Holy fuck

European Parliament resolution of 26 March 2019 on fundamental rights of people of African descent

A. whereas the term ‘people of African descent’ may also be used with ‘Afro-European’, ‘African European’, ‘Black European’, ‘Afro-Caribbean’ or ‘Black-Caribbean’, and refers to people of African ancestry or descent who are born in, citizens of, or living in Europe;

B. whereas the terms ‘Afrophobia’, ‘Afri-phobia’ and ‘anti-black racism’ refer to a specific form of racism, including any act of violence or discrimination, fuelled by historical abuses and negative stereotyping, and leading to the exclusion and dehumanisation of people of African descent; whereas this correlates to historically repressive structures of colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade, as recognised by the Council of Europe’s High Commissioner for Human Rights;


F. whereas histories of injustices against Africans and people of African descent, including enslavement, forced labour, racial apartheid, massacres, and genocides in the context of European colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade, remain largely unrecognised and unaccounted for at an institutional level in the Member States;

G. whereas the persistence of discriminatory stereotypes in some traditions across Europe, including the use of blackfacing, perpetuates deeply rooted stereotypes about people of African descent which can exacerbate discrimination;


K. whereas only limited data is available on racial discrimination in the education system; whereas, however, evidence suggests that children of African descent in the Member States are awarded lower grades than their white peers in schools, and early school leaving is markedly higher among children of African descent ;

L. whereas adults and children of African descent are increasingly vulnerable when held in police custody, with numerous incidents of violence and deaths recorded; having regard to the routine use of racial profiling, discriminatory stop‑and‑search practices and surveillance in the context of abuse of power in law enforcement, crime prevention, counter-terrorism measures, or immigration control;

M. whereas legal remedies for discrimination exist and strong and specific policies are needed to address the structural racism experienced by people of African descent in Europe, including in employment, education, health, criminal justice and political participation and in the impact of migration and asylum policies and practices;

N. whereas people of African descent in Europe experience discrimination in the housing market and spatial segregation in low-income areas, with poor quality and cramped housing;

O. whereas people of African descent have contributed significantly to building European society throughout history, and whereas large numbers of them face discrimination in the labour market;

P. whereas people of African descent are disproportionally represented among the lower- income strata of the European population;

Q. whereas people of African descent are overwhelmingly underrepresented in political and lawmaking institutions, at European, national and local levels in the European Union;

R. whereas politicians of African descent are still facing ignominious attacks in public sphere at both national and European levels;

S. whereas the racism and discrimination experienced by people of African descent is structural and often intersects with other forms of discrimination and oppression on the basis of sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation;

T. whereas a rise in Afrophobic attacks in Europe has recently been directly targeted against third-country nationals, particularly refugees and migrants;

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Other urls found in this thread:


