I pick what my girlfriend watches on Netflix when she does use it. I noticed after the Christchurch shooting that Netflix has since removed Kingdom of Heaven(2005) the three hour movie about the Crusades to Jerusalem in the 12th century. After a little more digging it seems that it may be accessible still by changing country of origin or using a VPN. That’s interesting because Netflix may have only removed it for certain areas or languages. I am inable to further investigate now but I wanted to show the ripple effect of NZ and further censorship by big corporations. Also, der normies hate being reminded of how fickle and fleeting the digital media companies are when you’re buying limited rights to view/play things and don’t own it if it ain’t physical. They control what’s allowed to be seen and as you all know that anymore it’s Netflix Original^TM propaganda.
After Christchurch Netflix removes Kingdom of Heaven(2005)
kek, too white?
Shit movie. Practically Al Qaeda propaganda. Every European was bloodthirsty except for the faggot main character and his atheist pals, every Arab was noble.
She should really watch Merlin tbh. And only fags pay to borrow shit. Buy the fucking dvds, user. Only 'Complete Series' though, and burn that shit while you have a German Weißbier and store copies of your burns on gold cd/dvd and store it in a metal box for the future. Same with anything else you can't print on archival paper.
too bad pedowood never made a movie about the prussian crusade. deus cult fellow christcucks
My problem with the movie as well.
This is literally a good thing.
It seems that you have serious problems to understand the movie or you are only a minor of 13 years old very stupid
Kek. That movie was full on crusaders bad mudslimes good. How ironic
But it painted shitskins in a positive light ultimately.
It harms itself in confusion
Irl, the Europeans who joined the Crusade were not very likely to be bloodthirsty monsters but instead were likely to be opportunistic peasants trying to escape their (((debts))) and who were often promised a debt forgiveness (and/or sin forgiveness) by the Pope for fighting bravely in the Crusades.
"Que comes, que adivinas"
What do you eat, what do you guess?
They were knights, not peasants, and they sacrificed alot to go fight. There was no oil money in those days.
No, just saracen gold. kek
That wasn't the context though. It was just a standard White Man Bad movie.
Forgiveness was also a debt granted. The point was everyone going over to fight was getting something making them mercenaries ultimately. Nobles gained more title and wealth, peasants worked off debt, criminals worked off sin.
you are retarded and just making shit up here
Book needs to be Siege and the nigger needs the cuckchan logo shooped on his face
modern "men" cannot even conceive doing something not for mere personal profit, thus they project their inner jewishness on history
The crusades were just another jew war with white men used as mercenaries. You're not fooling anyone.
KOH was a shitty movie that portrayed white christians as evil invaders of previously christian lands that muslims of course invaded and forced to convert to islam.
Let the left devour itself. The movie was anti-white anyways.
nobody was giving out loans to peasants back then. In truth the knights templar was disbanded for loaning too much to the point to where the retarded french monarchy threatened to schism over their own debts from warring with england.
Taxes owed are taxes owed. Taxes owed are debt. You don't have to have a sub prime loan from a jew to be indebted.
If 300 is banned , then yeah censorship, like all the non-kike posters in this thread Kingdom Of Heaven was a Fuck Christianity, Ebil Whites and Noble Savage (the Sandniggers) Movie so it probably just got bumped out for lack of interest due to 6 Million other movies like it , maybe if they could’ve added another scene where the White Savior rescues Niggers from a fire started by the white man it would be still on the list
Not to mention is was sitting in their catalog for a long time now. The selection is very stale.
you're right about it being propaganda for RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS. i shit you not, several ISIS movies ripped off scenes and put them into their movies, because Kingdom of Heaven depicts Saladin defeating Crusaders, and ISIS loves Saladin..
funny how Netflix had no problem with the movie when ISIS was using it back in, 2014, but now that the ebil Nazis are back it's Shut It Down
Come over to >>>/holypol/
if it weren't for the solid acting and set design that movie would be worthless arab propaganda
there was a crusade tax, either you had the money to pay or you went to war. this ultimately why there were around 7 crusades the church pulled their dick out everytime it was about to be decisive to keep the shekels rolling.
