Civil war - are you prepared?

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Other urls found in this thread:!cdYimS4Z!xQ3sDOgYC_JmUw8uoge_og

We need an infographic or a pdf with guides.
On how to recruit, how to make a base (apartament), how to make recruiting bases (beerhalls), Optics, legal advice etc.

shoot more people

kill enemies
screw them
words wont stop bullets moishe

prepare for civil war by being an active actor
BE the civil war
dont wait, dont hesitate
kill them before they kill you

Can't see Britain kicking off just yet.

We need a new and improved Turner Diaries, wrote for a 21st century advances using revolutionary methods relevant to overthrowing the 21st century ZOG.

Stop paying taxes. Quit your job. It is a waste of valuable time and the tax money only feeds the beast.

Start training every day. Shaoling Kung Fu. If you don't have access to guns, learn to kungfu, sneak attack against armed opponent and now you have a gun.

We have to crush this bitch down.

Just wait until the Brexit debacle.

Simply execute anything that is a Race Traitor & not of the White Race.

Accelerate goy!


We can't just crawl under a fucking rock, stay passive and die.

It'll be a clusterfuck of factions everywhere. The racial aspect will crystalize.

I think it’s a sign of how bad things are when I joke with a group I met a few days ago,
“I just wanna check, you have all subbed to Pewdiepie right ?”
This got a laugh from all of them and then we told each other’s stories about immigration.
One of them actually lived in Australia.
I am not particularly racist or right wing.
I also got the same feeling from the others in the group, yet all of us said this was an issue we are very passionate about, whether we are patriotic or otherwise.
I feel that we will see more ‘Brenton Tarrants’ until this issue is addressed.
Immigrants need somewhere to go and I don’t know what the answer is, they take our homes they take money off our government and squeeze the cash from our NHS.
If you come into our country a start would be to stop building your mosques.
You are British now or American, Australian NOT any other race. !!.

Remember to ask before any confrontation "are you with the humans or the jews?"

It's a jewish nonsense term. The truth is based on natural law and is called race realism. You instinctively know that other races mean danger to yourself, which is why humanity always self segregates…if the jews let them. Race and blood are the cornerstones of human vitality and health, which is why the jews are waging are holy war against nature for thousands of years.

I'd say wait until May or June. After the porn ban, a lot of teens will go completely crazy since they're not old enough to get a porn license. Imagine if you're one of them. You're maybe 16 years old, a wannabe-lad who is too turned off by the brashness of actual lads. A nice guy, who's politics lean strongly to the left. Sure, there are these infuriating inconsistencies, double standards, plot holes and contradictions between what you're told about the world around you, and the actual world around you. Sure, it may sometimes be a bit aggravating when you try to get a word in and a little more aggravating when every time you describe your own experiences, they're downplayed and dismissed as 'anecdotal evidence', followed by you being dismissed as 'uneducated' because of that, but you have at least your escapisms. Whenever all the contradictions, the stuff that should cause mental breakdowns or drive you insane enough to go on killing sprees, gets a little too much, you have your marvel movies and your star wars lore to distract your mind and your porn to blow off steam. And to help rationalize in your mind how everything around you seems to be trimmed specifically to deny you any enjoyment, you flock to BLACKED and NTR where you fetishize just that.
Now imagine you can't blow off steam any more. You'd have to either sign up on real ID, which you can't because you're too young to watch porn, or buy a porn license which you also can't do because you're too young. Now imagine a whole range of people like that, all simultaneously losing access to their porn. You think a bunch of fedora-wearing nice guy incels getting increasingly frustrated over not having a gf are bad? They're just frustrated that they don't get the girlfriend experience. It's the intimacy and the connecting with another human being they lack, they all have all the porn they want. Now imagine this being taken to a whole new level. It isn't involuntary celibate any more, it's involuntary nofap. Innofap if you will. Sure, they might still fap, but you and I both know it's not the same. More and more, they will desire to see shit. They will refocus onto the women around them and either make for some fun shit to watch, grow balls and get gfs, or stuffer complete mental breakdowns followed by rethinking their entire outlook on life.

