BASED Russia letting hard working white South Africans in while Europe over here gladly taking arab cock. LMAO
BASED Russia letting hard working white South Africans in while Europe over here gladly taking arab cock. LMAO
b-b-but Zig Forums told me that migrants cant be white!!! migrants bad
Link to reddit thread?
All we have to do is re-elect Trump in 2020, and in his second term when his hands are free, he'll no doubt work for our benefit.
Get a load of this boomer cuck
It's sarcasm.
I just noticed the heading.
I hope that was satire.
You realize you made me endure reddit to get these, right, OP?
Yes, sarcasm. One thing that has been haunting me a little is what old Donald will do for Israel in his 2nd term. I'm still a little in shock that he recognized the Golan as Israeli territory in his 1st term, I thought that would be a 2nd term promise. And he did it when AIPAC was in the national spotlight.
No matter how much you hated every other president, they all had limits when it comes to Israel. It seems that Trump has none.
Thank you for your service. It looks like us in the comments though, parody subreddit?
How much aid has he gave to the jews in total at this point? I'd say around two trillion at least
He gave them his white daughter. You can't put a pricetag on aryan children.
Why would you scribble out the name of the user that posted that.
Bump for gassing Trump
What the fuck are you on about? This thread isn’t even about trump or America.
Also thank god there is at least a few based countries. Modern Russia seem more and more like the good guys the more I hear about them. God bless Russia.
Trump is a literal israeli asset, that's the key difference. It's way beyond just needing israel for strategic purposes or having to deal with jewish money power. He is an asset, installed by Mossad – all because the Obama administration dragged their feet just a little bit before giving the kikes whatever they wanted.
That headline. Is the western world that fucked and devided? I really can't begin to express my anger that the masses don't stand up against these double standards.
Obama admin gave Israel Lybia and Syria.
This is gold. But.. but.. but his hamds are tied. Funny how he's done more for Israel than America huh?
It's virtue signalling. I've been thinking lately, and Tumblr is honestly more based and redpilled, also funpilled, than Reddit. Reddit strikes me as disgenuine in multiple ways.
Only because in most public schools spanish is the only option. It's been like this in the US since I was a kid. And back then there were practically no beans in my state. Fuck this gay earth. Learn German or Japanese.
Same here in Canada with French. Don't think I can recall more than a couple phrases or nouns for the life of me now though.
Kant stop laffing.
While amassing and spreading white people all over the world, we must also diminish the numbers of all other races. Kill non-whites by any means that you can. Poisoning. Disease spreading. Misinfo and inciting violence among them. Forged accidents. Ambushes. Assassination. Anything.
Kill as many non-whites as possible, wherever you live, while at the same time making white children as fast as possible.
but isn't that "decolonization" though, white people leaving Africa? isn't that what they supposedly want? guess anything other than unarmed, impoverished whites with no property living in slums eating gruel from a communal tin foil hot pot in between getting murdered by blacks is "gnatzee" to them
His hands will always be full of jewish cock, they'll never be free.
I've learned real castilian Spanish from my Spaniard grandparents (they were cucks that fled Franco) and latin-American "spanish" sounds like howling orangutans. Sad that the greatest international legacy of the Empire is the complete bastardization of one of the most beautiful languages in Europe.
How heart warming. Putin puts them in.
but why? isnt Whites getting the fuck out of South africa something the commie niggers want
is the end goal here among the marxist soygoys total annihilation of White South africans ?
like i know the White genocide plan and all but this seems schizophrenic
they really do want Whites to die violently wtf
because you cant ever help white people in trouble. if you help white people on the brink of being murdered, it means you did it strictly because theyre white, and you also hate every non white.
this feeling comes from seething jealousy and hatred for white people. The redditnigger is either some fucking do-nothing loser, self loathing white cuckold, or just another jealous mud person.
We need to compile and log all of the mental gymnastics people do to justify hating whites so we can show it to white normalfags to keep pounding it into their heads they WILL be hated no matter what, and the only way to have peace is regrouping and declaring independence as an ethnostate.
come on. can you faggots really not detect a simple joke anymore. Ok. Jeb!2020, I can feel it.
Praise be to hotpot.
Russia has more muslims, than whole Europe combined. They reproduce as fast as everywhere elese, while ethnic Russians abuse drugs and alcohol. Also their abortion rates are extremly high.
WW3 will be whites/asians in Eastern Europe/Asia against mongrelized low iq globalists in the west. The west will be thoroughly defeated, and democracy/liberalism will forever cease to exist.
Russia is looking better all the time. Anyone check out Putin's state of the union address? He said some of the most nationalistic things that I have ever heard.
No one will listen to you, people here believe that Putin is a russian nationalist and that chechens are good people. see ?
I don't know what to believe about Russia or Putin. His speech was good, but speeches aren't worth much. I don't think I could speak Russian if my life depended on it and I have never been there. I can tell you this though, I will be extremely angry if we end up going to war with Russia over some stupid bullshit. I recently had to ask myself (If I am not an American, than what am I?) and I don't know the answer. Some great things have come from this place, but it is in it's final stages. Despite the demographics of the past, I can't honestly say that this was ever a country for white people. I don't know if such a place ever really existed.