1. Calls on the Member States and the EU institutions to recognise that people of African descent are subjected to racism, discrimination and xenophobia in particular, and to the unequal enjoyment of human and fundamental rights in general, amounting to structural racism, and that they are entitled to protection from these inequities both as individuals and as a group, including positive measures for the promotion and the full and equal enjoyment of their rights;
2. Considers that active and meaningful social, economic, political and cultural participation by people of African descent is key to tackling the phenomenon of Afrophobia and ensuring their inclusion in Europe;
3. Calls on the Commission to develop an EU framework for national strategies for the social inclusion and integration of people of African descent;
4. Condemns strongly any physical or verbal attacks targeting people of African descent in both public and private spheres;
5. Encourages the EU institutions and the Member States to officially acknowledge and mark the histories of people of African descent in Europe, including of past and ongoing injustices and crimes against humanity, such as slavery and the transatlantic slave trade, or those committed under European colonialism, as well as the vast achievements and positive contributions of people of African descent, through both the official recognition at EU and national level of the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade and through establishing Black History Months;
6. Encourages the Member States and the European institutions to formally mark both the UN International Decade for People of African Descent and to take effective measures for the implementation of the programme of activities in a spirit of recognition, justice and development;
7. Recalls that some Member States have taken steps toward meaningful and effective redress for past injustices and crimes against humanity - bearing in mind their lasting impacts in the present - against people of African descent;
8. Calls for the EU institutions and the remainder of the Member States to follow this example, which may include some form of reparations such as offering public apologies and the restitution of stolen artefacts to their countries of origin;
9. Calls on the Member States to declassify their colonial archives;
10. Calls for the EU institutions and the Member States to make efforts to systematically fight ethnic discrimination and hate crime and, along with other key stakeholders, to develop effective, evidence-based legal and policy responses to these phenomena; considers that if data on ethnic discrimination and hate crime were to be collected, it should be for the sole purpose of identifying the roots of and combating xenophobic and discriminatory discourse and acts, in accordance with the relevant national legal frameworks and EU data protection legislation;
11. Calls on the Member States to develop national anti-racism strategies that address the comparative situation of people of African descent in areas such as education, housing, health, employment, policing, social services, the justice system and political participation and representation, and to encourage the participation of people of African descent in television programmes and other media, in order to adequately address their lack of representation, as well as the lack of role models for children of African descent;
12. Stresses the important role of civil society organisations in combating racism and discrimination, and calls for an increase in financial support at European, national and local level for grassroots organisations;
13. Calls for the Commission to include a focus on people of African descent in its current funding programmes and for the next multiannual period;
14. Calls on the Commission to set up a dedicated team within the relevant services, with a specific focus on Afrophobia issues;
15. Insists that Member States implement and properly enforce the Council Framework Decision on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law, in particular the inclusion of bias motivations for crimes based on race, national or ethnic origin as an aggravating factor to ensure that hate crimes against people of African descent are recorded, investigated, prosecuted and sanctioned;
16. Calls on the Member States to effectively respond to hate crime, including the investigation of bias motivation for crimes based on race, national or ethnic origin, and to ensure that hate crimes against people of African descent are recorded, investigated, prosecuted and sanctioned;

17. Calls on the Member States to end racial or ethnic profiling in all forms in criminal law enforcement, counter-terrorism measures and immigration controls, and to officially recognise and combat practices of unlawful discrimination and violence through anti-racism and anti-bias training for the authorities;
18. Calls on the Member States to denounce and discourage racist and Afrophobic traditions;
19. Calls on the Member States to monitor racial bias in their criminal justice and education systems and in their social services, and to take proactive steps to ensure equal justice and improve relations between the law enforcement authorities and minority communities, to ensure equal education and improve relations between the education authorities and minority communities, and to ensure equal social services and improve relations between the social service authorities and minority communities, in particular Black communities and people of African descent;
20. Calls on the Member States to ensure that adults and children of African descent have equal access to quality education and care free from discrimination and segregation, and to provide adequate learning support measures when necessary; encourages the Member States to make the history of people of African descent part of their curricula and to present a comprehensive perspective on colonialism and slavery which recognises their historical and contemporary adverse effects on people of African descent, and to ensure that teachers are adequately trained for this task and properly equipped to address diversity in the classroom;
21. Calls for the EU institutions and the Member States to promote and support employment, entrepreneurship and economic empowerment initiatives for people of African descent to address the above‑average unemployment rates and labour market discrimination that they face;
22. Calls on the Member States to address discrimination against people of African descent in the housing market and take concrete steps to address inequalities in access to housing, as well as ensuring adequate housing;
23. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to ensure – taking into account existing legislation and practices – safe and legal avenues for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers to enter the EU;
24. Calls on the Commission and the European External Action Service to effectively ensure that no EU funds are being made available, or any support or collaboration given to organisations or groups engaged in or connected to enslavement, trafficking and torture or to extortion directed at Black and African migrants;
25. Calls for the European institutions to adopt a workforce diversity and inclusion strategy that establishes a strategic plan for the participation of ethnic and racial minorities in their workforce that complements existing efforts to this end;
26. Calls on European parties and political foundations, as well as parliaments at all levels in the EU, to support and develop initiatives encouraging the political participation of people of African descent;
27. Calls on the Commission to closely liaise with international actors such as the OSCE, the UN, the African Union and the Council of Europe, as well as other international partners, in order to combat Afrophobia at international level;
28. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the parliaments and governments of the Member States and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.


Can't vote that shit away.

Kill it.

your thread is shit im not reading all that kike jargon.
so this is yuropoor affirmative action or what

antisemitism for niggers, mr low iq

If you want to defeat the kikes, understand them first.