Everyone else thinks along racial lines. And they will never stop doing so. In a multicultural environment, it's go racial (for Whites that means go alt right/WN/NatSoc/whateverelsethekikepressfindsunacceptable) or perish. It's time to get a grip. Everyone who isn't 'racist' by now is deluding themselves and should be regarded as more of an enemy than any armed Arab or nigger.

But that's just legal porn. Good luck stopping sharing of contraband.

The police is making about a dozen arrests per day for 'hateful' posts, sometimes even when made from behind anonymity. You think they're not going to jump at the chance to arrest people for 'fapping while White'?

Where is your hate, user? The jews have destroyed the British empire, invaded you with 3rd world trash, and are poking you with sticks of endless nonsense laws, while stealing all your shit. What does it take for you to respond in kindness? You know what helps keep the fascist coppers away? A violent mob of trustworthy lads. It's time that you stand up, put the lies of civility and human laws in the closet and get back to the fundamentals of nature "kill or be killed". And just so that you know…we all are going to die anyway, so might as well enjoy a little bit of ultra violence on the way out.

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heheh quit your job goyim just learn kung fu and itll all work out!! hehehhe

>Racial Civil War
RIP Guillaume Faye

It's called The Brigade by HA Covington

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This guy is a kike. If you want to do anything. Make as much money as you can in this year and then pull out. This faggot wants you broken and defeated. Why pull out of the system when you there isn't enough of us out yet?

Fuck you (((user))).

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Keep glowing, you mutt faggot.

Where are yours? At the office? When I see you amerilosers get shit done with those "funs" I will listen.

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This. It will start off primarily with Nationalists and White Nationalists taking out leftist targets. Asymmetric warfare depends on 2020 results, with Trumpstein likely (((winning))) and how much Zogbot forces deploy. It would likely be a 3-way conflict with the Leftists getting BTFO early and then CivNats/Patriot Groups + Trump coming face-to-face with a NatSoc reality. Their options will be to allow peaceful Balkanization or be destroyed.

THIS. 2020 is the 2 minute warning.


I'll just point out that Macron proves that accelerationism works. The liberal elite chose to dash the hopes of a Trump-like civic nationalist and elected a socialist moron instead. Now his country is approaching a state of actual civil war.
Imagine what things would be like if Macron was a nigger or an arab or a chink or a gook?

The united states on the otherhand elected an orange, White, conservative, establishmentarian and I regret to say that 8/pol/ had more than its fair share of doing so. Thus, unlike France, we are NOT approaching a state of civil war.

Accelerationism works. Vote for weirdoes, nutcases, idiots, incompetents, the corrupt and unconnected.
And on Minecraft, sabotage and provoke the server owners

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What a hero indeed…

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Disagree. The term "civil war" thrown about on this board and others is misunderstood. There won't be "sides." There will be a loose-knit network of Team Right vs. Team Blue. Magnify + intensify what happened in Northern Ireland. That scenario is coming after 2020.

At least someone is smart. I think we have a few more years left but the rope is near to snapping. So we need to get as many Whites to horde as much money and resources as possible. If you get 10k+ $£€ you can buy trucks. housing, food, guns etc.

No good if Whites are poorfaggots at anytime let alone when shit slips.

/b/ level check out. Surprised he has not been memed more.


Whites need to make as much money as they can now through next summer, election time at the latest. Shit kicks off shortly thereafter.

I want to make another thread about something esoteric I discovered up about 2020. It is called The Curse of Tippecanoe (also known as Tecumseh's Curse or the 20 Year Presidential Curse). It does not necessarily mean assassination of Presidents in years divisible by 2020. Presidents elected in years divisible by 20 have face catastrophe. Reagan survived assassination. Bush had 9/11. Whoever is (((elected))) in 2020 will face catastrophe in one manner or another.

