I mean, there's a laundry list to chose from.
>sucked off the poo in charge of (((Jewgle)))
For me, it was when he shit-talked Pat Buchanan. He called him a "Hitler Lover", "Beyond Far Right", who only got the "Wacko Vote" back when he ran for President under the Reform Party. Also, his second State of the Union speech was the most Jewish thing I've ever heard in my entire life.
What made you lose hope in Trump?
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump doesn't pay my bills.
Have you shills been paying attention at all? All that matters is acceleration now. It doesn't matter who's president, it doesn't matter whatever delusional leftist utopia you think voting in some other kike loving politician will have, the goal now is to floor it right over the cliff. You don't seem to grasp that you faggots are in a no win situation. Let's see how well you faggots do when everything comes crashing down.
This is how bad MIGAtards have gotten.
Imagine that.
No shit.
What are you talking about?
Newly Uncovered Clinton Email Exchange Describes Plan To Thwart U.S. 'Jewish Leadership'
"The bad cop must be a political appointee, Jewish, considered the true friend of Israel…"
What made me lose hope in ZionDon?
The syria strikes
Also the complete backstab on everything. Especially immigration.
Yes yes, hillary is secretly anti-jew as she conspires with jews
shut the fuck up
hope is poison
just do the best you can and dont care about the results
I realize this is a shill thread looking to D&C. But I'm going to answer anyway. Immigration is the only issue that matters long term and I held out hope until the CPAC speech where he got down and gargled Tim Apples poz loads of "more immigrants than ever before". Thats a bigger betrayal by far than "read my lips, no new taxes".
Divide and conquer who, exactly?
Let me correct one thing my dear fuckwit, he bombed Syria because they used chemical weapons against civilians, if Syria didn't do that, they would of been fine. It had nothing to do with Israel you brainlet
I was never pro-Trump, I got banned a few times from Zig Forums during the imkampfy years because I pointed out a lot of things wrong with him. All the same, when he was elected, I didn't think he was too bad. That is, until I saw that illegal immigration had continued the same as it had before, and was possibly worse.
When Trump was elected, there was a brief period where illegal immigration was down, as they understandably thought that there would be a big crackdown. Not sure how long that lasted, whether weeks or months, then it caught up completely to what it was before.
When you learn that Trump is bad on his signature issue, you know he is really bad. He is absolutely terrible on Israel and also abortion. There are a few things he has been fairly good on, but he is basically just another Republican, with all the good and bad that come with it.
Pic related, Trump appointed an anti-abortion crusader as director of Refugee Resettlement, and he is stopping them from having abortions. It's total clownworld.
This was the final straw for me.
Not according to Seymour Hersh.
Damn, you held out until the bitter end.
Anyone that actually believed Trump was the endgame is an idiot.
Trump is a stepping stone and a shield, the first duty he did perfectly, allowing a wave of right wing culture to hit the masses, disenfranchise the left and cause so much salt we're still mining, as a shield he made sure people worse than him didn't get in power aka Hillary.
Every step he took for the jews away from his base.
Each of his lame capitulations, squandering votes, never to satisfy the people he's trying to appease, because nothing short of another stalin will ever be good enough for them.
The insult of promising to throw up a wall thinking he will fool his base and then making even this worthless because they will be allowed to get in another way.
But mostly the jews. Anyone that still supports him after his payout to israel and then the golan heights announcement are no better than his campaign's forced NPC meme just look at the forced NPC meme which came in during the midterms and ask yourself who benefits. This is what he thinks of his base, that they are to be manipulated.
Add up all this and include his homo roadshow pushed around the world, and he's no better than obama. Worse, because there are some people that still believe he's not just another nigger.
Yeah just like saddam's mobile chemical weapons production laboratories
I kept thinking that he's still better than Clinton, but now with acceleration in mind, Clinton's victory seems would have been more beneficial. Trump did serve to illustrate how pointless the elections are and if he keeps being a cuck for the jews, he might accelerate things even faster than a Democrat candidate would have.
In some ways he has been better than Clinton, no question, but there is a bigger overall dynamic. When a Republican is in power, conservatives sleep, and vice versa. The anti-war movement of the GW Bush years died away when Obama was elected, and he actually escalated the war in Afghanistan.
