North Korea stands defiant against American Imperialism and international banking and they're the bad guys? No way the kiked media tells the truth about how bad things actually are there.
North Korea
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The people recovered or defected from the north tell bleak stories. Not everyone who is not part of the international banking cartel is friends with those who are against the international banking cartel.
I've heard some, yet 25% of defectors wish to return to the North. They aren't allowed to because South Korea says "You're South Korean now and you aren't allowed to interact with North Korea." A little odd, if you ask me. Still, 25%. You might not think that's a lot but it's still 1 in 4 defectors that want to return home.
The DPRK has always been based. Why is everyone here such an insufferable newfag?
The Kikes hate Uncircumcised Korea because they tell people the truth: the line separating their nation is an imaginary line. Korea is One.
Just like the line separating that thing called "America" from that thing called "Canada" is an imaginary line, separating the single English-speaking European Nation.
North Korea will never form an alliance with America against the Chinese…
I personally have very little against them.
The bleak stories are often exaggerated or even outright fake.
I can't find the article but something about them making up stories to get more gibs.
Yeah so do 100% of all illegal immigrants who just want to live on gibs
sage indeed
We have had discussions for fucking years here. You and I personally have user. NK is best korea due to zero zog and also racially homologous. They should drop the commie bullshit and go NatSoc unironically.
They’re not anti-White and I am doing nothing to support them.
They’re not communist.
They are on Israel’s kill list. The DPRK doesn’t recognize Israel as a state and provides resources to Hezbollah.
They arguably have purged everything communist in their government and replaced it with Juche.
Once again, assuming the enemy of your enemy is your friend.
NK and America are friends now : )
Im sorry, but, nigga wut?
I'm not saying that Best Korea is our friend, just that they aren't the badguys in this situation. America's usually the villain, after all.
Don't forget the defiance of (((Murican))) influenced genital mutilation
SK are the biggest cucks
The problem is our only window to their world is via (((western media))) specials on how bad things are there. I'm sure poverty is a problem but at least they have a pure nation and nationalistic pride. That being said things were much better off with Kim Il-sung in power since he was a peasant and everyone he chose for government were of the working classes… and they actually understood the struggles of their people.
SK does circumcision too? The fuck.
Fuck you, commie lovers.
It's just the same guy changing his IP. It's just Norkcuck from /news/, whenever he's banned he heads to different communities to shill for North Korea. Just ignore him until his ban's lifted on /news/.
That's some denial you got going on.
It's another one of those unironic "DPRK is actually amazing" episodes. Why don't you become reborn and live as an average person (as you are) there and see how that works out for you? If you're lucky maybe you'll avoid the starvation and live a prosperous life in the capital city, but there's a 99.9% chance of you doing that. You truly have to be an absolute retard to fall for the glitzy image NK pushes to the forefront or a communist retard that daydreams about being the figurehead of a country and herding and leading a bunch of starving peasants that feed your fat belly just like mommy, daddy and the food stamps do.
Illiterate fucking gook.
And it's easy for a faggot like you to change your IP and post on here, more so than 4chan. Showing me a definition of "denial" doesn't disprove shit, faggot.
It refuted your illiterate claim quite easily, since you're falling under the 4th definition.
sounds familiar?
Hasn't been true since the 1990s, even MSM dropped that line a couple years ago.
Not only did you not refute my claims, you just googled it and snapshot it. Surely you're literate, Chu. Now stop changing your IP and wait for your ban to lift on /news/.
I'm afraid I'm also "white" (read: Italian-American).
citation needed
Why are anime faggots such insufferable cunts most of the time?
Truly, communism is an incurable disease. Only cure I can think of is their greatest dream of a socialist paradise come true, and them getting fucked in the ass by reality so hard they wouldn't be able to put it back together - but luckily it won't happen any time soon.
The North Korean famine ended in 1998, started in 1994. Look up Arduous March.
You're thinking of the famine in the 90s, it doesn't have to be a famine if people are still starving.
If people are starving due to a lack of food, a shortage of food, it is a famine. Why are they starving today, if they are?
It would be a person posting anime girl pictures defending NK. It lines up perfectly, both showy with no substance, an idealists treat on the surface.
It would be better if you were a starving peasent in NK so you wouldn't be replying with this weeb shit.
