Look at this gif. closely at the bottom.
It's fucking sick, those sandniggers muslims have to go back to their shitty desert and breed themselves out of existence with incest.
People should share this discovery on Chinese social medias so that they can put more Muslims in reeducation camps.
HOLY HELL, this chinese girl thing is WORST than expected
Other urls found in this thread:
There is one element on the gif that everyone missed.
Look below the inbreed retard muslmshit…He has is FUCKING DICK OUT, he is taking the HAND OF THE YOUNG CHINE GIRL and he makes the Chinese girl MASTURBATE HIS DICK.
Look at the gif. below this is fucking sick.
Gotta love how the despicable lowlife journos that browse this board ignore threads like this one.
Can’t have them goyim know about the real (((problem)))
I second this notion and will begin spreading
Of course. They get this story out and they'll get butchered by a rabid pack of mud savages in their homes because they don't have firearms.
Why do you shills try to blame the muslims? When it was the jews who let them in?
once you truly see their mental process on which stories to pick, first its a shock, “why the fuck.. did they really just straight up say no to reporting on this story??” then it slowly dawns on you how conscious they are of reporting things in a way for an agenda. They didnt even have to think twice.
Because "Muzzies Bad" isn't the rhetoric
We know about that.
Enough Tikkun Olam
Enough Chuptzah
Chinese today, whites tomorrow. Go back to /r/islam fucking kike
The chinks don't care.
Hard to believe, they hate muslmshits.
Who let the jews in?
Only a chink would give a shit about either
Journos deserve dead.
They were either already there or it was protestants who let them in, because protestants are a judaizing sect and crypto-Jews.
Yes, because the (((Catholics))) are so much more BAYSHED!
Stop derailing, you fuck.
Muslims, Jews, why must we choose?! Who cares about the ammo count when we can slash 'em both!
Also what are the Chinese such as that girl doing in France. They are also colonizing European territory.
Funny how Protestants are the ones who defend the white race the most while catholics all reside in urban areas letting non-whites in and flooding countries. Take your faggot pope shit somewhere else
this meme is illegal
You're creating new Tarrants everyday : )
By importing Jews in their countries and giving them (((equal rights))). Based and Redpilled.
Poland and Hungary, the two most ethnically homogeneous countries with strong borders are dominantly Roman Catholic.
Same thing with Bavaria inside of Germany.
serb detected
Catholics are the city people, they are the ones who import all this shit you moron. Protestantism has been infected with catholicuck shit for decades after all the urbanites moved from the city out to the country and brought with them all their cuck catholic shit to protestant communities
Have said it before and will say it again now. At the end of the day, mudshits only hate kikes because kikes are more successful than them in ruling over everyone. This comes down to kikes gaining a slight IQ increase after centuries of racemixing with whites and actually attempting to subvert Europe, while muzzies are content to stay in their shitholes or at most evangelize to Southern and Southeast Asian subhumans. Even Ol Moe himself only hated kikes because he got butthurt they managed to out-merchant him in his younger days, plus the rabbis' refusal to consider him part of their circle when he tried to gain recognition and legitimacy for his cult during its early years. In case any of you didn't know, he started his religion as a variant of Judaism mixed with Arabian paganism before he went full pedo warlord and turned it into some sort of perverted warrior's creed.
By killing the legitimate French Catholic Monarch, the Jews never got as power as they were.
Deal with it.
Sicut Judaeis Non
There is no 'reeducation' for being born with defective nigger DNA.
Redpill me on Louis XVI, OPanon. I know the historical facts but would be great if you could elaborate.
I must be blind. Where's the circumcised muslim dick?
That must interest you then.
"One hundred years after the French Revolution, the editors of Civilta Cattolica, the official voice of the Vatican on political affairs, came to a startling conclusion: any country which turns away from laws based on the teaching of the Catholic Church and God's eternal law will end up being ruled by Jews. These three articles, originally published over the fall of 1890, explain in detail why this is so, for both France in 1890 and America today. The assertion that Jewish political power derives from usury could have been written with Occupy Wall Street in mind."
