France is a warzone?

This video I found of france yellow jackets dispersion, seems really bad. But the media isn't reporting on it.

Can someone give me the 8pol underground scoop of what's really going on and how intense it actually is on the ground?

Attached: france.mp4 (671x1114 13.42 MB, 1.03M)

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Where the fuck have you been for the past 14 weeks? Reddut?

The protests are in the process of dying down, it went from 30k to 3k or so since the whole thing started. The French police have been deliberately brutalizing people since day 1 though.

3k what? They sure don't seem like dying down.

lmao, wtf are you talking about moshi?

Godspeed you stinky French bastards much love from the US

It's like week 21 user.

Nobody can stop people who have nothing to lose.

Ah, yeah, that's the usual demotivational articles. Don't read them. Protests are growing bigger.

its just because they all in prison. french president put 10k of them into prison. EU is fakcing shithole 3rd world dictatorship. people stand up because they dont want to pay for shitty migrants and renewable energyshit, than gets killed and beaten down.

in germany 35% of the energycosts is just tax for renewable energy, so that this shitty things r profitable, or at least no cost.

they want to implement the same shit in US. with AOCs green new deal. its exactly the same as here. they just take ur money for fakcing total bullshit.

trump has to do nothing to win the election, he just has to say: look at shithole EU. u want energyprices +50%? u want migrants getting all for free, while u work harder? no?, vote me.
i mean, imo he fakced up hard wit hhis wallpromise, but at least he doesnt want to install a fakcing socialist super control state.

Attached: Freedom.jpg (170x255, 8.42K)

Do you realy think Trump will not cuck out like with wall? He care only about Israel. He is president just to scam America and send even more money to Israel. Nothing else and nothing more.

Crazy what's going on in France!

Attached: ezgif-4-f5afa20b6141.mp4 (450x800, 11.49M)

The left right paradigm is a prison, user.

This is a shill.

It is impossible for Trump to win the election. He has deported no one. The nonwhites already outnumber whites.

ZOGbots are such pieces of shit.
If anyone reading this is working in the police state and is NOT actively sabotaging it, then you are a traitor to your nation, your people, and the world.
Have you no shame? What kind of sick person willingly suppresses the public? You're like some piece of shit holding down a woman as men rape her to death.
And for what? You aren't even benefiting from the Regime. You're being exploited too.
Show yourself some respect and sabotage this illegitimate regime.

Attached: Cop.jpg (454x678, 88.08K)

"Do you realy think Trump will not cuck out like with wall?"

i think i meant to say the same, if i understood u correctly….
he said he would build a big congrete wall, but nohting happened. and so he facked up his promise.

what do u think, who will win?

how much does a single person in a flat actually pay for eletricity in US? ( freezer, 24/7 PC on)