This thread is for discussion of property rights, self-determination, natural order, right-libertarianism and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Left-Libertarians, Cosmopolitan freaks, Open borders cucks and other assorted libertine degenerates need to fuck off.

Questions are welcome, however many are repeated often. We advise you research the basics before asking.

>Pastebin: pastebin.com/7K1EJYb8

>Democracy: The God that Failed (Hans Hermann-Hoppe) - riosmauricio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Hoppe_Democracy_The_God_That_Failed.pdf

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How can you justify those statements with your libertarian believes?

I want to advocate for a New White Nationalist Anarcho-Capitalist Libertarianism

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what do you mean?


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lolbergs are a joke. Nat soc is the only way to defeat the Jew

How would you guard against uber kike megacorp monopolies like what we have right now controlling the media and buying out your government?

it obviously failed. Hitler was crushed by (((them)))

(((capitalism))) is the flip side of (((communism))). Who do you think funded the Jewish Bolsheviks? It's all the same materialist shekel you stupid fucking goy

How do you justify the legislation of morality as a libertarian?

well you must first understand what WN AnCap is. We advocate for Hoppean Private Covenants

Libertarian is strictly a theory of the law. Not morality.

How do you justify physically removing people if you take a more or less “live and let live” approach to government?
How libertarian are we talking?
Where does a nation get the money to build and enforce a border if taxation is seen as evil?

I’m pretty libertarian myself but just asking, since some of the things you are saying require force

Cool. Classical liberalism (AKA lolberg ideology) was crushed by fascism and communism

National (((Socialism))) and International (((socialism))), aka (((Communism))), benefits large corporations. Its only natural that they support it. Free markets make them compete, thus they dislike it.

Well, classical liberalist states evolved into fascist/communist states. It is inherent in statism, thus we advocate for WN AnCap.


Libertarian is a philosophy on little or no government, every libertarian I talked with, the big libertarian (Koch Brothers) mouth piece Reason magazine, is open borders. Government should not have the right to tell people where they can and cannot go, it wont have the the enormous manpower to enforce borders anyways. And yet only whites believe in lolbergism, while their country is flooded with non-whites. It's a self defeating and useless ideology in the current world. Could it work in a white world vacuum? Maybe, but we don't and never will, have that

You don't just create a libertarian state you also have to maintain it. If you let supporters of (((democracy))), (((communism))) whatever the fuck kind of statism live in it, it will be dissolved, they are an imminent threat and they need to be removed PHYSICALLY.

Hoppean private communities on based on contract, so in the contract, it would state that if the people started to advocate for the expropriation of private property, they would be expelled.

extreme Libertarianism

Private borders, and man's home is his own castle would solve this issue.

This is Rothbard's Right Wing Populist Program goys

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taxes divert money from the white middle class to the parasitical black nigger class.

this pic perfectly explains Libertarianism

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There is no moral imperative to protect your people or put their interest above others in a laissez-faire capitalist system. Markets=!Capitalism you retard.

Saved nigga

The McBurgerTacoBell megacorp that owns all the land next to your farmstead decides that it wants to build a new soyfarm/burger processing plant next to you, and that it requires workers to staff all of it. Now, since there is no government, and everyone is entitled to do whatever they wish on their property, what's stopping them from building a McBlock and hiring thousands of cheap workers from abroad?

Would you be okay to live next to Mexican/Chinese/Indian McSlave workers your entire live, as long as a private enterprise got them there instead of the government?
If not, how can you justify compromising your libertarian ideals for it?

OP is an aids-ridden niggerdick gobbler

Reminder that Zig Forums is a fascist board

Reminder that jews literally invented anarchocapitalism and libertarianism

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thats false. Read Locke

And where will these people live? I'll stay comfy at my 100% white ark covenant community and never have to even deal with them. Not to mention NO immigrant is ever going to move to a libertarian state which presupposes NO welfare state, when there's interracial breeding ground countries like Germany and Sweden around

That’s poorly thought out man. So if we adopt this strategy, and let’s say Russia decides you know what fuck it were going back to being a nation and invades us, will a collection of private castles be enough to stop a nations army?

Idk man I’m sort of more in favor of old school US system, but restarting it learning from our previous mistakes than tanking the whole concept of government for that sort of system. But I’ll read into it more thanks for responding

individual rational action is better than group collective action

How does libertarianism safeguard the ethnic interests of people from European descent?

Why are the ideological powerhouses of libertarianism such as Rothbard jewish?

Read Siege, faggot

I shit on Locke that kryptokike

Anglos are honorary Jews

Libertarianism can only work in White European nations.

He got his ideas from whites.

It allows you to form essential ethnostates within the libertarian community

Siege was written by a satanist, no thanks

what? You're kidding right?

