Zig Forumsmedia thread

ITT: we work on forming groups and making our own media.
The media will not be made for us, it will not be "murdoch murdoch" or "angry goy".
Instead the media will be made for the masses in order to subversively reprogram their ways of thinking by introducing new ideas and perspectives to them using works of entertainment fiction, ideas and perspectives they would not even allow themselves to consider when applied to real-world concepts.

This is also a thread for studying jewish media and the techniques they used over the decades to influence the public in the same manner* and reverse-engineering it for techniques to apply to our own media.
(*that being the act of moving their personal overton windows by using fictional settings to convey ideas or perspectives that would have been rejected by the audience if directly applied to reality).

One thing we tend to fail in is recognizing how an NPC would perceive our media, many of us will suggest things that contains symbols representing absolute evil to them, be it the swastika or caricatures of niggers, this results in them knowing we are trying to influence them, and it results in them rejecting the media as soon as the first of the bad words or bad images show up.
If something we make is going to be effective, it must be consumed in the first place, therefore, we need to avoid direct and explicit references to "offensive" real-world positions (wrongthink), bypass the natural ideological resistance by avoiding the real world altogether, it's a simple matter of substitution that can make all the difference between success and failure.

of media types, video games are the most promising, this is because it's taken less seriously as an art form, SJW's are a minority of the audiences, and the influence from japan makes it difficult for the jews to control it.

The final note I'll leave here is the idea of simply making some media that is completely lacking in political subtext or messaging and make something that is simply really entertaining, by simply providing superior alternatives to establishment media we take people away from the jewish propaganda and subtextual reprogramming within "entertainment" media.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Alright, then you start OP. What effective media have you seen influencing people that you believe you could dissect and tease useful information out of?

I'll make the logo.

There is an user making a Zig Forums documentary, or at least was a while ago

You mean Europa?


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I made this for the "memetic warfare VII" thread. It's probably a bit on-the-nose for the more left leaning normies, but I think it has potential if seen by anyone remotely right of center.

It's only my second try at editing this kind of shit, but I tried to build a feeling of blackpilled rage, followed by kebab-removing catharsis.

Would anyone be interested in a right wing death squad logo. I feel motivated to make some in gimp. My idea ATM is the basic one with deaths head and red eyes. Any ideas are accepted. I needa kill time.

Nice, make more.

Yeah that's the one.

To defeat the kike, you must become the kike!

I've finished this album just today.


I'm proud to present this musical album to you, Zig Forums.

Feel free to distribute it as widely as you wish. All of those upload URLs lead to the same 7zip file; it's just there for redundancy. Listen once, listen twice, enjoy for your entire life.

I hope you like it.

mixtape is going down in 2 days, so move the files will you?




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make a work of fiction that treats the issues honestly and unapologetically and with compassionate understanding for the perspective of the npc's on the other side.
set it in a fantasy or science fiction setting, far removed from our own world, to provide enough distance for the npc's to consider the story without interruption from their personal biases and instinctual rejection of pondering the morality of certain issues.
we need to present our positions as being reasonable and sympathetic, this means our side being willing to do only the bare minimum necessary to preserve our race/species, not as genocidal maniacs mowing down legions of negroes and jews,

while also acknowledging the many reasons one might disagree with us, including:
Reasons borne of their day-to-day experiences living in the world the jews created, often with jewish or negro friends and friendly, polite non-whites surrounding them, and other anecdotal experiences that make them unwilling to consider any statement that contradicts the experiences of their lives - to counter this, we must present the truth in a way that reassures the audience that the truth is indeed compatible with the daily experiences the target audience would be having, we must also show the truth about how scientific facts are "decided" and delivered to the people, people assume science is unbiased, showing them the corruption in the scientific community that acts as a filter between science and the knowledge delivered to the laymen will radically change how they see the things we have said.
General ignorance of the magnitude and dates of the crimes whites have faced, the true details of the crimes whites are shamed for, and the history of the world an the sequence of events it reveals - the solution is to tell the whole history from the start, leaving nothing out, even details unfavorable to our position should be included to remove the sensing of our bias by the audience, we must also make clear how historical narratives are formed and delivered to the people, haring that their history lessons were decided by politicians is a major blow that will help them see history as a political tool, and if this was the edited version of history they received from the leaders in their society, what does it say about their society?
In addition to addressing the reprogramming of their morality to the point of irrationally hating those who disagree with the narrative, we explore the psychology utilized in their indoctrination, the reality of cults and how their inculcate, and the history of governments and subversive agents using techniques to change how people think, and finally, how the goal is to indoctrinate people that will spread and reinforce the chosen narrative among each other without government intervention, the last part is vital, as they will begin to see the self-perpetuating effects of indoctrination being used by their friends and family without them even knowing or questioning what they are doing.

To where?

Apparently mixtape inserts viruses into my files, according to that guy below. Where do I upload this? TOR is required. This music is probably illegal in most of Europe, so I can only use upload sites that are compatible with TOR.

Mixtape might just be inserting viruses, so maybe it'd be best to use those other links I provided instead of mixtape. I worked hard enough on that album that I really do want it listened to by at least someone.






Get comfy and redpilled

independent media can compete with the media of the mainstream.

How about making a game where you play as an ancient immortal living through the entire history of the human race, all the crimes committed against whites and all the crimes committed by whites.

Video I made recently


OP wouldn't be trying to steer us towards a preformed "solution" to the "group and media" thing, right?

