If the holocaust never happened why do you joke about it so much?

You all yoke about gassing Jews and starting another holocaust yet you deny it. It's almost as if you subconsciously admit that the holocaust happened.

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Other urls found in this thread:


If slide threads never happened why do you beep boop blah bing ba wahoo bang bang shabingaling

Why do people even make jokes at all?

a policeman knocks on your door.
he asks you about the suspicious death of a neighbor, and how everyone in the neighborhood says you hated him
you say you didn't kill him, but you did hate him and wanted to kill him at times
the policeman then says it's almost as if you subconsciously admit that the you murdered him

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Jews trolling the brainlet White Nationalists into being useful idiots for them.

Because it will happen.

:^) Thanks Doc



I absolutely love how you are starting to kick the hive over here. Not even trying to blend in anymore. The admittal of defeat is delicious to me. Keep it up.

I think Christchurch got to them. Shills on suicide watch.

the holocaust never happened and should happen again

The idea that we would put an entire people into homicidal chambers because they are always causing trou le with their behavior is ludicrous. The Jews aside from their their odd behavior and and shekel obsession are relatively good people

Go back to school, faggot.

I do gas the Jews, I just prefer my own Jews. You don't realize how different you guys behave compared to everybody else. This state is like a passive aggressive state. Everybody is very hostile. Where I come from everybody is very polite. We don't play the gotcha game, we party and have fun in spite of our racial and political agreements.

so faggots like you can come here and kvetch in real time for your shekels, also you could probably use some delousing after sucking all that dick you silly fuck

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Only retards and liars are convinced that that it didn't happen. There are many retards and liars here. Intellectually honest Nazis know that it happened. But there aren't many of those.

Hello Will Sommer. You should use a VPN before posting here. I do own the site you know.

Isn't it great that they can't see, nor understand that we see right through them?

blame the jews they're the ones outputting all that meme energy. they memed so hard they're going to make the holocaust real in the near future


So kikes can taste their own shit.

I believe the Holocaust happened… but I don't really care that it did. Hitler did nothing wrong in doing it.

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no, it's more like we consciously admit that is should have happened.


It didn't happen, but the Jews cooked up what they perceive to be the ultimate nightmare (for themselves) fuel to market the hoax. We taunt them with it, because they revealed their hand too much and now we know what they perceive as the absolute worst ways to die and indignities that can be done with their dead bodies.

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Speak for yourself, you make for endless debate on the explanation for such things, but of course you are right in the respects it is ones eating their own propagation. I guess some people think there's no way to express the /technicality/ of "didn't happen" with the supporting evidence of what, 300,000 to at most a million? This can be solved by calling it how you did but it is a convoluted mess where it should otherwise be so simple, just like the rest of clown world.

I believe you're not poking at this but I must digress; "Nazis" didn't build that chimney, Bogdan.

No no no. The death camps never happened.
The Holocaust did happen, to the citizenry of Dresden, et al., perpetuated by the RAF. The literal definition of Holocasut is "A sacrifice consumed by fire". Dresden was a literal holocaust. Vid extremely related.
And we laugh about Auschwitz because jews who got treated objectively better than contemporary American prisoners in the internment camps lying about soap and lampshades is absurd enough to warrant laughter.

Now that I've taken the time to answer your questions, OP, I wonder if you can answer mine: Will you ever stop sucking so much dick?

How do you even conceive of such a nonsensical question?

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The holocaust didn't happen.
But it should have.
And it will.

Perhaps 200 books detailing all the lies surrounding the holohoax will answer your question?


To make fun of the lies.

Coming soon to an American near you.

Partly because it never happened, partly because it should have.

I demand to know why Richard Feynman ever mentioned cargo cults! I demand to know why libertarians ever mention witches and witch trials! I demand to know why biographies of Newton mention the South Sea Bubble! You are not allowed to talk about anything that is not provably real!

have you ever wondered why it's okay to question every other historical event but the second you question the holocaust people say you belong in prison?

The "holocaust" is the only "historical event" in which massive governments have enacted laws that prohibit and jail those who dare question even any aspect of it. Even in the United States, you have an intelligence agency creating a phrase out of thin air in order to promote propaganda and villianize dissidents. That word is "Conspiracy Theorist". This phrase allows them to label anyone who even questions the mainstream narrative as simply crazies or crooks. This was put in place, so that they can establish big corporations such as (((CNN))), (((NBC))), and others as the beholders of all true and correct. When the term was coined, investigative journalism as an ideology was dead. All "news" (outlets they deem are righteous), after the term was coined are now simply tabloid propaganda tools. A big megaphone for kikes to peddle their lies. Ever wonder why no-one on TV ever speaks against the Jews? there's a reason for that.

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have you ever wondered why it's okay to question every other historical event but the second you question the holocaust not happening people say you are kike?
It's not like this place is any better for arguing about what really happened in the concentration camps.

Oink Oink

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