Lithuanian court rejects lawsuit against state honors for Nazi collaborator
A court in Lithuania dismissed an American Jew’s lawsuit against a state museum’s glorification of a Nazi collaborator, citing the complainant’s “ill-based” intentions. The ruling Wednesday in Vilnius was on a petition submitted last year by Californian Grant Gochin. He sued the state-funded Center for the Study of the Genocide and Resistance of the Residents of Lithuania for erecting a plaque honoring Jonas Noreika, a local anti-Communist hero who died while in Soviet custody. “Me calling for truth against the government machine of fraud is ‘ill based.’ They have no interest in truth — anyone that speaks for truth there is labelled an ‘enemy of the State,'” Gochin wrote on Facebook about the ruling. Efraim Zuroff, the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Eastern Europe director, for years has argued that Noreika became a mass murderer after his appointment in 1941 as head of Siauliai County under the German Nazi occupation. The case is thought to be the first in which civil servants publicly defended in court the actions and good name of an alleged collaborator with the Nazis. In documents submitted to the court, the center claimed Noreika’s actions cannot be judged posthumously and that in any case there is no evidence to suggest he perpetrated war crimes. The Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Jewish Community of Lithuania, and one of Noreika’s grandchildren, Silvia Foti, dispute this. Gochin, who lost many relatives in Holocaust-era executions attributed to Noreika and his men, said he would appeal all the way to the European Court of Justice.
You fucking faggots. Honor your forefathers. It is probably the pinkhair in the pic related. Stupid women tbh. Smart women are proud of their Germanic ancestry and history and know what the war was really about.
Adrian Perry
No suprise here. 90% of communist and Bolshevik supporters and activists in Baltic countries were yids. 100% of NKVD agents, torturers and informants in Baltic countries were yids. Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians had to wage a bloody guerilla war on their own soil to kill and drive them out. This kike is probably a descendant of one of those hooknosed bloodsuckers, raised on stories about Grandpa the NKVD commissar who just wanted the best for Lithuania and dindunuffin.
Kevin Bell
Long live Lithuania!
Tyler Price
Yes, they were but people who started to fight against soviet were too. Jews control politics since late 19th century, but have now gone to crisis (first crisis was Hitler).
Bentley Watson
to be more exact the control the banking since 19th century. Russian empire was quite unjewed
Logan Rogers
What? Red Army's invasion of Lithuania was welcomed by kikes dancing in the streets with joy. It were native Lithuanians who grabbed guns and went innawoods. Get the fuck out of here.
Reminder that child kidnapping happens on a daily basis in Lithuania
Justin Gutierrez
The Jews revenge won't stop until all European Whites are completely obliterated.
Jaxon Bailey
Entire story. This will boil your blood.
Adrian Carter
Holy shit. Didn't some people get killed/disappeared in Czech Republic in a similar way a couple of years ago? I remember there being some witnesses ready to testify against govt officials and then they all died under very suspicious circumstances. Our countries are ruled by monsters who prey on our children. I wouldn't have imagined it in my worst nightmares.
Wow, what a piece of shit. Good on the court! If there's hope for Europe, it's in Central and Eastern Europe.
Matthew White
Someone webm it plz
Ryan Gray
lol he even ridicules the jews.
I'm surprised the meda hasn't targeted him yet
Justin Richardson
Lithuanians, kill every last member of parliament and all your judges. Do it before they destroy your nation.
Juan Edwards
Leave none alive
Henry Taylor
At the start of Barbarossa, the Germans were painfully aware of the communist use of black propaganda against them - particularly the false jewish assertion (ramped up after Kristalnacht) that they wished to kill all the jews. There are documents from Einsatzgruppen A discussing the sensitivity of the matter and stating the importance that attacks on jews (such as the Kaunas Reprisal) were seen to be done by locals. These were later exploited by the Nuremberg trial and the Holohoaxers to suggest the Germans were putting the locals up to it, and are very important as they were some of the key ones used in support of a narrative of deliberate extermination of jews. These kikes don’t know when to stop drawing attention to their huge crimes and Big Lie.
It's the illustration for the cover of some pulp magazine. The original painting got auctioned a while back, from that the scan without the text or yellowing. The artist may never held a gun in his hands.
There was an image on 4/k/ from a comic where a sniper shoots the whole cartridge, and there is a closeup on the primer. I wish I could find it.
hey im Lithuanian, just saw this thread what is this jewnigger trying to do to my country? my grandfather who recently passed was a partisan too and he worked as a spy he spied on communists and reported back to his partisan friends about whats going on. he used to disguise himself as news papper man
Jason Smith
Probably didn't have enough influence could be wrong.