So first Facebook bans "white nationalism" now some fucking dumbass is saying that ALEX JONES is a white nationalist? How far until we're suddenly white nationalists? Fuck this country
So first Facebook bans "white nationalism" now some fucking dumbass is saying that ALEX JONES is a white nationalist? How far until we're suddenly white nationalists? Fuck this country
Fuck the globalists and their agenda
If you don't become a white nationalist on your own, the anti-white forces will make you one against your will. There's no choice. They'll just keep closing the walls in. Want to marry in your own race? White supremacist. Want to keep your privileged posessions? Want to make money? White supremacist.
A lot of people say Jones is kosher, which he undoubtedly is to some degree, but the extent that the Jews have gone to silence and deplatform him makes me think that they truly see him as a threat. White nationalism is the spectre haunting Jewry worldwide. There is nothing more that they fear than a resurgance of white racial consciousness. The sleeping giant. Commies act like they are rebels against capitalist society when in mordern times they are allowed to fester in public, online, anywhere. White nationalists are targeted, shut down, imprisoned, banned, attacked
To these people, being white is white supremacy.
Oh no, faceberg is going to ban hatechan.
Are they wrong?
This is true though
reminder that hatechan still has a verified twitter account
alex refusing to name the jew could be excusable because if he wants to maintain some degree of sensibility to lemmings, he also puts his stuff out on regular radio and you can't name the jew on radio or television or the FCC will fuck you.
it's not excusable because he married a jew once ,got fucked by one, and then turned around and immediately married and impregnated another jew.
either way he is a gateway for the average lemming to wake the fuck up. once the lemming realizes the problem with "globalism" and realizes the enemy are "globalists" it doesn't take much for them to realize "globalists" are (((globalists))), it's not that hard to see when every globalist is a *stein or a *berg or a *witz.
Blood for the blood God.
Skulls for the skull throne.
Genocide is coming.
Fuck Alex Jones.
Vitamins > news
You goddamn niggers are scraping the bottom of the barrel for sources/links. Next you will be linking to blogs.
Also, reminder the only solution to the government and corporation problem is large numbers of armed citizens ready, willing, and able to "neutralize" the government and corporations.
this is excusable. any operation needs to be funded, money doesn't just grow on trees unless you work for the jew or their glonigger proxies. how do you think Zig Forums is funded?
Didn't buy enough filters lads.
His relatives have cia connections
They h8 him because he redpills normies in spite of himself , because of the subjects he studiously avoids.
Imagine hyperventilating on your enemy's premise this hard
The jewist of jew platforms ever run and owned by a jew. Yeah, nobody could of predicted it.
When Art Bell was inundated with stress, stalkers, accusations, what did Art Bell do? He packed up and started broadcasting from Asia. The dollars go farther over there.
Alex could detox, catch up on sleep, shed some lbs and Sniffy Wo could be there all the while to nurse him back to peak condition…
Alex needs a break.
Imagine supporting Alex "I married a jew and watch tranny porn" Jones.
Alex Jones opens his mouth and 9/10ths of what comes out is Jew-serving garbage.
I don't see any characteristics that define this place as a country. More like a corporation or an open air market.
FFS who helped concoct that 'article'.. METRO? It's like they're reeling of a check-list of soon-to-fail innuendo but they're so self-absorbed and outright arrogant to assume people won't see straight through their shit. And it is shit: utter shit. The more the MSM loses its grip, the more inane its thinking. Utter desperation.
Nigger where the fuck have you been the last five+ years? They openly call anyone who isn't a fully avowed communist a god damned nazi. The first thing congress did this year was disavow white nationalism and suck Israel cock with the no boycotting garbage.
Also, how fucking funny is this shit? AJ a white nationalist? The same AJ who's asshole clenches whenever a caller mentions the JQ? AJ who claims Globalist Nazis are taking over the world and he wants to kill them all in literal fisticuffs. Fucking hell, our clown world is evolving exponentially at this point.
Better late than never.
the platonic form of this country was a group of colonists from one side of the world, running a plantation, staffed with a horde of nogs pulled straight out of some unknown jungle, to pick the cotton, because that was the most profitable method.
it's always been some weird abomination that relied on a high level of prosperity to keep everyone distracted
Even Oven Benjamin is turning on Shabbos Jones
Is that Alex Jones? He's unrecognizable. What happened to him?
You don't understand humor.
That's a good point.
Oops, wrong gif.
the danger for disinfo shills like Alex Jones is not revelation of them being shills. Extremists siding with those he is shilling for are far more dangerous. Alex Jones tried to cover his shilling by talking about a 'Jewish Mafia'. He is a target now. Extremists within the interest group he was working for are coming for him now …
npr did a story on jones how he stomped a guys skull in when they were teens. he got jumped for it and had to move out of town. good story jones was a part of.
wouldn't want that
Alex Jones is a fake ass actor. His delirious ramblings aren't a threat to anyone. He's being painted as bad guy just to get a couple fingers in your ass for that great big censorship dildo that's coming down the pike.
Want to save money?
Want to keep money?
Don't like spending money?