We've been getting beaten pretty bad on multiple fronts, one of the worst of which is a high degree of censorship that we mostly avoided for years. Trump does nothing to help, of course. He tweets about it, that's all.
When the wall didn't there yet
Probably that he is BFF with Netanyahu, the enabler of 911, the obnoxious Q-niggers with constantly changing stories about the based jews, sending billions to israel, and the biggest one is the jewish backed soaring immigration of niggers, muds and beaners like never before, regardless of how much of the wall is built. It helps nothing if the immigration laws are loose.
Probably he means that voting isabsolutely meaningless like it always has been. It really is smoke and mirrors and it only breeds more infighting when they are all on the same side. The only big choice is communist islamophile democrats or zionist weimar republicans
nice false consensus
When he didn't gas you
get fucked
every time.
Not sure even that cunt would ungraciously suck on as many diseased jew dicks as the trumpstein hoaxer has
Since when has disapproval of one zionist kike meant support for another brand of marxist kike?
I know I know, ever since the isreali jews hijacked Zig Forums during Trump's election campaign is the actual answer
I can only speak for myself but i feel many here share my perspective, but these same people that share that perspective will also loathe me for taking this shitthread seriously. It belongs on cuckchan.
Trump was never something i hoped for. Not 'for' Trump in the very least. It was simply a party. Election night had amazing energy, Tarrants energy that night almost exceeded that euphoria, but election night was a party. It was a time were i realised action needed to happen, but sitting back engrossing ourselves in salt and memes - it was nice. It was comfortable, unapologetic hedonism. Enjoying the destruction of something that was once regarded pure and noble. It was icing on the cake of a zionist occupied government. Choices were Clinton and Trump, all i could do was sit back and enjoy the clownshow. It was actually the first expression of accelerationism for me personally.
Trump is a kike, but his election made more extreme rhetoric possible. Discussions and debates we were no longer allowed to have, are now slowly seeping back into societal life. Regardless of how idiotic the average person is, its important to understand their perspective is what matters in the battle for the soul of your nation. By bringing back harsh rhetoric into public debate, it will be possible to change peoples perspective and motivations to such an extent that true, revolutionary change, is an option.
And thats what we need, revolutionary change. If you look towards a presidential candidate, whether it be Trump or anyone else, you will fail to perceive the bigger picture. And more importantly, what place your race holds in that bigger picture, in the future of mankind.
No one on fullchan, and yes, i will speak for everyone here:
Sage for shitthread.
nothing. MAGA forever
Hope about what? He was zionist from the beginning. I hoped he would make immigration and demographics a national issue that people actually started caring about and that he would cause people to lose faith in the (((media))). I got both of my wishes, now it's time to take another step forward.
But then I realized that anonymous sources confirming the news outlets preconcieved notions are basically them pulling statements out of their arses.
Yet Trumpstein somehow gave lots of US taxpayers money to bulk up isreal's wall
No, Americans were always loyal golem ,only trump increased the budget for you jews and has only helped restrict gun laws and shut down white nationalists worldwide
There is one thing and one thing only that made you lose faith in Trump. The Syria bombing.
The rest is confirmation bias.
If you understood how your mind worked you might be able to see through it, and understand that your entire view of the man in a hallucination. Even the Syria strike was absolutely nothing more than a fireworks show.
How about you whine about your own ZOG for a while, you third world nigger? You will never be white
Trump is pro trans though
Dumbasses thinking they're better when they're not and pasting it all over the net, making it impossible for anyone who isn't.
What is this?
An idiot.
Who cares? There is no political solution. Hope is for kikes and their brainwashed puppets.
I lost faith when Seth Rich shot himself in the head 18 times.
An idiot. Above post was addressed wrong.
Not totally their fault since they were instructed to from dumb minion controllers appointed by the drumpf campaign.
Midterms. Dude literally used the wall as a trade off for a higher voter turnout rather than securing his promise when he already had a rep house and congress.
the pro-Israel sentiment alone is what made me glad I didn't vote
I skipped jury duty
I agree with you but posting caps from halfchan is fucking gay and making you look like a shill.
