National conservatism rising in Finland like a everywhere else too. We have the next parliament elections on 14.4.2019 and we (The Finns Party) made this video what tells us what's going on the Europe even in Finland. "The most happiest country", things can't be like this if we want to protect our culture. Let's stay strong brothers!
Vote Anti-EU candidate on the next EU-parliament elections.
National conservatism thread (win/win)
Other urls found in this thread:
Also BRENTAN TARRANT is a fucking hero and there is no peaceful voting solution out of the mess we find ourselves in. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed is not just a meme gentlemen.
Also semite free first post
Ehkä laudalla. Lampaat äänestävät kokoomusta vaikka mitä tapahtuisi.
epic MIGA, go my redditors KEK xd
As long as you're a CivNat you'll always be a libfag at heart
baste trumptards know what they are shilling
civnats are objectively worse than leftists
Yeah, yeah. Same message aside from you've been smart enough to not screech about Anons being that Goldstein kike. Everyone has seen the same garbage in the other threads. Stuff it heeb.
Perhaps if you intend to create an elections thread, you shouldn't start it with an image of a traitor.
I get a tear in my eye when I see those brave Trump supporters confronting the flagrant anti-Semitism of Ilhan Omar. And they call us the haters. smh
Only these kind of Jews are still registered Democrats today.
CivNats are the traitors of white people, they'll sell you down the river and the entire white race out of pure spite. If you so much as even talk bad about jews or non-whites they'll foam at the mouth and pull the same SJW libfag tactics
Fuck off Ira
Only thing that's going to actually redpill people is action. You fags have spent too long blowing hot-air and doing nothing
Look dad, Grampa posted on 8ch
You are still in the rat maze whether you go right or go left.
What has conservatism conserved?
Kill yourself Jamal.
this guy gets it
What did u expect from pol?
Yesterday's defeats.
Hitler also had other races in his army and needed man power, what's your point also rosenberg isn't a jew.
Hitler was also conservatist coz he tried to bring some king Ancient Greece culture in a modernized way and prefered to its own Master race
Fucking joke??
Conservatism is about not changing the current system, not about going back at time.
not really.
I'm subjected to main stream radio at work. The Perussuomalaiset election ads at least are a nice diversion from 95% of triggeringly horrible shit I hear on the radio. They talk about limiting/stopping immigration, whereas others talk about (((Climate Change))) and shit like that. Although I'm pretty sure Perussuomalaiset are going to cuck out even if they manage to do well in the election. So I'm not sure whether I'm going to vote for them or just write Hitler on the ballot.
Speaking of radio. The hosts deserve to get gassed. They mention the news that according to a (((UN))) survey Finland is the happiest country in the world, which every Finns knows to be absolute bullshit unless they're completely retarded. The radio channel does not question the survey or mention what did they measure exactly or their methodology to arrive at the alleged happiness of Finland. Later on the same channel mentions that Finns have more difficulties sleeping nowadays than in the past. And they wonder why. I wonder whether the radio hosts are really as retarded as they seem or if they're crypto-kikes laughing at the suffering goyim. Maybe the fact that Finns aren't sleeping well is connected to them being increasingly unhappy, but putting two and two together on main stream media is probably forbidden.
Does anyone know about Väyrynen's Seven Stars Movement? Is it a joke, controlled opposition or semi-redpilled?
Here is a video, straight out of the oven, about the immigration problem and Finns party campaign.