Some user blessed a Democrat building with loving messages like "Gas the Jews" and "White planet only, gas the rest", as well as "Welcome to Germany, Weimar degenerates" and "1488".
Ya but I can imagine it's hard to see in the dark and especially spray super accurately with spray paint. Plus Oklahoma wind is a motherfucker
Jeremiah Murphy
Who could ever have foreseen that after the ADL spend millions trying to cultivate the cartoon nazi image all the isrealis of the aut-kike have now turned into the objectionable caricatures the ADL have spent years cultivating
So essentially the idea is now that national socialists are objectionable genocidal kikes now, that's gonna work well
Jaxson Garcia
Blessed shitposting.
Austin Adams
Not this time, I think. The Weimar reference was a little too on the nose, if you will. Though I note that the phrase /we/ use is "Gas the Kikes," so this could be the work of a mudblood like Kampfy who has some atavistic revulsion to the k-word.
Charles Rogers
Definitely a Rabbi. A real national socialist would draw the siegrune.
'Kike', or 'kikel', is not an insult to jews, hence why they call each other it. Using their actual stolen identifier of 'jew' or 'jews' is much more insulting and accurate as it is not a slang term but their actual name.
Robert Reyes
Uh huh. The Okes have been infested with yids forever. White people don't deface property like niggers. You deface the actual problem.
Anyone who would take the time to spray paint some stuff in a location like this that would get attention wouldn’t just spray shit like “1488” and “SS Nazi”, they’d drop some redpills unless they were a falseflagger
Wyatt Green
The lettering also looks feminine.
Lucas Diaz
Yep. Also note the cringe "degenerate" written out.
Colton Hughes
Solid observation.
Levi Moore
They did it themselves. The feminine form of the writing, the words and phrases used, reeks of false flagging leftists.
The swastika on the ground isn't too bad but they fucked up on the door so it may have been two of them. The door was hit by the jew. The flourishes on the 4 and the swastika give it away.
Lucas Sanchez
He also wrote "Weimar Degenerates". That capitalization literally proves nothing.
This is a traitorous institution which should be burned down. If it doesn't redpill anyone, it might at the very least scare some of them and cause financial damage, money which can not be spent on genociding whites.
This is what will happen to your entire race:
Asher Rodriguez
Nah we literally have an Ethnoglobe-thread in the catalog, there is a case for sterilizing all non-whites. The user was clearly going for the shock value
Jackson Jones
Not a single anti-muslim painting? Seriously? Those are right now a bigger threat to the civilized world than the kikes.
John Baker
All of your kind will be gone long before you can attempt it moshe. No one is taking your jew shit anymore.
Josiah Bell
White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of White nations, culture and people dying. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our(Whites) immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.
Leo Thompson
Kill yourself jew, you're not Zig Forums.
Jack Mitchell
Kek, ethnoglobe is finally taking root in our people's hearts…finally. Maybe. I can dream of course. I did dream about it last night. I dreamt about being able to live with doors unlocked, having White children who are highly educated by non-marxist fucking trash in schools and towns and villages where there is peace and prosperity. It was a good dream.
Jose Wood
And here comes the torpedo spam to get tor shut down again. Such teamwork. Tribal pottery even.
Justin Johnson
There is literally such a thread here, you dumb fuck. Everyone here can see it. So i can use "we" you imbecilic kike. Kill yourself.
Juan Barnes
You are the kike though, lol.
Eli Mitchell
Maybe endangered species will be close enough. We still find lost tribes and shitskins will find a way to hide like rats so it is unrealistic to think we can ever achieve a complete removal.
T. Shill spreading schizophrenic disinfo to cause inaction
Elijah Brooks
Ya think it's blurred IRL or what, you dumb fucko?
Blake Price
This screams "local rabbi" Can't even draw a swastika right. Here, I'll do it in in one go. I have two seconds. Alright, here is my most rushed result.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is Yang related. Maybe it's one of his actual supporters trying to cause a scene? Or maybe it's actually one of the shills who hangs around here shilling against accelerationism.
Grayson Garcia
The usual shitty propaganda produced by the (((left))). Totally fake No style - always done in a way that they need to think the right thinks, like some 6 year after a meth hit (see the Jussie Smollett letter). They just can't allow themselves to think there may be brains behind the beliefs. That will be their ultimate undoing, the rank and file severely underestimate the intelligence of the right and are forbidden from learning the truth
William Ward
It is Oklahoma. They've always been pretty racist down there but it still seems way too over the top. I can't even remember the last time someone used swastikas, nazi, or SS in a stunt that wasn't either a joke or done by the victims themselves. Sounds like someone being an over-the-top edgelord. Just call them traitors and hint at day of the rope or something. No need for that SS nazi swastika shit. I guess in a week we'll see which jew and mulatto was behind this.