The corporate headquarters of Netflix is here
100 winchester circle, los gatos, california 95032
The Shabbos Goyim who runs Netflix is Reed Hastings.
He lives here
604 Lighthouse Ave, Santa Cruz, CA, 95060-6134
Pic related
Incorrect: blood thirsty saracen at beginning of movie where Bastien first got to Jerusalem. Did you see the movie?
Were they banging goats in a suit?
Israel is the kingdom of heaven.
Which is a bullshit way to treat a man who absolutely wrecked the shit of the Muslims time and time again.
Moishe, you know your boss still won't reinstate your (((blacked.co.uk))) account right?
Look you know the drill. I'm stuck here with you, and I have more banks of IPs than Palestinians do territory, so you're stuck with me. The least you could do is thank me.
I would totally rape this kike bitches after invading Israel.
wtf, i love swarthy thots and dying for Israel now!
Kill yourself
It doesn't work that way friend.
Ephraim, you make me want to attack Israel just to rape your women, it wasn't a goog idea to post this pictures.
Spread to normalfags. they are the ones that must be reminded to hate corporations/jews.
Soon, the very notion of consuming entertainment made by jews must be eliminated.
All entertainment made by jews is for cucks. Stop consuming all entertainment made by them.
We should start ethnic cleansing
Kill those spics and niggers
I'm no history expert but wasn't Saladin a pretty decent dude by sandnigger standards to the point crusaders themselves admired him?
He was also a Kurd, a fact that pisses turks off to no end every time it'S mentioned.
Pretty much this yeah. Even if you ignore the "Fuck Christianity" angle, it was still a shit movie because Orlando Bloom was a dull, boring hero by any standards. Also this movie makes painfully blunt analogies with the politics of that time like the War in Iraq (some Crusader tells Bloom that they are making lot of riches plundering the land) and that the Holy Land belongs to everyone: Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc like the modern Arab-Israeli conflict.
The only reason he is even admired in the West was because he respected Richard the Lionheart despite being his enemy. Unlike what happens in the movie where he lets everyone in Jerusalem to flee, in real life, he allowed people to be go if they paid a ransom. Many of those who couldn't pay were enslaved. This is straight from his personal chronicler Imad ad-Din al-Isfahani about the fate of 8,000 Christian women in Jerusalem who were unable to pay a ransom for their release:
A sandnigger is still a sandnigger. No exception. Unless if he is a Christian. They are total bros.
A extra with no name and some mullah demanding Jerusalem to be taken back were the only evil Muslims in the movie. Compared to the Christians who were all major antagonists, they practically put the kiddie gloves in portraying Islam as just as bad.
Holy shit I did not knew this. I mean I knew Muslims would worship Saladin for killing Christians, but I didn't knew ISIS used the movie as propaganda. I immediately looked it up and I found this fucking gem
Kekismus Maximus.
Fun fact: in the Arab world, Richard the Lionheart is treated as a boogeyman by Muslim mothers who tell their naughty kids that if they don't behave, Melek Rik (King Richard in Arabic) will come to get them.
Its a good thing they never made a movie about the Reconquista or Skanderbeg's Crusade. Spain and Albania produced their movies and series about their stories. Can you imagine how they'd badly Pedowood would rape these stories?
Anyone have the Christchurch footage? I deleted it and don't know where to find it. Shouldn't it be hosted on a slow board like /wx/?
Honestly, you remove the uniform and you wouldn't even know.
They removed The Gulag Archipelago from Audible recently. Not sure if that was for a similar reason
No one can be this much of a cuck around here, not even unirocally.
the writer did a fairly true to life script for KoH. It was Ridley Scott who raped it with his masonic-libertarian tendencies
Stop being a shabbos goy
Kingdom of Heaven was one of the last good Hollywood movies despite its anti-white cuckery.
You are never going to have the same quality of set, music and dialogs until the jews are removed.
