Niggers everywhere

On tv, on every channel, on every programme, in the uk. Are there any nigger free shows left? Getting sick of seeing niggers everywhere.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>watching (((TV)))
Lurk more cuckchan faggot.

What else are they meant to do?

I lurk and watch tv at the same time. You're a nigger i bet.

To be fair to OP, I thought England was 1/4 negro for decades.

They better keep out my tv i wont stand for it.

Try investing in a computer screen.

Judging by nigs on tv you'd think it was 70% nig nogs 20% muslimes 10% white.


I lurk on my tablet. Do you have suggestions on nigger free tv?

Pay a visit to your local synagogue to repair those things!

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Whats a book?

No you got a 'colored' TV.

Not TV
boomer detected

Just crank the gamma up.

Do BT? no weapons im afraid. Hard to get in the uk.

I was wondering to myself when I read this…Who fucking watches TV anymore? I think TV is nigger speed technology since the idea that they could manage Wifi or, well, type is pretty far beyond their capabilities.

I HATE looking at niggers, they are completely revolting looking, everything about them is disgusting

Even my tv is an actual nigger

Throw it out the window.


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I watch tv to see whites… yet the shitskins over run the programs.

I think we need more blacks so we can become like Africa so we can feel how it feels to be in Africa and watch all the white girls get raped while we jerk off in the corner

Heeey ukanon, I know how you feel. Just take your TV out back and smash it with a hammer.

Surely i dont have to do that? Surely anons know tv shows aimed at whites with white protaganists?

I stopped watching TV in 1971. I can remember the exact moment; it was a beautiful July evening, a Friday night and I'd been working like a nigger on a construction site all week saving for the next session of university in September so I couldn't spend any money at all. I was very poor. My clothes were shit. I was working in construction putting up pink fiberglass insulation in a big concrete hotel project downtown. It was miserable work. I wanted to go to a party with all the rich kids and their beautiful girlfriends but there I was, the sun slowly setting all alone and sad and lonely. So I turned on the TV and what was on? Hee Haw and Green Acres. The rage….the white hot rage…

I wouldn't know, I haven't watched TV in IDK 10 years? Maybe more. I go online to look at Whites…it isn't just TV though look at these searches I did for White Couple on Google/Duck Duck go. I admit that DDG WAS better at the time but I bet the 'fixed' the algo by now.

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That boat shud be torpedo'd

Turn off the Electric-Jew.

Listen to Uncle Ted, throw out your TV replace it with a pretty plant. The only entertainment worth watching are old movies or select content from youtube. Maybe anime if you're into weebshit.

Nope…I think even that 'vikings show' has guest niggers in it….BWHAHAHAHAHAHA guest nigger vikings…as IF

Tel Avivision.

No niggers detected in green acres, wot was the problem?

Boomer thread.

Literally kill yourself. I am so sick of seeing you fucking newfag trash motherfuckers on here. I was just ranting the other day that you're all in here and haven't lurked a fucking week and make threads. I have had operations threads and redpill threads and serious threads made about saving our people's LIVES and they have been anchored and deleted by scumfuck kike MOD nigger faggots, and I have to sit here and look at this SHIT?

Fuck you. Get the FUCK OUT if you can't lurk and post properly.


3 days ago I was just going through some tv channels. Usually i dont watch tv, just a movie on netflix perhaps. I saw, on a childrens-channel, an episode of (i dont even fucking remember the name) some family shit in cartoon version. all characters were pitch black. its fucking everywhere

So…not working at all, but just fucking around until something dangerous and probably deadly happened to someone else because of your fuckery? Lol

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Lol calm down, negroid.

You are right though iam a newfag, brought here thru tarrants heroics.

Its a cancer

There was a time when myself and my best friend used to binge watch movies and film that we torrented, did this for about 5 years. It wasn’t uncommon for one of us to stay at the other’s house, get a VLC playlist built and spend literally all day watching stuff. During the working week we would go over to the other’s house after work, order takeaway food, and watch something for 6 or so hours. We’d do this a couple of times a week. When weren’t hanging out we were trawling the internet for films and TV. This went beyond just TV available in the USA, we got content from Canada, Australia, UK, Ireland, if we could get subtitles we would look for shows in Scandinavia and Germany… I recall one time I bought a deep fryer and we spent a weekend bingeing on monte cristo sandwiches and deep fried candy bars. This was about 8 years ago, before the world became so pozzed and TV with it. I now have 2 young daughters. I home school then and I work from home. About all I watch now is Varg on Bitchute. If I have spare time I make music. Last weekend I was sick and decided to try to find something to watch. Everything is pozzed. Literally nothing that isn’t just all faggots and niggers. I have Netflix for my girls, so they can watch cartoons on their Kindle Fire devices… canceled that Netflix shit. Torrented a bunch of 1980s Cartoons and put them on SD Cards for them and found some stuff on YouTube and PBS that is okay.

A nigger?

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Meh. I don’t mind new fags. They’re welcome. We need people for the cause. If you’re pro-white then you’re alright in my book.

Sounds like good times.

Thx, i'm pro white definitely. Think what tarrent did was justified.

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Then respect the culture of the board, and lurk. You are unknowingly halting the redpill process of newfags who do lurk. Giving you the benefit of the doubt here, we have such sights to show you. But lurk. Embrace the culture of Zig Forums, and we will happily welcome you.
We all have done this.

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Worse than niggers; jews jews jews jews jews…

Supposedly niggers are 13% of the population in the US, yet they are on 100% of the TV.