At the very bottom, it's one second long but you can see the muslmshit grabbing the girl's hand and make her masturbate his micro-penis, like a good follower of Pr*ph*t M*h*m*d would.
It's Paris, there's a bit of everybody there.
so then this is technically cp
why is it still up?
Daily reminder that the Main Cause of Islamophobia Is Muslim Behavior.
It's just not at all surprising that the video was removed from twitter when it features a tiny chinese girl giving a handjob.
That makes sense but wasn't he actually a bit more kike friendly than most of the previous French kings? Case in point would be the Edict of Versailles. It just so happens that his death was necessary to spark the 1789 revolution which led to 20th century's communists and today's Cultural Marxists. The way I see it the kikes saw opportunity in his stance towards them and did him in. And wasn't Protestantism basically sort of the day's Leftism? It isn't really surprising that the kikes would co-opt a movement that went against most traditional monarchies of the time, who were mostly allied with the Vatican Pope.
Do anyone have a link to the vidéo from twitter ?
I want to spread it on french 4chan, if i put a Zig Forums link im going to get ban.
Its terrible, nobody is aware of this vid in france.
We can have more than one enemy you stupid cuck
Your question is retarded habdul. Did jews or christians force you to rape children? But you know what did force you? Your own sick and twisted upbringing caused by your shitty religion Islam and the pedo imams that teach it's ok to rape and rob non-muslims. I'm afraid it won't be enough to just remove you from Europe. Islam must be abolished and made sure to not be taught to the new generation. It should be treated like smut until every single muslim kills himself out of self-loathing.
good catch OP, have an up-bump
Start doing your part, Mohammad.
If you remove meat from kebab, it stops being a kebab
Whew, this 4d desert muttology timeline is getting cinematic.
Shut up, Jew.
Wow, so muslim apologists have even resorted to defending pedophilia. Sad.
this board is full of pedos who probably got beat down by a nigger one time so they hate niggers but will defend a video of a nigger molesting a white child because their degeneracy comes before all else or just regular pedos who are scared we’ll get the sex offender registry and burn them alive of we take power so they shill for child brides. this is not the board to expect people to care about pizzagate and child victimization. this has not only happened to white children, they have entire grooming gangs roaming freely doing it daily.
Wrong it was the (((ENLIGHTENED))) european peoples.
Look up Oliver Cromwell
here is the proofs, Jews say so themselves
Yes and it was pretty much protestants. Look, the Whigs who weaponized the freemasonry lodges and provoked the French Revolution against the Legit Christian King were a protestant sect, which didn't start with Jewish involvement, but was strongly supported by Jews afterwards.
Learn English you fucking retard.
you cant help yourselves you always have to respond its sad, pedo.
jews brought this to you.
without jews, this garbage stays in its own land.
well that was not right of him to do
should have killed them
is he right Zig Forums ? is it the prophecy for europe to become mixed with middle east ? is it true that it has to happen?
What's sad is the girl will probably grow up fantasizing about it afterwards. Time for the French to bring out the guillotines again.
Fixed it for you.
The person who made protestantism martin luther literally made a book called on the jews and their lies.
For jews it has to happen apparently.
Kalergi plan, Barbara Lerner Spectre, numerous other jews openly admit that's what is happening, and they caused it.
The alternative, no doubt, is a systematic rounding up of jews globally and the creation of a transit system that takes them all to far off places where they can be murdered in strangely inefficient but inventive ways.
It is not jews fault that muslims are moustly subhuman pedo rapist scum. Zig Forums blame jews for everything anyway. Both groups are guilty and should be expeled from Europe.
Nobody. Europeans tried to kill them since year zero. America should do same.
Nobody like muslims. Only other muslims, jews and antifags.
It is true that jews wrote this prophecy or better say plan. If you write prophecy that you will exterminate all niggers, it is same kind of bs prophecy.