The only thing ever so slightly amusing I found on (((Netflix))) was Norsemen. It takes the piss out of Vikings and while there are a lot of penis jokes (which is popular in Norway for some reason) there's a few jabs at modern art and free speech which felt very non Netflix if you get me.
Also it's entirely all white people and actually very high production value. It ain't shit
but seriously fuck Netflix
Are you referring to the Director's Cut that got chopped down for theaters for being too long? Because that was not Ridley's fault, but the producers. While it's an slightly better movie than the Theatrical Cut since character motivations make slightly better sense, it still contains the same libshit themes.
Now if there is an version of that movie without them, tell me how it's like.
Think how much the muzzies/semites/kikes hate the idea of us fighting back
No i mean the original script, which is story more related to the actual events. None of this Balian 'son of a blacksmith' everyman setup which Scott inserted… Or this, 'we fight for the people of the city' stuff that makes no sense in that time period.
The original script isn't available but through interviews, you can get an idea of what the writer (william monahan) did and what were modern insertions.
It was also Scotts idea to kill of the original crusader team so early (which is a nice shock gimmick) but leaves you with uninteresting characters for the rest of the film.
The crusaders being greedy plunderers is a modern narrative to make the crusades into an evil white ppl vs peaceful muslims story. If you spent time researching the different characters leading the crusades you would know that they often gave up titles or risked their position in their homecountry in order to go crusading (if you left your country for a few years in those times you might find someone else sitting on your chair when you returned) and that a lot of them were deeply religious.
Also a lot of them didnt get any titles or plunder. They went to Jerusalem fought a little, risked their life in the process and than returned home gaining far less than they had spent on their journy.
Robert Curthose mortgaged his entire duchy to participate in the first crusade so..
They were going to REconquer the holy land, make it possible for christian pilgrims to get to Jerusalem and defend the Byzantine Empire against muslim invaders not to get treasures,although they obviously didnt object to them either when the oportunity came along.
My point is noone expected to get rich from the crusades and it was more of a pilgrimage than a conquest for the ppl participating.
For all the movie's faults, it does contain some mind programs that can lead certain people to become very powerful. This is why they took it down.
The one thing I liked from that movie, was that.
That's because Cummunism never really fell. They've been trying to erase it from history for 100 years. Hence Hollywood holocaust Inc.
Yes the jews deceived them. They were still mercs. Fuck off with trying to pretty them up.
Oh well… Certainly if Ridley Scott didn't fuck up the script, the producers would have likely done it.
I assume you are Orthodox Christian, right?
WTF are u talking about. The jews being responsible for the crusades? Are you retarded?
Noone needed to be deceived and they werent mercs. They were defending the christian world. The crusades are defensive in nature since muslims had conquered 2/3 of the christian world, they were simply conquering it back. Noone needs to be deceived to defend themselves and you are not a merc if you do that.
But I guess the jews must be responsible for everything on this site even medieval defensive warfare..
Its also well-known that the Crusaders persecuted and killed a lot of Jews too. I almost guarantee that user is an Eastern Orthodox because they are all butthurt the Crusades led to the Fall of Constantinople.
There was no Christian world in the ninth century, retard. The first European kingdoms showed up around that age, and for most, the average man was still practicing their european religion and were coerced into joining the crusades or else.
The Crusades happened in the late 12 century dumbass. By that point, paganism has been rooted out and Europeans didn't need to be coerced into joining it. The Crusades themselves weren't really an coordinated effort to retake the Holy Land at first like what people that romanticize it say it is, nor where they opportunistic like what this retard or liberals and Muslims say. The truth lies somewhere in the middle: there were a lot of Norman brigands raiding the European countryside, while the Seljuk Turks and the Fatimids were assaulting the Eastern Roman Empire. The Byzantine Emperor Alexios Comnenos requested help from Pope Urban II to send a relief force. To solve two problems with one solution, he enlisted the Normans telling them that their sins are forgiven if they embarked on the expedition (the term Crusade was never used during that time in particular).
Yeah, I got that as well when I watched it, was really disappointed
Its the norm for Netflix to offer different content in different countries because that's how they buy the rights. Very few rights are sold as world wide rights.