I agree. Unfortunately, the kikes didn't get to where they are because the world is rational. Quite the converse.
Hence Brenton.
Jesus reddit is cancer.
welcome to russia. take care of your heads.
Doubt that will happen. Russia have nothing West want, west dont have anything Russia want. And all families of russian government live in western countries. And they even have the audacity to talk how patriotic they are while living there.
Russia is going to collapse, unless someone actually pro-Russia will rule there.
Except if has a war, aren't? It's comming.
Sauce: wikijew
So many more whites to go. Let's hope the jews refuse to leave because, "muh assets." and get a taste of wakandan hospitality. When the last (((whites))) leave the world can watch wakanda burn.
These people want whites dead at the hands of blacks to satisfy their own guilt while living comfortbly. Some of the these people are self hating whites, no doubt fresh out of college. Sometimes it's hard not to be nihilistic but I shall die first before that happens.
Those countries that refuse to take in Boers but useless 3rd worlders are complicit in following Kalgeris plan. Take note of the % of immigrants by each emigrating country, the countries that outright refuse or only admit a low % of white hard working South African farmers are complicit in the Kalgeri plan no matter what. Actions speak louder than words in this case.
Why are you trying to turn this place into cuckchan
Great, at least I''ll have somewhere where I can seek asylum when the Jews have made me into a persecuted minority.
I hope they don't mind the cold winters.
I guess you can't do everything wrong, Russia.
Mine too. That entire side of my family outside of the grandchildren is just one massive mess of Marxism and feminism. I stay the fuck away now that both my grandparents have died.
3 complete faggot first posts.
This is arranged behind brics.
The Boer resettled, clay (and dank minerals) expropriated gets pawned to Chinamen.
This is as old as fuck news. It's just kikea in Russia looking for new goyim slaves.
Sounds like a paradise. Good thing there are still plenty of spaniards that support Franco. I was in Barcelona during the world cup, put a smile on my face to hear someone call the darker players on the "French" team Simians.
Keep sucking kike dick you dumb boomer.
I'm voting for him again, how mad are you
Good, accelerate the demise by voting for the best goy
Just mildly annoyed you wont get bogged but oh well.
First things first the nigger is a dumb animal it is mentally incapable of insecurity meaning it lashs out against the white because the white looks too different from the nigger. The black's instinctive response to something it cant grasp is to hit it. This can be seen with black americans terrorizing mexicans or asians when whitey isnt around them or african refugees that come from nations with barely any white influence aka colonalism attacking white people for no reason. Blacks are just wild animals dont try to find a human psychological reason for anything they do.
Now the lunatics behind this sentiment are cucked white liberals and evil jews angry filthy evil whites arent being murdered in Zulustan.
I would her pussy except for the tramp stamp.
The Russian Federation is literally a white genocide project.
Oh and by the way they haven't moved yet.
russia is based AND redpilled, truly the savior of the huwhite race.
dont be decived
putin is anti-russian and anti white
this is what moscow become under his rule
fake and gay cucks
Wow, Russia is such a baste ethnostate, eh gang?
still 69% russian
for now
It's baste because they beat up feminists and faggots and don't align with the values that are destroying the west, namely democracy and liberalism.
did you know that we have gay clubs and women only coffee shops?
Do you feed hormones to prepubescent children who are, by definition, incapable of consent in order to change their gender and then mutilate their genitals, and make a television show out of it?
There is no such thing as Russian.
Russian is social construct.
gtfo zhid
well no
still got traps tho
Show me Russian language source that provides objective way to determine Russian nationality of the person.
Pro trip: you can't.
What a fucking faggot. The only good migrant is a white migrant
Kill yourself kike
There's no such thing as a jew, jew is a mechanical construct.
Not if they're white and they hate niggers.
DNA test?
The west has open sexual slave markets being broadcast on television.
Not recognised legally.
You demanded an objective qualification.
There is nothing objective about DNA test as there are no universally recognized Russian DNA pattern.
I think you are misinterpreting him. I think he meant it in an american sort of way, as for example mongolian mischling or even fullbloods are considered russian.
They're exchanging niggers with slightly less savage asiatic gangs
Israel actually had sets of criteria to recognize immigrant as jew. There is nothing similar in Russian Federation.
omg how fuckin based is that, almost as based as china!
Russia is a shit hole. They are only slightly better off there and the amount of muslims in Russia iis off the charts, Shlomo.
well she's probably really based and redpilled
oh im sorry, i thought this was an ironic thread?
Russian Muslims aren't Arabs and niggers, retard. Do you think that e.g. a million Bosniaks in your country is the same as a million niggers?
I used to live in that shithole, retard.
For fucks sake, modern Russia is nothing more than a monstrosity parading around in the skin of what used to be that was already severely raped, maimed, drained and lobotomized thanks to the jew commies.
That's not at all what he said you disingeneous fuck.