Its funny how Brenton Tarrant was right. He was right about the birth rates, and he was right that they are invaders. What happened to Rhodesia is happening to South Africa. What's happening to South Africa is going to happen to Europe. RIP Europe

It's worse in America.


What a soothsayer. 0/10


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all we have to do is kill our enemies before they kill us
those that dont fight to live dont deserve to live anyway

the kalergi plan is now in full swing!

Does this mean they will stop discriminating against whites born in africa and let them immigrate?

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No one is going to do this. White genocide is already complete.

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The jews will only become increasingly brazen as they become more comfortable. Hopefully you all understand their endgame is a new temple with daily sacrifices, world cryptocurrency and beheading of anyone who blasphemies their god.

You aren't fighting back. No one is. Anywhere. In any form. Open slaughter of whites has been ongoing for decades. Half of white men are functionally infertile thanks to xenoestrogens and hormones in food. No one fights back. Our nations are flooded with nonwhites and our taxes have tripled. No one fights back.

Prove me wrong.

More muslims should attack jews all over europe that's the only solution

Yea it seems pretty stupidly desperate, to a point where even uttering a word is something that most people are not capable of doing. I mean, it is a whole new level of cuck that a whole population is incapable of saying "yes these people are bad and we want them gone" (these people can be niggers or whatever).

Something like 90% of the population does not have problem recognition abilities, they are in a state of eternal infantileism where most of their day they spend games avoiding hurty feelings to others instead of actually fixing shit.

Thank god I'm not a Yuropoor, this shit is exactly why people came to America in the first place

If you're a blackpill faggot, fuck off with your black lipstick.
If you're inciting others to violence then lead by example or shut the fuck up.

Either of these on here means you're probably a jew or glowing for them.

lol at u

So you can't prove me wrong.



Next the (((EU))) will establish Gulags for dissidents.

Europe is under Bolshevik terror once again, sad.

T-this can't be real right? It sounds like the shit that happens with "african americans" in the USA. This is the end of Europe.

Reality is stranger than fiction, and who decides what and what is not real can dictate the level of insanity.

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So basically any european tradition at one point can be deemed afrophobic because niggers get triggered by it.

Dindu nuffins.

Affirmative action employment.



I can't even read the whole shit. This is everything that happens in the USA with niggers but on steroids. Holy fuck.

This sounds exactly like a plan to replace european people and traditions with fucking africans.

you must not be white

INTERSECTIONALISM. Some humans are more equal than others.

He was right in everything. He was even right in action. If only I didn't have so much to lose…

Are you bragging? Or do you just think no one here has ever seen the jew inverting the truth?

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Don't do anything! Just wait until the next elections, that'll show em!


So what do you guys think?

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Demographically things are worse in America but a bill like this would NEVER fly in the US.

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The US already passed this exact bill over 30 years ago, its called affirmative action


If you replace "afro" with "Jew", you get an exact copy of the same notion put forward some 40 or so years ago that ended up coining the term anti-semitism.
This is EXACTLY the same thing, but for niggers, goddamn.
The UK had the right idea: leave this communist block before they get even further assraped.

From a shitty article in the guardian:
So it's pretty much:

its over for eu whites. they dont have the arms or numbers willing to resist to combat both their zogs and the shitskins who come from war nations and have to will to kill their enemies (plus shitskins mostly run their criminal organizations and have connections to arms dealers). you need to bring your countries down now. you cant wait any longer as your small chance of victory shrinks every day. burn it all and kill your enemies in the darkness. otherwise you will be treated like the weak betas you present yourselves as. you will be constantly victimized and it will be ok because reparations. fight or get on your knees. you have 1 life and you think its so important. what a sad situation. youre not going to live forever. why are you so attached to living in a sick world?

Where in the world do they no?

Why they don't apply these rules to Israel?

problem is the Whites allowed Jews to do bad things to Africans and the Whites never punished the Jews or separated themselves from the Jews.

So Whites still "carry guilt" for what Jews did in their name in Africa decades ago. Actually, IIRC, France and Belgium STILL like to do military adventures in their former colonies for shits and giggles every so often. I think its something about "defending national interests" sort of like how we like to "make the world safe for United Fruit" in Latin America.

How do we know it was Jews doing all the bad parts of Colonialism? Just look at who is doing the bad parts of American foreign policy today.

