So anons, what is your evaluation of this whole race war that Brenton tried to accelerate? Is the movement still growing? Declining? stagnant? It seems like this place is still super divided on the matter and half of you think the whole things was a red flag operation. I personally don’t see this going anywhere…you guys just seem so unorganized with no centralized plan of attack to complete your goals. but I’m just a lurker so what do I know. Wanted to get your opinions on it
So anons, what is your evaluation of this whole race war that Brenton tried to accelerate...
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The secret plan appears to be: over the next 27 years like-minded people will slowly immigrate to New Zealand, specifically the south island and start families there. They'll prepare for a mighty battle, slowly, quietly, but surely. They'll place themselves into places of power, becoming high ranking members of the police and government officials. Finally, on a special day, this group will rise up and take the island by force, and recreate it as a whites-only, sortition-based utopia.
You seem to not understand the goals.
Maybe not. So how would you describe the goals of the post-NZ attack world?
To kill the enemies until there is no more to kill.
You came here from some larpy Faceberg group, didn't you?
And do you think you guys are moving closer to this goal after NZ? I thought redpilling more people was also a big part of the goal
Nawww just a lurker in the early stages of being redpilled
Redpilling to do what, really?
Send them information, for them to gawk at jew crimes, and what?
That's because the plan is no centralized plan of attack. Checkmate kikes.
i made an archive of the accelaration thing
yeah OP, he is right. u never heard of leaderless resistence? Combat 18
He's not going to get a race war out of it but a very small chance of a civil war from gun confiscation, more likely Whites will complain and hide guns, not fight back with a slew of new bad shit that becomes the norm. This repeated leroy jenkins plan is stupid, manifestos are stupid, one hit wonder deliberately insta caught is stupid, shit targets is stupid. He supposed to be modeling himself after mandela, even that nigger avoided getting caught, to keep attacking as long as possible. Possibly the only thing in common is jew backers.
And Mandela succeed.
Do you understand the word possibly?
No, nog was a jew puppet that jews used for a second run as a political figurehead.
Of course it's not going anywhere. It's a black-op designed for a specific purpose.
A 100% organic white man uprising would be obvious to everyone without the need for a 4-d chess manifesto and wouldn't be swamped in confusion.
Theory at least needs educated guess.
But he succeed, now blacks run SA.
Wrong, to this date, there are still people arguing Hitler is a zionist.
There is no such thing as 100% assumed common sense, jews try hard to prevent that.
We're not divided at all.
1) The people who are calling it a false flag bring up the exact same debunked claims each time.
2) They use reddit spacing.
3) They don't know how to reply to other peoples posts.
4) They claim we should be passive BECAUSE the Jews literally trained a soldier to invade our country and kill 50 of our citizens!? No one smart believes either of those things and no one sane could believe both at once.
5) They call him "BT" because they all decided on discord it would be a bad idea to spread his name.
6) They delete their posts when you call them out as redditors.
7) They never fucking post any good OC, the left can't meme, we have seen hundreds of edits, shops, games, propaganda posters, and hilarious jokes from people who think it was real. If they were really from Zig Forums they would at least be giving us a few good laughs about this "hoax".
As site traffic approaches normal, criticism of Brenton will approach zero.
fucking lurk more, plenty of discussion on this and it's far from an unreasonable possibility.
niggers don't run sa. j-e-w-s.
Which are? All of the evidences are provided by israeli officials and/or repeated by muslim.
Which is why niggers are 90% of SA.
you must be trolling.
No argument or whatsover.
I think you are trolling.
In truth, it's the jew plan. First them maked the muslim be hated around the wourld, then Israel and USA can be the hero in kill them, now it's creating white vs muslim for make whites be hated around world, then Israel and USa can be the hero in kill them.
Why is whites defending their countries hated by the world?
Is there anyone in the world who likes muslim except jews?
And why does muslim pretend that everyone secretly like them?
Do you know that only us believe that we are defending us countries, aren't?
Nope, jews hates muslims. The jew's plan is eliminate his two enemies putting them to fight against they self, then the Jew fight.
By the way, I'm ok in make peace with kebabs for fight the jews.
