So by the shape of the mothers nose, and the name of the father (Ismail) - I'm guessing they're kikes.
Fucking gruesome
So by the shape of the mothers nose, and the name of the father (Ismail) - I'm guessing they're kikes.
Fucking gruesome
Other urls found in this thread:
woops - 6 week old, not 6 month
at that point you're dealing with demonic entities. sure, punish the parents but there's something else going on here
Migration ftw
There are retards that believe you have to have anal sex with your babies before a certain age, or they won't get "magical powers".
We'll kill 'em all Zig Forums
Fucking awful.
They're more German than you will ever be, you bunch of basement-dwelling incels! /s
I'll find the original article in German, it may shed some light on whether the kid was adopted or something but from my recollection no such distinction was made. only manages to save the turn-off-your-ad-block page so I have to drop the original link.
Yep, it's their own baby. Apparently the mother had been previously known for animal abuse.
Yup, jews.
In truth though, they shouldn't have been reproducing in the first place, so I guess this problem solved itself.
But also, there is no cultural relativism argument here. This sort of behavior is considered abominable in every society. Abusing ones own infant flies in the face of the most primal biological instincts.
Yeah, jews.
Love how they go out of their way to hide the eyes and last names. They know these fuckers are walking corpses to the rest of the world.
I get a red mist superjew feel from the kike too. Similar facial type.
Death sentence, now. If it was legal to do so, I'd kill them myself.
This is what degeneracy leads. It is similar to the decay of a bread; good parts turn dirty and disgusting.
But jews were always like this, and these two stink of kike.
Ismail is an Arabic name:
The hebrew spelling would be Ishmael.
Just kill it all with fire.
How are they "more German" than anyone? Why scream incel on a thread condemning baby-rape?
Really giving me that big think
Fucking neck yourself
Semitic in any case
Some people are just broken.
I am sick to my stomach. I am 39 years old. When I was growing up, yes, you heard about children molested, even heard about toddlers being molested. You never heard about people RAPING infants. In Belfast a baby was raped IN THE HOSPITAL.
Pretty sure Ismail is an Arabic name. Is this one of the rapefugees?
You got so mad at the OP that you missed that user's obvious sarcasm. I don't blame you, the whole thing makes my blood boil I can hardly think straight.
We are at the point that only fantasy can explain this horrific incident.
Sit down user and brace yourself.
This isn't the first time today a newfag played the "irony" or "sarcasm" defense. If you want to pretend to be retarded, you have kikechan for that.
"/s" means "sarcasm" on reddit. If you weren't a newfag yourself you'd know it from seeing countless other retatds doing it here and getting called out for it.
And to think my friends think I'm just being an edgelord when I tell them that this is literally hell.
"saleswoman" is newspeak for a female (((merchant)))
Show them this article.
There is no /s cum chugging kike.
the fuck?
Ismail is turkish spelling of Ishmael. These are clearly turkroaches.>>13042957
Then we might as well become the ones ruling it. Blood for the blood god, a billion White people and no others. And then, and only then, we break the containment field and show the rest of these fuckers why you don't put immortal warriors into a prison and simply assume those walls will never fall. The walls. They ALWAYS fall. Eventually. Just a few more instances of this madness, and they can feel the weight of the infinite Chaos.
Would love to execute her
Execute both of them. Spare neither of the pieces of shit
That's horrible. It should get more press than the story about gay cakes.
I am. sc..h…o ..c. .k. . by that. Adolf Hitler turns in his Grave.
Execution is too good for them.
I am completely baffled. I can't even remotely understand what is going on here. First off, what type of 'sexual pleasure' could be derived from hurting a baby? And isn't this their own child? I honestly don't even know what I am looking at…
Nope, a bog they might crawl out of…it need to be a sure execution.
'her'…fucking kill them BOTH.
Nope, turkroach and kike…but they are one and the same so…whatever, both disgusting demon semites.
They sound like a couple of donmeh Sabbatean kikeroaches. All those fuckers rape their kids.
So I suppose the only question is - how do you find out which prison they're in, and name them to the other prisoners?
The parents were prostituting the baby which very possibly was not their own child. Most likely they were renting the baby to very wealthy Islamists. If it comes to it the parents will claim that they were molesting/raping the baby in order to keep the real molesters safe, and they will be compensated for the time they spend in prison.
Welcome to diversity.
For this thing to exists reveals how far these infant rape cases have increased that this prosthetic size was created.
Last name: Ismail. Recorded in England as Ishmail, Ismail, Ishmall, and possibly others, this is a very interesting surname. It is Hebrew in origin, Ismail being the son of the Prophet Abraham, but like such surnames as Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, it may not have been originally, and at least in England, Jewish.
Kikes wrecking shitshkin assholes and we have to pay for it all.
photoshop to make them look white?
Sure thing youngling:
Now, is the "lady" a man? Cannot say from that photo but it's possible, "she" does have the "Lauren Simonsen" vibe, and is using the typical tranny eyeliner with the "tail" (they all use it, why I still don't know).
Might be a lesbian couple with one half playing a man, either way, Left side is a female.