What a loser
Show your face with time stamp and I'll believe you, Chu. Still doesn't change the fact you're a faggot.
Never knew we had Nork shills on here too.
Hold the phone, they aren't (((communist))) they're Jucheist. There is literally no part of North Korea that claims to be communist. While inspired in it, they don't use the communist logo, nor are internationalist (in fact they're HARDCORE nationalist), they don't have jewish commissars in power, no central bank and degeneracy is aggressively stomped out. They never joined the "International" nor any commie world agencies.
The palm's the inside of the hand, the picture in question is the dorsal.
Because he's just the same shitposter from /news/ who's been doing this a while. When he's banned, he goes to any nearby community to shill for North Korea and Communism by trying to push the "it's so based and actually a fascist state not Commie! Jews fear Juche!" He likes to use buzzwords like "Jews" and "bankers" to try to pretend that North Korea is somehow better, if you corner him into something, he'll deflect it like so
You know it's the same guy because his posts are written the same way across every community he shills on, from /tv/ to Zig Forums. Ignore him and go to a thread with actual substance.
Meant to reply to as well.
>they aren't (((communist)))
Sure sucks living in North Korea, where it's currently dark out.
Marxism-Leninism is always Nationalism. This is the great secret of its success, and has always been known by the ZOG.
Dean Acheson, one of the ZOG architects of the Vietnam war, wrote as early as 1949:
"Question whether Ho as much nationalist as Commie is irrelevant. All Stalinists in colonial areas are nationalists. "
One side of the Vietnam War was fighting the ZOG by motivating their people with Nationalism. The other was dominated by religious nutjob Christfag converts, who got their women to spread their gook-whore legs for ZOG troops, including niggers.
All anti-communism is ultimately based on religion and anti-nationalism. The ZOG hated the USSR because the USSR said that niggers in that thing called "America" belong to another Nation.
Just last year one of the supposed "run aways" was caught lying
The mindset of a western pig sometimes amuses me. It's like these spoiled snobs are trying to find something "edgy" to feel themselves special in society.
I'm fucking heiling anyway m8.
What's America's current economic system?
I don't get where people get the worship idea from, all I've said was that "Maybe North Korea ain't as bad as the media says"
ZOG-faggots feel an existential threat by the mere existence of Uncircumcised Korea, and can't help themselves but to attack it at any opportunity.
This is because to even consider Uncircumcised Korea for longer than 5 minutes possess a threat to the identity that the ZOG has implanted in its population since birth, through those things they call schools and the electric-Kike.
I said a face reveal too. Nice try, Chu.
Capitalism means you don't have Nation.
Crony Capitalism means the Kikes can have a Nation, but you can't.
The other side of the jewish coin from the jew installed NK system
Jews founded Hezbollah too, right ZOG-faggot?
I see, makes sense. It's hard to have a discussion though.
I've no need to show my face. I've confirmed my location through license and daylight and complexion through dorsal. Besides, I doubt you're the same person as he's still saging the thread. The game was fun, but now you're just repetitive. Besides, others are already calling me an American. ggez
"In December 1945, the Soviets installed Kim as chairman of the North Korean branch of the Korean Communist Party.[31]:56 Originally, the Soviets preferred Cho Man-sik to lead a popular front government, but Cho refused to support a UN-backed trusteeship and clashed with Kim.[36] General Terentii Shtykov who led the Soviet occupation of northern Korea, supported Kim over Pak Hon-yong to lead the Provisional People's Committee for North Korea on 8 February 1946.[37] As chairman of the committee, Kim was "the top Korean administrative leader in the North," though he was still de facto subordinate to General Shtykov until the Chinese intervention in the Korean War.[35][31]:56[37]"
Say what you want about how shitty North Korea is but there was no jewish involvement in its founding and no jewishness today, either.
Eat a bullet dumb shill
The Soviet Union wasn't Jewish. In fact, the biggest enemy of Israel was always the USSR. To quote the Yinon Plan:
>The Gorshkov doctrine calls for Soviet control of the oceans and mineral rich areas of the Third World. That together with the present Soviet nuclear doctrine which holds that it is possible to manage, win and survive a nuclear war, in the course of which the West’s military might well be destroyed and its inhabitants made slaves in the service of Marxism-Leninism, is the main danger to world peace and to our own existence.
