To pay them tribute, to her and all these women.'''
To pay them tribute, to her and all these women.'''
Don't waste time on people like this. They're already dead.
Welp, so much for muh base anti-zionist muslim.
inb4 this is a false flag
Actually Muslims are beginning to live up to their WW2 counterparts.
Perhaps they can kill feminist in their own country, no?
As in killing white men?
why can't i find any news article about it?
but what if their social media shows how much of a cuck they are? where will i get more of these?
Kill 50 muslims and jews will cry false flag.
Kill 01 white woman and nobody says anything.
muslims are not the enemy
They are a pitable parasite race engineered by the jews to serve as elite shock troops. Without theft and welfare, their core community structures rapidly disintegrate.
All brainwashed by the (((media, education, politicians))) since birth.
Red pill every single person you know, in one way or another. Spread the stories of women being chopped up into pieces to your females friends and relatives, to your relatives with young children, spread it everywhere.
Defy the propaganda.
"Las holandesas" is another good red pill.
Any claim not substanced by proof can be disregarded as such.
Most people don't realize jews are muslims and muslim are jews, same blood, same race.
I can't find unedited footage of it any more, but I can immediately think of Farkhunda. Don't trust sources you find nowadays on what happened, it's all either incomplete or in some cases outright false. Even my memory isn't quite fresh on every detail any more, but here a green that will more accurately describe it to you.
Apparently they did a whole bunch of other shit after that, including but not limited to incinerating her upper half and dumping it next to a bridge, but the footage I watched ended not long after the ripping-apart thing, so I never got to see that.
This is how you deal with insufferable cunts. You beat them to death, rip them to pieces, capture it all on camera and upload it onto the internet for everyone to see. Preferably liveleak or some shit where it doesn't instantly get taken down. There's a lot those Afghanis do wrong, but in this case, I'd say each of their actions was correct and justified.
That's good, now maybe they can go back to their country and roast feminists, especially in Saudi Arabia and Iran and Syria.
Syria especially has feminist troops.
There are no words to describe the horror. How do you guys deal with it? I'm living in a loonytoons world. I can't help but burst into laughter at the ridiculousness like a insane person. The only people I know who aren't loonytoons are people i've never met before in my life. For all I know you don't even exist. Is this what insanity feels like?
Not the same religion, thats the difference
Worlds biggest mutts bringing everyone else down to their level because of envy.
They can convert back and forth.
Are you implying they don't? What makes them have the fro, the goblin noses and ears?
When an anti-white woman, Mollie in this case, is killed, and her family basically laughs off her death by going, you know, Mexicans have the best Tacos… they were totally worth my daughters life, and tacos on taco tuesday are a buck a piece, I figure, if the family doesn't think their daughter's life is worth more than some slimy beef and lettuce in a shell for a buck, their daughters life was truly worthless, and therefore, the world lost nothing but a coal burning whore, whose own family knew she was worthless as fuck, but didn't have the heart to kill her themselves.
Stupid white feminist blaming white hetero men for the behavior of sandniggers while calling for more sandnigger invasion story #142,675.
Do we need to point these things out anymore? These dumb whores are hopelessly lost and can't be reached. Perhaps we can save a few that haven't been mind fucked with the mass hysteria of feminism yet, but pointing out the truth doesn't seem to be very effective.
Did you actually see her lighting up the Quran on fire? All the media say she was falsely accused:
The videos I found are videos of other people recording her, not her recording herself. I didn't see no books being burned.
Why would jews cry false flag about nz? They wouldnt because they arent blammed at all in manifesto for inventing and organizing demographic engineering. Jews are not crying false flag, jews are telling people not to read the manifesto. Big difference
Imagine if white Christians got angry at a woman for burning a bible, tied her to a car, ripped her body in two pieces and burned the top half. Jew NPR and Huffington Jew would never stop talking about it.
That's what I meant by some sources being outright false. I saw it with my own eyes, then ages later tried to find it again and found articles like yours denying it. And she wouldn't even have wanted it to be a secret. She wasn't in any way shy about herself burning a quran, she wasn't doing it in secret. She was demonstratively standing in front of the camera at daytime with other people in the building only one doorframe away - the door being either open or not there, holding the Quran extra close to make sure it's on camera what it was that she was burning. The trashcan was full to the brink so the quran was not so much inside it as lying on top of a pile of other junk, visible to everyone.
It's obvious to me, she not only did it, but wanted to make a show out of it, too.
