The Future of Germany
This is Weimar in HD. And everyone seems to love it… fucking clown world
The Future of Germany
This is Weimar in HD. And everyone seems to love it… fucking clown world
unless we're making a playlist of obnoxious replacement propaganda, i don't know what to make of this thread
They're afraid. I love it
meanwhile in sweden:
I seriously want to go Tarrant on the entire scene.
I thought that was an old video? Those sand niggers all look the fucking same. THEY ARE SHIT, I FUCKING HATE THEM. LISTEN TO THAT ONE CRY LIKE A FUCKING BITCH.
Kek Apocalypse, please.
Let them build infested tents on your land you racys , stfu. LOL
observe how the only swedes that protects the migrants are traitor females.
Who knew..
I’ve never seen something so pozzed in my entire life. Germany, please do something before you die of AIDS
"we are proud of not being proud."
What am I even listening to. Is this doublespeak from 1984 or something? KEK
So, this video is close to 3 years old now. Did you just wake up to the hell were living in, or what?
The keyword there is:
Don't be so naive.
That's why all dissent is banned.
Of course they love, they are told to.
Comas are no laughing matter. One day you wake up, and everything you loved has been corrupted, defiled, and/or killed.
In Sweden, the Yellow Vests are the Police?
(lol at the kebab screaming like someone had kicked him in the balls a thousand times, the idiot never stops)
Guys I have a strange question, and I don't need any kikes replying.
The Bible says to be humble. and not proud. How can I be humble in such a joke of a world? I feel no reason to mask my contempt for the masses and doing so only makes it build up inside and kill me. What the fuck do I do anons?
The top comment by "Deadpool" had me rolling.
lmao even the kike in this image is wondering what the fuck is going on.
That's it. There is no longer any doubt. I want these people dead. The final black pill.
Turn all your foes into a satire. There will be nothing left of them in the end.
You're weak minded. /tv/ is that way, faggot.
Where the hell are the niggers murdering everyone?
Such an awesome argument/reason – BECAUSE WE ARE HUMAN! lol
Germany can really awesome COUNTRY. But you just had to let them in.
Lol look at All these fags talking about how a country that isn't theirs should run.
Based and bluepilled
Nothing mass genocide can not solve.
Normies don't lap this shit up.
Any normal white people left out there who isn't a total faggot tranny kike nigger loving diversity preaching cuckold will see this as an attack on them like everything else.
(((they))) are getting smug. This is their way of saying "fuck you WE are in charge!"
Germany needs a new Hitler.
You know what hurt the most? The young girl cursing. The jews never miss an opportunity to denigrate whites, especially young children.
It's like that all over Europe. I was told by some friends from "elite" British universities that only the common riffraff are "proud" of Britain. It's seen as crass to express any patriotic sentiment to the country you just "happened" to be born in.
Some people are really just gone.
Ehem..It is satire, isn't it?
The young white children of Britain and Europe need to be saved from their ignorant and indoctrinated parents; and nurtured in the love and truth of their people. Children who are young enough to be turned away from evil can be retaught, even though it will be difficult and involve much effort and discipline.