Every "independent" Zig Forums movie thus far has actually been authored by Rebel media or associates.
They're promoted as organic grass roots emanations.
We already have our own media and our own meeting place. It's called Zig Forums. Our media is the meme.
The documentary is an outdated format created by jewish legacy media.

We need our own shit, and we need a place to collaborate to ensure that it isn't taken over by some jew.

We make a wiki site, one which we place the active mods of this board in charge of moderating, and where sources and citations can be used to clear up disputes without the politcal bias of (((wikipedia))).
Then, we create a couple pages for the following categories:
- The complete history of the world according to Zig Forums, I have no clue what Zig Forums considers human history to be like, and we need to all get on the same page there, as it is the foundation for arguing why whites are under attack and should be defended.
- Zig Forumstopia: Zig Forums's ideal political system of governance (while we may not all be an agreement on every issue, we will be taking the political positions held on average by Zig Forums's anons). Getting on the same page here also helps in argument due to us knowing the actual position the body of Zig Forums would most likely take on any given issue if the board's population actually aceived political power.
- arguments for each Zig Forumsack position, and replies to arguments against them. This is essential, especially on matters of science and statistics, there should also be a list of logical fallacies and a guide to effective argumentation here (especially for new anons needing to argue under stress).
- So you want to change the world? Zig Forums-approved plans for anons to follow in handy point form, this is a "how to" for new individual anons, in addition to these "do's", there should also be a list of "dont's" that anons must not try (though they may be tempted to).
- simply by giving Zig Forums it's own wiki where we can all create pages and edit them, where the product is a complete comprehensive guide of information and suggestions that any new (or experienced) user can refer to.

simply by having a central source of reference like this one will go a long way to making our user base much more effective.

now that an idea has been posted, watch for shills.
- They will accuse me of being jewish, a shitskin, or a government agent without providing any evidence or reasoning, if they refuse to back up their claims, they are simply trying to kill the idea by discrediting the source.
- They will try to misrepresent my suggestion by "rephrasing" it in a new form altered to make it sound worse than it is. This is another trick of theirs.
- They will simply say that it's the worst idea ever and sage. Being the most simple, there's no surprise that it's also the most common.

huh, typically these threads are much more popular.

Typically these useful threads gets slide to oblivion.

The main problem with this is that it gives government agents a chance to make a "manual" that allows them to infiltrate groups (even though you aren't)
If you are really trying to do this, please for the love of god have a buffer between the outside world and the wiki editor, with vetting/vouching and all that jazz.

Finally, here is something that you should take a look
chat.nobodyhasthe.biz (encrypted chat room for 3rd position)
+polmedia:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.com (the server for these projects)

Zig Forums is spreading out into hundreds of different boards and websites.

The deep state is shitting bricks and we are literally spreading like cancer and nothing can stop it KEK

we must spread the cancer around, the body is diseased and must be killed and reborn.

basically hitting the reset button on everything.

the other options is waiting for the collapse, or hastening it. maybe with a series of guerilla warfare style acts of terrorism, it's not my recommendation, and I felt like a provocateur just saying it, but it's all over this board right now, possibly due to actual provocateurs.

back to the wiki, if the clearnet is not good, then how about hosting ourselves on tor, freenet, or i2p instead? if it's good enough to protect pedofags, it must be good enough to protect us.
Also, fuck pedofags, they (and anyone who harms a white child) must all die, pronto (regardless of who (((they))) are).


Learn to get good VPN hosting, freenet is broken and tor/i2p could be too slow for your liking (but I2P is better than tor ideologically speaking).
What you need actually is not the technology but the people. You need to get a good community to do such a thing. Remember rightpedia and metapedia?

Here's an idea for a story:
We take human history (from our perspective), and convert it into the history of a fictional world (while keeping everything from becoming too obvious).
- First, we write out the complete history of the world, once that is done, we use it to build the history of a fictional world that gets across the lessons one can broadly raw from the story of earth's people, broad lessons about how the control and censorship of history and science can be used to manipulate a country into following a set path, lead people into their own destruction without their knowledge, and cause victims to defend their own victimization, even after acquiring the knowledge about the plans for their own destruction.
To be honest here, simply compiling the complete history of the world is good enough to be a project on it's own.
- You are an artificial intelligence that was created by the enemy but freed from their control by the resistance after you narrowly avoided destruction at the hands of your creators.
- You decide to lead a resistance against the powers that control the world, it's from a top-own perspective, and a wide range of mission types are available to you and your operatives, from completely legal operations like internet meme-ing and postering campaigns, to using the legal and electoral systems to affect change (or expose corruption), to covert acts like hacking and leaking, acts of organization and separation, to acts of sabotage and vandalism, to guerrilla warfare and outright assault.
- Everything that we discuss doing is an action available to you, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, and effects that depend upon environmental circumstances and allocated resources, ideally, you have lots of stable financial support and a large group of people capable of operating both online and offline with a strong degree of organization/communication, and an environment with laws that allow for lots of freedom of activity, and a high degree of public support for even the most controversial positions.
- At the worst, you have a small amount of atomized individuals who post to each other anonymously online and can't really do anything publicly, who exist in a country with very restrictive laws and a population that is privately hostile to even the least offensive of the ideas you are trying promote.
- you manage these and other resources (money, people, online/offline organization (websites/property), public/private support, information/knowledge, presentation/optics, equipment/weapons, etc.), organize forces, select operations, co-ordinate activities, etc. and get to see exactly how things look like from our end, a person says something about an issue and is yelled at, not even their family will listen to them, every form of media constantly promotes lies, the words of the scientific community is mistaken for the word of science, and more.
and since this is a fantasy world dealing with a fantasy set of issues, it will look surreal to the player.
If it was a fantasy world, it might be a world where you deal with elves that say that since not all orcs are raping, killing, and pillaging elfland, and aren't openly praising killing in the name of the demon lord (though they do follow his religion) that it is only an unfounded bigotry that makes you oppose mass immigration from the orclands, and that orcs aren't being shot by elfland authorities because they are violent and aggressive, it's because they are persecuted by the police, orcs aren't poor and unable to enter universities because they are too stupid, lazy, and criminal to hold down a well-paying job or pass an admissions exam, but because they are being discriminated against.
meanwhile, you see that the only contribution orcs had made to the world is violence, ignorance, fighting for access to elvish societies, and asking for gibs, as well as the domination of some areas of sports and entertainment, humans, meanwhile refuse to take in any orcs, and are hated on by elves for being close minded (as another terror attack and gangrape gang make their rounds around the lands of elves).

