I'm brown Indian non muslim do you guys still hate me?

I'm living in my own country rn and I side with right wing people that migration is a problem. But I wanted to know do you guys really hate us so much?

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As long as you stay in your country, it is fine. Ignore the shills pajeet.

If you stay in your own country then no, I don't really care about you either way

If you're not invading our countries or contributing to the decline of our culture then I have no reason to hate you. I respect that. Don't buy into the conflation of white nationalism with "white supremacy."

can you guys stop calling me about my computer problems

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North or south indian?

As long as you don't force yourself on others, no one has a problem with you in the world. Guests are honored in the West, too, as long as they go back at the end of their tourism.

There is no hate at all here, defence is not hate.

Being pro-segregation/anti-nigger in clapistan has little to do with skin color, embed related. Curious btw: are the untouchables in your country lower in the caste system based on skin color or is it only geographical?

It's your street man, feel free to shit on it all you want.

No, why would I? Don't get pissed if you call me for telemarketing and I fuck with you though. I do that to all telemarketers.

If you're a brown non-muslim with no intention of ever invading my homeland I'd probably actively like you if I ever met you. Our hatred is just, righteous, and has been earned a million times over. Most importantly as far as you're concerned, it's not directed at you.

Why humans hate humans…

Why all this hatered in the world.

Cannot we live in peace together?

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All races should be able to determine their own destiny. Gandhi and Hitler opposed the same enemy. Zionist/US/British world domination.

I like every Indian I've met and a lot that I've seen on TV and interviews. I like you from what I know about you. If statistics showed that Indians are very likely to be rapists, well that means we should be very careful about letting them migrate, but that doesn't prove that YOU are a rapist. (Not that that's a real statistic, it's just an example showing that we can fear you as a demographic without disliking any specific individual)

To be honest Indian statistics look pretty good, you have a decent average IQ, you're fixing your country up very quickly, it seems to me like you raise your children with the dignity and determination to be very successful.

My favorite thing about Indians is how well they take racial banter, they can joke about themselves and are quick to fire jokes back instead of getting all butthurt like a lot of other people.>>13032669

Just remember that you owe your cultural and racial distinctiveness to separation, if not for the separation of our peoples we wouldn't have evolved and developed this brilliant distinctiveness.

Just allow 1 white ethnostate to exist, that's all I ask of you. Right now no-one is respecting that right and that's why everyone is calling for race-war Europa.

I'm not the related, but I think is just for birth, maybe the ancestor from untouchables were homeless, then someone arrive and tell "If you was born poor, this is your fault because you make shit in your another life" and goes this way.

No it is based on chance of birth it was really accepted in ancient India but now low class citizen are given reservation in top jobs.

We do not hate you pajeet, Zig Forums is a board of peace.

Let's be honest: it was never about race.
Zig Forums hate niggers because they are a welfare weight, are dumb and do the most crimes.
Zig Forums hate jews because they actively try to subvert other nations.
Zig Forums hate muslims because their culture is degenerate and are invading Europe.

The hate Zig Forums has is not based on petty shit like the color of the skin, it is based on factual knowledge about the behavior of certain groups.

pajeet is such a broad category, like "human" is. Lower caste pajeets are essentially farm animals. The higher ones should figure out how to keep the billion other street shitters from destroying the ecosystem.

and race is not synonymous with the color of someone's skin you kike

Not at all. Liking individuals is different from liking the group.
If you are college educated in STEM I wouldin't even have a problem with you living in my country.

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You deserve a bullet to the head, you piece of shit.

user, I sincerely want you to have the happiest of lives there among your people. live strongly, happily, and with many accomplishments.

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OP, this guy is an example of someone we hate.
(godly trips)

Stay in your own country and don't fuck with us, and we're cool.

fucking garbage retard tier thread

Because you're in our country. Despite of all the technology, infrastructure and human rights they brought to you, you did not like the brits when they were in yours, did you?

He said right in the OP he was in his own country though.