But it also makes sense why the (((press))) would act as her unwanted defense force. Imagine the terror the truth would in spire in the minds of your average White cuck progressive. Imagine being one of them, walking around in your urban western home city, with more and more mudskins around you. All your friends by now would cast you out and even go as far as cost you your job if you ever did a 180 on your politics. And you have grown so accustomed to the positive stimulation you get from touting your preachy bluehair lines, maybe with some edgy bible burning or waving a dildo around mixed in to show what a worldly atheist you are. And acting smug and dismissive to anyone you annoy. Only to then realize that those same muslims that are surrounding you more and more, once they no longer have to put up with your shit, might actually beat you to death and saw you to literal pieces some day soon.
Imagine the panic.
Threads like this should in general be about using this fear to break the conditioning, or at least punch some cracks into it. Coming up with some format, some meme template that works to get it into their heads. The people those immigrants are murdering, are not some distant, far-away arch-christian white person, it's people like themselves. White liberals who aren't in any way cautious around spics and andniggers, completely and utterly trust them, and predictably get gutted. If you're a white liberal, the victim of the next attack is probably not going to be a glenn beck ripoff or cletus from the simpsons. Chances are, more likely, it's going to be you. I suspect that graphs like these are gold for this. As of rn, I consider that the golden format. You have them preaching on a public platform that muslims are perfectly nice people, followed by a fast forward to getting murdered by muslims. I'd love to have a gallery of just those.
Muslims behaving in muslim countries. If you had Christians behaving the same way in their own countries, (((they))) wouldn't live to talk about it. How many journalists are criticizing Muslims in their own countries?
Disgusting. Revolting.
The loss of almost any feminist is a loss to civilization, for they are part of what sets peaceful, worthy cultures apart from viral rapist societies that have not yet learned to have souls.
I'm also going to point out that it's men who established and upheld the rapistfree societies for the wellbeing of their daughters and wives. Those evil patriarchic societies feminists seek to destroy, so they can get raped by niggers because they're old hags who missed all opportunities for marriage because of their bullshit.
just go full guillotine therapy on your leaders already france, you did it before you can do it again!
set a good example for the rest of us to follow
Dubs don't lie. Kek.
I'd argue it's what sanity feels like… but knowing that you're the only sane person in your entire life is more than enough to drive a man mad.
We obviously don’t. No one fights back. in before paid shills spam the recent false flag, because that just prove my point No one organizes. No one does anything, anywhere, at any level. We DON’T exist, user. You can’t ever know any of us. You can’t trust any of us. No whites can organize. We will be instantly infiltrated and disbanded or killed. No whites can fight back, because we can’t organize. Fighting back alone equals instant failure.
White genocide is already complete. We even get to watch it happen.
Is it just me, or does this whole thing sound completely contrived?
I'm sure there will be a GoFundMe and an organization set up in honor of this nobody person.
Who cares?
I'm happy you racist white people are getting your just desserts. The nasty things you say about Jews is despicable. You treat other races like garbage and are willing to kill them all, and act like sensitive little snowflakes when they treat your people that way in return.
It's hard to do when you're already pilled. But, if you can, you need to fins something that you can still take joy in. Then find a woman who interested in the same thing.
She will help you through and soon you will not longer be alone in clown world. I can tell you from experience that the only thing that matters and a source of unending strength is my wife and children.
its funny but enraging
your wife begs for other men to look at her when youre not around and sometimes when you arent paying attention. dont ever fall for semen demon schemes unless you are literally a warrior king.
Yes, jews are crying false flag, the false flag narrative is substanced by jews.
They are, what do you think capitalists are?
You're wrong. We're forming cells. I'm forming a cell. Step by step, you radicalize your acquaintances and dehumanize yourselves, and face the bloodshed.
lurk more
The key is through women, just as the jews learned, only we have to dispel their lies before even getting to the truth. The joe blow she selects, if he isn't you, will follow the woman in these things. Wives still have an impact on their children, albeit diminished to retardation, and often still tilt the opinions of men as they had for thousands and thousands of years. However, one needs to actually talk about something that's even relative, stump them if they're willing to discuss but of another mind, then pill them on these things. That's very rare in the average workday. It takes me about thirty seconds of dalliance to know if they're open, and a good conversation with more bookish types can last for ten minutes, back and forth.
You're an insecure idiot.
Like in the bushes outside your home so right wing death squads will know where you are on DOTR!!!!
She deserved it. Women are tools. Not people.
Women are never the victim. Women are only tools to be used to achieve goals, and to be discarded soon after.
Kill more women from all races. Replace women with artificial wombs.
There is 1.8 billion muslim.
There is only about 100 million whites.
So yes, white life matters more.
Good question. They don't want white people aligned. They want D&C, they want infighting. Zig Forums was aligned like never before and got their own bible in that manifesto.
it's a fed, check the joanID image name
newfags haven't lurked to know
they are dropping more bait than fish