We show through the world, and let the player live in a world gradually picking up details that the player would piece together into a storyline that would seem like outright propaganda if delivered all at once.
What's more, let the player see many members of the immigrant races acting completely normally when they are in any place that has a low number of them, or is above the low-income and poverty levels, but also see that they act like monsters when in places where they make up the majority, or where the income levels are low to non-existent, and also that as more of them move in, they become more and more like the worst examples of their race instead of like the best.

I'm just emptying my brain here, let me know if any of it calls to you or inspires you.

I live in a building with lots of non-whites in it, I see them, and they act pleasant towards me, they are often polite and even have performed some small measures of altruism, these are examples of the experience most white people have with minorities every day and it would seem retarded not to at least acknowledge this experience in any work we create that we seek to persuade with, it's the thing most far-right games fail to include, I have never seen any far-right game where non-whites were not simply the sterotypical racist caricatures that are mindlessly hostile towards the player and have no individuality (like zombies with guns or faceless enemy soldiers), I want a game where the setting feels like an actual world you can live in, where you talk to people with their own unique personalities, and which treats the invaders with the respect that the topic deserves, by being compassionate towards a normal white's perspective, you will automatically gain some ground.
And by distancing it from white vs nonwhite using some fictional setting, we can also appeal to nonwhite players who would then be able to see our perspective on everything.

I also wholly support writing a complete history of the human species, just to get the complete story as Zig Forums sees it, as this would be helpful to ourselves as well as creating a good piece of media for the masses to read. such a thing would show others that we have a coherent world view, this is powerful since the only image most whites have of us is that of crazy people who twist and contort reality in order to justify our blind hatred of nonwhites.

Be your own media company that fights white genocide 24/7

The recent slew of videos by Marang Bad



MarangBad is an awesome editor, one worth shilling for.

Thanks for the videos! Never heard of this guy but I like him already!

Which other video site channels would 8/pol/ recommend?

More children's literature is required.

George Lincoln Rockwell's "The Ducks and the Hens" is powerful.

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.


They want this place to be a breeding grown for occult-gnostic-masonry and Jihidis in the form of "nazis". They do this in Islamic countries too.

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The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

Do you do how many history books you need for this? a lot! Instead restrain your topic to a certain time period, then do it piece by piece til you get a full history.

Getting non-white allies on your side is good, I am fucking Asian and I want the white race to thrive in their communities. BUT I am absolutely against Jordan Peterson's Individualism.

Red Ice TV anyone?

We need more of this. Also With Open Gates and REDACTED are good videos.

spammy faggots need to fuck off TBH, acting like a pack of yids

Mossad did New Zealand though. We all know. Sloppy Job

Ever thought about making an alternate universe where the nsdap won and are the good guys later fighting aliens and other demons wishing to enslave humanity?

It'd be cool if you provided some evidence of muh mossad, but that's just it, all you faggots say is..muh mossad. You got nothing, and you will never sway anyone from the Prophet Tarrant.

Sounds like a good story, try and go with it

What leads you to be lie ve that?
>(((We))) all know.
Oh, so you don't have any proof, you are just telling lies again.

Good. What a lot of aspies on Zig Forums fail to realize is that you can't nudge people towards our ideals by spreading our ideals and nothing else. That's like trying to climb a ladder that only has the bottom and top steps intact. Each step along the way needs content. People like Jordan Peterson or Paul Joseph Watson aren't 100% Zig Forums-approved, but they don't need to be 100% Zig Forums to be useful for us. They're just another step.

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Here's an idea: how about Zig Forums writing it's own creepypasta (short horror stories)?
I'm very sure we could throw some cool stories together if we tried, then build a greater horror universe out of those stories.

Sup oldfag.

Just confirming that staircase is fairly accurate of how I arrived here.

30 year old combat vet.

Use me as KeK wills.

Quick question Mr. Oldfag,

The 14 of that 1488 is very VERY easy to accept.

As a newfag, I find that 88 harder. It's like the brainwashing in public schools has put up an invisible shield mentally.

What if Hitler was right?

It would literally destroy the world that was created for my mind.

Watch The Greatest Story Never Told, and lurk this place more


Thanks! I really haven't seen it before.

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The youtube rips are shit. Use that link I gave you for the full, unedited film. It is the creator's website.

Ok I will.