This will directly translate into more Whites stopped and searched without cause, and more innocent Whites convicted simply to make up quotas.

Daily reminder: there is no political solution.

maybe this will make the Paki-Poos vote for Brexit if it cums up again.

Paki-Poos SHOULD be fully aware that Niggers both out number them and out-shit them in every aspect.

If enough Niggers flood the UK, Pakis will be taxed to pay Nigger welfare, and the rape gangs will be Niggers raping little Poo girls.

One thing Wetbacks don't get is that Mexicans are small in number compared to China, India, Islam, and Africa, and that Mexicans will be on the bottom of that shit-stack in the USA with "open borders". Mexicans are the only group that can easily cross oceans today on their own.

that CAN'T easily

Yes it's real, but it isn't new.
This started before many of you were born. The event that kicked it into high gear in the UK was the murder of nigger teenager Stephen Lawrence, by a group of Whites.
They were found not guilty at trial, but the jew home secretary Jack Straw commissioned an inquiry into "systematic racism" within the police force.
The conclusions of the MacPhreson inquiry were broad reaching and profound.
The disproportionate level of nigger stop-and-search and arrests was concluded to be, not a natural result of their higher criminality, but of institutional racism within the police.
Oh, and double jeopardy protection was abolished so that the accused murderers could be tried again.
The whole thing was probably a psyop from start to finish, it certainly fits the profile along with bereaved-parent-turned-political-crusader motif.
It's said that he was a known drug dealer, he was certainly a black extremist (media photos of him are cropped to hide the black power salute), and his black friend is the most likely murder suspect.
tl;dr this isn't new, it's been in the works for years and in the UK began 20 years ago with the Lawrence murder.

Was this supposed to be released on April 1st?

The European Union's personel, has an Afro-Philia problem.
And a EuroPhobia problem that is destroying the European Peoples.
There you go turn there own rethrotic upside down.

This must be UN agreement part 2: electric jiggaboo (eurodance remix). I got some better tunes though.

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Test scores be racist. Let's look at some others under a different perspective.

M. whereas legal remedies for discrimination exist and strong and specific policies are needed to address the structural racism experienced by African Jews in Israel, including in employment, education, health, criminal justice and political participation and in the impact of migration and asylum policies and practices;

N. whereas African Jews in Israel experience discrimination in the housing market and spatial segregation in low-income areas, with poor quality and cramped housing;

O. whereas African Jews have contributed significantly to building Jewish society throughout history, and whereas large numbers of them face discrimination in the labour market;

P. whereas African Jews are disproportionally represented among the lower- income strata of the Jewish population;

Q. whereas African Jews are overwhelmingly underrepresented in political and lawmaking institutions, national and local levels in Israel;

R. whereas politicians of African descent are still facing ignominious attacks in public sphere at both national and Global levels;

Attached: this guy gets it 56.gif (349x262, 548.54K)

Not an argument. Where's your evidence?

You have proven me right.

Zip that for me pls m8.

It's fascinating how they continue to implement the word "phobia" when the reluctance to accept many Niggers in your country is a very palpable and logical one. I (White Ethno-European) live in an almost exclusively black area, and it's fucking shit: it's a low-trust zone with high-crime rates.

Gee, I wonder why: Rapes, Criminal Offences, Sowing Discord, importing backwards nigger culture, demanding gibs for being nig.

There we go again: white guilt.

. . . ? Contributed how exactly? This is another bullshit premise they pose.

How exactly do we allow these people to continue wielding their scepter of power? Why isn't Brussel - including it's parliament members - burned to the ground yet?

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you're already losing it


forgot pic

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If BLM taught the public anything, it is that they really don't matter and that they're fucking stupid anyways. Seriously, no one likes blacks. Even blacks don't like blacks.

Because it is. The only enemy the Jew ever feared, is the White Race.
By allowing the influx of Sub-Saharan, disease carrying Niggers into the continent, the social cohesion of any european country is under even more stress, making a violent revolution less and less possible with each passing day.

Video related.

Give me one example. Just one. Slaves in US have had minuscule influence on building the country's wealth and prosperity.

