Antifa Hunt

You know what to do. This subhuman communist garbage beat up an old man in San Francisco. Let's ID him.

Attached: antifa_terrorist_assaulting_elderly_man_san_francisco.mp4 (455x608 959.73 KB, 22.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

All shills, schizos and retards fuck off immediately. This is an antifa hunting thread. Everyone who agrees that communist scum should not be allowed to freely roam the streets assaulting the elderly with impunity, please get in here and help ID this human garbage.

matching the shoe model can be a good first step, so is determining the height by comparison to an object of known height that the suspect is standing beside

Attached: shoe_model.png (760x712, 415.22K)

Get /baph/ on it

starting to narrow down on an accurate height, i just need the height of that standard garbage bin

Attached: suspect_height_relative.png (830x703, 212.18K)

Now why would that be?

Help with the investigation or fuck off.

Attached: article.png (1352x892, 474.3K)

suck a dick and kys right now

No need for this entry level shit nigger
/baph/ is for bigger shits


Paid by planned parenthood probably as well.
Time to imprison them both

Prison? What are you some kind of cuckold? Bullets and fire are cheap dood

Got the bin height, they're all standard 39 inches apparently. Which makes this faggot 39*1.945 = 75.855 inches tall or about 6 foot 4 of weak cowardly soy-filled dogshit

although he doesn't seem that tall from the video, but I could be wrong.. he is standing very clearly beside the bin and a pixel-to-pixel ratio multiplied by the standard bin height gives 6 foot 4

can other anons double check / sanity check my method and calculations?

Attached: bin_height_39_inches.png (1410x676, 373.91K)

Looks like they could be shorter.

You already blew your cover by being paranoid about being called out. You caused it through your paranoia.
Now what's the bet I go to the twitter account and it's a Rebel media shill?
Yep, as expected. Anti-nigger, anti-muslim, pro-Israel kike account which doesn't call out jews so much as once.
The "old man" probably set it up himself to boost donations.

Yes, that's exactly what they're doing with their use of "schizo".

But I'll play.
You're on the wrong track trying to identify the MAN from his fucking height.
Find the bicycle, it is significantly customized.

What a soy faggot. The tall scrawny fuckers are easiest to take down and look like weird alien fuckers like that one dude from Canuck Park Boyzzzzzzzzzzz

Everyone please filter and ignore

Everyone please filter and ignore 48e24c and stay focused on the hunt

Specifics have no place in nonspecific endeavors.

6' tall, gucci pattern converse and a proclivity to sucking dick. We've worked on less and produced results.

Where are you from?

Forgot the drop

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1074x592, 172.59K)

thanks user, IDing the shoes is definitely the next priority, then they can be matched up to pics on social media

as for his height, I think it is actually above 6 foot because I noticed that the black and blue bins are the same height - and according to that bin page, only the old 39" models are all the same height for different colors, if the black bin was shorter then the blue bin would look bigger

so I think it's fairly certain that the black bin he's standing beside is 39", making him about 6 foot 4

let's ID the shoes now

Attached: head_height_ratio.jpg (309x431 76.42 KB, 15.4K)

Old man prefers to stay anonymous, only known as R


Attached: Untitled.jpg (985x849, 271.07K)

Sorry, it's not those shoes. he doesn't ahve the white toe cap. They look all gray without any discernable pattern. White shoelaces.


Attached: suspect_height_proof.png (1570x930, 446.51K)

The old man attacked him.

Fuck off retard. The old man was attacked and robbed, the perp was walking off with his property, he tried to stop him from getting away by blocking his bicycle at which point the communist human garbage savagely beat the 85 year old man.

Fuck off and kill yourself. We're going to ID this guy.

Here's a link for anyone who needs to share the video

Good call, some angles, looks like Nike shwoop

Little shit stole the old man's sign, he must've wanted to be famous.

We're going to make sure everyone knows his name fam

Attached: 2.jpg (469x666 20.51 KB, 34.21K)

Sorry I just read the tweet and got more info. Maybe if OP (you) wasn't such a raging homosexual, he could've put more info in the OP.


ok user, you've given me a chubby and my dick is getting hard, don't let me down. i need this. find the faggot.

This brings me back to Eric Clanton. Fuck the commie scum

Did something actually happen to the other faggots perpetrating similar acts of low key political terrorism? Like Cuck Norris and the Berkeley jew who attacked the magatard? Have they been convicted of anything?

We can discuss legal shit later. Stay focused on the hunt. Let's ID this commie scum.

So this cell phone video is low res. Apparently Planned Parenthood has security footage but doesn't want to release it.

But what paths could this faggot have taken to leave the area? Is it possible that other nearby businesses on his exit route might have better footage of him?

Those look like some models of slip on type shoe but I’m not seeing one that has the black nike symbol like it shown. Got a clearer image?

Anyone know any "protest" pages set up on facebook for this event. Could see who was attending and search from there for a match on the clothing.

We now know when it was first uploaded, but where was it first uploaded?

Attached: asdasdasd.png (932x629, 37.45K)

i'm scanning nike models now, looks like it maybe a zoom model?

Hi, Schlomo

Like this one

Attached: E2F58A6F-BA31-439C-82B6-C4CAFC89AEFA.jpeg (225x225, 12.14K)

close,the swoosh has a white border/background behind it

That looks exactly right. Nike zoom?

Hey my captcha called me gay

The Left said about NZ
The Left beat up old people and trashcans in the street. What a joke!

half chan has joined the investigation:

kike shill. filtered.