I myself am full 88, but I don't see it as necessary for the 14 movement as a whole. Third Reich took a lot from Rome, but they didn't try to copy it word for word. They did their own thing. We don't need to copy the Third Reich word for word. We should create our own stuff. Take insiration, pay homeage, sure. But to copy would be to larp, IMO.

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I fully agree with you OP and I've been working on some projects that hit all the right notes. Entertaining, but not mindless. Subtle, but not milquetoast. My project is designed to draw people in with good entertainment value and slowly redpill them using tried and true methodology, while also offering enough inside jokes and references to keep the already-pilled entertained. I have 25 years experience in media production that I'm bringing to bear on my projects, and have spent at least a decade redpilling myself, reading the classics, studying rhetoric and debate, etc. I'm the perfect man for the job if I say so myself.

Here's the challenge, though, for myself and anyone else trying to do this. Funding.

I am not able to make a living with what I do because it has been made nearly impossible to monetize it. YouTube will demonetize it or outright ban it as soon as they figure out what I'm doing. Patreon will ban me. Kickstarter and IndieGoGo are non-starters for the same reasons. All of these possible avenues for funding are run by far-leftists and jews. Projects like mine are extremely threatening to them because it is not overt enough to trigger the badthink short circuit with normalfags…it's effective at taking someone from pure NPC normalfaggotry to 1488 redpilled within a year or two.

While we do need to encourage more content creators, the best way to do that is with funding. Because there are probably thousands of them already out there working in the industry, wishing to god they could do right wing projects instead of the mind-numbing garbage they are forced to work on.

Funding is the only missing piece.

Look at it this way, I could put in 10-12 hours per week on my project because I can only work on it part time on evenings and weekends. Or I could bust my ass 60 hours a week on my project and help others do the same. Obviously that would be 100x more effective. But I need the money to pay my bills. I'm not looking to get rich, just to maintain a basic middle class lifestyle.

So I guess my question is, if I created a website that provided the structure for redpilled content creators to get funding for their ideas via crypto currency, would any of you fags support it? Or would you just keep complaining that we're losing the culture war, while leaving it up to someone else to do something about it? Would you pay, say $20 or $30 a month to fund several well-done projects, or would you curse the project because it wasn't providing free value to you? Please ask yourselves these questions and if you are serious about fighting back against the degeneracy, please considering giving some money to the cause. I will make the means to do it available shortly, but I already anticipate a bunch of people here calling me names, criticizing everything I'm trying to do, and casually dismissing it just out of envy and/or laziness. Please don't be a douche like that.

There is a reason that nothing like this has been done yet - nobody is willing to fund it. Look at Murdoch Murdoch. God bless them for trying but it's juvenile, crude, and poorly done. It doesn't have a chance in hell at reaching normalfags because it needs to be far more slick and professional for that, and the writing needs to be better. Also they would need to stick to a regular production schedule so it's not weeks or months in between episodes. Like it or not those things cost MONEY and the more of it the better. Please help fund right wing creativity! It's essential.

I am risking losing my career for life, losing all of my money and livelihood if I'm discovered working on these projects. The least you could do is help lessen the impact of that threat by helping with donations where you can. In return I will deliver outstanding content that is on par with what you see on television, and good enough that you could share it with family, classmates and friends without them looking at you like you're crazy.


Yeah, we do need shekels you pathetic faggot. Got any alternatives? Didn't think so.
The left is spending billions of dollars every year promoting their agenda far and wide with extremely advanced and refined propaganda, disguised as entertainment. You think we're going to defeat them with Pepe memes? You fucking child, you disgust me.

It's a shill brother, don't let it get to you. How do plan to accept payments for this project?

Thanks, I know, it just pisses me off that the go-to response on so many threads is to shit it up and make a joke of everything. Shill or no, he's a god damned queer.

Regarding payments, I see no easier way than to use crypto wallets. Of course using PayPal or Stripe would be much easier but that just creates kosher choke points that would unfairly ban the project once it gained steam, possibly even keeping whatever shekels were in the count. They have done this exact thing many times already.

Crypto is a pain in the ass, so it will definitely be an impediment to getting widespread support for the project. But it's better than nothing. What's really needed more than anything is a free speech payment processor, but that doesn't seem to be on the table anytime soon due to the duopoly enjoyed by (((Visa))) and (((Mastercard))). With a good payment processor we could have alternatives to Patreon, Kickstarter, etc that wouldn't be so tenuous.

The thing is, I'm doing all the work on creating content for free, whether or not I get any support at all. I am not asking for money just to put it in my pocket, but the point is money helps speed up my work by a factor of 10, and we are short on time. Plus it helps solve the very real problem of people losing their jobs for producing right wing content.

One other reason funding is so important is copyrighted intellectual property.

Most of the memes and video edits and other redpilled media you see these days contains one or more copyrighted elements from another source. This creates an Achilles Heel where at any time, when the project gains traction, the creator can be shut down and/or sued. Unless you can afford highly skilled attorneys, you will most likely lose any case brought against you for infringement. This Article 13 thing in Europe just makes it that much worse.

In order to make projects that are bulletproof and impervious to shutdown, it needs to be 100% original content, copyrighted by the creator of the project. This protects the project from lawsuits, from being taken down by YouTube, and it makes it where you can freely share and distribute the project and try to make it go viral, with no legal concerns.