Nope, the chinks also do and they hate muslim even more.
Jews have co-existed with muslim in every society there is muslim, jews make plans with muslim to settle in Europe so they can have the Middle east.
The fact jews "hate" muslim yet let them grow into 1.8 billion is retarded.
he thought about what was happening around only 2 years ago. that says it all.
It is waaaayyyy to early to ask such questions. (Is it declining, stagnating or growing?)
You will see in the future. He has made high metapolitics and his spirit is at peace with himself, with the duty for his people and with God.
I feel like a hell of a lot things are going to come over the next years - and Brenton's sacrifice was a tipping-point for that.
But you do not make peace with kebab.
Kebab make peace with jews to fight you.
Ever notice how kebab never kill jews?
This just prove that jew is clever, are you really believing that jews will give Europe for kebabs? What the jew are doing is use muslim to invade Europe, when they exterminate or weak the whites, the jew obviouslly will backstab the kebabs.
jews plan is a war between Whites and muds, jews win regardless of outcome, Whites destroyed, muds destroyed, both destroyed. jews are well documented orchestrating it:
It doesn't matter if they backstab it or not, because the muslim are 100% jews and do their bidding every times.
Jews plan is a extermination of white, their primary opponent. They are fine with muds, they paid muds to do their dirty jobs and muds will be fine doing their dirty kob.
You are once again creating a fake news via half-truth, re-read it again.
Also, he's fine muslim in their own country, how does it this create war between white and muds?
You can't answer this because you are a shill.
The manifest is spreading like fire. The video, everyone has seen by now.
A internal Facebook paper claims that the Video was seen by 370 Million People within the first 48 hrs.
Let that sink in. Let people wake up. Let them organize themselfs and read the Manifest in their own language.
Once the strong are united, it's time to shine.
There are still 82 Days for the Invaders to leave our White Nations Soil.
Don't and they will be executed on the spot.
Same for Race traitors who worked for the goal of destroying the White Race or have children with non-Whites.
Kikes keep bringing up this point because they want a central org to attack. As if we would talk about IRL organization on an underwater blow-fish tapestry forum and as if some level of anonymity doesn't work greatly to our benefit.
Brenton accomplished literally all of his goals so far. Long term time will tell. But look at the reaction already. 70% of Chinese agreed with him after reading the manifesto. My guess is at least that many white men would if surveyed. The boomerwaffen out there is completely on his side. We're already in the beginning stages of a worldwide civil war of whites against their own tyrannical governments. But civil wars don't always start at the snap of someones fingers, most times there are small attacks then counter attacks for years or decades before a full on hot war starts.
See? No argument.
go back to reddit
like nobody knows who he is here
You can't delete your posts on fullchan
They ask their mod handlers to delete for them.
Nice try, kike.
OP, it's "false flag", not "red flag". If anything, there's a lot about this incident that raises red flags.
I think the only thing he accelerated was the government's agenda.
I disagree that manifestos are stupid though. If this was a fool, it was stupid. If this was an actual false flag, it's genius. Look at all the drooling retards here repeating his word as gospel because "BASED BRENTON SHOT UP A MOSQUE" and predicted the most immediate and obvious things that would happen after his attack. I'm entertaining the idea that he was just a fool because someone dug up 2-year-old OPs on cuckchan by an Aussie mourning the Swedish little girl and that were repeated until recently).
Also the manifesto is surprisingly poorly written, I wonder if it was done in haste or if he's not very educated. It reads like a ramble.
He visited Israel. Not everyone can do it. It's possible he was a fool with good intentions manipulated by jews to commit a counterproductive act.
I was banned a few days ago for calling it out as a false flag. I guess even the mods are now realizing the odds that it was one are high.
Bravo! Exactly this.
where do they ask that for?
if they shill here why don't they ask mods how to post?
kill (((them))) all and other traitors and enemies of aryan genetics and cultures
Brenton Tarrant is a hero. Spread his manifesto far and wide
rubbish. some people argue that hitler was played by the zionists (or tried to out-jew them) but no-one (0.00001%) claims he's an actual fraud.
this tarrant thing is way too obtuse and that's how you know there are other 'factors' at play