You're a moron. People like me are the very people who did their time in the military, so good luck with that. Normal men fight. Kikes shuffle shekels. When fighting becomes the standard over shekels, then they're over with.

I think if it does then, it will be just the London niggers as usual.

can't wait to see this shitgoyim get replaced
not even trying to be ironic, but you scum aren't even worth the filth under my shoe

None of you wimps are every doing anything violent. There will be no civil war.

deluded as fuck, I understand you only spend time in this echo chamber, but try not to fall into this fantasy world. Majority of people are "content" with what is happening, and even if they weren't, they wouldn't start any war. Only ones who would start a war would be mudslims or nignogs, but they have no reason since they can do whatever they want anyways

Do you think the entire U.S. population fought in the first Civil War? I have bad news for you user….learn to math.


Kikes are gonna win at the end of the day because they control the money supply, the media and the natural resources. Basically, Jews control everything that matters; they control everything that is important, and sooner or later, your country will be over run by shit skin Muslims and niggers because Jews want that to happen, and they'll make it happen since they have all the power to do that.

Address of a local kike
720 south Harris, Columbus Ohio, 43204

No. Are you retarded? You have no idea what war is.
That's illegal.
Paid shill thread.
This is already the case. There will be no war.
And you do nothing.
And you do nothing.


In the case of the Balkanization of the United States into new nations, are either of you familiar with Propertarianism? The way its Consitution is designed is pretty sound for dealing with (((parasitism))). Each nation could use it as a template and add additional clauses and articles to outfit it better for the ideology of the people within. I see the Constitution of the Northeast ethnostate under the Butler Plan allowing Leftism to inevitably take advantage of the state, even if Jews are not allowed in.
We need to have a plan for what comes after conflict.

If we implement accelerationism via elections, (((they))) will implement incrementalism so that they don’t boil us frogs too fast and we hop out of the pot.

Why not? You've done this for your entire life. You've done this since 1945. No one has fought back anywhere. Shut the fuck up about your "resistance" when you haven't done a damn thing and never will. White genocide is already complete.

The best possible circumstance for a revolution's organization would be a well organized, single, popular political-military organization like Hezzbollah or Golden Dawn.
Failing that, the most congruent organizational circumstance for revolution would be one or several moderately well organized political-military parties, especially if they were regional with a significant support base.
Failing this, and several iterations of organization down, the next best thing would be disorganized and unconnected cell structures of about 3 to 8 men with more or less a similar end goal.
Failing this, one cell would do.
And last on this list is lone wolf terrorism.

But frankly, I'd support anything to upset the System's apple cart.

Then either kill yourself, leave, or fight to the death.

They can try. So can we. Hopefully we can upset their plans enough to grant us a little more breathing room.
As for propertarianism, we are so far from designing the post-jewish state that this seems like arguing over what colour curtains to put in our new home when we're dirt poor and homeless. We spend so much time imagining what we're going to do after we win, and so little time imagining how to win that we end up with the cart before the horse. It's like arguing over which colour curtains to hang in our new home before we even have built it.

(949) 400 5322

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ufokinwot? an infinitely more useful skill set is booby traps.

You have no idea :)

*surrenders to zogbots*


No fam, you srsly have no idea. You assume that you don't see someone else do anything and the fact that you do jack shit means that noone is doing anything. And you are wrong. People are working for our common goal. You are welcome to do nothing as long as you don't stand in the way. Just don't pretend like there's no use for any activity just because you've given up on being a contribution to our causes.


Hardly any of you are prepared. When the tanks start rolling in you will be shitting your pants wishing for shitposting again like a bunch of snowflakes.

Also, keep in mind that most whites will fight you Nazis as well, because you are oppressive pieces of shit.

You think that accelerating the Jew agenda will help you, but in reality the Jew agenda is behind schedule, so accelerating it is welcomed by the ruling class.

Nazis are the useful idiots as usual. Well done.