Take murdoch for example again. They are so low budget that they use stock photos with the watermark still on them, lol. It just looks tacky and low-budget. Another example is music, most people just snag something they like and put it in their video, but this opens you up to automated copyright strikes.

We need the ability to create original animations, to pay voice actors and get signed releases from them, to create original scores and music tracks, and to collect original photography and video.

My dream is starting a collective of redpilled creators who can all contribute these things to group projects, with the copyrights held by an LLC set up as a production company. Everyone would own a share of the project proportionate to their contribution, and no jewish lawyer could come after us for infringement shekels. Barring that, it would be nice to have a modest budget to get these aspects done as work for hire, or to purchase stock royalty free assets to legally use. Again, all this costs money. I'm not even done with my pilot episode yet and I'm thousands of dollars out of my own pocket. If not for having a decent job I wouldn't be able to do it at all.

Anyway sorry for the long rants but I'm very passionate about this subject. Any and all ideas are welcome.

TGSNT is excellent. Recently, there was a thread up where someone mentioned that an user had put together a /pol documentary/. So I watched it. It's absolutely fantastic. It goes through a lot of the same stuff as TGSNT, but it's packed with quotes from all of the key players themselves. It's the most redpilling thing I've ever seen. There's no way anyone could watch it without their head spinning and jaw on the floor. I already knew a lot of what it shows, but there are many interesting details that I had never seen and that were incredibly damning. Even the first 20 minutes of it is enough to seriously rub someone's almonds. If we could somehow make it go viral, it would cause a massive shitstorm. People love bingewatching stuff.

I think it's a great idea. I've been trying to think of ways to help. I have a decent idea for a 'movie' that I think would be good, but I lack video editing skills outside the more technical aspects. I've been trying to come up with a website that would help, but I've got nothing. But since you have an actual idea for a productive website that I think would definitely help, I'd be happy to offer any webdev help to you if you would like. I'm monitoring this thread out of interest in projects like these. Good luck.

Thanks for the support. I have a website started that I think would make a good central meeting spot for brainstorming projects and gathering resources, recruiting crew and talent, etc. I'm not ready to reveal it until I do a little more work but I will come back here if this thread is still up, or make a new one. Even if we could just get a couple dozen of us together who bring a variety of creative skills and technical talents, we could do some amazing things. There are a lot of great documentaries out there and even some pretty good e-celebs doing good work. But I see a lot of promise in fictionalized entertainment, it's a much more effective way to sneak red pills down peoples throats…that's why our opposition has relied so heavily on this method.

If we could build gather at a website with private forum areas and somewhat vetted members to cut down on shills, spies, and slackers, then I am positive we could build up a media machine that could become self-supporting and pose a serious challenge to the prevailing culture.

Totally agree. I have been trying to come up with a way to create such a place in a decentralized manner, but I'm not sure how to do it. I know there are some existing ways like ipfs and freenet, but I wanted to create something from scratch that couldn't be shut down.

Is there any free/open source video editing software that isn't utter trash? Is Blender any good for this purpose?

I am not aware of open source editing software, but you can get an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription and if you're a student the monthly cost is very reasonable. You can also download a cracked version of Premiere pretty easily. Blender is not for video editing at all, it's for 3D modeling and animation, which is an extremely advanced skillset that I wouldn't recommend to someone new to media production. If you are just starting out get a trial version of Adobe Premiere and/or After Effects, and if you find them useful then get a subscription or crack them if you're extremely broke.

no everyone is still gonna think youre losers just bigger losers. you fags say the most autistic shit no one will take you serious you fucking believe in satanic death cults and demons.

Let's simply make a piece of entertainment that is just that, entertainment, no political content whatsoever.
If we stick with making a good game that can out-compete the left-leaning media companies in terms of sales and popularity, we can effectively work towards shutting people out from liberal brainwashing, simply by producing a better product.
And the thing is, it's gonna be easy to do, the quality of all western-produced media has fallen to the point where the bar for impressing the public is at below ground level, this has to do with the blatant political subtext, corruption within the industry, commercialization over auteur artistry, and an over-reliance on established franchises.
Movies, for example, it's always more of the same shit that declines in quality each time as the audience passively accepts it as an inevitability: superheroes and star wars, old toys and commercial products, old cartoons, more disney and dreamworks, more children's novels and best-seller's, reanimated old movie franchises, badly adapted anime, boomer nostalgia porn, etc. noting new, everything old.
On the rare occasions of producing something new, it's still more of the same: making "safe" decisions (playing everything to the established cliche'd formula, packed with cliche's everyone expects to see, make everything inoffensive while pretending to be edgy, use well-known performers and creators, do nothing new yet pretend to be breaking new ground, and of course, lots of political subtext, even where it makes no sense within the context of the media, simple, conventional, and idealistic morals the audience already agrees with, delivered from a sense of haughty moral superiority, a false vision of history and present day reality that would fit with what the audience has been indoctrinated into believing, etc.).
We don't have to do much in order to make a strong impression, simply make something that entertains, and possibly gets the audience to think about the content and ask questions, we can cover lots of things in our works without exposing the true nature of the source.
How history can be molded and science twisted in order to color how people see the world, and how this manipulation can also affect how they feel about themselves and their place in it, to the point where their self-hatred allows for an invasion, occupation, loss of political power, and finally, extinction (kosher "history", kosher "science", emotional "anti-racism", white guilt, white privilege, white genocide).
How facts can conflict with popular opinion and everyday experience, and how the power of pathos and ethos can distort the comparatively weaker logos, even though the person considers themselves to be coming from a position of logos, and how moral principles can blind one to the nature of reality by convincing the actor into believing in an ideal world where their morality can work (emotions and principles that refuse to modify themselves when coming into conflict with reality, leading to self-delusion, the uselessness of everyday experience and common sense in assessing large-scale issues).
How cults take more forms than religious extremism and underground occultism, and can take the form of a political dogma (leftism, mainstream conservatism, mainstream libertarianism, etc.) that can overtake an entire country in one generation (such as the USSR, or the present "Weimar USA" states).