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But jews in israel kill sandniggers, thats a good thing, amirite?

I agree with your statement. Here's my controversial opinion on niggers. Not ALL of them are bad, a few are okay. I still don't want to associate with them and that's my constitutional right… Freedom of association. Niggers on average have low IQs, are violent, and criminally minded. However, they also have some positive attributes. I have met some friendly and funny niggers. Niggers have athletic skill, and gave the world jazz and blues music.My opinion is that as long as they are controlled, very strictly, and you hang a few in trees every now and then you can keep them in line. Jews on the other hand, Jews are cancer.

Muh based black friends. Off yourself boomer.

I was born in 1979, I am not a boomer, faggot. I don't have any black friends. Read my post and work on your reading comprehension.

Point taken, lurk moar. Now i dont hate jews (yet), is that bad?

Regent's Park mosque incident just happened

Nobody wants to to believe the awful truth about Jews. Namely that if you're a human on planet Earth you're either a Jew or a Jew's slave. It's a shitty reality. Once you start seeing that "it's always the Jews" you will grow to hate them too.

Yeah some guy just got stabbed to death outside a Mosque in London .

Large police presence at the Regent's Park mosque in London..

Anime seldom has black people in it.


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It was, that is why we call him Saint Tarrant. We are hoping for knighthood or at least beautification in 27 years.

You really do consider the Jews superior beings don't you?

We consider them to be amoral murderers and thieves. That does not imply superiority.


As I've said, we have such sights to show you. Things will become clear after a while. I don't encourage you to hate, though this will be the inevitable outcome.
Find the Redpill and Holocaust threads, they're here somewhere. It's a good place to start. Read infographs, laugh at the edgy memes and be prepared to feel enlightened. It will be a rough road to walk on, but it'll be worth it in the end. Trust me.

Welcome brother, you are here forever.

I checked it out it was some muzzies stabbed a white guy then hid in the mosque.

Ive read tarrants manifesto, he didnt hate jews, if i remember rightly

What do you do instead?

Muslim arabs are semites. He killed 50 semites. Kikes are semites as well as being muslim. you tell me, since he killed 50 of them in cold blood did he like semites, or not?

niggers and woman leading and kicking men's ass.


wtf ru doing.

Kikes are jews who follow judaism, not islam. I dont think his manifesto mentioned jews that much

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As long as they don't harm or subvert Western countries. Not a lot of jews left in that case. Take the advice in my previous post. It will become clear to you. Where there's smoke there's fire, and where there's subversion, or undermining of our race and culture, there's jews. Every fucking time.
Please take the time to lurk user. Here, have some worthwile threads:
webm thread
Zig Forums archives
screencap thread
red pill thread
pizzagate thread do NOT start with this one
book thread
natsoc thread
holocaust thread

This should be enough to get you started. Put on some relaxing music, and take it all in. I have faith in you.

Thanks user, i look forward to learning. I wont call you brother, thats too niggerish

This isn't 4 chan, you're trying to troll a fellow edgelord. I never said they are superior (funny you did though). I wrote that we are Jew slaves, I didn't say I liked it. Yes, the kikes run the world because we allowed it to happen. Wh do you think won World War II? The Jews won, they got whites to kill each other en mass. The only way to win is to exterminate them all or starve them out. I am starving them as much as possible until I can exterminate them.

Talmudic Judaism, not Hebraic.

Which is some the white race seems to forget every other second!

That's nonsense. But I understand.

I didn't say he did. Who do you think is behind muslims immigrating at unprecedented numbers into white countries?

so jews r behind muzzies immigrating? Didnt know that. I go on about what tarrant wrote cos he really made sense to me.

Reading it now, eye opening.

I remember growing up, and my grandfather came to visit. He stayed at the new house my parents bought, and while watching baseball he asked the question 'Why are there so many goddamn niggers in baseball?"

And my mom told me that he was never allowed to see my brother and I again if he used that language around us. It's a good reason because my brother and I spent a couple weeks calling each other niggers when we got mad at each other. XD

I look back on my grandma saying that there were enough women of every color for each people to have their own. And my 20 year old college indoctrinated self was all like "lawl, thats muh silly grandma".

I miss her. She grew up in Germany during WW2 and I have so many more questions for her. Cherish your ancestors while you still have them, and hopefully your grandchildren will look to you for guidance well into your old age.

You deserve this. Go fuck yourself. This isn’t your blog.

still time user, you know what you got to do.

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Nothing wrong with muslims in muslim nations. There is a problem with jews no matter where they are.

Boomer gtfo

Reminds me of this

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Just play some retro games, user.

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Thumbnail, cool.

White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of White nations, culture and people dying. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our(Whites) immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.

Feel free to link some music you've made if you want. I'd give it a listen.

Imagine being this retarded.

Yes, its a boomer 100%

Good shit user. My grandfather was a ww2 and Korean war vet. He was a staunch Republican until he died. He knew the dems were cancer but didn't have the info we do today about republicans. He said he didn't join the navy to fight Nazis , he joined the day after pearl harbor. I think he kind of knew the truth about Europe because he valued the barvarian ancestors and history of our family.

I always taught kids to do the nigger countdown - like a rocket countdown. When a commercial starts you will not get down to zero before a nigger face shows up. Used to make parents mad at me!


The BBC shows happy and empowered niggers 24/7. In reality they are just as stupid here as everywhere else

At least post a decent resolution. These kind of posts are so fucking important in the culture war.

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