White woman's home is robbed just weeks after she was forced to quit her school district job after she was caught on...

White woman's home is robbed just weeks after she was forced to quit her school district job after she was caught on camera shouting nigger at two niggers shoppers at a grocery store

A white woman who was forced to quit her school district job after she was filmed using racial slurs and spitting at two niggers at a grocery store had her home burgled on Monday.
Robbers stripped Corinne Magoveny-Terrone's Connecticut home and garage of its copper pipping - damaging her ceiling and a wall, New Haven police confirmed yesterday.
Magoveny-Terrone made headlines two weeks ago after she was filmed calling nigger customers the nigger word multiple times as she shopped with her two young children.


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You glowniggers are nice

Looks like a mutt.

Did a potatonigger marry a pastanigger?

Or was she a hybrid? Might explain it.I mean hell, with that mix she's at least half nigger.

So niggers nig proving her right? 14/88 you niggers!

Probably the ruling class using a subservient underclass to attack opponents.

Hispanic women are white!

Looks like the white race just doubled.

Someone got the uncensored video, you can't understand anything?

fucking based this is a win for us no doubt

Assuming that madam gov'nuh had her "N"-word loisence, the only one at fault for anything there was the nigress for actually assaulting her and slapping the phone out of whitey's hand. Very isolated chimpout, but not surprising in the least because (as it's been proven time after time), only a sub-I.Q. people would react so strongly to the use of a single word.
I've never thought it would be a good use of my time arguing with people in a supermarket; if only we could have seen what started this in the first place, but nobody whips out the cellular camera without it getting interesting to begin with.

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thats why youre the bigger man. everyone knows strong men take disrespect and walk away.


Strong men aren't doormats, fagget. Telling me what a (((real man))) would do sounds like kikery.

You seem like you're joking, but if I'd pull out my gun every time a nog harasses me I'd ruin gun ownership for others. There's a balance, a certain civility (even amongst nogs) that should be maintained, and the ones who can't maintain that are the ones who should be the punished. So many totally civil people here have recently been trying to convince people that it's worth it to go absolutely wild at the smallest provocation. There's standing your ground alone, and then there's provoking a nigger in a store in front of your kids and hoping it will end well.

what will you do besides post on the internet?

niggers have backed down every time theyve tried me and realized ill beat them to death where they stand, swiftly return home and begin removing opposition before they come for me. nobody else seems to have that mindset which is why we are in this position. tell me what a nigger i am. go scroll through the archives and see the world you live in. you will take that and people disrepecting you face to face? youre weak and wont ever do anything.

Speaking of niggers nigging, saw this on my local news… In Indiana this hood nigger tried to rob 4 guys at a gas pump.. They beat his ass and took his gun. Video is on the link


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the only white dude is standing there with his hands up


Also they all end up participating in wrestling the gun away. A couple of them look like mutts or maybe mexicans but at least they're not black and seeing hood niggers get this treatment is always good

Big strong Chad right over here, watch out, he might come and
>beat (((you))) to death where you stand
with no consequences. With no public backlash every time. You're so extreme, m8, what YouTube channel do I have to follow for such brave activity?

Actually you're right, that one kid does stand there and not do shit the whole time. What a bitch.

Its only a case if you leave witnesses. Now, if those niggers suddenly roped themselves after overdosing on fentanyl… its not really a problem with gun ownership. Its just niggers being niggers and if anyone calls it out, its racism.

that was expected. go give em your cope smile next time they tell you to keep walking bitch. you get mad at people who dont just take it because you know thats all youll ever do. im the enemy because youre not on my level. its a sad cope.