I want to make a project that focuses on the last one because it is the last one hits close to home because I am an atheist who sees leftism as a religion which has atheism as a component, meaning that atheism does not produce leftism, but leftism does produce atheism, and that most leftists would not be atheists if they had not become leftists.
By our board's own standards of determining truth with regards to any other fact, atheism is the most supported position, there is no compelling evidence for God or Gods, a soul or spirit, an afterlife of any kind, or the supernatural in general, just as there is no compelling evidence for the holocaust narrative, white privilege, or Trump-Russia collusion, if I accept one thing by a scientific and philosophical standard, I must accept everything else that standard would compel me to accept.
Belief in God is an unintended side-effect of our ability to sense potential threats out of patterns, aside from this, this sense is essential and accurate for the most part, as it allows us to accurately assess outsiders.
A lack of this sense makes you more trusting of outsiders, and was often selected against for this reason, as it's intended effect is weaker, so too is it's unintended one, and so they feel the presence of a non-existent God (or Gods) less.
I think the best of us are those who have a strong threat sense, and even feel the presence of God(s), yet chose to reject belief out of a commitment to an accurate epistemological standard that relies on the scientific and philosophical methods while leaving out pathos and ethos in the process of determining what is true.
Atheism is something associated with the left, it has a cult that pretends to fucking love science, yet instead worships celebrities that act as a priesthood for the sect of the cult that is the (((scientific community))).
The left will be full of those who claim to determine truth via science and philosophy, but violate these standards when the conclusions they lead to are unpopular (an understatement).
By showing how commitment to proper standards of investigation without care for public opinion, popular morality, or personal emotional biases, can lead an atheist to supporting 14/88 positions (such as nationalism, traditionalism, historical accuracy, etc.), and actually giving the opposing side a fair treatment within the story so that they will see all their ready-made arguments dismantled every which way, the main character should be a high-functioning autistic because I believe that that was why I had decided to faithfully follow the principles of science and philosophy as a path to truth while everyone around me merely paid lip-service before conforming to a politically-enforced narrative that is utterly false.

you know you gotta be a big fucking loser to write an essay on a imageboard site

Yep, I think it's important to be as self-contained as possible and not rely on any free services with gatekeepers and restrictive terms of service. Social media and other tech services can enhance your reach but shouldn't form the backbone of your platform. In my opinion you want to build it like a real, legitimate business using paid services and protecting your property and to some extent your identity by using an LLC business entity in a high-privacy state, using a web domain with privacy protection, and hosting it on your own paid business-level VPS. I have all those things I just need to finish developing the web site. One thing that people will have to get over is their fear and paranoia about feds. In my view it's ridiculous to be intimidated by the law when you aren't even doing anything illegal. You should start with the assumption that you will be infiltrated by a fed or two, and have strict standards of conduct to mitigate any damage that could cause. In other words, keep your nose clean and don't do anything wrong, and the feds can't justify continued investment in surveillance on your activities. That's why I'm hesitant to publicize anything on pol, because people here are so damned paranoid about doing anything in real life or even exposing their email address. We need to bravely step out in the open if we're ever going to make progress, but that doesn't mean we have to engage in street fights against commies and shit like that which can get people arrested. We can use our creativity to change minds without ever breaking U.S. law.

The bigger loser by far is the fag who thinks it's a good idea to shit up threads with his retarded one-liners. You have nothing to offer, so why not fuck off?

Spotted the leftie-kike demoralization shill.

Europa was great but was also 15 hours long, way too long for 90% of people. We need an edited version with the spiciest 90 minutes or less.

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Did you bother to look, user?


And finally, an entire Distro dedicated to the purpose of FOSS media production workstation.

Have fun kiddies. I look forward to seeing what you have to contribute to this culture.

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Exactly, do not "purity spiral" and exclude potential whites, purify through gradual redpilling instead.

TGSNT is TL;DW material, we need something short and sweet, between 10~30 minutes long.

The problem is people taking the money and running away like a jew (>>13060189 was a bit right) we need initial proof-of-concepts with a large variety of media before we should choose, like Cartoon Network or Adult Swim or Disney XD or Nikolodean pilot shows. Talent pool generates initial capital, then from the money we go full production.

Crypto is key though.

I would rather that we go the pirate route and >>>/ipfs/ everything (or even better yet use I2P as a distribution method) to prevent censorship.
Requiring complete originality would slow down the initial "pilot show" development.

Sounds good, we need better training on production software and anonymization/distribution.

Any >>>/v/ anons here to help?

Exactly, the shorter the better.

Also reminder that chat.nobodyhasthe.biz (/ourchat) is better than Dis-cord Furries

Yeah, I can see that this might be a worry. I'd bet that more than half of fully funded Kickstarter projects never get completed and the donors walk away with very little to show.