Don't trust government currency?
All signs of a financial terrorist.
Get lost faggot
No one cares about Alex Jones, because 1)he has said many times over that he is playing a character
and 2) he has openly said he has gone through psychosis and has schitzo tendencies.
Therefore we only take him for pure entertainment value and his antics only adds to him being a mainstream joke look to make a buck.
I'm a white nationalist.
According to the Left Trump is a white nationalist. This will not go well.
It feels like 1984 is slowly becoming reality
he's referencing himself melting down, and he said this in court, with his ex-wife, trying to take custody of his kids claiming he's crazy.
this should be taken with a grain of salt in that context.
no he has clarified his character on JRE and everyone knows his first and foremost an entertainer.
where is the sauce
fucking go look for it you useless cunt
He's been full of disinfo from the start like claiming the Saudis run Hollywood.
As an observer, Jones will name everyone but the jew. However, he does not go so far as to keep certain people like Adam Green and Syrian Girl from gracing his airwaves, who indeed do name the jew. Take that for what you will.
alex jones is so disguisting. i dont like him.
We are. It would be suicidal to not be.
Tbh IMO redefining literally every single White person into being a White Nationalist by default and at least getting them treated as such is a desirable goal to me. If every normalfag on the street gets called and treated as if they were an open and vocal White Nationalist, then
You can only win if every single White person is publicly lauded as a White nationalist.
Sage because shit thread.
Art Bell was also seduced by numerous CIA glownigger pawns who offered him inroads into Hollywood writing and consulting for films (Bell was a full retart Boomer on the "climate change" b.s.). He later got hooked on opiates that eventually killed him.
Jones has always been a clearinghouse of disinfo (reptilians, muh Saudis and British Nazis run the world) and good info who slowly started to go off the reservation. They've turned on him since Trump, but he's still good for a listen now and then because his general read on the Deep State and history is accurate. I believe they legit fed him accurate info, which he was expected to popularize in a crazy manner and mix with other batshit insane stuff, which was the point. He's always intentionally wrong about the Jews, though, of course. But that's arguably a wise move. Keep your enemies closer sorta thing.
It was me that got him banned
Went they hs old tweets, he did about 15 that were abusive.
I meant - I went thru his old tweets, he did about 15 that were abusive
You misspelled kikes.
This will inevitably drive more frustrated people further right. Might be a good thing. It's not like this will stop us from making sock accounts on Faceberg anyways.
Actually it's Alex's fault he got banned, he tweeted threats at ppl telling them he wanted to punch them, stuff like that, easy to report get a person banned.
He acted the victim, they all do
Same with normal aka Internet tara.
Got her suspended for CSE but she lies to this day and acts the victim
Same with tbot/red, got tbot-red suspended for doing Child porn, Twitter banned tbot-red and reported tbot-red to NCMEC who I turn reported tbot-red to justice department, tbot panicked and shut down her social media accounts that were in her real name, she also shut down trutherbot website, then she acted the victim and spread rumors she was innocent.
They all act the victim when they get banned for their own actions
Better watch out , better not cry, better watch out I'm tellin you sure seem to know a lot about child porn Mr.
I've got nothing to do with such other than reporting accounts that tweet it an deposing them when they act the victim
We are.
You fucking faggot.
This is a National Socialist board.
We're full aware of the SJW posing as the pedophile police. Perhaps you would like to give us your username so that we can clear you of any wrongdoing. Otherwise you're looking pretty suspicious at this point.
KEK the tranny porn thing with the phone
Pedo police?
You mean normal ppl.
Normal ppl report ppl that post pedo pics.
Ppl that don't report such arent normal ppl
You either support pedophilia or you don't, if you don't you should report it whenever you see it, if you don't report it, if you turn a blind eye than by proxy you're supporting it
Defenestrate the overton window.
Isn't there some algortihmic cheat code?
Pet content is common to slip politics into, since that's anti-market to correct.
Twitter, NCNEC and FBI can confirm I report such things.
I give my real email when I report such
If you lie a 1000 times it becomes the truth. CNN just needs 900 more lies.
CNN has a lie budget.
They get fined for telling lies, the fines start low but go up the more lies the news channel tells that year.
CNN budgets for it.
At end of year they lie more cuz they use up remaining money in lie budget
any idea how much they are fined per lie?
I saw it explained on fox News once after fox had been fined.
The fines start low, say $200 for their first fine that year but the second is like $1000 and the third $2000.
By the end of the year they're being fined something like 250,000 per lie.
All top US news broadcasters have a budget for such and they intentionally lie and blow the remained of budget at the end of the year
Not sure if it's year end or financial year end.
I've listened to Alex Jones' streams for many years and what I absolutely abhor is people who want to de-platform and ridicule him not so much for what he says, but simply because he's named Alex Jones. Yes, he is eccentric. Outspoken. Vocal. Impulsive. Yes, I agree that the sheer amount of advertising - which is needed to pay for hosting - can be off-putting. But looking beyond ad-hominem campaigns..looking at the core of elements of his message, I actually think he is accurate and that his cause is just.