Nathan Flores
couldn't agree more. Now since infinity chan (they are educated in our one line memes) has had more exposure and the smollett case is what it is (((they))) thought of this brilliant plan to keep white republican trump support bashing in the news. couldn't be more obvious
Levi Morris
I'm calling it early, From what I deduced Oklahoma city was just red pilled by and autistic Asian woman. Points Obvious female handwriting. Pattern further indicates Asiatic "possibly Hispanic" origin, not American English nor Ebonics English. Also mentions "chink" does anyone of European descent in Oklahoma really even give shit's about a 4% Asian demographic when you have 33% nigspic?
Jacob Adams
White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of White nations, culture and people dying. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our(Whites) immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.
Adrian Perry
Sure, he did all that while on 20 cctv cameras and no security came. Whatcha doin' rabbi?
Please explain how White Nationalism caused these problems, rather than arose as a response to the jews' deliberate genocidal plans?
Levi Price
im sure if you post it 200 more times you'll convince yourself thats true.
its a tard shill who is so autistic he will post the same shit for years on end in a futile attempt to convince people to drop the best defense agaisnt jewery, dont take him seriously but mock him.
It's like the guy with the pajeet girlfriend spam, he will come every day to post the same thing while using tor to ban evade. It's sad really, a life dedicated solely to shit up an anonymous image board.
Whatever you say Pajeet, get off the internet and look for a GF
Nicholas Rodriguez
Based, this one must be legit
Owen Howard
The jealousy is real. I see it on a daily basis. At my local supermarket there's a nigger manager who plays up the hollywood "confident and cool" stereotype in front of the Slavic and Baltic female workers. He acts the same way before female customers and short or ugly White men. When it comes to serving me (I'm 6`2, 240lbs and judging by the volume of women 10 to 15 years my junior who chase me, not ugly), he completely avoids eye contact and is as rude/cold as possible. Niggers instinctively understands that they are only tolerated because of massive legal coercion by the state, and are acutely aware of their inferiority and that women only show interest because of the jew's propaganda. They're the classic "sneaky beta".
Oliver Morgan
Indeed. This is why those who rule fear Tarrant and want his partisan action (and manifesto) to be buried. It was a (hate)crime perpetrated with intelligence and real panache
Evan Davis
I see it as they're trying to squash it because it was easily twisted to Zig Forums's need. The subconscious truth sabotaged them. No matter how they spun it, it was a win and that hurts them more than anything.
Wyatt Nelson
methinks a female wrote that. Why would they do this to a DNC office and not to a synagogue? It makes it look political
Most asians in Oklahoma aren't chinks, they're gooks.
Jaxon Hill
This isn't one of ours. If it is, he's an idiot. It's not effective to write simply racist shit everywhere. We need to redpill them, not turn them off to the ideas of the truth.
Well spotted. By doing it this way, the image of the democrats as defenders of the kike/nigger/tranny is boosted. The thought process goes thus: It's reverse psychology of sorts, much like how the SPLC attacks most violently, whomever they wish to promote as "based and legit" controlled opposition.
Stop making excuses, I just drew a better one with my eyes closed on a dry erase board. Badly drawn swastikas = a shitskin or jew did it for victim points.
Evan White
It's a windmill of peace, get it right next time.
Mason Cox
yeah agreed. There's no way this is organic. Based security bro leak the footage from the CCTV, now
Hilarious false flag from the left. We should start spray painting "Kill white people" and so on doors of well adjusted white families and white owned businesses to counterbalance it and see how that pans out, maybe when news organizations refuse to report it, those families and business owners will wake up for a couple of minutes from their daily wage grind and Netflix tv series. to notice the hypocrisy with a good enough chance that they'll start truly pondering their own white identity for the better. Just a thought.
Good. Fuck all schizokikes screeching we need more stuff like this reminder that 50% of Zig Forums posters are fedshills
Oliver Gonzalez
Violence does not help. You can calculate it out.
Alexander Morales
You might be aware of the well memed "paediatrician attacked by mob of working-class idiots" meme from the UK, which claims that a bunch of working-class people discovered that a paediatrician was living nearby, and burned her house down because they believed that "paediatrician" means the same as "paedophile". Of course the left-wing, working-class-white-hating media promoted this version of events for years, it fits their agenda too well not to. The reality is rather different. The householder was indeed a paediatrician, but her house was not burned down, nor did an "angry mob" surround it. What did happen, was that "paedo" was sprayed on her walls. Perhaps a disgruntled parent of one of her patients knew something the rest of society did not? As bees are drawn to honey, so paedophiles are drawn to occupations which put children within their reach. Something to think about.
Wow, notice how the IRL shitposting about le ethnoglobe is identical to the logorrhea spewed on this board daily. It's almost as if the same people are trying to lead the opposition themselves. But in all seriousness, there is no such thing as paid forum guiders, the ADL does not run memetic campaigns nor data gathering on this site, nor would any of the assorted Jewish oligarchs attempt to poison our well with their Neon Nazi tier memes.