OP is a great example with that third one.
Love the third one, that green text X'D omfg
The only thing I wanted from him was a fix to immigration issues, legal and illegal. Instead, early on too, he was doing things like sucking off niggers and “lowest nigger unemployment” when none of what he has been doing helps the base that voted for him: whites.
The one good thing that has been happening is that more of the normalfag conservatives are waking up to how both parties are shit due to how little Trump has done to fulfill any of his non-israeli promises.
He probably was supposed to be a release valve, but how can he relieve pressure when he has done jack shit to improve people’s lives?
Mid terms of when it started but I feel like the state of the union is really when the majority of the board resized they had been had
No, we all knew from the day he took office. We were just banned for telling the truth.
What happened in the State of the Union? You wanted ww3 declaration? X'D
This is the point where I went from ambivalent to angry.
Lol dude I knew since 2015 even before that since I listened to the good doctor, I just noticed a large portion of what was left of his contingent vanished between the midterms and SOU
No I just didn't want more legal immigration than ever
faith in trump? who the fuck had that?
with that said, he's still much better than any option we had.
Not if you paid attention for the first half of his term. When he showed he was willing to hold his biggest promise as a hostage for votes rather than following through immediately I lost all faith in him. I knew Trump was basically our last chance at an election because demographics and because no one else will be able to pull off what he did.
Not all of us user, for many the desire to believe overtook reality. I admit, I fell for it, "they're just blackpilling, gotta have hope for tomorrow" was my motto. Now I've realized I was lying to myself because I didn't want a world where peaceful options would be off the table but the elites seem absolutely determined to make sure war is the only way forward. It's a shame, all I want is land with a farm for me and my family. I firmly believe we should push for secession and separatism because otherwise there is no peace, especially since you can absolutely shill this position to anyone on either side of the aisle. Commies get their socialist paradise faster and without rep interference, republicans get their civcuck nationalism which will end up killing their own ideals because niggers and spics do not into white civilization, then whites can have a few states for themselves to laugh at both retards.
Cucks to niggers, cucks to spics, cucks to jews, cucks to faggots, cucked out on immigration, cucked on the wall, cucked to israel, appeased boomers but not once does he mention the plight of whites. He ran the country like a business but when your nation is a business then the only thing for sale is it's land and people. He sold out his base for the invaders, the invaders will not support him and his base is increasingly dropping enthusiasm and support. Fuck Donald Trump.
What else should anyone expect when you betray the very people that got you your position?
Accelerationism was a better option.
Him sucking off kikes
Oh yeah and 9/11
Hey man it’s not too late at all for acceleration. It’s the only path open now
Banning bump-stock.
That was a dumb move, it's not necessary at all.
Secession/separatism is also an option. I'm for that because I don't want violence and war. I've got a family so I won't partake in anything besides self defense, but I believe secession can be pushed. Several states already have secessionist movements, the current political climate allows for both sides to agree that it's a good decision. Lefties make sure trump never happens again and socialism/degeneracy is widespread in their weimerica shithole, people on the right can be convinced because they see the censorship and violence against them. You can easily use trump as a means of convincing them that if the outsider couldn't do it then no one in the corrupt cesspool that is DC will fix this. I'll push secession as best I can in my local circles and frankly you can even push it to nonwhites. I have a black female friend who agreed with me that segregation was both good and desirable. It's a possible course of action that is preferable to terrorism, violence and war imo.
Dont forget the red flag laws too user :^), remember when he campaigned and he said he was gonna be the pro2A candidate and propose national gun licenses that would work across several states? What happened to that idea i wonder…
He promised to break the record for fitting Jewish dicks into his mouth but he hasn't followed through. Also, he didn't fuck the future of my entire race well enough. He can still come through though.
Talk about the problem. Not the source.
Like most anons here the red flag was when he cucked out on immigration. Oh, and fucking inviting literal who niggers to the White House, if it was Thomas Sowell or doc Carson then it could be rationalized as him at least trying to embrace the cuckservative base, but that wasn't what happened.