ZOG-faggots want people to believe the Cold War was fake, that the ZOG has never had any real enemies. This is a lie, a lie so stupid that the ZOG-faggots who push it don't even believe it. They just think the masses of the White Nation are so stupid, they'll believe any retarded shit they try to shove down their throats.
The ZOG began its forced integration with niggers during the Korean War in the army, in order to prove' how not racist it was to the world, while they were murdering millions of gook-nationalists. They did the same thing in Vietnam, except then they forced integration with niggers on the entire White Nation, and called it "Civil Rights." Then they made a nigger president, in order to justify what they did to the Arabs. Saddam Hussein, like Assad, was an Arab Nationalists, and the ZOG hates Nationalism everywhere, but especially'' hates White Nationalism.
These shills are hilarious
ZOG-faggots want people to believe the Cold War was ZOG vs ZOG, a fraud organized by some omnipotent Kike. If the Soviet Union was just another Kike system, why did the Kikes in Israel and that thing called "America" hate it so much? They didn't! It was all just an act!
And Bibi is the real leader of Hezbollah, right ZOG-faggot?
The Soviets said Kikes aren't a Nation (they aren't, it is a parasite identity), and their solution to the Kike problem was to squash their identity. This worked with some Kikes, but clearly failed. There is no solution now but to physically annihilate Kikery from the planet.
You're just trash, i strongly reccomend that you kill yourself. It's undeniable that the ideology of Communism was founded by Jews from Bela Kun to Rosa luxembourg, starting with karl marx. They later cooked up cultural marxism as a tool to poison to west.
Anti semitism was also punishable by death. "In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.
J. Stalin
January 12, 1931"
ALIAS. . . . . . . . . . . . . REAL NAME. . . . . . . . ETHNICITY
Lenin ………………………..Oulianoff ……………….Partly Jewish
Trotsky……………………….Bronstein …………….. Jew
Stekloff ………………………Xachamress …………. Jew
Gottsief ………………………Prapkine……………… Jew
Bogdanoff ……………………Silberstein ……………Jew
Sverdloff ……………………..Sverdloff……………….Jew
Kamkoff ……………………..Katz ……………………..Jew
Parvus……………………… Gelphanat……………….Jew
Adromovitch ………………….Rein……………………Jew
Macklakowsky………………. Rosenblum……………..Jew
Lapinsky……………………… Levenson………………Jew
Glasounoff…………………… Schulze…………………Jew
Larine…………………………… Lourie…………………..Jew
Soviet Government (1919): Summary
Bureaucracy……………..Total number………….Jews
Peoples Commissaries…………22…………………17
Provincial Commissaries……23……………………21
Commissariat of War…………43……………………33
Foreign Affairs…………………16……………………13
Public Instruction………………53…………………42
Social Assistance…………………6……………………6
Labour…………………………… .8…………………….7
Total number of Bolshevist Government officials in 1919: 545
Total number of JEWS in Bolshevist Government in 1919: 447
You're a ZOG-faggot that would do anything for Kikes. When people like you talk about White Genocide, they mean Jew Genocide. That's because ZOG-faggots see Ashkenazi Jews are their fellow White Blood Brothers, and so come to support that thing called "America."
Marx didn't have a Kike identity. He was raised a Lutheran.
"Cultural Marxism" is a term spread by the Kike-lover William Lind, in order to pretend Kikes don't control "American" culture via Hollywood.
And Stalin also said Kikes aren't a Nation (they aren't). The Soviets thought they could just scrub the identity out of the Kikes, but clearly that failed. There is no solution now but physical annihilation.
"M-m-muh feelz over facts"
Juche is self-described as an offshoot of Marxism-Leninism. In the words of Kim Jong Il:
The yellow hammer, sickle, and brush on red background, as well as the more elaborate national emblem, are about as traditional communist heraldry as you can get. Kim Il Sung gets kudos for including the brush instead of being anti-intellectual like Mao.
They did belong to the communist bloc, as evidenced by decades of support from the USSR and PRC.
That kid was a retard who did the equivalent of a foreign national breaking into US Federal offices on camera and stealing shit from the walls. Can't speak to what happened to him after the fact, but it's not unreasonable to expect he got sick from weird Nork diseases and/or beat up in prison, really no different to what would happen to a foreigner caught vandalizing a Federal office and stealing Federal property in the US if set loose in general population.