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Notice how the jews saw National Socialism as such a threat they had to unite judeo-capitalism and judeo-communism in an attempt to crush it, while they remain at the forefront of lolbergtardianism today?

>won't read a book by a "satanist" James Mason is a blend of CI and Esoteric Hitlerism

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You must realize that gated communities don't force others to stay out, they forces you to stay inside.

Onto your next point, evidently economic oppertunity is as big a drawfactor for immigrants as welfare. Think of all the European migrants who moved to America in the 18th and 19th century; they didn't have a welfare net to rest on.
Same with Mexicans that cross the border to work as farmhands illegally.

So as long as your little communte stays hwhite you're okay with the rest of your country getting browned because McMegacorp wants to drive down wages a few cents?

National (((Socialism)))

fuck off Mossad

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Wrong and you're a cuck. Kys

Still a NatSoc board despite your best attempts moishe. Fuck off back to 4fag kike.

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Fuck off Lolbergs

Fuck off back to T_D with your civcuckery.

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Nice gatekeeping attempt. This has been tried before and it never worked for 70 years, why? because all the horrible things we have been forced into today since the wrong side won WW2 like Communism/Marxism/Capitalism has just been a product and a factual symptom of the larger Jewish disease that weak cuckolds like you refuse to identify. The creatures that own "the fed" and the media are Jews like (((Ben bernanke, Janet Yellen, Alan greenspan))) and most of all the major banking institutions, without even itentifying who these people are you will never be able to succeed.

That's why National Socialism is the only way. You are a retard for thinking this noam chomsky tier kike bullshit will work here in 2019.

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Agreed, but any worthwhile system can only work in homogeneous white nation.

Will it allow us to reclaim every inch of our homelands, or will that be violating the NAP? What about the 150 million brown people in the US? Would you respect their right to have voluntary actions so long as they don't directly harm you while they multiply like vermin?

I do not see how being allowed to have small ethno enclaves while invaders multiply within your land solves anything. It's better than forced diversity everywhere but it will not remedy the illness.

Aussies are anglo you brainlet

It's both. You can't move in the 100% white neighborhood because all the space is already taken and we've all made contracts to keep the community 100% white so they can't sell their homes to shitskins, if you do that you get physically removed. I do not know how correct your second point is I'd have to look into it to see America's policies, immigration etc but it's still not a very good argument. I already told you, in a libertarian society there is NO public spaces, everything is privately owned, sometimes individually sometimes collectively and only citizens can choose to give up their private property to a nonwhite. That nonwhite can still not walk anywhere else but that tiny spot of land the cuck gave him unless he wants to catch a bullet.

As its leaders, Universal Order recognized a lineage of Adolf Hitler, George Lincoln Rockwell, Joseph Tommasi, and Charles Manson. It later focused on presenting a neo-Nazi perspective on the paranormal. Mason had previously been affiliated with the Church of Satan, a satanist organization founded by Anton LaVey.[2]


Don't give slide threads actual replies, he'll think he's people. Let T_D post on 4fag, it's where his kind thrive. With other retards.


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fuck off filthy commie

also, LMFAO we fucking hate central banking, the fed is statist you fucking kike

mega LOL, the community, more like (((COMMUNISM)))

Again, what's stopping a megacorporation from buying up vast swatches of land and using them to house their Mexican workers?
What's stopping them from ceasing to send you water and electricity (all privately owned now!) to your community unless you agree to house x number of their workers?

Libertarianism is leftism.

Are you 12?

It's judaism, ultimately.

##National Socialism

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###no National (((Socialism))) is JUDE

Non whites do not care about libertarianism. I also do not live in america so you'll have to adopt the ideology which suits your country best, the Free State Project is a good start though I can only see libertarianism happening through secession and they're doing a good job so far. You shit on libertarians as if you got a better solution, I don't see voting Republ and Dem solving the white race tbh, or a Day of the Rope happening anytime soon. Time is running out

Jude triggered


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so go KYS NAT(((SOCS)))

literally, Hitler was a Jew, his Grandfather was a jew

You know what, on that note, there is absolutely no protection against predatory business practices or loans.
What are you going to do if Goldstein, Shekelberg and Rosenblatt, your suppliers of electricity, water, and gas, decide that those white enclaves are a real eyesore and raise prices by 9000%, just for your communities?
Well, with no electricity or water your house is useless, but luckily they are very willing to take it off your hand, for a very reasonable price!

shoo shoo juju

Sounds like the West Bank / Gaza Strip / Earth


And to think people consider lolbertarianism the retarded step child of (((conservatism))). You guys sure proved that wrong, this is definately a good and viable system. Hey quote some (((Ayn Rand))) faggot, make us all laugh some more.

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