything in this neighborhood. South Lake Union.

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So what are we doing about it? What organizations are we forming and how are we pooling our resources?

Good on you for staying clean with all that bullshit. Keep it up man, find a job and get out of that shithole, you sound like someone that can make it.


That's all you need to do. Walk the fuck away.
The whole system is propped up by it's own middle class. They pay exorbitant taxes that are spent on dealing with the homeless while both classes (middle and poor) are exploited by the elite.

All it would take to collapse it would be for people to simply leave. Go elsewhere. There's other places where you can be happy. Where you can raise your family. Let the mayor and his cronies dwell in an ever-increasing pile of filth.

Just walk the fuck away
Goddamn, it's not hard.

fukin' a mate, you sound like a reasonable guy who really wants to pull his shit together, and is strong enough to make it. Keep at it man.

Just remember, you can't spell Brenton without Renton.

It really says "I'm a Virginia Voter. Vote Yes on 8."

The reason for this is that everyone on the west coast is usually their own gnostic bubble, and running away from disapproval of others for their (((bad behaviour))). From a public health sense, since the lefties have funded almost Canadian-style health coverage, it makes sense. Morally? It's the west coast dude, where pedophobia is an actual thing.

Opiates, I presume? The same happened to me after I was stabbed twice, had my jaw broken, and had a 8-9 foot fall onto my knee onto concrete. Ended up on a bunch of painkillers, and then couldn’t really stop after months of taking them. Ended up switching to heroin for price reasons (pills can be a lot more expensive) after my prescriptions ran out.

Clean for quite a while, now, though. I hate to see what opiates and other drugs are doing to my people, and who it is being done by and through (kikes, nogs, sandnigs, etc.).

Good luck, user. Never go back.

I quit seriously probably about 5 or 6 times before finally putting the shit down. Got my hep C treated maybe a couple years after that. Final scars that haunted me even after getting clean, thank god I got cured.

Let me just say this, quitting suboxone was worse for me than heroin. I relapsed after suboxone because the withdrawals are even worse. I don’t believe the intention is really get people off the opiates, only replace them with (((pharma-approved))) ones.

My story is a little different than yours, I grew up in Mass back when Oxys were bad and heroin was gaining steam. Now one of the worst places for heroin addiction in the country. I’m just lucky I got out right before fentanyl started being cut into it. And also how I finally got clean was literally cold turkey, convulsing, hot/cold flashes, no sleep for days. Took about 4 days to get bearable, a little over a week to get manageable, and maybe a year and a half for the threat of relapse to become almost nonexistent. 2013 was the last time I did heroin. It gets progressively better.

Reason for typing this is because heroin is literally the biggest scourge that has ever plagued the white race. The reason for its problem is actually more deep and sinister than reported, which is why despite dumping untold billions of dollars into it heroin overdose still remains a problem to this day.
People succeptible to heroin addiction are any person with some level of discomfort within society. We live in an artificial mass manufactured clown world but most people don’t come out of the womb understanding this, and thus do their best to adapt to it. Many do, some do not. A prison doesn’t need to give a shit if it’s inhabitants are comfortable however. So those that don’t settle into experience discomfort with the system and cope various ways. Unfortunately mine was escapism.
This unnatural clown world requires things like homelessness and heroin addiction to exist. Part of it is to break our society and break our spirit. Another massive factor includes boredom, our sterile 9 to 5 jobs that alienate us, manufactured mass media to entertain us, our cookie cutter school systems that teach us to be obedient instead of free thinkers. Most heroin addicts are white blue color workers, men who built this country. The perfect target. Destroy the youth as well. Politically disaffected, demonized constantly by the clown worlds talking heads

Literally what got me clean was my girlfriend, soon to be wife in like a month. She met me when I had gotten “clean” temporarily and when I relapsed again the thought of losing her gave me a reason to quit. This is literally the only way to get clean. Not a significant other specifically, but you need to find something underneath that is worth undergoing a massive amount of suffering for, a REAL REASON to quit.

And my reason for typing this is not to blogpost or slide the thread but simply to wish you luck, and to remind you that you matter and that it can be beaten. And also to remind everybody that heroin is one of the Jews weapons against us, don’t hate the addicts, however degenerate they may be many (not all but many) could have been great people were it not for the poison pushed on us.

Thank you!! That feels really good to hear. Especially surrounded by commies, I have no peers that think like me, they all just want gibs and a place to do dope… I choose to live!! "One should never expect life, liberty and happiness to fall from the sky".
Some information: Lifelong has somehow secured a contract with the city to do case management for this THV. Lifelong is an LBGTQRSTUV AIDS organization. They are having huge trouble right now. They are absent and just collecting money at this point. Picture related is an event they throw. I'm disgusted. Website :

Up next we have Sharewheel: Marxist-Leninist Commies that ran Licton Springs. We all know that place was a disaster because Sharewheel thinks using drugs is a human right. Instead of focusing on recovery they let them do whatever they wanted. Here is a news article :

These people belong in prison, Sharewheel. Now they are bringing the Licton Springs people here over the next couple days. Not good. One kid who just came yesterday, told me they switched the phone line around so the donation line was going to the front instead of where it should have. They were collecting the money and spending it on dope for 3 days he said…. WTF?