Marie Antoinette never said "let them eat cake"; a jew propaganda lie. A Swiss guard officer said "let them eat grass". She was somewhat unpopular in France because she never learned how to speak French. She was the daughter of Marie Therese Empress of Austro Hungary. Her marriage to Louis XVI symbolized an unpopular alliance with Austro Hungary. The French at that time were more sympathetic to an alliance with Protestant Germany but papal ultramontaine politics were always opposed to that.
So.. is anyone gonna kill this guy?(in Runescape)
Go the fuck back to kikechan yid.
Sadly this is nothing worse shit happens every day in europe
semites are pure breed sadists
Media keeps a lid on
Not english, not white, no dick out.
Jews and Chinks are using the morons here.
Fucking just kill all pedophiles yeah? Just fucking kill them.
Historically, the Catholic Church was extremely anti-Semitic, until Vatican II in the 1970’s changed that.
We're the ones that have to do it and we can not trust Jewish Constructed Society to help us with that. Laws aren't here to protect us; Laws are here to protect pedophiles.
Fucking Damnit, I see it now
These people deserve eternal damnation. They deserve a swift death. I'll gladly give it to them.
nice find OP, never noticed the weird hand movements going on there when I'd seen the vid before due to the combinations of the shadowing of the titles and the overlayed captions.
It appears he is fondling something phallic but I'm not sure if it's his penis or a pistol/rifle barrel. Either way, very disturbing.
Do we have any copies of the raw video before someone added the English subtitles to it? If we can find that perhaps it will be easier to focus on this.
Perhaps also if we had that, someone might have the video-editing tools to remove the 2 shadowy horizontal lines to be able to view the raw video underneath?
China invade Iran when?
What the fuck?
It is all between 0:00 and 1 sec.
That camera was filming before, I think and a sloppy edit showed us what they are really filming.
Not dirty talk to kids in public, but CP
I wish I had gone to Paris when young, things are never the same
I am going back to sleep.
Caring about Paris, shithead
If you read Culture of Critique, you will find that moral universalism and lack of moral particularist invaders for a long time left some Western countries woefully unprepared for the latter. The bulk of the Ottoman army only made it as far as Vienna. Others largely enjoyed a grace period that boosted their growth and development. Anti-semitism is found in all major denominations of the Church.
If you are one of them, sure. The Seed of Edom and Ishmael will mix and then the Archdemon will deliver them out of the West to their precious beachfront property. And hey ho! would you look at that, the prophecy is coming true just as they planned the prophets said it would!
What's more confusing is that many Diaspora Jews are secularized and obviously don't believe the Zohar is anything more than a medieval text written by men speculating about their god. And yet these Diaspora Jews, even the nonbelieving ones, fall into lockstep with their racial brethren, probably unwittingly, but nevertheless dangerously, from our point of view.
of course they are both to blame so kys, shitskin
This is technically cp. Beginning to wonder if we're being tricked into saving this video to our computers so that we could be busted with cp possession.
The mudslimes will pay, though. Not one will be left alive.
all semites are subhumans
Yes, most people didn't see but in this video where the muslims sexually harass this 3 year old Chinese girl in France, the mudslime filth that is taking to her is actually putting her hand on his penis. It's there in the video where the writing is at the bottom.
Who were these animals?
Yes, his dick is out, and he is masturbating with the hand of the little girl.
Where is this man?
Let's cut his dick off!
From now onwards we will have to do this to these rapist muslims.
Let's cut their dicks off!
The dicks of all of them!
I don't understand how this could be CP. I know because his hand is near his crotch you all think he's fondling his dick but I'm pretty sure that's just the barrel of his rifle and he's having her stroke that.
Even if it was his dick though: the child is fully clothed, I thought it had to be her genitals shown for it to be CP.
To be sure, I'd like to know where the vid originates and if someone could find the non-subtitled version so I could see the lower part better.
how "public" it is, is questionable. Sure they look like they're outdoors in a playground, but it also appears they are inside some kind of play structure that would remove them from common view.
I think the question is: why are people tolerating men with guns in uniform approaching children on play structires in parks in France?
Guaranteed replies.
They all die, along with traitors like you.
not a gun, no uniforms either, according to my eyes anyway.
According to this user, it's at a public park in Paris.