New Envoy Appointed To "Combat Anti-Semitism"


Carr, 50, a Hebrew-speaking former Los Angeles prosecutor who served with the U.S. Army in Iraq, was named as the special envoy for monitoring and combating anti-Semitism earlier this month. The post, which was held by Ira Forman under President Barack Obama, had sat empty for the first two years of the Trump presidency despite protests from lawmakers and Jewish groups.

“My office was created by law and designed to protect the Jewish people throughout the world. Think about that,” Carr said Thursday. “The world’s greatest power is focused, by law and design, on protecting the Jews. It’s something not to be taken for granted.”

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Trumplestein just keeps winning

"Combat Anti-Semitism" means combat the Truth.

The Truth is pure "Anti-Semitism".

"Protecting the Jews" means protecting their Lies.

As Israel heats up to finish off Gaza, demolish the Dome on the rock and build the Third Temple.. you'll be seeing more of this.

Only way to stop it is for jews to stop jewing.

America, please suicide yourself faster

Don't forget your diapers.

Attached: Kek.gif (250x175, 267.5K)

Ready to die for Jews, ARMY MAN? You don't have a choice.

Attached: general israel.jpg (890x622, 63.78K)

“The world’s greatest power is focused, by law and design, on protecting the Jews. It’s something not to be taken for granted.”

Don't you worry, kike. We think about it often, and all of the power's efforts are beginning to bear fruit. Fruit you'll choke to death upon.

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Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

These jews aren't just respecting jewish religion they are fucking protecting it around the world. The CIA needs to kill this faggot right now.

Everybody knows Trump is a devout Christian who has studied the Bible thoroughly. It would have been IMPOSSIBLE for him to do so without realizing that it is a book about Race, and that the "Shemites" are really the Adamic (White) race. He can use this envoy as a proxy to fight White Genocide (it's anti-Shemitic) and take a stand against jews and mamzers. Another brilliant chess move by the God Emperor.

Attached: 2m06h3.jpg (152x195, 7.67K)

It's a crime to be against zionism now.

what will happen to this poor people?

that some fucking sorta b8?

Zero effort.

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Checked for its far too late for that.

Man, those sheenies have really been overplaying their hand the last few months, even by typical kike standards. Guess they got antsy boiling that frog so slowly.

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Enemy of the people.

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Hey user.

Do you mind posting this link on Voat?

Feel free to copy the title, w/e.

Your so-called "devout christians" protected Jews, and let them freely jew Gentiles, even back in Rome.

Attached: ChristianEmperorsProtectJews.png (1681x2802, 495.47K)


You are correct.

Ēosturmōnaþ begins tonight, Anons !

352 16.8.7 "Persons who join Judaism from Christianity shall have their property confiscated. [The date is uncertain, however, Pharr tentatively settles on 352.]"

Here, I just blew apart your whole infographic.
Back to the drawing board, Schlomo.

Don't worry! White Nationalists are going to help!

White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our white immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.


Kill yourself zeemap meetup boomer fed like shill.