Actually upon further inspection it seems like the backs are all grey with a little white in the center on the antifa's shoes, and like other user noticed there appears to be a white border on the nike logo

lol i love you autists let’s find this faggot

you can see the white on the front edge of the swoosh here..

A you are fat AND gay so no worries and B it’s close m8 but not quite the right one. I’m still digging but he correct one has a black swoosh overlaid inside a slightly larger white swoosh according to the pixelated dick pic

Yeah it’s close but it’s not the one exactly

Those aren't Nikes. They're fucking Rockports or something. Maybe Vans. They're casual sneakers.

No they’re nikes for sure but they aren’t the sip on model they have white laces black logo

Testing the thumbnail

Good leads

Attached: 1.png (255x191, 75.67K)

i was originally looking at mid height skate casual shoes.

there most certainly is a logo on there, it's close to the nike swoosh…if we can find the brand it would really help…whoever it is, they have logo's front and center

Heil. Also only on the outside edge of the shoe not the inner side of it

also should look for this faggots bike if anyone can make it out

Attached: BF340275-A271-4A77-AA6A-BAA3F7BD216B.jpeg (1242x2067, 1.14M)

apparently Trump is live right now that's why so many anons especially on half chan are not participating
things should pick up speed once his speech is over

We still got the magic.

Attached: soon.jpg (960x952, 100.85K)

It’s cheap , probably a huffy without disc brakes or front or rear suspension and generally look like it sucks off at least as many cocks as the faggot riding it

Wearing gay ass shoes and acting this way in public, he's bound to have posted messages of his debauchery somewhere on social media. Purge kikebook for San Fran antifag posts and see what we can find.

only kikes have kike book, i'm shoe and bike shopping…gimme what you got, i'll do what i can.
fucking die commie scum.

getting closer…i think…can you guys tell the fabric/material? looks soft…

Attached: images.jpg (284x177, 5.67K)

There you go

Look for date March 22 2019 @ 02am

Does anyone know in which Planned Parenthood was it?

What model is this called?

does the bike belong to the antifa member? if so we could find the model also do we know the street location where this happened maybe get some pics from google maps. let me try

Nike Son of Force Mid

problem with nike is they do custom color schemes….

the shoe above is a 2015 children's shoe from Canada.

The attack accrued right outside the PP facility on Valencia St in SF

whoa…. so this is the power of internet nazis

This one
1650 Valencia St, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA
415-821-1282 ph
415-821-9047 fx

Attached: B9B16C05-57C4-4ECE-8DAF-5CA9577D0175.jpeg (250x250, 22.92K)

Wow, I go off fishing for a week and we're full into RAHOWA planning. Settle down, guys. Genocide has some serious consequences. This isn't a simulation.


When you go to prison we are going to get you. Megans law rules supreme on this side.

You know who you are.

that law probably does more bad than good.

this is a shot in the dark but i think the bike may come from valencia cyclery. If you look at the bike on the left it has the same features as the bike the antifa fag has. Now obviously any bike store can have this, but this is a step in the right direction. We can start contacting bike shops in san Fransisco. Also the store I mentioned is close to the scene of the crime.

Attached: 21d21b1cea1637385a37bad516549984.png (401x398, 477.82K)

Comparison photo to compare the bikes

Attached: 5f60f7f9dcfeb6ae31e593fd1802d4dd.png (314x489, 306.6K)

Public urination is the only sex offence that does not require steel during the removal off the yard. That is for good reason.

No it doesn’t
The one in your pic is high quality. Notice the front air suspension and the inclusion of disc brakes on the front and rear. Homo antifa bike has shit curled front forks with no air suspension and clearly there are no disc brakes. Valencia bikes is a good shop and would hopefully never sell something third world like the bike in question. Also the outer gear on the main sprocket set is steel while the other one is powder coated black. These are objectively not the same bike

Why didn't anyone else help the old man? Who filmed it?

But it does look like that shit bike may have been serviced by Valencia bikes. they’re not the same bike. But look at that 3x5 ish white rectangle on the front wheel. It does look similar. Maybe that’s a gay ass reflector they put on

I did

Zig Forums is coming for you, faggot

so do you suppose it comes from outside of San Fransisco?

Not necessarily. It looks like a cheap ass huffy from walmart

Heres a good shot of the side of his shoe you can notice it's got black on the side.

Attached: 34d8caa5ed3b53bf520ccfcec5fd3ffb.png (168x132, 40.71K)

Looks like long hair to me. Look at these two known antifa lanklets. Antifa activists Vincent Yochelson (left) and John Cookenboo (right)

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1832x1374, 6.47M)

good find although he doesnt look that lanky but yet again hes wearing a jacket

i do believe the shoe he is wearing is not a nikey since i dont see its logo my best guess is that its a reebok ive seen a lot of reebok shoes that look like it, but not the same color pattern.

I could literally fold the guy on the right in half

Check out the shoes

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (808x557, 1.17M)

well its pretty obvious guy on right has no fashion sense he has grandpa shoes

holy shit his left shoe is untied you can see the left shoe is loose what a loser

He stole the bike from the nigger in the pic

If youre against abortion youre responsible for niggers behaviour.
The rapes, the murders, the assaults on children and the elderly.
Anything tjat keeps niggers down is good objectively.
Muh besus wont save you from a pack of wild niggers.

I’m pro abortion faggot. I support anything that removes future combatants from the battlefield. Also fuck commies too in the process.
Eco Naturism. Remove the filth to join in