If you're really from here you'd stop trolling and just let this go

Looks like your mom huh? I bet you want to fuck her. But you will never get with a based chick who calls out thieving niggers in public.

he actually lets the nigger blindside his friends

i get it im the enemy or im larping because i dont just walk away with a cuck smile. ive seen the smile many times. nothing is funny but youll live with yourself better than just retreating overtly frustrated. i can think of 4 times i could have just kept walking from niggers subtly trying me but when i come at them they never do anything. why are you going to try me if you wont do anything? they never even step in my range because if they do its on. ive been called a faggot just walking down the street so i walked directly at the dude and told him hes the faggot not me and before i got close he said he wasnt talking to me and as i left of course he told me you better watch who youre talking to like that. another time a nigger called me a creep for looking at his sheboon who was dressed in a bra and booty shorts and told me to shutup when i asked how im a creep. i asked him if he was going to make me and he dropped his backpack and he let his girl hold him back while i stood there. another time i was walking through the city with a jug of water in each hand and some nigger asked for one. i told him no and he said youre lucky i dont just take that shit. i said what and turned around and he started walking up on me. i told him dont walk up on me and he instantly stopped. then as he was walking away he muttered pshh youre skinny anyway, implying im built soft when im not. another time i was carrying 2 jugs again and walked by a nig who followed me a block then yelled from 50 feet keep walking bitch. so i started walking at him and we stopped out of each others range and he began yelling in my face about some random shit so i dropped one jug and motion’d the gums flapping sign with my stronger ko hand. then i realized i broke my jug when i dropped it and it was leaking fast so i picked it up and shook it all over his shirt. then i told him to follow me as there were people around. then when we moved down an empty street i told him if he keeps following me id leave him here. then he walked away. the only reason im still posting here is because they didnt want to escalate. i dont care about this life at all and when im disrespected in real life i dont back down until its obvious they arent going to do anything. i dont initiate any problems but im not worried at all about niggers trying me as ill let them have it. the zog better hope a nigger pushes too far before i decide to do something about this broken world. ive been in fights before but ever since i became pilled ill beat or stab some nigger or spic who wants to to death. thats my mindset and its been confirmed through people actually trying me and me not being even the least bit nervous about it. i think thhat is what they sense and why they back down.

I believe you because I grew up in a shit poor ass city and I've known and seen plenty of people that behave exactly like this. Keep on being you.

Yeah that's nice
I have my own anecdote - I've been to prison.
So I'm really not interested in storytime, true or false

Sometimes its a lose-lose situation and its better to let shit slide as long as said niggers don't touch you or your belongings.

If you can't understand that then maybe you're just autistic, or trolling, or a shill.

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Notice how niggers always say White "dude" "guy" or "boy" but never say White Man. This is intentional. We should do the same, they're black boys, black dudes, but they will never be men.

Notice how niggers always say White "dude" "guy" or "boy" but never say White Man. This is intentional. We should do the same, they're black boys, black dudes, but they will never be men.

Murder all white fags

hes not a man he stood there like a bitch but yeah white men have embraced the white boy label pretty much

Stop the racial stereotyping, anons .. :D

People and family values.

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White men don't lose their shit in flip-of-a-switch nigger moments like the perpetually menstrual pavement ape. It comes served cold, with an itemized bill of remittance. It's the same brain function that lets white people save money instead of blowing their paycheck on ditch weed and flamboyant clothing.

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what are black schools like?

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Here we go again

so basically calling a nigger while nigging gets you nigged?

Sounds pretty niggy to me.

We have such sights to show you. . .

It's so sad to see Zig Forums of all places so soyed up and faggy that taking any action at all is considered a bad thing.

No wonder why she hates niggers, she lives in New Haven, holy fuck!!!

New Haven is literally a third world shithole, why any white person would willingly live there or even travel through there is beyond my comprehension.

what a real strong man does, is a real strong man announces himself to his enemies, provides them with ample forewarning and an exact time of arrival and shows up at their front door, unarmed, requesting a man-to-man fist fight. I recommend you try this with your Muslim neighbors.

Stronker than you, ya little virgin puke

Did newfag tourists from well known soyboytoy hang outs take up residency here due to recent winning?? cause some seem like true shills and others like authentic low t/excessive empathy )lads, courtesy of a fucked endocrine system kek

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Sounds legit.
Stripping of pipes and wires is something which the desperate commit against unoccupied buildings, due to it being far less profitable than taking the contents (burglary).
Smells like a staged propaganda with "consequences" example.
This teaches women that if they stand up for their race, their home (their most treasured thing) will be ransacked while they're at work.
Crass but effective propaganda.

The real question is whether this was planned or just random impulsive nigger behavior.

sup jew