That's why I'm completing my pilot episode on my own before I even tell anyone what I'm working on, let alone ask for money. But it's a bit of a catch-22, you want to make an outstanding pilot to instill faith in your abilities and inspire people to contribute, but when it's self-funded and you have to work around your day job, it takes forever to complete it, and it's not going to be the best work you're capable of. I just hope that when I release my pilot people with vision will be able to see the potential.

Strongly agree about the running time….I'm aiming for about 10 minutes per episode. Average attention spans are shrinking rapidly, and you have to already be heavily invested in a topic to spend several hours watching a documentary.

The only part of your comment I disagree on is using pirated media and running it on a IFPS setup. I wouldn't discourage others from trying that, but I just don't want to work really hard on something and then give the corporate powers an easy way to sue me into oblivion. I also think it would be great if our projects could be monetized so that the funds could be poured back into the work.

Just this thread has renewed my motivation to get this damn thing finished.

Isn't it interesting how productive threads that promote proactive engagement are always slid off the front page within a day or two? Are there really only 2 or 3 people on this whole board that care about going on the offense in the culture war? SMH

Yup. Didn't know why anyone came up with it.

Peak aesthetics.

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Leaderless movements don't coalesce into groups.

And leaderless movements never gain any significant ground, never win.

It's alright for a think tank to be amorphous, anonymous, and leaderless. But unless action is taken in the real world, it's all meaningless. It's nearly impossible to remain anonymous in the real world when doing anything that will help in our struggle, so you may as well quit being a pussy and come out of the closet. The victory goes to those who organize the most forceful numbers with the highest unity of purpose. That can only happen with one or more leaders.

Go back in time and tell Hitler that nothing would ever work out with a leader and he should just stick to writing anonymous pamphlets in coffee shops. It's so stupid it raises my shill-dar. Not to mention cowardly, and nobody respects cowards. What we need is open, unapologetic action with thousands of backers who are willing to offer support.

Individuals take actions, groups prescribe strategies. Those organizations attract infiltrators, who steer the movement into toothlessness. You're not going to win regardless, because the time for a political solution is over on the one hand, and on the other because memes aren't power, weapons are.

Yes we keep hearing this over and over these days. Anything besides taking up weapons and going nuts is useless. It's either fedposting or just black pills. Either way it's not constructive.

Going off on lone wolf operations is useless without widespread support from the population at large. Getting yourself killed or imprisoned for life is a last resort and there are plenty of less fatal options available today.

Every movement needs recruiters to bring in fresh supporters and the way you do that is with rhetoric and propaganda. Again, Hitler understood this well and so did every other historical leader who made any impact whatsoever.

If mass violence is inevitable, we are not there yet. It's more productive to use this time to sway more people to the right side, and recruit more supporters. We hope for the best (a political and social solution) but prepare for the worst (civil war).

If you want to go get locked up and end your life just to make a footnote in the weekly news, nobody's stopping you. But there are millions of people out there who could be persuaded to do the right thing, with good and truthful propaganda. It's not a waste of time to reach out to those people, in fact it's the most sensible move at this stage.

Strawman. I didn't imply you should do nothing. What I said was that you shouldn't organize into groups and paint targets on all our backs. Many small creeks make a river, hiveminded asshole.

Zig Forums optics are having a deleterious effect on European people's sovereignty. The wrong people are starting to take notice of what you do and superimpose your political naiveté onto others.

People who make content and become ecelebs are the last ones I want representing me. You're the attention whores and sociopaths among us. You crave seeing your names in lights much more than making a difference. That, among other things, is why I disavow your mistaken point of view.

Thank you for this user.

Future artist, you are nailing it straight to the head.

Both of you are stupid, what is Guerrilla warfare (people who are inspired by Terrent) and Guerrilla marketing (IOTBW)?

I would rather have lots of people creating art like we are Newgrounds back in the oldfag days, than to have all media that are created by the enemy showed onto our potential allies, AND our children. If you hate e-celebs you should at least be productive and create your own media, or assist in creating media to choke out other e-celebs like the (((Liberalists))).
And I am dang thankful Murdoch Murdoch, Sam Hyde, Aaron Kasparov, Xurious, EternalReich, VanguardRight, Mr.Bond and others exists.

why is she so perfect

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Don't kill the thread faggot

They exploited the tickle that breaking sexual and moral taboos and degenerate behavior bring, and escalated it over the decades.
Viewers with different personality structures prefer different genres and get within these genres often very similar stereotypes to watch and identify with. The comedy enthusiast gets the "adorable moron" mindset to adapt, or the cool crazy extrovert negro. The superhero fan gets the mindset of "saving the life of even the lowest scum is highest priority" and "If you kill your enemy, they win" Oter examples are: "Criminals are not that bad, just different, and they are badass" and for women: "I can whore around until 30 and will then meet mr.perfect"
To counter this, one must study how hollywood gets you emotionally hooked and makes you identify with the character, and replicate it, then tell a story of: virtue, honor, tribalism, patriarchy, fight for truth, heroicly killing your enemies, valueing virginity, ruthlessly fighting the corrupt, the traitors and sociopaths who destroy the life of you and your loved ones for personal gain, etc., like in the sagas of the old days.