Teach me more, master. I thirst for knowledge in this art.
This is not the placea lot of anons here are still blind to the trans agenda and act with hostility when it's discussed, but I will say that a very similar crime was committed by a couple of lesbians in Scotland.
It seems that lesbians will sometimes (who knows how often this happens) treat a male child, whether adopted or natural, as a kind of outlet for their hatred against men.
But well, the art and science of identifying men who are masquerading as women, and vice versa, is colloquially known as transvestigation.
This is something which Youtube is quite active in shutting down, there are also many shill channels claiming to be transvestigators but running interference/noise injection/discrediting (linking with flat earth etc.)
The best man to follow is called Mr.E (Transpocalypse Now), but his videos are not entry-level as his subscribers generally have quite a bit of foundational knowledge and know what he's showing them without the need for it all to be explained. He also writes his own songs for comedic relief.
That said, you can learn by induction from watching his videos. Just pick a starting point and go.
This is probably the best video on the channel to start from, as he goes back and covers some of the basics.
I will show you something shocking.
I repurposed a tool which was designed to give titillation to young men (the bubble mask), into a tool which frees the mind from distracting clothing and allows you to see the true sex of your Hollywood idols.
When the conditioning triggers are removed (bikini- clothing which primes the mind to see a woman), the true sex is revealed.
nice to see he's still producing videos, truly a jolt to the old noggin when the illusion breaks. would reccomend. friendly reminder to archive because like user said youtube likes to take them down.
woah more
at least they didnt call them germans?
Should have at least waited until he was 17
we need another fucking crusade. I’m not even meming.
( ( ( ismael ) ) )
They ain’t white and they sure as shit ain’t German. Hang em
I haven't made many more, they're not generally well received as young men tend to react violently upon discovering that the person they have been fantasising and masturbating over, is actually a man himself.
I questioned the value of such a brutal unveiling.
I will say that the "alt-right" is full of them.
Makeup removal serves a similar purpose but is quite hard to do.
Admittedly a crude job, but shows how things change when the outlandishly overdone eye makeup and drawn-on brows are removed.
Note the Asiatic eye shape behind the Black #1.
Very much juden filth I see it
Every single time
This seems like the most likely scenario. I would assume most pedophiles/pedo sympathizers are aware enough to not 'shit where they eat' so to speak.
In that scenario, what is gained by keeping the child alive, rather than disposing of it at sea, or in a deep hole, and claiming "abduction"?
(a la Maddie Mccann)
Ostensibly they cared enough about its life to take it to the hospital, but when the doctors asked "why does your infant have a prolapsed asshole" they had to take credit for what their clients did to their child.
Good work, I posted something similar on 4chan and my thread was deleted. Is this place any different or are the mods sensitive as fuck here too?
Can you please make a thread on this? Amazing work.
Fuck off, kike.
6 weeks old? pssh. american nigger holds the record. 8 days.
Only the wrong Jews are pushing forward nigger antics.
Use your hands, user. Make us a Thor Hammer.
Your guess is as good as mine. We might as well ask why that Jussie hate crime hoaxer paid his accomplices by check? They are low IQ non-whites. They're stupid and lack forward thinking outside of "Muh dick" and "muh benefits"..
They probably didn't even know they baby was injured and a doctor called child services which reluctantly followed up on the Islamist child rapists.
Two thousand years of inbreeding.
Luckily, in both cases, they raped their own children.
here's the deal on reggie - his lawyers delayed and delayed then filed that his right to a speedy trial had been violated and he walked. jewgle "reginald davis forrest city" for this fucking unbelievable shit
hmm, Ismail and Nina…
jews don't need to have etheral demons inserted into their tailbone and live in the ass chakra or any such spirit-faggotry. They already are demons. The entire reason demons became a thing was to get the fuckhit. Whether it cums from mixfucking and making genetic garbage or baby assreking for the lulz, demons gunna dem.
jews appropriated Hebrew, similar to how they appropriate White Anglo names, Christian idealogy, and positions in White civilization. They aren't descendants of Abraham, but race mixed faggots through Abe's grandson, Esau, who race mixed with Cannanites. Esau was the father of the Edomites, whom infested Judea circa 200BC per Strabos the Greek geographer. Judea was built by the tribe of Judah, whom are White descendants of Noah and Adam. Edomites appropriated the jew name from Judea because they infested it like Detroit niggers.
When you indulge subhumans, they do subhuman things freely.
LURK you goddamn newfags, holy shit.
I don't even know what to say about this. I'm just really sad this sort of thing happens.
After watching the video from your previous post am I correct in assuming that the person in the bikini is in fact a dude?
They are not German user. Get your eyes checked.
Not counting foreskins of course.
Depends, I've had shit deleted but usually under the false assumption that I was trying to slide unrelated threads.
That's Alicia Vikander, aka Lara Croft.
You see what happens without the post production, make up and concealing costumes, the man pops out.
This is why celebrity beach photos usually have a uniform background like all sea, all plain sand etc - makes masking off and editing in female curves so much easier.
ismail is more likely muslim and them being in germany makes me think they are more likely turks than jews