JewTube hate thread

Post your hate for JewTube here.


ADNAUSEAM DOWNLOAD (clicking out YouTube ads so they lose money from revenue)


(If you know any more, post em. Vidme and PewTube are gone and LiveLeak and Vimeo cucked and also censor content that the Jews don't like.)


Attached: jewtube.png (527x391, 75.47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Based Nasim.

Attached: Make Treason Unprofitable.png (1313x775, 1.14M)
>Download videos without connecting to (((Google)))

Attached: european people history.png (1891x891, 2.11M)

Attached: germans.jpg (720x870, 116.83K)

Attached: google 2.jpg (1630x834, 124.45K)

Attached: google 3.png (960x644, 43.22K)

I'm just going to leave this here for education purposes

Attached: KILL the Censors.jpg (1000x472 187.49 KB, 333.08K)

Attached: white couples google.png (1898x709, 2.26M)

Attached: white woman white man.jpg (1890x936, 379.65K)

Attached: white woman baby.jpg (640x1136, 120.53K)

Attached: google 2.jpg (574x551, 50.72K)

I made this over three years ago and day after NZ it was pulled for hate speech

Attached: 5ba51d950e709-1.jpeg (1024x1024, 127.99K)

Attached: google 3.jpg (558x418, 65.24K)

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Attached: google 6.jpg (736x552, 48.96K)

Attached: google.png (1178x1617, 1.45M)

Attached: american inventors.png (1702x378, 255.42K)

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Attached: google.png (778x438, 262.33K)

Attached: Google satan.jpg (1024x838, 89.44K)

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Attached: google (2).png (1045x580, 127.2K)

Attached: google2.png (480x540, 19.92K)

Attached: (((Google))).jpg (1437x715, 40.54K)

The fake personalities and generic content JewTube thrives on always gives me the impression that all these YouTubes are cult members with fake cult identities that submit themselves to the YouTube overlords. Their relationship is comparable to that of an abuser and victim.

Attached: eop_fort.PNG (1279x1023, 733.43K)

Attached: let me in im google.jpg (600x500, 98.47K)

Attached: google (2).png (581x606, 251.27K)

Fuck kiketube

Attached: Screenshot_20190327-203043_Gmail.jpg (1080x3336 799.02 KB, 865.23K)

Better version user

Attached: 292939r8f8f8f8f8f88eueepq1p1020199.png (913x849, 803.75K)

This site sucks too. The captchas are even worse. Fuck all chans..Any good thread just gets deleted. Farewell, anons, the posting was funny while it lasted.

Linkedin is the worst of them all. You are basically just dropping your dox on a social media site for others.


Attached: 5955555994484.png (3500x3000, 7.61M)

Are the devils horns handsigns edited?


No the merchant in the background was always there


Okay, have fun in reddit

Attached: 18010183_292419867868543_579895817571484785_n.jpg (480x720, 55.88K)

First hate thread on jewish tactics calling out Jews instead of D&C. Fuck me OP great fucking job!

Is this OC? Lel

Attached: photo_1553737634189_1553737741221_1553738270776.jpg (1049x1349, 520.69K)

for #justice

Attached: 87a752c71c3f105bc2d8f84b61b4dba1_1553677613570.jpg (720x832, 158.64K)


They just want your time and space

My 10 year old youtube account got banned because the user name was remove kebab, i've had that name well before the shooting. I can't get anything but automated responses.

You are mad you lost the War. Hitler was a coward who shot himself.

Attached: Jew man.jpg (612x612, 179.76K)

if he didn't you would say he was a coward for not going down with the ship
it took the entire US/UK and USSR to take down little old germany lol

Redpill me on Adnauseam

Attached: Screenshot_20190327-204324_PicsArt.jpg (1440x710, 151.41K)

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Is there some kind of concern about Adnauseaum?

Attached: TMPDOODLE1553773372535.jpg (668x663, 231.71K)

Yeah, because cowards revolt against a world ruled by a tyrant. Daily reminder that a kike baby will be bayoneted in response to every off-topic shit-tier kikepost in my MineCraft server.

lets talk about how we can make youtube implode.

How can we use memes and its policies to make the website becomes so inconsistent and implode on itsself?

How to make youtube fall apart?

That was a kike myth kike. Hitler went to Argentina. He should've killed you all.

Attached: f2cab69f27ab29672972678ca3812d38c73f434e2a7b22899456c8b56d12b060.jpg (657x832, 784.84K)

that would imply jews are scared of me

which is good.

Always boycott everything from google. I am not that much about boycotting myself, but if any company deserves it it is google.
Uninstall google chrome/chromium etc.
Use startpage/bing/duckduckgo etc. or whatever less pozzed alternatives you have. They will be better than google.
Use invidious/youtube-dl/vimeo etc.
Don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good.

Get comfy and redpilled

Use invidious

Repost At Will

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Never Submit guys

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(((Superman))) doesn't exist, Shlomo.
You are always be a greedy parasitic human trash without own soil.

That's a trap checkem

asorty time faggos

Attached: 7786.jpg (624x3640, 637.62K)


Attached: sause.png (728x2180, 1.3M)

needed the combined might of American, British, and Bolshevik empires to take down one republic lol

bitchute is owned by a kike so stop pushing it


Still find it hard to believe they lost given the (((story))) nazi teck has ruled the battle field for the last 100 years radar subs jets rockets. Your sure Hitler was not insane any the only regret he had is only having one life to hate the Jews.

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