For the uninitiated, Asia is 100% white supremecist. Every product is geared towards making the skin whiter, brighter, and therefore healtier. Everything from pills to creams but lets focus on Soap for now.
It's glorious. Memes away.
For the uninitiated, Asia is 100% white supremecist. Every product is geared towards making the skin whiter, brighter, and therefore healtier. Everything from pills to creams but lets focus on Soap for now.
It's glorious. Memes away.
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don't spare the Whipp, lads
I can't think of anything other than the fact that this is sort of pathetic. They are never going to be White, even if they have surgery to remove part of their intestine (turns out that makes them paler).
this has been a thing for hundreds of years, nothing new, why wouldnt you want asians to be more white? Looks alot better than the poor third world brown countries in asia. what we should really be talking about is how suddenly people think darker and tan skin is more attractive than being white in western society, every boogan is getting a fake tan and trying there best to look like a bootleg nigger.
wasn't there a sheboon celebrity that got shit for whitening her skin?
every sheboon gets shit on for whitening their skin
It's just a fun fact. You see how they lust after white cock. Average Asian girl will hoover up as much white cum as possible to get the good genes into her family. It's quite commendable behavior, actually.
Blacks are shunned in Asia. Girls will even hold their noses on the rare occasion one of them colored fellas steps into the elevator.
… yes, girls in Asia use the product in the blue bottle to wash (and whiten) their pussy. Just for you.
oh boy
The only sensible policy is 1) compulsory abortion of all male asian fetus and 2) breed the females with aryan stock for as many generations as it takes to make that damn air clean again.
From the image the first thing I'd think of is that it's an weight gain product.
yes she is maxed out on fatness… but notice how that hidiously nappy hair has magically straightened out with just one cycle of pills
just nuke the place then send japan in to ethnically cleanse the country
Breeding is more fun. Especially when you only creampie in their ass. It takes like, twice as many shots to get impregnant that way.
The word white in white supremacy does not mean skin color you dingus. Asians will never be white.
It was a joke. I don't think he meant for the chinks to create a scenario where canned air is an actual thing to have reasons to buy.
It's amazing that even bleaching their skin and straightening their hair, they still look like genetic defects.
no u cant blame a gal for trying
You're actually retarded. "White" in these gooks' context is literally just skin tone. They entirely favor their own race and see themselves as superior. Go back to reddit with this low IQ trash.
And now your retarded thread makes sense.
(((You))) are the nigger that keeps spamming racemixing pro-hapa threads.
That is like saying a nigger who straightens out their pubic head hair isn't trying to be White. lol Both races are trying to imitate what is naturally superior to their own. THEY KNOW even if 99.9% of the world is in denial that there is nothing as pure, holy and beautiful as the White/European race. We are the only HUMANS on the planet.
Yeah, because they start out brown becaue they're shitskins
Indians in particular like skin whitening systems. They're ashamed of even the slightest Dravidian racemixing in their past, so they'll use creams to whiten their skin even though they're already caucasian.
Which is why you stick to the plan lads. Breed, abort, repeat. Say it with me now.
The asian males are aborted. The asian females are kept for breeding. They know their place and don't get out of line. The males will rise up if you don't pop them like a blister. Asians aren't shitskins. They deserve a place at the table.
Knowing how clean Japan is, they'll probably make China inhabitable again.
consider the following
No. In before "have a white woman and then slant sex slaves on the side"
Rite coror is bestest coror
Can't even spell supremacist.
Doesn't capitalize White.
Thinks we call ourselves white[sic] supremacists.
Thinks he can push his yellow fever without being detected.
Kike, just leave.
Pardon me. I didn't realized this was the virgins for life wizard board.
Let me ask you this. How do you spell based, nigger?
Shit like this is left up by the mods but far more innocent threads are just gassed on the spot.
OPs consisting of nothing other than drumpf sucking a dick through the wailing wall is neither innocent nor worth leaving up.
Doesnt everyone know this by now? poorfags all around the globe are alot browner because they do physical labour outisde
Chinks are gonna have to find another planet soon.
Light skin and hair are universal beauty standards and have been since the dawn of civilization. Nobody, not even niggers, likes darkies.
I really hope you guys aren't retarded enough to think that White is talking about literal skin color and not European people. In natsoc Germany, it was something of a badge of pride to other European countries that so many people got tanned because they were outside and working out and the State provided very affordable vacations to Italian beaches during summer. The whole "showing off your white skin" is a thing in Asia because of the disgusting bugpeople rejection of manual labor.
I wish they would stop fucking people they don't like, as in stop fucking period.
Tan-lines on women are pretty great
Forgot the nukes already, nip?
Asians aren't the only ones who do this
Symbiogenesis creates more robust hybrids. This is the only way to truly whiten them and their women know it. This is where the hunger comes from; the craving for white meat. As she spreads wide and says to you, "Make it a double"
Kill yourself
It's not like you have a limited supply of sperm. Spreading white genes into purebread and bugmutts (as backup) is the smarter strat for when the mudwar is upon us. You can impregnate dozens of Hwite bitches and dozens of Asians, with all offspring instinctively despising the darkies.
Hows that nigger and spic infestation going? i hear you'll be 50% by 2024
They're not trying to look Caucasian, they're trying to look like they haven't been in the sun.
East asians have found paler skin more attractive for hundreds of years before they ever encountered europeans.
Asian skin gets darker from working in the fields all day, if an Asian has pale skin it's because they are rich and nobel enough to sit in shade all day. That's why they find pale skin more attractive.
God made man in his own image, which is Aryan. Hence, all men who are mentally sound of mind and spirit will do whatever they can to acquire whiteness and worship it. Fallen races, like Asians who used to have Aryans rule over them, desperately desire a return to that ideal God form.
As an aside, all that BBC posting are hapas, who in their utter despair, lash out like the fox over sour grapes. Thinking if they lash out and despise whiteness enough, they will numb the pain of their fallen debased form. Protip: It wont. You are cursed because your white parent cared more about themselves than their children.
Kill yourself.