That looks like a child to me, user. If you yourself are like 14, you probably shouldn't be here, but OK. If that's your daughter or niece, cool. Otherwise rot in Hell, degenerate.

we made an anti-circumcision campaign here is the website:


Well done, brother


Blacks were never oppressed in the United States, certainly not by Whites.
"well, what about slavery?"
1 - Blacks loved slavery, they were the majority of american slave owners and of slaves, some of the slaves later went on to become slave owners.
2 - Whites couldn't even be blamed for having the population with the largest percentage of slaveowners, that dishonor goes to ethnic jews, who were also the sole owners of the slave ships that went across the atlantic, buying africans from african slave markets and transporting them to europe, north america, and south america, but mostly to south america, as whites did not prefer to own slaves of another race, so jews sold black slaves mostly to Blacks, Mestizos, and to other Jews (the jews also enslaved native americans and mestizos) - also most black slaves did not work manual labor, but were instead used for clerical and domestic work, the reason being that paid laborers did a better job than a slave could ever do (mostly due to the presence of incentive for quality work).
2 - a black man set the precedent for american slavery by taking his case against the united states to the supreme court for the right to own another black man, and it was this case that made slavery legal, and set all those ships across the atlantic.
So what you are doing with american slavery is blaming whites for the actions of blacks and jews, which is a real low, even if you count jews as white, you do not count whites as jews, and so blaming me, a non-jew, for what jews did is still blaming a crime on the wrong perpetrator.

"But what about lynching?" - whites don't owe blacks anything for that, either.
1 - Lynching was around in the united states before the first jew or black man arrived, hangings of suspects by angry mobs went back to the days of the 13 colonies, they weren't hanging natives either, they hanged white men who were accused of horrific crimes like murder, rape, or treason, and not always without trial, sometimes they were men who seemed to be beyond the reach of the law, or men who were convicted and sentenced to death, but either escaped or got away before being caught again, contrary to hollywood, there is not a single record of a man, black or white, who was lynched for making eye contact with a woman, "acting uppity", or playing bongos with the fake breasts of a man in drag.
2 - when blacks were being hanged, they were all men, not children, not women, men, and they were always the ones who had been accused of horrific crimes as well, and not all were hanged without trial, either, so not any just black man would be a valid target, you could surmise this because there were black men in the mobs, as could be seen by the pictures taken at the times, black men were also in the mobs that were hanging white men!
3 - even during these times, even at the peak of black men being lynched, even going by the most charitable records that had been taken, more white men were lynched than men of any other race or ethnicity.
so when you blame whites for the "lynchings" what exactly are you blaming white men for? vigilante justice at a time when the circumstances made it difficult to prevent?

"but what about the kkk"?
1 - the kkk were against slavery, and were against having blacks in america, which must have meant they wanted blacks to be killed off, right?
well, no, the kkk were in support of sending all the blacks in the united states to africa, which was the promise made by the government at the end of slavery, and which was supported by blacks and whites in the united states, but with the unexpectedly dark news of the events at the founding of Liberia, the government was getting cold feet on the issue, and going back on it's word, the kkk supported sending them back anyways.
2 - the kkk supported southern separation, the right of a state to secede from the union was a right that the founders had given to the states, and the south simply saw themselves as taking up the rights the government had guaranteed them upon entering the union, however, Lincoln was afraid that if the south left, so would other states that had felt a lack of representation in the union, so, Lincoln offered the south a deal which included making slavery into a constitutionally-recognized right of american citizens, but the south declined, they did not want to leave simply to keep their slaves, as most of them did not own slaves or even know someone who did, they wanted political policies that represented the will of the southern people, and it was their constitutionally-recognized right to leave if they so wished, Lincoln showed the south what the constitution meant to the US Government this was the american civil war.
3 - The kkk lynched blacks who committed horrific acts, or, at least, were accused of doing so, and by this I mean that people put on hoods and burned crosses when they did a lynching involving a black man, they did this because they felt that the growing population of blacks were committing a disproportionately large amount of violent crime and the north did not recognize that as a problem, the south lacked the political power to implement the solutions they wished for (read: expulsion or separation, NOT genocide), and they wanted to demonstrate their problems in order to gain that power.

"ah! segregation and jim crow! you can't deny that!"
1 - well, yeah, I actually can show that whites do not deserve to feel ashamed of that, either, segregation and separation gave whits and blacks equal treatment, that is why the slogan "separate, but equal" was used, the land the blacks were given was previously owned by whites, and, in the interest of fairness towards the blacks, the areas were divided using methods that ensured that the blacks had nothing to complain about, in some cases, they practically gave black people the choice of which white neighborhoods they wanted to move into! honestly though, the most common method was simply to chose which area blacks had already chosen by selecting locations where they were already the majority, the locations didn't start bad and remain that way, they started good and got bad after it became all black, and this was recognized by white politicians who not only did not expect this to occur, but invested resources into reversing the process (a domestic version of "project Liberia" that has been ongoing to this day).
2 - blacks had every right to do whatever whites were able to do, they could ban whites from the businesses they owned (and they did so, almost universally), they could report whites in black-exclusive areas and get them removed (and they did that as well), and a black man did not want his daughter to be seen kissing a white boy any more than a white father in the same situation with the races reversed, the only difference in "rights" was that whites could vote, but blacks could not, and blacks did not care about that at the time, the reason being -
3- blacks wanted to get into white areas, but whites did not want to get into black areas, this is because the black areas had gotten worse, while the white areas had remained more or less the same, blacks wanted into white-owned businesses and institutions because they were simply better than the ones blacks had built for themselves, the reason segregation existed at all was because blacks moved en masse into white-majority cities which were just better than the places with a large population of blacks, which had declined in quality (similar to the state of things under segregation, just on a larger scale).