How can we make this stop? This isn't right. I warned the donors (Allen Institute) (((Facebook))) that this place was fast becoming the same. BTW I have that whole CAC meeting in audio. I have all sorts of stuff…. When I just went to do my chore there was part of a meth pipe on the floor….Gosh it must be really fun to stay up for a week, grind your teeth, paranoia, no appetite and can't get it up…

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Thats not LA thats OC. Which was the white holdout of the area but asians have been quickly displacing whites form the area. OC used to have a lot of high tech manufacturing jobs and engineering jobs. Those whites are all retiring and being replaced by asians.

I applaud you for everything you are doing. I do want you to know that from a medical standpoint, cyclical vomiting syndrome is not "rare". I see numerous cases of it each day in the ER ever since they legalized cannabis in my state. If you use cannabis either switch to a different blend or stop. IF you don't use cannabis at all then there are only a couple of other things that it could be and I would send you to a specialist to narrow down what is causing it. One clue is whether or not your vomiting is productive or if it is like an endless dry heave. Another useful "test" is to see if your symptoms improve by getting in a hot shower. If yes to either of those then that is usually CVS associated with cannabis. I would love to help you get clean and get your medical issues taken care of man. Do you have an email I can contact you at?

what exactly is the problem here? Seattle was always shit without exception. Same for Portland. If you think any of this is new, you're a zoomer.

no all the mfg jobs went up north to the central valley, socal has nothing to offer except mexicans

The curse is non-whites in white lands. Remove subhuman, curse removed.


You allied yourselves with the Bolshevik Jew to crush Germany and Japan. The Bolshevik jew is shoving the vermin down your throat. We are accursed.

And with the swarms of street shitting drug addicts comes swarms of rapidly multiplying rats that eat the shit and other garbage. The rat population from Vancouver to San Diego is exploding.

I got here a few years ago and it has changed quite a bit since then. Homeless, crime, drugs, muzzies. Leaving at the beginning of April and couldn't be happier. Washington has the weather going for it but that's about it. This place is completely fucked; filled with pedos and godless degenerates.

Government officials in Los Angeles are considering ripping out all carpets in city buildings amid a typhus outbreak that has infected workers.

The disease is typically caused by infected fleas, which hitch rides on rats, and their feces. It can also be spread by cats and opossums, according to health officials. Downtown Los Angeles has been battling an outbreak since October that was linked to homeless street encampments, officials said.

"We had an employee or two mention they heard something in the ceiling," City Council President Herb Wesson told the AP as he walked through his office, where he recently had all the rugs ripped out. "Then we had an employee spot what she believed to be paw prints."

Los Angeles station KABC reports that the problem has become so severe that officials are now looking at plans from Wesson to remove all carpets in City Hall and City Hall East, as well as assess live plants and implement a policy that would require employees to keep food off site.

City attorney Elizabeth Greenwood told local station KCAL9 she contracted typhus in November and said "I thought I was going to die."

Symptoms of typhus include, fever, chills, rapid breathing, body and muscle aches, rash, vomiting and confusion, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some people can remain infected without symptoms and experience a relapse in disease, the CDC reports, known as Brill-Zinsser disease.

While there is no vaccine to prevent typhus, there are antibiotics available to treat the disease.

Jews were blamed for the outbreak of the Black Death you know…

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Let me know if I can help you in any way before I move. Literally anything. Clothes, food, etc.

I live by Northwest hospital and there are multiple tents behind my house. It's a bunch of nigger meth heads. RV's constantly pull up for a few hours and then leave. On my Ring cam I've caught them snooping around my backyard and I've called the cops and as the video in the OP demonstrates - the cops don't get a fuck. I have snooping thieves literally living on the street 25ft from where I'm typing this, and I'm stuck in a lease. I've lived in Seattle my whole life and I'm planning to relocate to the whitest place in WA. Any suggestions?

If you need to stay in Washington go to Spokane or someplace in E Wash.

I never knew that Spokane was nice. I'll look into that. If I'm going to save money and move out somewhere - I really would hope it's not going to be a place that will end up like Seattle 5 years from now.

Last month an illegal immigrant decapitated a woman and was shot in a standoff (shown in the vid linked below). This was 2 blocks away from me.

One thing I notice that most people in Seattle share is that they are completely ignorant retards. The city has been going downhill for some time and yet the people here are completely brainwashed and keep voting for the same people. Our last mayor was obviously one of the politicians caught up in Pedogate and I wouldn't be surprised if all the politicians higher up in Seattle are dirty.

We can point out how it's gone to shit all day but everyone here has learned helplessness and are more concerned with their next distraction and less concerned with making any positive changes.

Thanks jews, and brain damaged boomers too. Not only did you assrape the economy and culture, you brought back medieval diseases to the United States that have been eradicated for almost 100 years. Great fucking job.

you really are stupid

This has happened with every single West Coast city bums, niggers, beaners and muslims have infested in only 20 years.

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San Diego published their own demographics which is more accurate. Its about 25% White, the military is the only reason there i still White people in Socal.

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