Not sure if deserves its own thread, but I posted it in some now buried thread and was told it's a fantastic idea, so here I'm.
Here what you all can do if you don't want to go violent
- Acquire a big email database (millions of emails)
- Spam Tarrants manifesto + anarchist cookbook + some easy to consume redpill (to get an initial attention)
Even if only 0.1% read it - it's a lot of people that may wake their friends. If there are enough people to fall for nigerian scam to make spam profitable, then there should be a plenty of smarter people that can be redpilled. And it should be done now, while all the world is talking about what Brenton Tarrant did and why he did it. What do you guys think about it?
Seems like a good idea if someone has the ability to do this. I’m not a tech nigger but have a bump for spreading /our/ propaganda. The most effective tool in our arsenal.
Camden Peterson
I think you can get a large number of emails from those was I hacked websites.
Actually sending the emails without triggering a spam filter is something I don't know how to do.
Bentley Long
Triggering spam filter doesn't matter. I for example do check my spam from time to time. This is about big numbers.
You can buy email databases in darknet, moreover you even can just pay someone there to professionaly spam any shit for you just pay.
Charles Clark
then do it user
Joshua Howard
Good idea.
We need to do more community OPS like this. I miss the old days of raiding.
Michael Jackson
bump for a pepeganda program. There's a few good webms in the memetic warfare thread too. Get the message out to as many as humanly possible. Lets get on the news again if we can.
Anthony Clark
- get a NZ db of emails - spam emails with manifesto - report email addresses to authorities
Landon Cooper
Not that book, because I’ve heard it’s basically a ‘blow yourself up, burn yourself’ guide. Go through a Zig Forums book/pdf thread and try to find a piece of work that serves the purpose you seek. Minecraft’s a blast man ! :D
Chase Ortiz
How would one go about this by not paying? Especially acquiring that many e-mails.
Hunter Torres
look for literature that's ACTUALLY been used by militaries/insurgencies.
e.g the IRA green book.
Zig Forums might be a good place to look
Parker White
make them SEE
William Scott
(OP) improvement on your improvement:
-Send them a PNG image like pic related -They share it among themselves all over NZ -Image is shared between millions of NPCs -Weeks pass -Tell them to rename PNG image to PDF -Tell them to open the file renamed to PDF -File opens as PDF -They have been spreading The Great Replacement.pdf ;^) -All of NZ in jail for breaking censorship, police arrest themselves for sharing it, censorship farce shown up for what it is. If you enemies share your memes, you win!
How to make:Make sjw-feels.png then from Linux terminal:cat The_Great_Replacement.pdf >> sjw-feels.png CAVEAT: be sure to download original PNG image not the 8ch version, not all systems see the pdf header, but most do. Sha512sum should match over TOR clearnet, otherwise it might not glowniggers everywhere user that's why.
Just send them the do/k/ument, or at least excerpts, such as the shaped charge manual.
I've seen stuff like this on 4/biz/, but I think they've all moved to ad referrals. Of note would be circumventing spam blockers, particularly of large free providers such as gmail, who will pick up on your campaign immediately. I'd consider going the targeted route, spamming people in positions of power, followed a business day by a slow campaign to contact the general populace w/doxings to the stazi for illegal do/k/uments (and alleged funs?), starting a ruckus about an alleged campaign to email everyone, leading to the general public spreading the email themselves.
Are people going to share that through anything but Twitter? Then again, if you can start a shitfit about >some versions having a hidden file, you might still get your required kerfuffle.
Jose James
There is no need to overcomplicate things. The more steps required to buy something - the less chances someone will actually buy (a basic marketing rule). The message should consist of HOOK (our easy to consume redpill like childrens show.mp4&loop=1), MANIFESTO for those who took our bait and then GUIDE - the book. These are 3 steps to seed our ideas. You don't start with MANIFESTO - normies won't read 74 pages just because it's in their mailbox, and you don't put the GUIDE before the MANIFESTO - it will scare normies.
Charles Robinson
Linked in?
Nathaniel Ortiz
Make petition website which requires e-mail-adress to sign -> start shitty petition (GET TRUMP TO BUILD THE WALL!) -> you now have a database to send mails to.
Christopher Ortiz
This is acutually a good idea. Especially because it provides a list of emails for people who actually care enough to sign a petition, but are dumb enough that they might actually use their own email address.
Absolutely this. It needs to be marketed in such a way that they'll be encouraged to stick around. You can try something simple, like putting something click bait in the subject line: "Why is the leftwing media censoring the NZ shooter's manifesto?" Then link the book. This is the simplest method, but other methods can be used to encourage them to actually WANT to read the whole thing. Maybe provide the most powerful excerpts in the email text, and link the pdf if they" want to know more? "
Adrian Butler
There are wayyyyy better sources out there than that, note that in the late 90s there were various FRAUDULENT COPIES of the anarchist cookbook (likely created by Feds) shilled all over the internet to obfuscate and bury the real one. This is very important if you were to do something like make bombs because if you have the wrong copy either bombs won't work or they could end up going off on you.
Jeremiah Barnes
Yes, and send it to the politicians in the New Zealand parliament first.
Just get the anarchist cookbook from, its legit.
Juan Bennett
Adam Rivera
Spectacular idea. Make a thread about this and maybe we can get an op going
Joshua King
You gotta be fucking kidding me. You can just download excel file with all emails from local to state authorities. https ://
Dylan Taylor
You'll be lucky to get that many. Perhaps in the 1990s when filters and anti-spam tech weren't as good. Even then professionals struggled to maintain those numbers newbies will never get any through.
Also to a significant degree spam relies on the stupidity of the recipient. AOL accounts are at least 10x more likely than gmails to buy something. So the only people who are going to fall for this are probably considered idiots by their friends. A Q tard mailing list might be effective though.
You'd also need to have your subject line match the content and be something they are interested in. People will not read the content, much less open any attachments if they are clearly being mislead. "Great offer inside" then selling them some cheap junk is more effective than "Here are the documents you requested" then trying to sell them something.
I think this could work but I wouldn't send people PDFs, or other attachments because they simply won't read it. We have to appeal to people's dwindling attention spans, to do this I think it would benefit everyone to study what becomes popular on Facebook. I think the type of redpilling memes people post on this board are perfect for this sort of thing… lots of colors, pictures, different sized fonts, cartoon faces, and an easy repeatable message.
I would send them the redpills by putting the text fitted into a .png or .jpeg, so that they don't have to download or click on it to start reading it. Pic related is what an example template may look like, I know it's shit you get the idea.
The above shows that spam, while we all hate it, works.
However, spam is pretty much a thing of the past due to filtering. However I do get a lot of Chinese spam, so it appears .tw addresses are useful. Look into "email marketing" services or talk to darknet oldfags. The BUGS mantra from Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack worked too, and was much less verbose than Brevik 2: Mosque Boogaloo's manifesto.
The only manifesto worth reading IMO is still Uncle Ted's. Now get offline and take a walk.