I quit seriously probably about 5 or 6 times before finally putting the shit down. Got my hep C treated maybe a couple years after that. Final scars that haunted me even after getting clean, thank god I got cured.
Let me just say this, quitting suboxone was worse for me than heroin. I relapsed after suboxone because the withdrawals are even worse. I don’t believe the intention is really get people off the opiates, only replace them with (((pharma-approved))) ones.
My story is a little different than yours, I grew up in Mass back when Oxys were bad and heroin was gaining steam. Now one of the worst places for heroin addiction in the country. I’m just lucky I got out right before fentanyl started being cut into it. And also how I finally got clean was literally cold turkey, convulsing, hot/cold flashes, no sleep for days. Took about 4 days to get bearable, a little over a week to get manageable, and maybe a year and a half for the threat of relapse to become almost nonexistent. 2013 was the last time I did heroin. It gets progressively better.
Reason for typing this is because heroin is literally the biggest scourge that has ever plagued the white race. The reason for its problem is actually more deep and sinister than reported, which is why despite dumping untold billions of dollars into it heroin overdose still remains a problem to this day.
People succeptible to heroin addiction are any person with some level of discomfort within society. We live in an artificial mass manufactured clown world but most people don’t come out of the womb understanding this, and thus do their best to adapt to it. Many do, some do not. A prison doesn’t need to give a shit if it’s inhabitants are comfortable however. So those that don’t settle into experience discomfort with the system and cope various ways. Unfortunately mine was escapism.
This unnatural clown world requires things like homelessness and heroin addiction to exist. Part of it is to break our society and break our spirit. Another massive factor includes boredom, our sterile 9 to 5 jobs that alienate us, manufactured mass media to entertain us, our cookie cutter school systems that teach us to be obedient instead of free thinkers. Most heroin addicts are white blue color workers, men who built this country. The perfect target. Destroy the youth as well. Politically disaffected, demonized constantly by the clown worlds talking heads
Literally what got me clean was my girlfriend, soon to be wife in like a month. She met me when I had gotten “clean” temporarily and when I relapsed again the thought of losing her gave me a reason to quit. This is literally the only way to get clean. Not a significant other specifically, but you need to find something underneath that is worth undergoing a massive amount of suffering for, a REAL REASON to quit.
And my reason for typing this is not to blogpost or slide the thread but simply to wish you luck, and to remind you that you matter and that it can be beaten. And also to remind everybody that heroin is one of the Jews weapons against us, don’t hate the addicts, however degenerate they may be many (not all but many) could have been great people were it not for the poison pushed on us.