Explain how he is a " hero ". He is just a little bitch that was too scared to kill Muslims in a place where they could fight back.
Brenton Is A Pussy
Sage this awful thread.
what kind of a loser you take me for? who the fuck would read a manifesto that long when it is all retarded i read the start it was pure retard
You're the kind of loser who waste all day long making shitposts on image boards
guess we are the same losers
More dead Muslim tears.
thats pretty pathetic they cant fight back they dont have guns why do you incels praise the biggest losers
No, that's me, and I read his "manifesto". Before the dank cringe maymays he makes his case. He should have claimed the ~6million jews Europeans are owed. Or at least made a dent in it.
You all call average-height men 'manlets' and then wonder why nobody takes you seriously.
You call a guy who visited a dozen countries for a couple months 'from the middle east' and wonder why nobody takes you seriously.
You call someone who doesn't take the easy way out a 'pussy' and wonder why nobody takes you seriously.
Muslims living in middle east are not problem. Muslim outside middle east are problem
Killing himself would be proof he is pussy. Only man can live with his decisions.
That wasn't his choice.
Anyway. Fuck of shill. Don't be pussy like him and kill yourself. We will worship you as martyr. I promise.
More tasty dead muslim tears.
But muslims in middle east can fight back he picked a place he knew the police couldnt respond to fast enough and they couldnt fight back you gotta admit love him or hate him hes a coward
he doesnt really get to see his actions since hes put in solitary confinement and unable to see tv
you got to have respect for the guy he actually did something but you just bathe in his actions that you could never do
This. OP can't into invaders.
Even more tasty dead muslim tears.
Butthurt cowardly muslim/kike who cheers when little girls are ran over by Mudslime Terrorists in trucks detected. Cry some more faggot. Kill all semites.
its where they come from and its where a majority are its also a place where they can fight back
and you wonder why you have no gf
He never lived in the middle east, he visited Pakistan you absolute fucking nonce kike commie faggot shill
Sage and kill yourself
Remember to sage and report low-effort bait threads by newfag rapefugees.
Unarmed people are easier to kill. Jesus and I thought you leftards were supposed to be smart.
Turkey is country in middle east retard
no shit retard but its also makes him look like a pussy
Fuck off, jew.
then why would you fight them there?
its where terrorist are at he just shot up a bunch of random people
none of you are even pure white you have dna from other races take a dna test
Gib all dem tasty dead mudslime tears.
i dont believe any terrorist attacks from muslims happened in new Zealand if there is please share
Visiting is not living somewhere RETARD
He has no issue with Muslims living in their own lands. It is the ones who invade white European lands he had a problem with. Which is why THATS WHERE HE KILLED THEM.
Try harder next time retarded shill cuck
>Why didn't Brenton join (((our))) NATO army to displace Muslims in the Middle East for Israeh???
This, gentlemen, is a neo-con.
Whining that Tarrant defended his home instead of invading others' and importing the refugees to ours.
he was still there. RETARD! which was my point not the difference between " living and visiting " god and you wonder why your parents considered abortion.
Lel, the jew fully reveals itself as the light shines upon it.
As I said before, fuck off, jew.
he was born in Australia and can you name any terrorist attacks from muslims in new zealand? i wanna know im not arguing i cant find any
well are you even pure white? take a dna test. just cuase your skin is white doesnt mean you dont have black dna. if you still consider yourself white you should consider mexicans white and what invasion if the muslims werent being violent in new Zealand
random invaders. that mosque already produced terrorist so i don't see problem. you shills always say he should go to fight them in their countries. why? why create more refugees? only jews want that.
problem is when they are in our countries. i don't care if they were innocent. they should not come to NZ. they should not come to Europe.
it doesnt work like that, chaim.
did it produce terrorist? were there any terrorist attacks from Muslims in new Zealand? please find it for me
He didn't inherently hate muslims, he hated invaders.
in what way are they invaders
Do you know you are obvious shill? Brenton Tarrant is hero. You can't do nothing about it.
They come to join ISIS in middle east.
23andshekel admitted to putting fake african DNA in white samples and ONLY white samples to quote and quote "screw with racist". Even then if you have 0.002% black DNA it begs the question how the heck that happened in the first place and just how far back did this nigger ancestor of yours existed.