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the more you know

There is none. It's conjured up.
p.e. in my country:
The lowest tier niggers just leech and are parasites: usually they hang out in front of supermarkets and get drunk and high.
low-tier niggers are on welfare and don't contribute a whole lot except feeding the sick nurturing need of guilty whites
low-mid tier niggers work as Cleaners or drive Public Transportation vehicles. Most need extra welfare to get around.
mid-tier niggers, which is the highest most niggers get at, work in government offices, so that they can perpetuate the nurturing of their lower tier nigger brothers.
high-tier niggers are sparse and rarely excist. Usually they hate their lower tier niggers as much as the rest of them (probably more, because it reflects badly on them).

I don't get it, what's the difference between niggers and niggers?

Zu kompliziert.
Weniger Text. Und Kultmarx weglassen, besser auf einen Feind fokussieren, also die EU.
Meine Meinung.

Edgy af, bro.
There's proper blacks (the likes of Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle). They make up a very small percentage of the black population. Then there's niggers, which make up the most part of the population.

What the fuck is a proper black?

Niggers isn't meant to be pejorative, cuck

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Someone who aspires to be white.

Call a black man a nigger and see what happens.
Tell me, what does it mean then?

I don't care what contemporary meaning they gave to it.
"Racist" and "nigger" are perfectly neutral terms. Even though niggers are most of the time referred to with negative opinions because they are absolutely trash in everything, and even the bests of them aren't worth an average White.

We digress from the topic. I want to continue talking about what the EU is trying to do to Europae.

White genocide, kalergi plan, hooton plan, this is not new. Just a continuation of the result of WW2.

How to even fight such a hydra? They pull the strings in every aspect of society? I don't see another solution than to execute them all and let the EU disintegrate.

how are you going to let niggers deceive you just because they through you a bone in their comedy?

so you are a cuck. you forgot to call him white boy.

Why dont we just retake a part of africa? its not like niggers are using it

It's interesting to see Zig Forumsacks throw around cuck insults like this, thinking that it somehow wins an argument. It doesn't

You're being dense. Of the blacks, some are interesting folk to be around. But they are a very small percentage of this (

They can be "interesting folk" in their own continent.

no wonder they lost hard, they had a better chance at forcing the american GIs will fuck your wife meme

Blacks always get "their own" rights no matter where they are, except in Africa.

Attached: Africans and African Police.mp4 (854x480, 4.31M)

This hydra has never been so complacent and comfortable. Our enemies are pathetic cowards with delusions of grandeur. They never had to fight for anything in their lives. Remember the video of Dutch protestors storming the building with eurocrats who wanted to settle rapefugees in their town? It only took a broken window for these faggots to go to the ground, squealing hysterically and pissing themselves in fear.
Remember the murder of Jo Cox? The cucks trembled for a month straight while giving speeches about how unafraid they were.
They fear for their lives, comfort and pleasures, which they enjoy at our sufferance. They have everything to lose and they have no idea how to protect it. One strong push and the EU will drop dead. All we'll need to do afterwards is to catch the fleeing rats and hang them.

Anti-racists laws encourage self-segregation and avoidance of conflict. You stay off the reserve or the out of the ghetto trying to buy coke and cheap whores, and we won't rob the liquor store or construction sites.

Le 88 dimension proximity +diversity = death chess.

Proving yet again that only whites are capable of innovation. Non-whites can only imitate or cargo-cult. In this case, they cargo culted the process of encryption because they thought it was the act of encryption that made the message secure. They didn't understand that encryption means you need to change the code when it gets cracked.


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He wasn't right about jews.

I agree on that. Most nigs rather be in their own continents than here. Just ask them. They complain about missing Africa. The only reason they're here is because they don't have to work and can be lazy ass niggers.

I don't. Can you post it?
And you're right: it only takes one strong push. An European Revolution is on the verge of happening. The sentiment of this is rising and I expect this happen in the early 2020's. It only takes about 10% of the Population to have a proper revolt. It's too bad that they took the guns of most of the population, making the Revolution harder.

then they'll just use home made smoke bombs / explosives instead.

I forgot how inventive people are. Thanks user.

It just means that they will try to enforce their racism tax in Hungary, Poland, Italy and whatnot. It will backfire gloriously.

Niggers stink

This is actually going to get jack shit for traction in eastern and most of northern Europe (except Sweden, natch). They didn't have any fucking african colonies.

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TLDR Fucin homo…