China has become increasingly NatSoc since ditching Maoism in the 1970s. For what it's worth, Kim Il Sung was a very early and vocal critic of Mao's idiocy.
This is literally my second post ITT and I've never been to 8ch /news/.
People starve in every country. If it's not a famine anymore how is it any different than poors going hungry in the US or elsewhere?
The North Korean famine/Arduous March/The March of Suffering lasted from 1994 to 1998. Even unflattering sources refer to it as a mid-1990s issue.
This opinion gets you shit on by pretty much every faction of the English-speaking internet.
You are brain damaged.
Congratulations on falling for jewish propaganda.
You are brain damaged.
Congratulations on falling for jewish propaganda.
USSR only oppose zionism and make him equal to natsoc ideology.
If you mean anti-zionism committee, it was a controlled opposition which exclusively leading by jews themselfs.
They can stay synchronized while living on one potato per day. The end times are near for the nigger fetishists.
I want bugmen to leave.
Hahaha oh wow.
I tried to look up how many people in the US starve every year and that was very difficult because the number is so negligible - less than 7000 people a year, and most of that is just elderly people devoid of nutrition due to health complications that come with age. This is the country where there's an obesity epidemic amongst poor people, there's all the food stamps and other programs to help the poor, and even if you don't use them you can live off eating from the trash because so much food gets thrown out (something that doesn't happen in countries where hunger is a problem). To actually starve to death in the US you either have to be kidnapped and deliberately starved to death or be really, really fucking retarded.
Guess what, this isn't a new trick. Stalin told his countrymen that it's not so bad around because cities in Western capitalist countries are full of diseased and starving children dying on the streets. Meanwhile they had to ban the movie of The Grapes of Wrath because they didn't want people to see that dirt poor people in the US can afford to drive automobiles.
Me too. They need to fuck off back to their fashy Han ethnostate and stop seeking control, influence, and Lebensraum within lands occupied by the European diaspora.
For this conversation we'll need to settle on a definition for "starve," for not all starving is starving literally to death and millions of American children (at least one in six) are plagued by hunger, which impacts academic performance and intellectual development. I won't argue that starving to death is a prevalent problem in CY+4 America, nor am I convinced it's a problem in CY+4 DPRK (perhaps outside of punitive starvation in labor camps, but that's a criminal justice issue). For the record, I would much rather live in the US than in DPRK and I'm 100% convinced my life as an American is more comfortable than the live of the average Nork, but I've learned to be skeptical of atrocity propaganda and I have to wonder with OP if
Reminder that NK is a jewish ally.
You're terrible at your job.
Yeah I've seen some being interviewed saying they'd rather go back NK cuz life was simpler and less stressful.
A surprising number of people on the Holocaust denial board all of a sudden buy into MSM atrocity propaganda when it comes to the DPRK.
What's your take on that? They co-develop missiles with Iran.
Best Korea did nothing wrong. Best Korea needs to keep on keeping on.
"Otto Warmbier’s family kept his Jewishness under wraps while North Korea held him hostage"
into the trash (((you))) go
WRONG. You nigger shills are saying the opposite of the truth.
"North Korea Says U.S. Must Stop Defending Israel, Which is 'Destroying' Middle East"
"Why Did North Korea Just Threaten Israel?"
Better than being a gook.
Reminder that no one is falling for your bullshit.
Wrong again nigger. Your kike cock sucking efforts to tie North Korea with Israel as North Korea has been in opposition to Israel is not going to stick.
"North Korean Hackers Cited in Rare Attack in Israel"
Only a measly ~300lbs of Gold, too. The entire article is a nothingburger. He probably thinks export means gift or something.
So did literally Hitler (and Commander Rockwell, et al.) and at no point did I suggest supporting them, just understanding them. Nationalist nonwhites in nonwhite lands are very rarely considered a problem when they keep to themselves or cooperate usefully with white nations.
Communism is communism. If you're referencing my commentary on China, China explicitly threw out Maoism during the Deng Xiaoping reforms of the 1970s and has taken a more fascist approach to the economy while continuing to solidify a unified national identity and stamping out any subculture or ethnic group that opposes the mainstream Han norms.
no u