They need to go home and rebuild, just like our people did after WW2.

Money is not value, it's a symbol of value.
Jews dilute and bastardize all symbols to their own ends.
Eventually the symbols lose all meaning, and thus all power.
A market crash does not take away nimble hands and strong backs.

you're obviously a captain faggy pants froth sucker from the city if you actually believe that horse shit….you cock sucking city dwellers have no idea the hell that would be rained down on your asses if something ever kicked off in this country.

but sure, i'm sure some faggot from the burbs who goes on hunting trips in MY back yard a few times a year is fully prepared for the shit that would be coming their way.

Unironically, things were better here with kikey in control. At least he had these ASSES AND ECHOES faggots banned.

Funny thing is, I'm not a nazi (they're too left-wing for me), but I see a common goal in preserving our nations.

I hope so but a lot of people are claiming the government's sabotage as proof that we shouldn't have had a referendum in the first place.

Idiots. Make a culture good enough people defect into it so hard they defect into it from far away!

Project Appleseed is a program by the Revolutionary War Veterans Association that focuses on teaching traditional rifle marksmanship from standing, sitting/kneeling, and prone positions over a two-day weekend and encourage the continuation of our liberty-based heritage.

They have events at gun clubs and ranges all over the country. I’m pretty sure there are courses happening in April for most of the states. It’s a good program, especially for urbanites who haven’t had much experience with firearms drills. It’s a starting point, at the very least.

Does anyone else have recommendations of classes/courses to take to help each of us with the dedication and spirit to become stronger, better prepared men?

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So when is Hitler going to raise from the dead and lead his zombie army to liberate us?

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One nutcase, hardly a civil war.

it will never happen, maybe in parts of america but nowhere else

Last civil war:
South: We want our slaves!
North: No! Send 'em all back to Africa! The Libera plan.
Jews: Fucking goys! Fuck you both!

We lost.

Uh yeah fuckin a man
Let’s do this shit

The man is a hero

Tarrant dio el chispaso,soloqueda que los demás camaradas del el paso y no se quede en una sola chispa,la moronegrada sabe que estamos en un momento de extrema dualidad y debilidad moral y ellos van aprovechar el momento para conquistar el mundo occidental,solo queda los nacionalistas blancos para defender el mundo occidental y hay que dar el paso,con el tratado de Marraquech esto va a ser mucho peor,tenemos que estar preparados

Found this mega for "civil war tools" and restricted military manuals

Does anyone have the pdf for Thomas Chittum's Civil War II?

Always prepared for war.

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the second U.S is weak enough for a civil war, everyone is going to jump you amerifats and take your shit, only reason anyone ever gives a fuck about murica is their money and military capabilities, imagine if they start crumbling from the inside, imagine the kikes and their greed and voila, zog empire is born
america always knows how to fuck things up

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Yugoslav wars showed us otherwise my dude, likewise for smaller scale shit check out LA Riots or hurricane Katrina. Everything breaks down along racial lines almost right away

If by take shit you mean plunder all its overseas bases and military assets, yes. Otherwise America is unassailable by every other nation on Earth at the moment. Only France as a blue water navy capable of power projection and it will be busy dealing with its own civil war against its 15% of the population being sand niggers and regular double niggers.

It is. And all who aren't 100% on our side, are 100% against us and must be killed.
Kill your local jews. Kill your local liberals (including, and especially,) women). Kill your local niggers. Then, expand the killings to other regions near you. When (not if) all groups of white men start doing this, the expansion and killings can't be suppressed anymore.
Kill the enemies simply because they exist. No excuses. They live, and they aren't like us, thus, they must be killed.

White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our whites immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.



Well the North ran the country from 1865 to the end of Reconstruction so riddle me this: why are there still Africans on this continent? Some Republicans wanted to repatriate the freed blacks, but in reality there was never a serious plan to do so, which is why many abolitionists in the South fought in the Confederate army.


