New Zealand: 14-year Jail Term for Possession of Mosque Shooter Branton Tarrant's Manifesto
Do you have a loicense for that manifesto m8?
what? It's not up for question that Tarrant wrote the manifesto.
According to the article hate speech is protected but objectionable is not?
So hate speech everyone can easily identify and reject but objectionable just might appeal to a small minority with grave consequences.
Can't wait until NZ descends into book-burning by next week.
jews will claim they wrote it
they can't stand not getting attention
This isn't news the 14 year sentence thing was announced like last week.
Btw we need to get our most shocking memes out in the public so we can desensitize people to white supremacy.
Jews claim Adolf Hitler, every single pro-white leader or spokesperson, all of us anons, and everyone else of any merit is one of their own.
I think James Mason wrote about this in Siege.
The jews do this systematically.
CRIKEY you need a license to even apply for that license dood. Twenty years hard labor
The guy who wrote this post was a jew
-t. Jew
Guy breaks into fifty little jagged pieces of violence, bad shit happens. Not a shock. Don’t be violent.
Its callee d&c, don't fall for the bait
oi do you have a loicense for these dubs??
Holy fucking shit.
Even Sayyid Qutb's "Milestones" isn't banned in NZ so far as I am aware.
If you will be thrown in prison for 14 years for just reading Revolutionary literature, you might as well actually start shooting the criminals who are doing this.
When the punishment for reading revolutionary literature is the same as actually engaging in rebellion, then there no reason not to do so.
You're next.
lol it kind of shows that NZ can't openly discuss his ideas in a national debate or anything because then it would reveal that their society is like the king without clothes. These are the same people who try to debunk islamic extremism, jihad etc but this book is too extreme lmao. It's streisand effect though since you can download it from everywhere and many already did.
actually insane. bump
Is the crime having it in your procession?
If so just email it to NZ politicians in jack-in-the-box format.
Well I guess that is just further proof they have no arguments because the truth doesn't fear investigation
It would be a shame if everyone in new sharialand got a copy of
Just get the email addresses of all the politicians in parliament and mass spam the manifesto to them. And keep doing it.
Choices, choices.
time for an art project paint spraying QR codes linking to brenton’s manifesto
do you have the balls for it, kiwis?
Better start reading the Book with the 14 words.
So theoretically people could set up a specifically page with the entire manifesto that people from NZ could access to read it and they wouldn't get in trouble because technically they wouldn't be "possessing" it?
I can just picture a government office worker opening the mail and screaming at the top of their lungs as soon as they see "The Great Replacement", soon after causing a destructive panic involving several deaths and self-immolations
Eh yo, hol up
Is this the original? I'm in New Zealand right now, gonna send this to my squad
basically. any decent lawyer can argue that cached content isn't intentionally possessed content.
QR code goes to Wikipedia
What did New Zealand mean?
yeah you’d have to do your own upload + link because they will be taken down in short order by NZ gov
Define possession?
Put a worldstar watermark on it and call the fuckers racist if they take it down.
There are laws about the claims that the media can make before and during a trial. That's why headlines will read 'alleged murderer goes to trial' rather than 'murderer goes to trial'. In the latter case, the jury might find the man not guilty and then he could sue the newspaper for slander/libel, can't remember which.
Wow, such a beautiful statue! You can tell it's authentic because of the vandalism done to the nose and wiener by Christian iconoclasts.