The mainstream media has an almost unstoppable grip on western society and in my opinion it's not people like Jones but the mainstream media that is responsible for the rapidly growing discontent. Jones is one of the few people prepared to question the order of things and theorise as to the reasons and possible solutions. If you don't want to listen him then fine, no problem. Who am I to deny you that right? But likewise, in a free, democratic society not fearful of tyrannical retribution for having the temerity of choice, I should also be afforded the same courtesy. This is not happening.
Many people have made me their enemy the moment they learn I agree with some of the things Alex Jones says, regarding issues such as the deep state, media suppression as well as the military-industrial complex. Neither do I just listen to him: I like to hear both sides and I like to do my research, and I personally find that a lot of what he says can be verified with fact. And THIS is what I think is the real fear here, against people like him.
Facebook, You Tube and Apple all colluding to get him de-platformed fills me with absolute disgust; especially when the premise on which Jones was banned is so weak that any request for absolute verification is met with layer upon layer of ambiguity. An such treatment itself is the biggest driving force as regards polarising society today. Demonising Alex because he's white? Because he believes in managed borders ("anti-immigration in MSM speak")? Verbally threatening the man just because he wants some quiet, personal time with his family to sit down and enjoy a meal? Can't people see here, who's REALLY stoking the fire? Today it's Jones and tomorrow it's you - yes, you. Try bringing pertinent - but nonetheless valid - facts into a debate regarding race, or immigration so as to manage fair, sustainable and altogether accountable policy. Try being white and doing this? You will most likely get the same poliarised, irrational and in some cases, violent rebuke regardless of the legitimacy of your statements. And this can happen whether you are dealing with journalists, work colleagues or within academia. You can kiss you career goodbye, you can expect to be de-platformed and you can expect certain people to come after you in your personal life - all because you don't follow the mainstream narrative.
This is the sheer grip you're under. These are your masters. Your controllers. Your children's future, a future in which the mere notion of question is the ultimate cardinal system and wow betide anyone that steps out of line. Think this sounds absurd? You ALREADY have a MSM that DELIBERATELY conflates disagreeing with a leftist agenda as being right-wing = far-right = extreme = terrorist. A random, lone-wolf attack on a mosque in New Zealand, committed by someone who's REAL motive is as yet unverified? Trawl the statistics over the last ten years to make it appear as though this is some kind of right-wing pandemic. Its' ridiculous. It's insidious. It's not logical, rational or sustainable and it's driving society apart. The MSM and its cohorts are rolling around like dogs rolling in their own shit - why are so many people no able to read between the lines? Because that's the grip they're under. Maintain the right the create the news whilst denying your opinion on it, or even your ability to respond in any shape or form including the provision of fact, balance and reason because hey, you're the Alex Jones's of this world, because we know best, and because your future on this planet has been decided by us.
This isn't fucking freedom. This is fucking fascism.
Whether you are left, right or anything, thank you for reading.
Any white person who doesn't hate themselves is a white nationalist.
He won't let Owen Benjamin on his show for (rightly) criticising Israel. Dude is bought and sold, sadly.
Jones is proud of being a mutt mixture of white and "native American" Indian. Being a white nationalist is not a bad thing anyway.
Owen is a repeat fourth hour guest. Stop lying while shilling your eceleb.
And now there's a commie tranny bragging about reporting and banning accounts from Twitter. Codenigger personally endorses this cancer being allowed on the board.
When he dresses up as the joker and speaks as a villain, yes. Retard.
Is this a trick question?
I don't argue over wordism. I argue over ideas.
Also, Zig Forums is not a person, you fucking newfaggot.
Lurk for 2 years before you post.
That isn't what they said at all. The comparison was that judging Jonestein by his on-air persona would be like judging Jack Nicholson for his words/actions when playing the Joker in Batman.
Maybe you should take more of Alex's brain pills you'll be able to decipher unambiguous, straight-forward statements?
Straight from Oven's own mouth
He's a heavy drinker of hard liquor…
Explain why we care about your thread.
Alex was good back in the early 2000's. He had a simple show with a great selection of guests from the extreme right to the radical left, like Greg Palast and Texe Marrs. I loved Infowars and Jones Report back then. Since he tried to make a professional news studio with little creepoes like Owen Shroyer it's become intolerable.
They'll keep going, and it will get much worse, until you fight back.
There's a huge list of things they could deem "white nationalist". It's almost endless. Again, who's going to fucking do something? Who's going to do "whatever it takes" to make them stop. Who's going to take out their precious banks?
Whites, as an ethnic group, seem willing to take endless amounts of abuse so long as the economic machine keeps chugging. We're wealthy as hell. Nothing will change so long as that's the case. Now, take away social security and there'd be revolution instantly. Crash the economy - quickly - and you'd have a revolution.
This is a good thing they're falsely labeling everyone they don't like a White nationalist. This jams their radar and pushes the silenced into our camp. If you call people nazis enough, your wish might come true.
Yes it is. OP is a cocksucking kike shill and this is an irrelevant slide thread.
Don't believe me? OP has (1) post in this entire thread.