This is actually important. The free information available on the internet made the deep state scared. If Alex Jones was saying bullshit why did they censor him? And civil wars start in the states themselves. Its not the federal government per-say in total.

I can’t say a specific class as they tend to be rather regional but highly recommend medical training. Not some bullshit Red Cross shit, but I mean legitimate training from ex army medics and ambulance worker. Shit like how and WHEN to use a TQ, when to use Celox/QuickClot, how to field dress wounds, ect.
I think people (especially urban and suburbanites) forget is how deadly nature is. Most only get sterile experiences on hikes and shit but infections literally decimate armies.
Also just in general focus on actual field survival skills. Look into shit like stealth camping, it’s pretty important. More general shit like water purification and foraging are critical. Armies march on their stomachs, and we can’t expect continual resupply. Literally imagine yourself in the woods for weeks on end. How are you getting by? You gonna hunt? What if you never come across Bambi or what if you are deep behind enemy lines and a gunshot would give away your position. Then what?
Not downplaying martial training but it’s only a facet of this complex diamond

Good point. Perhaps overlooked is the role of states. Some may secede and some may side with feds. What will this look like? And if it’s the “right” that sides with feds will commiefornia and other liberal states secede then what do we do?

Here is my guess as to what will probably happen:

When the shit hits the fan, the Feds will impose martial law to keep the order for as long as they can. This will last for a few months, tops. Federal, state, and local law enforcement will crumble, as service members defect to protect their families from the violence. There won't be clear sides in the beginning, there will be thousands of fighting groups separated by minor ideological differences. They will quarrel with their neighbors until one proves stronger, and the smaller groups join the larger ones for protection. As the groups grow, they will spread out and conquer local areas, going town to town recruiting soldiers - forming their headquarters in cities that mostly share their ideology. Right-wingers will move to red states, left-wingers will move to blue states. These states will form independent nations, as the U.S.A. no longer exists, and red states will ally with other red states. It will most likely end with a ceasefire when both sides get to establish their own nations out of their conquered states. The borders will be slightly different than existing state borders, and purple states will have to choose a side. The conflict may see states that were long considered red turn blue and vice versa.

Who will end up with more territory?

Whichever side gets more support from Russia, China, and Europe will probably have more power in the end. I am guessing the Russians will support the anti-zog reds, the Chinese will support both sides, and Europe will support the blues(if they haven't had their own revolutions at this time).

I would say the most important thing you can do to protect your family is to move yourself among people you wouldn't mind fighting with. If you are a right-winger living in San Francisco, or a left-winger living in the country, remember that you are either going to fight for your enemy or be shot. No amount of prepping will keep you from having to join the most powerful local group.

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If it's going to be a real civil war then by definition you can't be prepared. How did the citizens of Atlanta prepare for it being burned?

I second as one who has medical training. I notice niggers and spics seem more susceptible to infections and sickness than whites. Also another thing I rarely see discussed: niggers and spics use more marijuana and weed than whites do and are likely more drugged up. When the Happenings begin think of all the withdrawals shitskins will go through without muhweednigga. Dope makes niggers out of shape and lazy. My state is perfect for hiking and has great national & state parks and forests. As an avid hiker-natureboy myself, I never ever see niggers or spics hiking or camping.

Most western EU conservative/populist figures are just crypto zionist pressure release valves like pic related. Might SHTF in France but even they are muddled beyond repair. I wouldn't expect much else from anything west of Ukraine.

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Plague of Frogs

"This is what the great LORD says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go, I will plague your whole country with frogs. The Nile will teem with frogs. They will come up into your palace and your bedroom and onto your bed, into the houses of your officials and on your people, and into your ovens and kneading troughs. The frogs will go up on you and your people and all your officials."
— Exodus 8:1–4

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"Vous voyez ce drapeau là ? Il sera à l'Elysée ce drapeau"

"You see this flag there? It will be at the Elysee this flag"

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priéres de rue

street prayers

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Macron donne l'exemple!

Macron sets an example!

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french cops

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