The irony of it all is that the left still make him out to be nu-Hitler, King of the Nazi Incels etc. At the moment the only good thing I can think of about his presidency is the fact that some libtards are still absolutely salty over him, but the fact that they are still screeching despite his cuck-outs basically only confirms that he is controlled opposition. Fucking Bolsonaro of all people has bigger balls than him.
but hes not wrong, without immigration a jew can only displace values but cannot genocide the people themselves. If we had pre-1965 demographics right now, we might actually have a political solution to the jews. It's why Germany got a Hitler and we never will.
voting for hillary doesnt accelerate anything except whites being in a worse position to defend themselves.
being like sweden is not preferable to being like hungary, user.
i didnt lose hope cause his presidency didnt even affect my life in anyway i dont get why people bitch a lot " WAH WAH WAH!!!!!! " only pure homos got affected like illegals
for shame Zig Forums
It's stupid how people went from having a fun time with Trump, to knowing that he would be little more than "the best candidate we can get", to then screeching about how he's not literally Hitler. If you expected that of him, you're retarded. He never said he would be such. No one ever expected him to be such. The only people who actually thought any higher of Trump were literal redditors. As such, go the fuck back there.
Trump has not done anything that anons should not have been able to foresee. Voting in general was always going to be fucked, no matter the outcome. If you expected anything significant to happen from Trump's election aside from lower taxes and a few laughs, you just lied to yourself and only have yourself to blame.
This is so cringe. You faggots know nothing about international relations, you just react emotionally like a bunch of leftists.
Stole my quads but your post ain't bad.
my life was affected. i work in a shitty area filled with mexicans, and for the first time in my life i saw an ICE truck. these businesses are getting shut down on the regular and these shitty chinese business owners cant stay in business because they cant hire illegals.
the mexicans are leaving my area in droves, and i've noticed theyre also alot more subdued and less obnoxious about being mexican. they dont fly flags on their businesses anymore.
tons of closed store fronts.
i smile every time i see one of these businesses with a "for rent" sign.
its how you can tell who's a shill. i think most of the people screeching on here that he's not hitler are liberals larping as one of us to attempt to take down "his base"
anyone who says they expected great things are either a newfag, or a larping liberal.
their posts are easy to spot, and they can never seem to figure out why, but its so obvious because it still carried that 2016 election vitriol they still have.
That declaration about Israel’s “sovereignty” over stolen land pretty much confirmed him to be a jew minion.
i dont want israel to compromise. i want them to dig their feet in the sand, abuse muslims, attempt to expand. and with alittle luck… get glassed by iran.
The first Syria strike really shook my approval of him. After that is continued to be rocky, but after I saw how he can get nothing done (wall, Muslim ban, mass deportations) and was actually a giant Zionist shill I slowly began to hate him. By the time of the second Syria strike and his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel I was done with Trump
Whoever was in office was gonna MIGA, this wasn't the issue any of us voted on, that issue wasn't on the ballot
Get comfy and redpilled,.,.,,.
He has 3% chance to win in 2020!
An australian recently voted for accelerationism without casting a ballot. Choosing accelerationism is not the same as "vote for hillary".
He didn't need to be hitler, he only needed to follow through on his basic promises and that's the reason there's mass disappointment + a split base.
I thought he would pull through on some of his promises like economy, troops back home, pro guns, wall and deportations. That's all i wanted and we got economy, the shittiest of the 5. Even with dirt low expectations he's been a massive letdown.
I didn't foresee this level of cuckery, I don't think anyone could have honestly been believed if they said during the elections that trump would actually restrict gun rights.
it could have been someone with hope user, the desire to believe is very strong.
you mean like the rest of the issues he failed to deliver? But he didn't fail to deliver support for red flag laws and bump stock bans though, the thing whose total opposite was on the ballot.
how he CHOOSES to get nothing done. He can use his presidential power to get A LOT of the things he promised but he makes the conscious decision to not do so. Let that sink in, a man who admits the government is corrupt and untrustworthy decides to leave his major promises and re-election in the hands of lying traitors. It takes idiocy to an entirely new level.
Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed you cuck
Our enemies will never give up and just go away. Massive violence is the ONLY answer left
Lead by example faggot.
What is your alternative? Democrats in 2020?